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Go, Preach my Gospel.-CONCLUDED.


preach my gospel, go, Ring out, ring out the Lord's command, "Go, preach my gospel,


4 The Karen from his rocky hills,
And natives of Japan,

Unite their voices with the sound,
That comes from Hindostan.
They call on us in words direct,
Or in their rites of woe,

Obey, ye saints, your Lord's command,"Go, preach my gospel, go."

5 From many a river's templed bank, Where pagans bend the knee, From continental villages,

And islands of the sea,

Each ship that floats upon the wave,
And all the winds that blow,
Ring out to us the Lord's command,-
Go, preach my gospel, go."

Remember Me.


Music and Chorus by ASA HULL.


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The Glorious Battle Ground.

Words by Mrs. E. W. CHAPMAN.

Music by J. H. TENNEY.


1. We've gather'd in - to line to-day, Fight-ing a-gainst the wrong; We're bold and earnest in the fray, 2. Our ar-mor shines with lustre bright,Fight-ing a-gainst the wrong; We'll battle firm-ly for the right, 3. When wars and tu-mults all are o'er, Victory we will sing; On Canaan's hap-py, peaceful shore


Fighting a-gainst the wrong;
Fighting a-gainst the wrong;
we will sing;

Be-hold us now, a might -y throng, In Je-sus' strength we will be strong, The faith of Jesus is our shield, The sword of truth we'll proudly wield, We'll there the Saviour's face be-hold, And marching thro' the streets of gold,

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If my footstep lingers; Whisp'ring voic-es fill mine ear, Comfort me with lov-ing cheer; Always is the And the fountains bursting, Thither leads my gentle Guide, Laves me where the waters glide, Where no e-vil Heed Thy tender call-ing; Then up-on my Shepherd's breast I at last shall safe-ly rest, In the up- per

Presence near, All a-long the journey; Al- ways is the Presence near, All a-long the journey. can be-tide, Safe I on-ward jour-ney; Where no e vil can be-tide, Safe I on-ward jour- ney. fold so blest, When I end my jour - ney; In the up- per fold so blest, When I end my journey.

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