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precipitous was the ascent. A few notes on the master's horn was signal sufficient for the huntsman to "throw off," and very soon the hounds were settled upon the trail of a hare.

Those beagles of O'Connell's were all of the pure Kerry breed, as large as blood-hounds, slow in pace, deep and melodious in voice, and from their strength and hardiness admirably suited for hunting in wild and mountainous districts, where their great strength, and a ponderous species of activity, aided them in surmounting obstacles that lighter and less resolute hounds would succumb to; and their melodious and deep-toned tongue harmonised admirably with the stupendous mountain scenery, as it awoke the responsive echoes that tenanted every surrounding valley and cavern, producing an effect thrillingly delighting to any man, but absolutely rapturous to O'Connell's Celtic nature and sympathising


During a prolonged and beautiful hunt up the side of the mountain immediately towards us, through which the pack distinguished themselves by the truest hunting imaginable over very difficult ground; their delighted owner never lost a point worthy of notice that they made, nor failed to call attention to it, as he watched, with the critical acumen of a good judge, the varying fortune of the chase.

"Now, gentlemen, this is what I call true hare-hunting," he exclaimed, as with praise-worthy acuteness and pertinacity the beagles "picked out" a most difficult scent, and "carrying it on" to better scenting ground beyond, raced away with it, as they yelled in chorus their notes of triumph and premeditated revenge.

"Yoic! forward! good hounds!" he shouted in ecstacy, as the gladdened pack swept on like sea-gulls on the wing, and at a greater pace than I imagined them at all capable of.

It was just as they "checked" within a hundred yards of us, upon some rocky ground, after the "burst" just described, that an incident characteristic of O'Connell took place, and which, from its original sharpness, is worthy recording.

The parish priest, or a parish priest, and his coadjutor, were of the party that accompanied us from Derrynane; but during the excitement of the hunt, they and some of our party had got on to a sharp ledge of rock, from which they expected a closer view of the hounds. It was immediately beneath these gentlemen that the hounds "checked." The pack, after some difficulty, "hit it off" cleverly, and went away at score, cheered with a will by their delighted and now excited master.

"They're wrong!" shouted the two clergymen, in a breath, from their elevation on the ledge, "the hare went in the opposite direction."

"Nonsense!" impatiently responded O'Connell. "We saw the hare run in the opposite direction, I assure you, sir!" halloed the parish priest.

"No doubt in the world of it!" echoed the coadjutor. "Well, gentlemen," retorted the now-nettled owner of the staunch pack, "no man entertains a higher

opinion of you both individually, and of your sacred profession generally, than I do; but you must pardon me for saying, that in the present instance, I think the hounds are telling the truth."

"They're not going the way the hare went, any how," persisted the priests.

"I think they are," cried O'Connell, laughing; " but," at any rate, we'll give them the benefit of the doubt."

A perfect roar of laughter followed this happy hit; in which the two worthy clergymen joined most heartily. The result proved that the beagles were 66 telling the truth," for they brought the hunted hare round, and killed her within a few yards of us. Their reverences and party on the ledge of rock, had seen a hare, but it was a fresh one that crossed the line of scent, but failed to attract the notice of the sagacious beagles of Dan O'Connell.

The echo of those happy days is all that is left to the writer his young friends of that morning, on the wild mountains of Kerry, have, like their host, all departed to the mystic land of a world of spirits. Some died out in the peaceful avocations of their calling, while others have fallen upon the arid steppes of Russia, and upon the burning plains of Ind, with glory to themselves, and with England's untarnished honour safe in their keeping. Some lie in the vaults of their family, where the shadows of lofty elms shade their cenotaph from the too-rude glare of summer's sun: others repose on Cathcart's Hill, 'midst the remains of the noblest and bravest the world has seen the rest are buried, mangled corpses, with their avenging swords, beneath the ruins of the revolted cities of the East. One of all the party remains,


he who, with his grey-goose quill, has striven to while away an hour"-those precious hours, so few and so fleeting-hopeful that here, as in all other of his writings, he may, with the lighter amusement of the tale, have interlaced, without offence to the most hypercritical, some of that thought and feeling which, under the culture of a sensitive mind, may lead to pleasure that passeth not away. Vale!



THE military and political history of the first Emperor Napoleon, has been the subject of so many writers, and has been discussed with such variety of praise and blame, of adulation and invective, that in its general features, at least, it may be regarded as well known. But the literary labours of the Buonapartes are less known, and have not as yet been appreciated, at least in the British dominions, with the impartiality that becomes the republic of letters. There was a Jacobo Buonaparte present in Rome, when it was taken and sacked by the army which the traitorous Bourbon led against it in the year 1527. Of the calamities that then befel the pontifical city-of all the woes the Romans then had to endure-there remain the two vivid contemporary narratives of this Jacobo Buonaparte, and

and dependents, abuses the advantages of his position— assails the Catholic Church, despoils its patrimony, deservedly incurs the severest of Ecclesiastical censures, and after many reverses, expires at last a captive on a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean. Nothing in modern, nor perhaps in ancient history, presents such wonderful and instructive changes of fortune. That the empire should be revived in his family, was also prognosticated at a time when such a development could scarcely have appeared possible. Signora Letizia Buonaparte, the mother of the great Napoleon, on the day before her death, in December, 1822, confidently anticipated that her grandson would yet be Emperor of France, and spoke of it to her attendants as a future certainty. She pro

tionary party delighted to contemplate as the spes altera mundi, who survived her about ten years; but her conjecture or presentiment received its fulfilment when the present emperor, the third Napoleon, who is also her grandson, ascended the throne of France, in December, 1852.

of the Florentine artist, Benvenuto Cellini. Whether Jacobo was an ancestor of the imperial Napoleonic family, is not ascertained, and a similar uncertainty exists as to the dramatic writer of the fifteenth century, Nicolò Buonaparte, author of La Vedova (The Widow), a comedy, printed at Florence in 1568, 1592, and again in Paris, 1803. It has even been questioned whether the great Napoleon's family was derived from that ancient Buonapartean stock, or whether it should not rather be referred to a Grecian origin, in that colony of refugees from Maina, the ancient Sparta, who, flying from their Turkish oppressors, found a refuge in the Italian island of Corsica, in the year 1677. Corsica, which had formerly belonged to the Holy See, and by some of the popes had been granted to the State of Pisa in Tuscany,bably meant the Duke of Reichstadt, whom the revolubecame subject to Genoa as the result of a successful war; but it long after continued to supply a regiment of the Pope's guards. The bravery and devotedness of the Corsicans especially recommended them for this honourable service, from which they were at last excluded, at the arrogant dictation of a French king. During great part of the eighteenth century, the Corsicans were engaged in efforts to release themselves from the government of Genoa. The Genoese, feeling themselves unequal to the contest, called in the assistance, first of German, and then of French auxiliaries; and finally, after the war had been protracted through many years with various success, found themselves compelled to transfer the sovereignty of the island to France, in compensation for the expenses incurred by their powerful yet not disinterested assistant. The cession, at first only conditional and as a pledge for the repayment, was definitively and conclusively made in June, 1769, the Corsican people having no voice in the matter, and their feelings of nationality being disregarded alike by both the contracting parties their ancient oppressor, and those who were in future to be their masters. The disparity of force was now such that further resistance became hopeless, and although the Corsicans did not wholly resign their long-cherished ideas of independence, they appeared to acquiesce in the new political arrangement. While the war of independence against the Genoese and their allies was still raging in Corsica, its many heroic incidents excited the admiration of observers, and hence a celebrated writer of the last century, the sensuous and infidel Jean Jacques Rousseau, was led to express his presentiment that the little island would one day astonish Europe: "J'ai quelque pressentiment," says he, "qu'un jour cette petite isle etonnera l'Europe." This was written many years before the great Napoleon was born, and never was presentiment or conjecture more fully realised by the course of events. Well might Europe be surprised at witnessing the marvellous career of the first Napoleon. Rising from the rank of a subaltern military officer, we see him, by his merits only, acquiring the chief command of armies; he controls or directs the Titanic forces of the French Revolution, places himself on an imperial throne, and after humbling or subverting almost every established government in Europe, and bestowing kingdoms on his brothers

In attempting to estimate the literary character of the Buonapartes, we must consider the influence of the nationality to which they willingly attached themselves. They preferred their adopted to their native country; their sympathies were entirely French; they desired that if it were possible their Italian birth might be forgotten, and that they should be looked on not merely as subjects but citizens of France. This probably originated in their ambition, to which France presented an adequate field, in place of the circumscribed limits within which it would have been pent up in Corsica. But there was conscious greatness in Napoleon's reply to the Emperor of Austria, when disdaining to trace back a long line of ancestors, he only said, "I am the Rodolph of Hapsburg of my family." It was in conformity with the assumption of a French nationality that Napoleone Buonaparte became Napoleon Bonaparte, and that the names of all his relatives were similarly modified. He had himself, at an early age, been sent to France for the purpose of education and military instruction. His earliest literary effort that has been preserved is said to be a fable written in 1782, when he was only thirteen years of age. The title is, The Dog, the Rabbit, and the Hunter, (Le Chien, le Lapin, et le Chasseur). This subject is treated in twenty-seven lines of French verse, and is only remarkable as a production of the future Emperor. But its authorship has not been sufficiently established. It was accidentally discovered in a single fragment, one leaf of a printed book, the title and date of which are unknown. From this copy it has been reprinted more than once. In the year 1790, he composed a History of Corsica, the publication of which was prevented by his having been suddenly ordered to proceed from Ajaccio to Auxonne on military service, and for half a century afterwards the work was believed to have been entirely lost. His brother Lucien had transcribed two copies, one of which was sent to Father Raynal, the well-known historical writer, by whom it was communicated to Mirabeau, and both agreed that the author indicated genius of a high order. From that

time the work entirely eluded research, until it was discovered by Signor Libri, formerly Professor in the University of Pisa, who described it and other unpublished pieces of the great Emperor's composition in the Revue des deux Mondes, of March, 1842. In the next year he published it in the journal L'Illustration, under the title of Lettres sur la Corse. The first publication of Napoleon's was a violent political pamphlet, A Letter to M. Matteo Buttafuoco, a Representative for Corsica in the French National Assembly. This, which was written in an Italian French style, was printed at Dole, in 1790, 8vo. His next production, The Supper of Beaucaire, was printed-but without the author's name-at Avignon, in 1793, and again among Napoleon's collected works, Paris, 1821. This piece, also, is political, treating of the events of its period-June and July, 1793-in the form of a conversation among the guests stopping at an inn of the little town of Beaucaire. This mode of discussing contemporary and contemplated politics has been recently resumed in some of the pamphlets which are supposed to be written under the influence of the French Government. In June, 1793, the future Emperor produced a memoir on the Political and Military Position of Corsica. This was printed in Paris, in 1841, from the original manuscript, the orthography of which was strictly preserved in the impression.

The Parallel between Casar, Cromwell, Monck, and Bonaparte, the joint work of Napoleon and his brother, Lucien, appeared in December, 1800. But, for Napoleon's literary character, there are better and more distinctive materials furnished by his numerous official writings, his correspondence, and his addresses to his soldiers. In these we find frequent indications of great natural abilities, and a boldness of expression and allusion that sometimes rises into sublimity. The dispatches of the Duke of Wellington are invaluable to the historian, but the rhetorician would in vain search them for examples such as would readily be found in the Buonapartean bulletins and orders of the day. The official and confidential correspondence of Napoleon Bonaparte with foreign courts, princes and ministers, and with French and foreign generals in Italy, Germany, and Egypt, was edited and published by General Beauvais, in seven volumes, 8vo, Paris, 1819, 20, a work now entirely out of print. This, however, will be completely superseded by the complete edition of the correspondence which is now in progress, under the direction of the present Emperor, which is to consist of fifteen volumes in 8vo, and was commenced with the issue of the first volume in 1858. Of this there is to be also magnificent impressions in the quarto form, which is not to be for sale, but will be reserved for those to whom the Emperor may order its transmission.

The first Napoleon justly estimated the importance of literature and the arts. He has been reproached for carrying off from conquered countries the most celebrated pictures and statues, as well as the most precious contents of libraries and museums, but this was really a mitigation of military violence. It saved so much from destruction, or indiscriminate pillage; and, at last, when

the war was over, rendered restitution, to some extent, practicable. How thankful would scholars be if the Library of Matthias Corvinus had been conveyed, either in part or entire, to Rome, or Paris, or Vienna, to be carefully preserved, instead of being destroyed by a violent and rapacious soldiery. The conception of a complete Code of Law for his dominions does honour to Napoleon, and will always be associated with his memory. The actual composition and elaboration of the Cinq Codes could not but be committed to the jurisconsults of the Empire, but the animating and presiding spirit was Napoleon's.

The Napoleonide of Stefano Egidio Petroni, first published in 1809, may be described as a literary and artistic monument in honour of the first Napoleon. It consists of a hundred odes, or pieces of Italian poetry, in a variety of measures, each celebrating some incident or great event of his career, and is illustrated by an equal number of designs for medals, in the best style of the antique. But the undiscerning spirit of adulation has led the author to introduce and to praise some of the worst and most indefensible of his hero's actions. He has not, indeed, suggested ENGUENSIS CAESUS as the legend of a medal, but he has not hesitated to applaud the infamous treaty of Campo Formio, and the treacherous attack on the Order of St. John. We cannot avoid the conc'usion, that the pernicious influence of the French literature of the last century had reached and corrupted Napoleon in early life, and that it is to it we should refer his many censurable actions. strange opinions which he had formed on human society and motives of action, and on the most important objects of government and religion, are manifest in his correspondence, and fully explain much that we must reprobate, and that would otherwise be unintelligible.


The lately deceased Jerome Bonaparte, the youngest brother of Napoleon, is said to have left behind him some memoirs for publication, but he is otherwise unknown to literature. Louis Bonaparte, the father of the Emperor Napoleon III., possessed much of both literary activity and taste. literary activity and taste. His printed publications are numerous. In 1820 he published at Paris a History of the Parliament of England, from its origin in 1234 to the year VII. of the French Republic. One of his sons, we are uncertain which, published, in 1830, a French translation of Jacobo Buonaparte's Account of the Sacking of Rome, in 1827, which we mentioned at the beginning of this article.

But of all the Buonaparte family, the branch which has the highest claim to literary distinction is that of the Prince of Canino, the philosophic Lucien, who died in 1840. He accepted no honors from Napoleon, but uniformly preserved a virtuous and dignified simplicity. He desired no title higher than that of a man of learning, nor would he be called prince until that rank had been conferred on him by the Pope. His marriage was one of choice, with a lady of the middle class, and he displeased his imperious brother by refusing a divorce, which it was pretended would have left him at liberty to form an alliance with some royal

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or princely family. His brother Jerome was more complaisant in this respect, and when commanded by Napoleon, repudiated his virtuous consort that he might marry a German princess. After the fall of Napoleon, when the Buonapartes were proscribed in almost all Europe, the Pope, returning good for evil, allowed them an asylum in his states. This was accepted by the Signora Letizia, mother of Napoleon, and sister of Cardinal Fesch, and also by Madame Hortense Eugenie de Beauharnais, the wife of Louis, the ex-king of Hol land.

Madame Hortense had two sons, Louis Napoleon, who subsequently died at Forli, in March, 1831, and Charles Louis, who is now the Emperor Napoleon III., of whom Pope Gregory XVI. afterwards expressed an opinion, that he would yet render the church a great service. Lucien Buonaparte, who had much poetical taste, had written a French poem on the deliverance of the church by the Emperor Charles the Great. This he determined now to publish, with a dedication to His Holiness Pope Pius VII., to whom he had already addressed a letter of congratulation on being restored to possession of the Ecclesiastical State. The poem was accordingly published at London, in two handsome quarto volumes, with this title:

"Charlemagne ; ou L'Eglise Delivrée.
Poeme Epique, en xxiv. chants.

Par Lucien Bonaparte, Membre de l'Institut
Londres, 1814."

de France, &c.

It was reprinted in the next year at Paris. An English poetical translation was published in London, 1815, by two learned clergymen of the Established Church. The Charlemagne has, we think, been unjustly depreciated. Its faults are those of the French language, but its design, sentiments, and erudition, entitle it to rank not only above Chapelain, but above the boasted author of the stilted Henriade and the licentious Pucelle.

In September 1814, the author of " Charlemagne" received from the Pope the investiture of Canino, with the title of Prince, and on that occasion took the oath of fealty as a vassal of the Holy See. He continued from

that time to lead a life of literary enjoyment. In 1819 he published another epic poem, La Cyrneide, ou la Corse sauvée, the subject of which is Corsica, and the hero Charles the Great. In 1829 he printed at Viterbo in large quarto his Museum Etrusque, in which he describes the Etruscan antiquities that he had discovered in 1828 and 1829. In 1836 he published the first volume of autobiography, (Memoires de Lucien Bonaparte, ecrits par lui-même), a very interesting memoir written by himself in the French language, of which a very incorrect English version appeared soon afterwards at London. But Natural History also is indebted to the pens and pencils of the Buonapartes. The birds of North America, the beasts, birds, fishes, and reptiles of Italy have been illustrated. The languages and dialects of Europe are -among the diversified subjects to which this highly gifted family have applied their mental energies, and with a success which proves that they are capable of


literary greatness, and would be more justly appreciated if it were not that their critics have been dazzled by the glaring splendour of the first Napoleon's military empire. The naturalist and the philological scholar wilt be alike delighted by the Fauna Italica of Prince Carlo Luigi Buonaparte, and Parabola de seminatore, in seventy-two distinct versions, the Polyglott collections of Prince Louis Lucien Buonaparte, in which with equal industry and judgment, he has brought together abundant subjects for the studies of some future Mezzofanti. Each of these works would merit a distinct notice, but as we have already exceeded the limits that we proposed to ourselves when commencing, we must now content ourselves with this slight and imperfect enumeration. We have less hesitation in merely mentioning the works of imagination composed by Joseph Buonaparte, of which the reputation was scarcely more durable than his transient reign over the kingdoms on which he was successively obtruded, by the imperions arrogance of the great Napoleon.


How quickly flows the stream of years,
Regardless of our joys or ills;

Nor cares it for our smiles or tears,
What fortune cures, what fortune kills.
On, on it flows, swift as the wind,

Nor waits it, friend, for you nor I;
How many has it left behind,

Since last I saw dear Ballyboy? *

Still Ballyboy, I'll ne'er forget,

Though, since thy steeple last I spied, I've known much pleasure, pain, regret ; I've rambled half this world's side. Yet, ever have I hoped some day,

I might perchance attain the joy Of graving, in some little way,

A niche in fame for Ballyboy.

The Frankford river girds thy sides,
Rippling towards the Shannon's breast,
And golden willows kiss the tide,
Thy banks with butter-cups are dressed.
Could I forget the grand old pine

On Knock-hill's top, so towering high; The rosebuds, thyme, the sweet woodbine, That I once knew round Ballyboy.

The "haunted gate," the "echo hill,"


The wild-wood, by the "valley's" path; The sweet briar, circling Coghlan's mill, The myrtle on the Abbey's rath. The "park," old style; the chapel yard, That sparkling well which ne'er ran dry; The friends I loved, the village bard,

Alas! laid low in Ballyboy.

Oh! dead, or gone to foreign lands,

Are most my friends of long ago,

I scarce may grip an old friend's hand
So few are left now that I know.
And yet, I do not once despair
But that I may, before I die,
Rove the haunts, and breathe the air,

As long ago, round Ballyboy.


*Ballyboy is situate in the King's County. It Lies between Tullamore, Parsonstown, and Shannon harbour.

No. 3.







Ar the period of our narrative, there was no such body in Ireland as a constabulary or police of any kind, either to preserve the peace of the country, or to repress the local outrages which were continually breaking out in it. All this duty-and a harassing one it wasdevolved upon the country magistrates and private gentlemen, aided by the military, who were called upon to discharge the duties of our present police, as well as those of soldiers. At this period, too, the country was overrun and ravaged by lawless bands of Rapparees, and the still more atrocious body of Tories, the latter of whom spared neither life nor property in their merciless depredations. With them religion, of which they were as ignorant as the brutes about them, was no safeguard whatever. The Catholic was robbed and slaughtered with as little remorse as the Protestant, whilst among the Rapparees, on the other hand, there was moderation and forbearance—the great and established principle on which they acted being, never to shed blood unless in defence of life, and under no circumstances to injure or maltreat any one of the female sex, no matter what their rank or condition in life might be. The humanity of this regulation, however, was due to the celebrated individual who drew up the rules of their conduct, and by whose skill and ability they were organized and commanded. The discipline which he established was scarcely ever violated, and whenever it happened to be so, the offending party was severely punished, and in some cases handed over to the laws of the land. The reader may think this a strange and imprudent proceeding on the part of the Rapparees, as it might be naturally apprehended that such individuals would, as a matter of course, betray their accomplices to the government, from a principle of vengeance against them, as well as to secure their own pardon. This, however, is a mistake; because the government had, from day to day, exact information regarding them, so that very little could be added to it, even by one of themselves. They shifted their positions perpetually, and scarcely ever remained twenty-four hours in the same place, so that the information of to-day was of no earthly use for to-morrow. The government of the day, besides, was rather imbecile, and although the Duke of Ormond issued many severe proclamations against them, containing offers of large rewards for the apprehension of their



leader, yet for many a long year he could boast of but very slender success. Be this as it may, at the time we write of, whatever military forces lay in Ireland were scattered over the kingdom at large, in order to be able to check the outrages, and secure the depredators and murderers, if possible, wherever they appeared. The magistrates and other country gentlemen could not act either rigorously or safely without their aid, and hence their distribution, as we said, over the general surface of the country. For this reason, then, it so happened, that in the few barracks that were then to be found in Ireland, there generally remained but a small handful of men-just enough as was calculated to preserve the peace of the neighbourhood. The reader will soon perceive why we allude to these facts, which are well known to every reader of Irish history to be correct and authentic.

When the party who took away Rose Callan left her father's house, they turned-after passing along the boreen which led to it, and on reaching the highwaytowards the town or city of Armagh. The poor girl's distraction was indescribable, and her grief such as ought to have excited compassion in any heart in which lay a single spark of humanity. Indeed it touched that of the man behind whom she sat.

"Oh where," she said, as well as her sobbing would permit her, "where, in God's name, are you bringing me? Are you a man? have you no compassion? You are a soldier, and ought to be brave-but surely no brave man would suffer himself to become an instrument in such a cruel and heartless outrage as this. Have you not the Rapparees and Tories to pursue; but what have either I or my family done that we should be treated as rebels and robbers? They are neither Rapparees nor Tories, but an innocent and inoffensive people, who conduct ourselves peaceably, and have never done or said anything against the government or the laws. As for the Baccah, we know nothing about him, except that he says he was at the siege of Limerick, but he is not a drop's blood to us, and why should we suffer for him? We only help him, and give him an odd night's lodging, like any other poor man that's forced to beg his bit.”

"God help you, my poor girl," replied the man, considerably softened, "it was not for the Baccah we came. That Baccah's a favourite in the barracks-and if I don't mistake, is a spy for the government against the Rapparees and Tories."

"He may be so," she replied, " and the greater villain he is for it,"


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