TH labour Delight in them fets off: fome kinds of bafenefs But thefe fweet thoughts do even refresh my labour, Enter Miranda, and Profpero at a distance. Mira. Alas, now! pray you, Work not fo hard: I would, the lightning had Burnt up thofe logs, that you are enjoin'd to pile! Pray, fet it down, and reft you: when this burns, The two firft folios read: Moft bufy left, when I do it. 'Tis true this reading is corrupt; but the corruption is fo very little removed from the truth of the text, that I cannot afford to think well of my own fagacity for having difcovered it. THEOBALD. Twill weep for having wearied you my father Fer. O most dear mistress, The fun will fet before I fhall discharge Mira. If you'll fit down, I'll bear your logs the while: pray, give me that Fer. No, precious creature; I had rather crack my finews, break my you Mira. It would become me, back, As well as it does you: and I should do it Pro. Poor worm! thou art infected; This vifitation fhews it. Mira. You look wearily. Fer. No, noble mistrefs; 'tis fresh morning with me, When you are by, at night. I do befeech (Chiefly that I might fet it in my prayers) What is your name? Mira. Miranda. O my father, I have broke your 7 heft to fay fo! Indeed, the top of admiration; worth you, What's dearest to the world! Full many a lady 7 heft] For bebeft; i. e. command. STEEVENS. Sa So perfect, and fo peerlefs, are created One of my fex; no woman's face remember, Fer. I am, in my condition, precepts A prince, Miranda; I do think, a king; The flesh-fly blow my mouth.-Hear my foul speak;- My heart fly to your fervice; there refides To make me flave to it; and, for Am I this patient log-man. Mira. Do you love me? your fake, Fer. O heaven, O earth, bear witness to this found, And crown what I profefs with kind event, If I fpeak true; if hollowly, invert What beft is boaded me, to mischief! I, Beyond all limit of what elfe i' the world, Mira. 9 I am a fool, To weep at what I am glad of. Pro. Of every creature's beft.] Alluding to the picture of Venus by Apelles. JOANSON. • I am a fool, To weep at what I am glad of.] This is one of thofe touches of nature that distinguish Shakespeare from all other writers. It was necessary, in fupport of the character of Miranda, to make Pro. Fair encounter Of two most rare affections! Heavens rain grace Fer. Wherefore weep you? Mira. At mine unworthinefs, that dare not offer, The bigger bulk it fhews. Hence bashful cunning! Fer. My mistress, dearest, Fer. Ay, with a heart as willing As bondage e'er of freedom. Here's my hand. Mira. And mine, with my heart in't. And now farewell, Till half an hour hence, Fer. A thoufand, thousand! [Exeunt. make her appear ignorant, that excefs of forrow and excefs of joy find alike their relief from tears; and as this is the first time that confummate pleasure had made any near approaches to her heart, she calls fuch an expreffion of it, folly. STEEVENS, A thousand, thousand !] It is impertinent to be for ever pointing out beauties, which the reader of taste will of course diftinguish for himself; and yet I cannot quit this fcene without obferving, that it is fuperior in its kind to any of those that pafs between Romeo and Juliet; and holds up the most captivating picture of juvenile affection that has been exhibited, even by Shakespeare himself. The prince behaves through the whole with a delicacy fuitable to his birth and education; and his unexperienced miftrefs pours forth her foul without referve, without defcending from the foft elevation of maiden dignity, and apparently derives her confidence from the purity of her intentions. STEEVENS. Pro Pro. So glad of this as they, I cannot be, Who are furpriz❜d withal; but my rejoicing At nothing can be more. I'll to my book; For yet, ere fupper-time, muft I perform Much business appertaining. [Exit. Enter Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo, with a bottle. Ste. Tell not me :-when the but is out, we will drink water; not a drop before: therefore bear up, and board 'em :-fervant-monfter, drink to me. Trin. Servant-monfter? the folly of this island! They fay, there's but five upon this ifle: we are three of them; if the other two be brain'd like us, the state totters. Ste. Drink, fervant-monster, when I bid thee: thy eyes are almost set in thy head. Trin. Where fhould they be fet elfe? he were a brave monfter indeed, if they were fet in his tail. Ste. My man-monster hath drown'd his tongue in fack for my part, the fea cannot drown me. I fwam, ere I could recover the fhore, five-and-thirty leagues, off and on. By this light, thou shalt be my lieutenant, monster, 3 or my standard. 2 Ifuam, &c.] This play was not published till 1623. Albumazar made its appearance in 1614, and has a paffage relative to the escape of a failor yet more incredible. Perhaps, in both inftances, a fneer was meant at the Voyages of Ferdinando Mendez Pinto, or the exaggerated accounts of other lying tra vellers : 3 66 -five days I was under water; and at length 66 or my ftandard. A& 3. Sc. 5. Trin. Your lieutenant, if you lift; he's no ftandard.] Meaning, he is fo much intoxicated, as not to be able to ftand. We call fruit-trees, that grow without fupport, ftandards. STEEVENS. |