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full conviction, that believers are the only subjects of baptism, and that immersion is the only scriptural mode. Therefore, I proposed myself as a candidate to the Baptist church in New York, under the pastoral care of the Rev. A. Maclay, by whom I was baptized on Lord's day, August 28, 1827.......

To avoid every expression in the least calculated to give offence, has been my desire and care; but as perfection cannot be expected in this life, I hope the reader will ascribe every failure in this particular to inattention rather than intention. The persuasion of my friends, a conviction of duty to give a reason' for my conduct, and a desire to be useful to others, have prevailed with me to publish these Essays. Should this humble attempt prove a blessing to the reader, the glory shall be given to Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, world without end. Amen.'


Lectures to Young Men, on the Formation of Character, &c. originally addressed to the Young Men of Hartford and New Haven, and published at their united Request. Third Edition; with an additional Lecture on Reading. By JOEL HAWES, Pastor of the First Church in Hartford, Ct. 18mo. pp. 172. Hartford: Cooke & Co. 1829.

WE rejoice in an opportunity of commending this little volume to the attention of our readers. Neatly printed on good paper, bound in boards, with cloth backs, trimmed and lettered, it is sold, if we mistake not, at thirty seven and a half cents a copy; a price which must bring it within the reach of every young man who desires to read it; and it may be procured at various bookstores, from the Atlantic border to our great western rivers. It is neither a fine book, nor a coarse book; but it is happily adapted to the wants and wishes of those for whose use it was designed, whatever may be their situation. It contains six Lectures on the following subjects: Claims of Society on Young Men; Dangers of Young Men; Importance of Established Principles; Formation and Importance of Character; Religion the chief Concern; Choice of Books, and Manner of Reading.

These subjects are treated with a benevolence, and wisdom, and earnestness, becoming their nature. Intelligent and affectionate pastors, and parents, and guardians, we are confident, will most heartily encourage the reading of this book. We hope it will soon belong to the library of every Sunday School, and Bible Class, and neighborhood in the United States; and that many an individual who is able, will present copies of it to young men of his acquaintance, as tokens of his affectionate interest in their temporal and their eternal welfare. In its character, as to style and sentiments, it is neither tinsel nor lead ;—it is a solid mass of precious metal, seven times purified; or, to adopt the beautiful language of the Holy Scriptures, it is apples of gold in pictures of silver.

Our readers will recognize, with pleasure, the hand from which the following stanzas have been most obligingly communicated.

[blocks in formation]


SUBSCRIPTIONs and donations to the General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States, for Foreign Missions, &c. should be transmitted to Heman Lincoln, Esq. Treasurer, Boston. Persons visiting the city, to whom it may be more convenient to call at a central place, can lodge their communications with E. Lincoln, No. 59 Washington-Street, who is authorized to receive moneys for the Treasurer.


In the last Magazine we gave Mr Boardman's letter, containing an account of the school established at Tavoy, in which he referred to a more extended plan of operations in relation to education, which would soon be communicated to the Board.

This ar

ticle has been received, but is deferred

to the next Number, for the purpose of inserting his journal for August. The reader will peruse, in this journal, with deep interest, the desire expressed by one of the native converts, that more Missionaries may be sent to the stations. Let the expression of this desire from one recently enveloped in heathen darkness, awaken a deepened interest in the minds of Christians in

this land, and lead each one to imitate the woman in the gospel, of whom it was said, She hath done what she could. In churches where Primary Societies are not organized, let some one be excited to originate and put them in successful operation. Where they are already organized, let zeal ous efforts for accessions be made, that adequate means may be furnished for an extension of the Mission.

Especially, let united prayers be offered to Heaven, that missionary ardor may be given to those among us, who are qualified to unfurl the banner of the

cross in heathen lands.

Nov. 1829.


Chinese Youth.

Tavoy, Aug. 1, 1828. Another interview with the Chinese youth, so often mentioned in the journal for July. Every interview with him strengthens my conviction that he is truly convert ed.

At the zayat 1 had thirty or forty hearers, some of whom listened attentively, and took away portions of our Scriptures. Some, however, inanifested a disposition to compare our doctrine with that of Gaudama, and to condemn or approve, according as it disagrees or agrees with the dogmas of that aspiring atheist. Thus the Burmans, on first hearing of an eternal God and Saviour, immediately arraign

him before the tribunal of Gaudama.

2. A spirit of serious inquiry pervaded the congregation to-day, and one man seemed deeply impressed with the exhibition of divine truth.

Baptism administered.

3, Lord's day. Having repeatedly the two persons who applied for bapexamined Moung Bo, and Ke-cheang, tism last month, we have felt that we could defer their case no longer; and to-day has been fixed upon for administering the ordinance. Accordingly, after worship, a little band of us, passing through that part of the town most sacred to Gaudama, bent our way among pagodas, temples, and kyoungs, -alike unheeded and unheeding-and entering the high pagoda road, we passed on till we arrived at the baptismal tank. Near the tank was a tall pagoda, pointing its gilded head to the skies. It being Burman as well as Christian worship-day, the multitudes


were gathered around to pay their devotions at the gilded shrines. In that tank, under the shadow of that pagoda, and in sight of their former companions, who now gazed with mingled astonishment and malice, the two young disciples solemnly renounced their vain idols, and put on the Lord Jesus Christ. O, it was a joyful, memorable occasion. Some of the heavenly host, I doubt not, gazed on the sight with approbation; and He who promised to be in the midst of two or three assembled in his name, was, I trust, in the midst of us.

As he

Aug. 4 and 5. No hearers at the zayat. Moung Shway-bwen says the opposition to us has greatly in creased since the baptism. passes the streets the people point at him and say, “That is a heretic-he is crazy, he is a wicked wretch that has renounced the religion of his fathers," &c. But he adds, "I can bear it. My mind is decided. I fear not death for Christ's sake, for it would be infinite gain." The whole town seems to be in an uproar on account of Moung Bo's baptism. May we be kept from "rendering evil for evil."

7. Had the unspeakable pleasure of hearing from America by letters and magazines. Bless the Lord, O my soul, for the glorious news of the prosperity of the Redeemer's kingdom.

Moung Bo came and told how happy he was, although persecuted in every quarter. Many listening hearers at the zayat. There seems to be some shaking among the dry bones.

8. This morning received the joy ful intelligence of the effusion of the Holy Spirit at Maulamying; in the afternoon, had a very attentive congregation at the zayat. Yesterday and to-day are among the most pleasant days of my life, and the most encouraging as respects usefulness among the heathen. O that the shower of grace which has begun to fall at Maulamying, may soon reach Tavoy. I seem to see the day dawning. Rise, thou Sun of righteousness, with healing in thy wings.

9. It being Burman worship-day, I had but few hearers. Those few, however, paid good attention to the word spoken, and two of them took away books to read. May the Lord accompany his own word with a divine blessing.

10. Lord's-day. Had worship in English with my partner and the Chinese Christian, the Burman Christians

holding a prayer-meeting with the school at the same time. Afterwards we had public worship in Burman, and then I catechised the schoolboys. After dinner, at 2 o'clock, went to the zayat, when we had an attentive congregation. Two persons, in particular, professed to be convinced that the gospel is true, and begged for Christian books. After tea, had Burman worship, as usual. Two Karens from the jungle were present. It is proposed to commence, at sunrise, to-morrow, a daily devotional exercise, at which the Burman Christians and the

schoolboys are to meet me at the house. May the Lord vouchsafe to us his gracious presence!

12. The two persons mentioned on the 9th inst. came again and afforded encouraging signs of an inquiring, if I may not say, of a believing mind.

Public Support of Schools.

To the Civil Commissioner for these


Provinces, I mentioned the subject of native schools, and he assured me that a day school for native boys should be supported by government. appears to be a favorable opening, as the boys of the boarding school can be taught gratuitously in the day school, tages of Christian instruction as at and can still enjoy the same advan


Incident of a Native Christian.

To-day, one of the native Christians finding a book which he had been writing with much care, torn to pieces, "his mind, (to use his own expression) to an unwarrantable pitch. Being engaged at the time, I knew nothing of the affair till he had left the house. As soon as I was disengaged,




poor penitent came and related the whole story to me. He was so ashamed of his anger, that he could not look me in the face. It only made me love him the more. He is generally of a most humble and quiet spirit. I can cordially forgive him, and I doubt not God has forgiven him. But he Several could not forgive himself. hours after he said to me, "My mind is still hot, on account of my sin." On my telling him that God would show mercy to those who confess and forsake their sins, he seemed relieved.

Description of Lord's-day Services. 17, Lord's-day eve. The past may perhaps be considered a fair specimen

of the manner of our spending the
Lord's-day. At 6 o'clock we have
Burman worship with the Christians
and the school. After this, till break-
fast at eight, we spend the time in
retirement and English reading. The
scholars, meanwhile, are taught the
catechism by a Burman Christian. Af
ter family worship and breakfast, my
dear partner and myself, with the Chi-
nese Christian, have worship, and a
printed sermon is read. At the same
time the Burman Christians hold a
prayer-meeting with the school in an
adjoining rooni. After this, public
worship in Burman, and catechising
the boys. After dinner, at 2 o'clock,
I go to the zayat, and remain till dark.
After tea, Burman family worship,
when one of the native Christians
prays. From eight till ten o'clock,
read Scripture, perform evening de-
votions, &c. &c. Mrs Boardman is
engaged in the afternoon and evening
in family cares, and in giving religious
instruction to the scholars and domes-
tics. To-day, while I was catechising
the boys in the hall, the Burmans
were holding a religious meeting in
the west verandah, and the Chinese
Christian explaining the gospel to a
company of his countrymen in the
east verandah of our house. One of
the Chinese has become so far enlight-
ened as to refuse to worship images,
by which he has lost his situation.
But he says,
"God will take care of

Inquirers multiplied.

Aug. 20. Many Chinese came to converse with Ke-Cheang on religion.

21. Moung Shway-Ken, the young man mentioned on the 11th of July, called at the house. He has experienced opposition for listening to me, and has sought relief by laboring out of town, for a month. During all this time, he has been thinking of the gospel, and is almost persuaded to be a Christian. O, that he were altogether


22. Moung Shway-Bwen relates that a very respectable Burman called at the zayat, and professed a conviction of the truth of the gospel. He first heard the truth from Moung Bo, ten days ago, and has since been constantly employed in considering it. He professes to be a decided believer.

24. One of my hearers at worship to-day, was Moung Shway-Kyah, a reputable and intelligent young man, mentioned in my journal for July 7th,


"accompanying Moung Bo, and thinking like him." He now professes a firm attachment to the gospel; and we have reason to hope he is sincere.

Six Chinese came to-day, to converse with Ke-Cheang. It appears that ten or twelve persons, are almost daily in the habit of visiting him at his lodgings, to converse respecting the gospel. These circumstances, together with a letter I have recently perused, from a friend in Singapore, encourage me to hope, the Holy Spirit is about to be poured out on "the dispersed" of this interesting people.

Hopeful case of a Karen.

Aug. 26. About a month since, a very interesting young Karen was found by Ko-thah-byoo, in the niche of a pagoda, where he had been fasting two days. Knowing only the religion of Gaudama, which he had heard from the Burmans, he had embraced it so far as to practise this austerity, in the hope of obtaining a great reward in a future state. Our Karen Christian explained to him the folly of fasting, as practised by the Burmans, and invited the young man to our house, where he paid a very serious attention to Christian instruction. After learning the way of the Lord more perfectly, he took a Christian book and returned to his native forest. Our prayers accompanied him. We all remarked something peculiarly interesting and amiable in his appearance. I have often wished to have him live with me, in hope that he might become a Christian, and a herald of the gospel. Yesterday, this young man returned to us, with three of his relations, to receive further instructions. After conversing with me for some time, and attending Burman worship with us, he went to Ko-thahbyoo's apartment, where I heard them talking of the gospel till near midnight; and at break of day, this morning, the conversation was renewed. This afternoon, he expressed a wish to live with me, in order to learn more fully about the true God and Saviour. inquiring how long he would be willing to stay for this purpose, he replied, "ten or twelve years, till I can learn fully about God and Christ. Many of the Karens will also come." He is a youth of good understanding, quick apprehension, and amiable manners. He says, he wishes no longer to worship heaps of brick, but to know and serve the everliving and true God.

* The pagodas.

On my

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