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Wythe hevy chere, with dolorous hart and To pardon thy servant, and bringe to salva


Eche man may sorow in his inward thought, Thys lords death, whose pere is hard to fynd Allgyf Englond and Fraunce were thorow saught.



In joy tryumphant the hevenly yerarchy, With all the hole sorte of that glorious place,

Al kings, all princes, all dukes, well they His soule mot recyve into ther company

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And all other gentilmen with hym enter- Skelton's before the following extract from teynd

In fee, as menyall men of his housold, 185
Whom he as lord worsheply manteynd:
To sorow full weping they ought to be con-

Hawes, not only because it was written first, but because I think Skelton is in general to be considered as the earlier poet; many of his poems being written long before Hawes's Graunde Amour.

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Che Tower of Doctrine.



Made of fyne golde; with divers sundry dra-

The little turrets with ymages of golde
About was set, whiche with the wynd aye

THE reader has here a specimen of the de- | Gargeyld with grayhoundes, and with many scriptive powers of Stephen Hawes, a celebrated poet in the reign of Henry VII., though now little known. It is extracted from an allegorical poem of his (written in 1505), entitled, "The Hist. of Graunde Amoure & La Belle Pucel, called the Palace of Pleasure, &c." 4to, 1555. See more of Hawes in Ath. Ox. v. 1, p. 6, and Warton's Observ. v. 2, p. 105. He was also author of a book, entitled, "The Temple of Glass. Wrote by Stephen Hawes, gentleman of the bedchamber to K. Henry VII. ” Pr. for Caxton, 4to., no

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With propre vices, that I did well beholde
About the tower, in sundry wyse they



With goodly pypes, in their mouthes


That with the wynd they piped a daunce
Iclipped Amour de la hault plesaunce.
The toure was great of marveylous wydnes,
To whyche ther was no way to passe but

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Which against Phebus shone soe marveyl- And eke my name; I told her every dell:


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Whan she herde this she lyked me right well.

Her name, she sayd, was called Countenance;
Into the 'base' courte she dyd me then
Where was a fountayne depured of plesance,
A noble sprynge, a ryall conduyte-hede,
Made of fyne golde enameled with reed;
And on the toppe four dragons blewe and


Then to the tower I drewe nere and nere, 15 Thys dulcet water in four partes dyd spoute. And often mused of the great hyghnes

V. 25, towers, P. C. V. 44, besy courte, P. C. V. 49, par

Of the craggy rocke which quadrant did ap- tyes, P. C.


But the fayre tower, (so much of ryches
Was all about,) sexangled doubtles;

*Greyhounds, Lions, Dragons, were at that time the royal supporters.

†This alludes to a former part of the Poem.

Of whyche there flowed foure ryvers ryght | Of golde was made a ryght crafty vyne; Instede of grapes the rubies there did shyne.


clere, Sweter than Nylus* or Ganges was ther odoure:

Tygrys or Eufrates unto them no pere:

I dyd than taste the aromatyke lycoure, Fragraunt of fume, and swete as any floure; And in my mouth it had a marveylous scent Of divers spyces, I knewe not what it ment.

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This knight will I bee at her bowre windowe, I would not care for thy cruel father, Betide me weale or woe.

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Nor the worst that might befalle.



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Nowe nay, nowe nay, thou gentle knight, 65 The baron he woke, the baron he rose,

Nowe nay, this

not bee;

may For aye shold I tint my maiden fame, If alone I should wend with thee.

O ladye, thou with a knighte so true
Mayst safely wend alone,

To my ladye mother I will thee bringe,
Where marriage shall make us one.

"My father he is a baron bolde,

Of lynage proude and hye;

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And what would he saye if his daughter 75 Awaye with a knight should fly?

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