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tendance. I would like to suggest to all of them, the fisherman's theory. Shine the light from the shore, out upon the dark waters where men and women are in darkness. Let them see in you and I the light of Christ, the true light that will draw men from the power of darkness, by strictly obeying the command of his divine master, Simon Peter, after a night of toiling and taking nothing, was astonished and those who were with him at their wonderful success, a great multitude of fish. My brother and sister, have you, like Simon, been toiling as it were all night, and have caught nothing? If that is your experience, suppose you listen and obey the command of our dear Lord and Master. If they had have refused to thrust out from where they had been fishing all night, they never would have caught the wonderful draught. According to the observation that I am having, many who are toiling in vain need to thrust out a little from the land, and launch out into the deep and let down the net among the men that need to be caught for Christ. Many seem to be afraid to thrust out. Afraid to trust God!

In my boyhood days, I went one day to an oldfashioned water-mill for the purpose of getting some corn converted into meal. It was a cold winter day, and a lot of boys had a chunk fire around which they sat and parched corn, and told such stories as boys enly can tell. One boy told of something that had happened that I have thought about many times, and as it strongly illustrates the fact of our unwillinguess to thrust out from the land, I will try to

tell it. A boy in a certain community fell into deep water, and was in the very act of drowning when his friends came to his rescue and got him out. He said after he was out, that he could have swam out easily if he only could have felt of the bottom of the stream. Yes, and that is the way with a great many of us, before thrusting out, we want to feel the bottom; we want to feel that there is no danger. Why did he not trust himself in the deep water and swim out? If we only would learn the lesson of thrusting out a little from the land, and launching out into the deep, what a great draught we could catch. It is very hard to get men to trust the Lord when we are not willing to trust him ourselves.

At this point I want to say that the safe and wise thing to do on all occasions is to trust the Lord. The pages of history fail to reveal the fact that any man ever made a mistake by trusting the Lord, by thrusting out from his surroundings at the command of his divine master. It can not be found. We are all in the catching business. Catching men either for Christ or the Devil. Every human being is sending out an influence that is having an effect, either for weal or woe. Somebody is being caught by us for one side or the other. You are either sending somebody down hill or up hill. What does your influence stand for, in what lake are you fishing, and what kind of bait are you using?

When men are drawn by the power of light to the proper place, there is only one more thing essentially necessary in order to catch them. If you meet a man with fishing tackle on his way to the lake or

river, and he makes inquiry as to the best bait to be used, what would you tell him? Let the apostle Paul answer. In all his ministry he used it, and it never failed. What was it? Charity, which is love, never faileth. Love is the kind of bait that men in all the different walks of life will bite at. I will undertake to say, fearless of all successful contradiction that when we have our hooks and nets well baited with love, men never fail to bite at them. Love, love! It never fails! Every man's failure as a fisherman for Christ has been for the want of love, and every man's success has been the result of the possession of it. Love!

Rev. Dwight L. Moody was eminently successful in catching men in the gospel net. What was the secret of his great success? He had the light of God's truth in his countenance, and love for God and man in his heart. It has been said that not a very great while before his departure from earth to heaven, he had an appointment to preach in the Music Hall, in the great exposition building in the city of St. Louis, Mo. It is the largest building the writer was ever in, and has a seating capacity for six thousand people. It was said that fifteen or twenty thousand people were turned away; could not get into the great building. Some newspaper editor asked the question, Why does everybody want to hear Moody? He went on to state that Moody was comparatively an uneducated man; that he preached the same old sermons over and over again. There is a great secret somewhere. Where is it? Some other newspaper editor answered him by simply stating the fact that

Moody loved everybody and that everybody loved him in return, and therefore they wanted to hear him. "Charity (Love) never faileth." After Simon Peter and his associates had caught the great draught of fish the one that taught him how to catch them said to him, "Fear not Simon from henceforth thou shalt catch men." What was it that he was not to fear? He was not to fear the results of thrusting out from the land; not to fear the idea of starving in consequence of thrusting out from worldly things and engaging in the business of fishing for men in a spiritual sense. Say brother preacher, have you thrust out from the business of this world? If I am not mistaken, many are failing to catch, because they have failed to thrust out and let down the net at the right point.


There was another time in the history of Simon Peter when he caught a very large crowd of men. Greater perhaps than the number of fish he caught on the morning after he had toiled all night and taken nothing. Ten days before the day of Pentecost, Peter, with a number of the other disciples, went into an upper chamber in the City of Jerusalem. The master told them to tarry in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. Luke 24: 49. They spent ten days and nights praying for the fulfilment of that promise that the father made a long time ago, that he would pour out his spirit upon all flesh. Joel 2: 28. On the morning of Pentecost that promise was fulfilled. The Spirit came as the sound of a rushing mighty wind (Acts 2: 2), that filled all the house where they were sit

ting. They were enabled to speak in different tongues. Every hook and net was properly baited to catch every man upon the ground. The same Simon Peter that once caught a great draught of fish, preached a sermon that was so well baited with the Holy Spirit that three thousand were caught for Christ and saved. If we, as humble ministers, will thrust out from our worldly surroundings, launch out into the deep and let down our nets according to the Lord's direction, we can do likewise. Will we do it? May the Lord help us all to catch men for Christ.

And through eternity brightly shine.
Because of turning many to the right;
Remember that love divine,

Has never failed in the fight.



He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Matt. 12: 30.

HUMAN beings from a human standpoint are divided up into a great many different grades of society. Among the wealthy, we behold the upper tens, among the middle classes, the middle tens, and among the poor classes, the no tens. Society! Society! So many grades of it, like the Jews and Samaritans, one sect does not have anything to do

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