UlyssesAmaryllis - an Imprint of Manjul Publishing House , 10 jan. 2023 “From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step.” Ulysses is one of the finest examples of modernist literature ever published, exploring a single uneventful day in the life of Leopold Bloom, an ordinary salesman who lives in Dublin, and also features his wife Molly, and a writer, Stephen Dedalus. Heavy structural and thematic parallels are drawn between Ulysses and Homer’s Odyssey, and Joyce makes heavy use of stream of consciousness to portray the characters’ psyches in greater detail, making it a difficult but extremely rewarding read. James Joyce was an Irish writer, poet, and literary critic considered to be one of the most important authors of the 20th century for his unique modernist style of writing. His most well-known books include Ulysses, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Finnegan’s Wake, and he was an influence on writers as varied as Cormac McCarthy, John Updike, and Jorge Luis Borges. |
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... mouth with fry and munched and droned. The doorway was darkened by an entering form. —The milk, sir! —Come in, ma'am, Mulligan said. Kinch, get the jug. An old woman came forward and stood by Stephen's elbow. —That's a lovely morning ...
... mouth with a crust thickly buttered on both sides, stretched forth his legs and began to search his trouser pockets. —Pay up and look pleasant, Haines said to him, smiling. Stephen filled a third cup, a spoonful of tea colouring faintly ...
... mouth open happily, his eyes, from which he had suddenly withdrawn all shrewd sense, blinking with mad gaiety. He moved a doll's head to and fro, the brims of his Panama hat quivering, and began to chant in a quiet happy foolish voice ...
... mouth disease. Just look through it. There can be no two opinions on the matter. May I trespass on your valuable space. That doctrine of laissez faire which so often in our history. Our cattle trade. The way of all our old industries ...
... mouths yellowed with the pus of flan bréton. Faces of Paris men go by, their wellpleased pleasers, curled conquistadores. Noon slumbers. Kevin Egan rolls gunpowder cigarettes through fingers smeared with printer's ink, sipping his green ...