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vative from the Latin. This is apparently a Latinism, as this sense of vegetall does not appear in Century Dict. †Vent, III. 347: to sell. Venus, II. 39: †copper. Vertuall, II. 681 (VIRTUAL): with reference to Lat. VIRTUS; an influence due to the inherent virtue, i. e. power, strength, of the device.

Vexation, II. 594. Cf. note. Vice, I. 446 [French VIS, from Latin VITIS, a vine]: some kind of machine (for moving the puppet). Wright gives it as a theatrical machine=¿ykúκλημα, ἐξώστρα. Vinegar, II. 310.

Philosophers vinegar: acetum philosophorum, the universal dissolvent, called also Lac virginis, q. v., aqua mercurialis, hydor sophorum, and their English equivalents. Violl, II. 456: vial, phial. Virginall, III. 278: a spinet

or small harpsichord without legs. Viscositie, II. 607: the quality of flowing slowly, due to internal friction of the molecules. Vivification, II. 599: revival.

In chem., the act of restoring to the natural state or the metallic state, as, e. g., a substance from a solution, or a metal from an oxide. Cf. note on Fermentation, I. 151.

Whit, IV. 662: apparently, particle, infinitesimality; but see note on IV. 663. +Whore-sonne, I. 127 (†WHORESON): a bastard.

+Windore, V. 70: a window. Wish, I. 388: trecommend. Witch, I. 107: a male or female

sorcerer, not as to-day restricted mainly to the female.

Witnesse, Dedication Q. 11; Dedic. 1616. 7: the being seen, i.e. loves to be witnessed. Woad, III. 392: a plant from whose leaves a blue dye used to be extracted. Now superseded by indigo.

Wood, III. 144: ta crowd. Wrastler, To the Reader. 17: + and dial. for WRESTLER.

Younker, V. 411: a young person, a youngster.

Zephyrus, II. 27: the west wind, figuratively applied to an alchemist's assistant because of his blowing the bellows. Zernich, II. 401 (ZARNICH): in alch., tauripigmentum, now called orpiment, i. e. arsenic trisulphid; called by painters 'king's yellow.'

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