19s. 6d. Horne Tooke, No. 1, 1. is, North, | 1809. Lond. 1809-11. royal 8vo. pt. iii. 574. morocco, 31. 7s. Acta Apostolorum, Græco-Latina, Litteris majusculis, a Codice Laudiano, Characteribus uncialibus exarato, descripsit ediditque Thomas Hearnius qui et Symbolum Apostolorum ex eodem Codice subjunxit. Oxon. 1715. royal 8vo. Of this work only 120 copies were printed, all upon royal paper. Duke of Grafton, No. 15, 74. 16s. Brockett, 1469, 8. Bishop Randolph, No. 65, 8l. 2s. 6d. King and Locbee's in 1810, 10. 10s. Heath, 4270, 13. 2s. Gough, 1662, 201 Acta Apostolorum, variorum Notis tum Dictionem tum Materiam illustrantibus, suas adjecit Hastings Robinson, A. M. Cantab. 1825. 8vo. 9s. 6d. Acta Regia. Vide RAPIN de Thoyras. vol. I and vol. 2, pt. i. 1. 1s. Art of Playing, interspersed with Actor (The), a Treatise on the theatrical Anecdotes, &c. London, 1750-5. 12mo. 2 vols. 4s. to 6s. Aaron Hill. Actors' Remonstrance, (The) or Complaint, for the silencing of their Profession and Banishment from their severall Playhouses. London, 1643. 4to. A satirical tract, containing some curious and amusing particulars of the means resorted to by players to procure subsistence on the suppression of the theatres in 1642. One hundred copies were reprinted in 1822, 8vo. 2s. 6d. from the copy in the British Museum. Actors (The Tragical), or the Martyrdome of the late King Charles. Printed for Sir Arthur, 1660. 4to. Actuum Apostolorum et Epistolarum tam Catholicarum quam Pauli Versio Syriaca Philoxeniana, ex Cod. MSS. Ridleii, nunc primum edita cum Interpret. et Anno-sibili Rom' anarchia contra Nich. tat. Jos. White. Oxon. 1799. 4to. This work generally accompanies White's edition of the Syriac Evangelists. Actes of the Apostles (The) translated into Englishe Metre by Christofer Tye, Doctor in Musyke, &c. wyth Notes to eche Chapter to synge and also to play upon the Lute, &c. 1553. London, by Nycolas Hyll and Wyllyam Seres. 8vo. Black letter. Contains N 4, in eights. This version contains the first 14 chapters only; there are variations in the colophon. Noticed by Warton in the xlvii. section of his History of Poetry. Gough, 18, russia, 3. 36. but now worth considerably more. Acts of the Apostles.-The Actions of the Apostles; translated from the original Greek. By the Rev. John Willis. Lon. 1789. 8vo. pp. 295. 3s. This translation is in little estimation. ACTON, Thomas Herman. Reports of Cases argued and determined before the Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes; also, an Appeal to the King in Council, concerning the Judgments in June Rhodes, 403, 11s. ACWORTH, Geor. LL.D. De vi Sanderi Monarchiam προλεγομένον Libri duo. Lond. apud Joh. Dayum, 1573. 4to. pp. 215, besides tables of contents for the two books. Reprinted in 1622, 4to. This writer assisted Archb. Parker in his Antiquitates Britannica. Adagia in Latine and English, contayning fyve hundreth Proverbes. Aberdeen, 1622. 12mo. A copy is in the British Museum. ADAIR. A Sketch of the Character of the late Duke of Devonshire. London, 1811. 4to. A privately printed tract, with a portrait of the Duke, 17. 1s. ADAIR, James. The History of the American Indians, particularly those Nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia. London, 1775.4to. 10s. to 15s. In this very curious work, the author, who was a resident in North America above forty years, endeavours to trace the Indians to a Hebrew origin. ADAM, Alex. LL.D. Roman Antiquities, or an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Romans. London, 1822. 8vo. 6s. Black letter. In all 264 leaves, and two of the faults. Maunsell mentions an edition of the date of 1555. Writing ADAMS, Frauncis. Tables, with a Kalender for XXIIII. Years, with sundry necessarye Rules. 1594. oblong 16mo. 21. 2s. In this work is the following sentence, A very useful and much esteemed work, generally recommended in preference to Dr. Kennet on the same subject. This eminent scholar, who was rector of the high school of Edinburgh, likewise published several other elementary books, particularly a Latin Dictionary, which is highlyPrinting was found out at Mentz 1459, esteemed, and has been frequently reprinted. ADAM, Robert. Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Dioclesian at Spalatro in Dalmatia, (London), 1763 or 4. Atlas fol. with 71 plates A splendid work. Roxburghe, 9062, russia, 31. 13s. 6d. Nassau, Pt. ii. 1655, russia, 31. 13s. 6d. Gough, 218, 4l. 4s. Baker, 265, 4l. 10s. Dent, Pt. i. 138, russia, 4. 18s. Willet, 109, 5l. 15s. Cd. Marq. of Townshend, 183, 61. 6s. ADAM, Robert. The religious World displayed. To which is subjoined a View of Deism and Atheism. Edinb. 1809. 8vo. 3 vols. 18s A new edition appeared in London, 1823, 8vo. 2 vols.; and an Abridgement in 1824, 12mo. ADAM, Robert and James. Works in Architecture. London, 17731822. imperial folio, 3 vols. with 105 plates, 71. 7s. A highly valuable work, containing plans, elevations, sections, and details of the principal buildings erected in Great Britain during the reign of King George III, with designs for interior and exterior decoration. Fonthill, 3218, (vols. 1 and 2.) 10. ADAM, Thomas, of Wintringham. The Works. London, 1822. 8vo. 3 vols. Published at 11. 7s. The works of this author are not critical but doctrinal. His private thoughts on Religion, have been frequently printed. Adamites.-A Nest of Serpents discovered, or a Knot of old Heretiques revived, called the Adamites. The Adamites Sermon.-A new sect of Religion called the Adamites. London, 1641. 4to. Three Tracts, each with a wood cut. King and Lochee's, in March, 1810, 17. 5s. ADAMO, Anthony de. An Anatomi as well of the Mass as the Mass Boke, 1556. Sermon of the Sacrament. 8vo. of With a 1556. and first brought to London by William Caxton, mercer.' ADAMS, George. Essays on the Microscope. The second Edition, with considerable Additions and Improvements, by Frederick Kanmacher, F.L.S. with 32 folio plates. Lond. 1798. 4to An esteemed work. Earl of Kerry, 181, 11. 15s. The former edition 1787, 4to. Willett, 65, 14. 11s. 6d. Lectures on natural and experimental Philosophy, with Additions by Wm. Jones. London, 1799. 8vo. 5 vols. The former edition appeared in 1794. Willet, 2, 14. 19s. Earl of Kerry, 17, 2. 2s. This writer, who was instrument maker to his Majesty, published some other useful works, several of which have been lately reprinted, with Additions by W. Jones. ADAMS, J., LL.D. Reports of Cases in the Ecclesiastical Courts. London, 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. 21. 10s. ADAMS, Rev. James. The Pronunciation of the English Language vindicated from imputed Anomaly and Caprice; in two Parts, with an Appendix. Edinb. 1799. 8vo. pp. 164, 5s. This work, according to Park, contains and dialects, though the style of the writer many ingenious remarks on languages is characterized by much whimsical eccennologia Linguæ Anglicanæ, appeared in tricity. A former work entitled Eupho1794, 8vo. 5s. ADAMS, John. Index Villaris : or, an exact Register, alphabetically digested, of all the Cities, &c. in England and Wales. The third Edition. London, 1700. folio, with a map, 12s. His large map,' says Bishop Nicolson, with the contractions of it afterwards, must be acknowledged to be done with good pains, The former judgment, and exactness.' editions 1680 and 1690, 5s, each. LARGE PAPER. Edwards (Edition 1680) 62, mo ADAMS, John. The renowned City of London; surveyed and illustrated in a Latine Poem-translated into English by W. F. of Gray's Inn. London, 1677? 4to. Fourteen leaves. This poem, unnoticed by Gough in his Anecdotes, is reprinted in the tenth volume of the Harleian Miscellany. ADAMS, LL.D. John. History of the principal Republics in the World. A new Edition. London, 1794. 8vo. 3 vols. 15s. The former edition of this work entitled 'A Defence of the Constitution of the United States of America, appeared in 8vo. 3 vols. 1787-8. Adains likewise published' An Essay on Canon and Feudal Law,' 1782, 8vo. (5s.) and took an active part in modelling the constitution of the United States, of which he was vice-president under Washington. ADAMS, Rev. John. View of universal History, from the Creation to the present Time. London, 1795. 8vo. 3 vols. 12s. to 15s. This writer published many other useful works, well calculated for the improvement and entertainment of youth. ADAMS, Captain John. Sketches taken during two Voyages to Africa, between the Years 1786 and 1800; including Observations on the Country between Cape Palmas and the River Congo, &c. &c. &c. London, 1823. 8vo. pp. 265. Published at 7s. 6d. A valuable little work. ADAMS, John Quincy. Letters on Silesia, written during a Tour through that Country in the Years 1800, 1801. London, 1804. 8vo. pp. 400, with a map, 7s. Observations on Morbid Poisons.' London, 1807, 4to. 1. 1s. ADAMS, Robert. Expeditionis Hispanorum in Angliam vera Descriptio, anno 1588. Roberto Adamo, Authore. 1589. 4to. Accompanied with eleven maps, Augustinus Ryther sculpsit.' The Queen's arms are on the last map. These maps will the Spanish Fleet in 1588, by Petricio also be found in 'A Discourse concerning Copies of both works Ubaldino.' 1589. are in the British Museum. ADAMS, Robert. The Narrative of Robert Adams, a Sailor, who was wrecked in the year 1810, on the Western Coast of Africa, was detained three years in Slavery by the Arabs of the Great Desert, and resided several months of that period in the City of Tombuctoo; with a Map, Notes, and an Appendix. London, 1816. 4to. 10s. 6d. A curious, marvellous, but authentic British Vice-Consul at Mogadore, will, says narrative. The Notes by Mr. Dupuis, the the Quarterly Review, be read with interest, and may be consulted with advantage. Drury, 130. 12s. Fonthill Library, 3689. 14. 10s. ADAMS, T. History of the antient Town of Shaftesbury, from the Founder, Alfred the Great. Sherborne, (1809) 12mo. Contains pp. 221, (B-Ee 5.) with title, a list of subscribers pp. 5, and portrait of Alfred the Great, by T. J. Woodman. ADAMS, Thomas. Commentary upon the second Epistle of Saint Peter. London, 1633. folio. 10s. to 15s. Workes, viz. The White Devil, the Fatal Banket, the Sinner's Passing Bell, &c. London, 1629. folio. 10s. to 15s. ADAMS, William, M. A. Scotland, 1644-6. Com A work containing some interesting in-plete History of the Civil Wars in formation, especially on the manufactures Second Ediof Silesia. This writer has likewise published a curious and interesting work on our tion, with considerable Additions. ancient weights and measures, printed at Edinb. 1724. 9s. Washington, 1821. ADAMS, Joseph, M.D. Memoirs of the Life and Doctrines of the late John Hunter. London, 1816. 8vo. 9s. This able physician has likewise pubished some valuable works, particularly The first edition, with a new title page. ADAMS, William, D. D. An Essay on Mr. Hume's Essay on Miracles. London, 1752. 8vo. 2s. 6d. An admirable answer to Hume, reprinted 1754. This able writer likewise published several volumes of Sermons, &c. C ADAMS, William. Vitruvius Scoticus, a Collection of Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Public Buildings, &c. &c. in Scotland. Edinburgh, folio, with 160 plates by Cooper. 63s. Fonthill, 1921, 67. ADAMS, Sir William. A practical Inquiry into the Causes of the frequent Failure of the Operations of Depression, and of the extraction of the Cataract, as usually performed, &c. London, 1817. 8vo. 16s. A valuable accession to the chirurgical library. This celebrated oculist has likewise published several other works on the same subject. ADAMSON, Henry. The Muses Threnodie, or Mirthful Mournings on the Death of Mr. Gall, with a Description of Perth, and an Account of Gowrie's Conspiracy. Edinburgh, 1638. 4to. Lloyd, 205, 6l. 8s. 6d. This work was reprinted at Perth, 1774, 8vo. 2 vols. with Notes, by James Cant, 9s. to 12s. ADAMSON, John. The Muses' Welcome to King James VI. at his return to Scotland, anno 1617. Edinb. 1618. folio. With portrait. A copy is in the British Museum. All the speeches are printed in Nichols' Progresses of King re James. Dowdeswell, G18, 21, 5s. Nassau, Pt. i. 200, 2. 14s. Bindley, Pt. ii. 1055, 61. 2s. 6d. Sotheby's, in April, 1822, 51. 5s. Constable. 262, 71. The Traveller's Joy; to which is added, The Ark, a Poem. 1623. 12mo. - Dioptra Gloria Divinæ ; seu, Enarratio Psalmi xix, et in eundem Meditationes. Edinb. 1637. 4to. This writer likewise published 'Methodus Religionis Christianæ.' Edinb. 1637. 8vo. ADAMSON, John. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis de Camoens. Lond. 1820. crown 8vo. 2 vols. with a portrait of Ignez de Castro, 11. 4s. An elegant, amusing, and elaborate performance, for which the author was elected an honorary member of the Royal Academy of Portugal. Large paper, 14. 16s. ADAMSON, Patrick, Archbishop of, also his Answere and Refutation of the Buke falslie called the King's Declaration. 1598. 8vo. ADAMSON, Poemata sacra, et alia, Opera, Studio T. Voluseni. Londini, 1619. 4to. Roxburghe, 2753, 7s. 6d. Gordonstoun, 34, 10s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i, 526, 12s. This writer, who was one of the commissioners for settling the constitution of the Church of Scotland, likewise published 'De Sacro Pastoris Munere Tractatus,' Lond. 1619, 8vo. Refutatio Libelli de Regimine Ecclesiæ Scoticanæ, Lond. 1620.' 8vo. and Sermons, 1623, 8vo. Catechismus, Edin. 1581. vide Catechismus. Vita et Palinodia, 1620. vide MELVIN, A. ADANSON, Michael. Voyage to Senegal, the Isle of Goree, and the River Gambia. Translated from the French. London, 1759. 8vo. 6s. An interesting work, chiefly relating to conchology, reprinted in vol. xvi. of Pinkerton's Collection of Voyages and Travels. Fonthill Library, 2851. 16s. ADDINGTON, Stephen, D.D. A Dissertation on the religious knowledge of the ancient Jews and Patriarchs; to which is added, a Specordance. Lond. 1757. 4to. 3s. 6d. cimen of Greek and English Con This work, written by a dissenting minister of considerable learning, contains, according to Orme, some sensible reasoning and biblical illustration. He likewise published The Life of St. Paul,' 1784, 8s. 6d. and several other works. ADDINGTON, Sir William. An Abridgement of Penal Statutes. The fourth edition, with Additions. By Sir William Addington. To which is added a Continuation of the Statutes to the 51st. Geo. III. London, 1812. 4to. 21. 2s. The former editions of this work appeared 1775. 1786. 1795. ADDISON, Joseph. The Works. edited by Tickell. Lond. 1721, 4to. 4 vols. with portrait and plates. Roxburghe, 6958, 21. 4s. Marquis of Townshend, 127, 34. Large Paper, Willett, The Works. Birmingham, 68, 41. of Saint Andrews, The Recantation | 1761, 4to. 4 vols. with portrait and plates, by Grignion after Hayman. A beautiful and esteemed edition. Copies of this as well as the other works, printed by Baskerville, are seldom found free from stains. Roxburghe, 6960, 5. 15s. 6d. Willett, 69, 64. 12s. 6d. Heath, 1666, 6. 15s. Drury, 131, 74. Marq. of Townshend, 129, morocco, 8. 8s. Baker, 141, with plates, proofs and etchings, 91. 5s. Williams, 105, morocco, by Derome, 14/. 14s. ADDISON, Joseph. The Works. Lond. 1804. 8vo. 6 vols. Large paper. Sotheby's in 1820, 21. 8s. Earl of Kerry, 626, russia 4/. 4s. - The Works. A new edition, with Notes by Richard Hurd, Lord Bishop of Worcester. Lond. 1811. 8vo. 6 vols. with portrait, 31. 12s. Large Paper, 51. 8s. Dr. Johnson observed of Addison. 'Whoever wishes to attain an English style, familiar but not coarse, and elegant but not ostentatious, must give his days and nights to the volumes of Addison.' -The Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose, and Remarks on several parts of Italy, &c. in 1701, 1702, 1703, with Life by Tickell. London, 1765. 8vo. 4 vols. with portrait. Grave, No. 2, 21. 10s. Roscoe, 1407, 34. 11s. Frequently reprinted in 12mo. Evidences of the Christian Religion, with Notes, by G. Seigneux de Correvon, translated by Purdy. London, 1807. 8vo. 7s. This valuable posthumous treatise, much esteemed both at home and abroad, has teen frequently reprinted, and is inserted by Bishop Watson in his Collection of Theological Tracts. - Dialogues upon the Usefulness of Ancient Medals, especially in Relation to the Latin and Greek Poets. London, 1726. 12mo. 3s. Addisoniana. Lond. 1824. 12mo. 2 vols. 10s. 6d. A collection of anecdotes and facts con nected with the life, times, and contempora ries of this celebrated writer. ADDISON, D.D. Lancelot, West Barbary; a short Narrative of the Revolutions of Morocco and Fez, with their Customs, Oxf. 1671. 8vo. learned divine the father of Joseph Addison, likewise published a life of Mahomet, an account of the Jews, &c. which are held in some estimation. Addition to the Sea Journall; or Navigation of the Hollanders into Java, with a Vocabulary of Words used at St. Laurence. Imprinted by Wolfe, 1598. 4to. Black letter, with cuts. Jadis, 267. 37. 19s. Addresses.-The genuine rejected Addresses, presented to the Committee of Management for Drury Lane Theatre; preceded by that written by Lord Byron, and adopted by the Committee. London, 1812. 8vo. 4s. Rejected Addresses; or the New Theatrum Poetarum. Lond. 1812. 12mo. 5s. A jeu d'esprit, by Horace and James Smith, comprising a number of parodies on living poets, executed with great humour, It has been discrimination, and good taste. frequently reprinted. ADDY, William. Stenographia, or the Art of Short Writing, completed in a far more compendious method than any yet extant. London, 1695. 8vo. with portrait, by J. Sturt, 5s. More remarkable for the accuracy and elegance of its graphical execution, than for any considerable improvement in the art. ADLERFELD, Gustavus. Mili tary Memoirs of Charles XII. King of Sweden. London, 1740. 8vo. 3 vols. with plans of the battles and sieges, 12s. Written with great fidelity by the gentleman of the bedchamber to Charles XII. Admiralty.-Laws, Ordinances, and Institutions of the Admiralty of Great Britain, Civil and Military. London, 1746, or 1767. 8vo. 2 vols. 12s. Statutes relating to the Admiralty, Navy, and Ships of War, &c. Lond. 1768, 4to. 10s. The edition of 1742 or 1755, 5s. Admonition, A faithful, of a certain true Pastor or Prophete, sent into the Germanes at such time as certain great Princes went about to bryng Alienes into Germany, and |