BAN 1811, by John Bidlake. 1812, by Richard Mant. 1813, by John Collinson. 1814, by William Van Mildert. 1815, by Reginald Heber. 1816, by John Hume Spry. 1817, by John Miler. 1818, by Charles Abel Moysey. 1819, by Hector Davies Morgan. 1820, by Godfrey Faussett. 1821, by John Jones. 1822, by Richard Whately. 1823, by Charles Goddard. Banbury, The Shepherd of. Rules to know of the Change of the Weather. By John Claridge. London, 1744. Svo. 3s. 6d. A small work of great popularity among the lower orders of the people, said to have been written by John Campbell, LL.D. Reprinted 1827. 8vo. BANCKS, J. Miscellaneous Works in Verse and Prose. London, 1738-9, 8vo. 2 vols. with plates after Hogarth 5s. BANCROFT, Edward, M. D. Essay on the natural History of Guiana, in South America. London, 1769. 8vo. with a plate. 5s. Besides natural history, this work may be consulted with advantage on the manners, &c. of the natives. Heath, 2753, 7s. 6d. Willet, 61, 15s. for the Presbyteriall Discipline. London, 1593. 4to. Prefixed are An Advertisement to the Reader. The Contents.' Then a collection of sentences from the scriptures and the fathers. 183 pp. White Knights, 848, Sotheby's in 1824, 21. 6s. Reprinted 1640. 4to. Bindley, pt. i. 1092, 5s. 6d. 14. 4s. BANCROFT, Thos. Two Bookes of Epigrammes and Epitaphs. (481 in number.) London, 1639. 4to. Contains pp. 86. A copious account of this volume will be found in the Restituta, ii. 490-6. Nassau, pt. i. 374, mor. I. 11s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 399, 24. Inglis, 139, mor. 21. 19s. Roxburghe, 3375, 31. 3s. Towneley, pt. i. 391, 4l. 14s. 6d. Strettell, 363, mor. 44. 15s. Bindley, pt. i. 744, 41. 17s. Lloyd, 226, 10l. 10s. Bibl. AngloPoet. 80, 201. Glutton's Feavers. London, 1817. 4to. Presented to the members of the Rox burghe Club, by J. D. Phelps, Esq. Dent, pt. ii. 1204, 12s. 1626, 17. 10s. Boswell, 3037, 41. Bindley, Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. pt. iii. 1796, 97. 11s. 6d. Heroical Lover. Lond, 1658. Reed, 6554. 11. 10s. 6d. BANDELLO, Matteo. La prima, la seconda, la terza, e la quarta Parte del Novelle del Bandello. Londra per S. Harding, 1740. 4to. 4 vols in 3. An elegant reprint of the edition of Lucca 1554 and Lione 1573, parte i. 368 leaves; Experimental Researches concerning the Philosophy of per-parte ii 391 leaves, including one containmanent Colours, and the best Means of producing them by Dyeing, Calico Printing, &c. London, 1813, 8vo. 2 vols. The most scientific work on the subject. The first edition of vol. i. 1794, is now of little value. - Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury. Survay of the pretended holy Discipline. London, 1593. 4to. 15s. Prefixed is an epistle to the reader, contents, &c. 464 pp. and the errata. Reprinted 1663. 4to. From this and the following work much information respecting the Puritans may be obtained. - Daungerous Positions and Proceedings, published and practised within this Iland of Brytaine, vnder Pretence of Reformation, and ing the register; parte iii. 231 leaves; parte iv. 132 leaves, and 4 of introductory matter, including the title. A copy on LARGE PAPER at the sale of the Mac Carthy library produced 326fr. -The tragical Historye of Romeus and Juliet written first in Italian by Bandell, and nowe in Englishe by Ar.[thur] Br.[oke] London, by Richard Tottill, 1562 4to. Black letter. In fours extends to fo. 84, besides four leaves of introduction. This edition, with the title of 1587, is reprinted in Malone's Supplement to Shakespeare 1780; of which reprint about 12 copies were taken off, with new paging, for private distribution. In the British Bibliographer to the edition of 1562, omitted in that of (vol. ii. 113-16) will be found the preface 1587, and also in Malone's reprint. BANDELLO, Matteo. Another edition. London, by Rob. Robinson, 1587. 4to. A most lamentable and tragical Historie, which a Spanishe Gentlewoman named Violenta executed upon her Louer Didaco, because he espoused another beying first betrothed vnter her. Newly translated into English Meeter, by T. A. (Thomas Acheley.) London, by John Charlewood for Thomas Butter, 1576. 12mo. Black letter. Not noticed by Ames or Herbert. It is mentioned by Ritson in his Bibliographia Poetica, under Thomas Acheley. A copy was sold at Steevens' sale No. 1102 with other articles. BANDINEL, Bulkley, D. D. Catalogue of Books relating to British Topography, and Saxon and Northern Literature, bequeathed to the Bodleian Library by Richard Gough. Oxford, 1814. 4to. PP. 459, 11. 11s. 6d. Bankes Bay Horse in a Trance. See Marocus Extaticus. BANKS, John. Critical Review of the Life of Oliver Cromwell. Lond. 1760. 12mo. with port. 4s. Upon the whole an impartial work, often reprinted. -Sir Joseph, Bart. Catalogus Bibliothecæ historico-naturalis Jo sephi Banks, Baroneti, &c. Auctore Jona Dryander. Londini, 17981800. 8vo. 5 vols. An excellent and admirably arranged catalogue, certainly the most comprehensive of the kind ever published. It contains a collation of all the articles in the library, and is illustrated with much curious and important information. 250 copies printed. Vol. i. pp. vii. and 309, and index. Vol. ii. pp. xx. 578, and index. Vol. iii. pp. xxiii. 656, and index. Vol. iv. pp. ix. and 390. Vol. v. pp. 531. Dibdin, 20, 54. 12s. 6d. Bindley, pt. i. 993, 5. 17s. Thomas, C. Dormant ard the Norman Conquest to year 1809. Extinct Baronage of England, from London, 1807—9. 4to. 3 vols. A work of no merit. The greater part Baronage, but as many of that writer's most important statements, and all his references The most complete catalogue of English topography extant. BANIER, Abbe Antoine. My-of its contents was copied from Dugdale's thology and Fables of the Ancients explained from History. London, 1739, 1740. 8vo. 4 vols. 1. 4s. A work containing an immense store of important information. Williams, 140, morocco, 41. BANISTER, John. Historie of Man sucked from the Sap of the most approved Anatomists, &c. London, by John Daye, 1578. folio. Black letter, with cuts. Horne Tooke, 38, 14s. Banister likewise published several other chirurgical works. BANISTER, John, and Thomas Low. New Ayres and Dialogues composed for Voices and Viols of two, three, and four Parts: together with Lessons for Viols or Violins. London, 1678. 8vo. to his authorities are omitted, it is of infinitely less value. The account of titles created since Dugdale wrote, is chiefly taken from Collins. An appendix is annexed to the Stemmata Anglicana. Brockett, 466, 3l. 4s. Duke of York, 488, 3. 11s. -LARGE PAPER, 5l. 5s. Genealogical and biographical History of the dormant and extinct Peerage of England, from the Norman Conquest; including the Regal Families anterior to the House of Brunswick. Lond. 1812. 8vo. Vol. i. 10s. This volume is the only one which appeared of an intended new edition in six octavo volumes, of the Dormant and Extinct Baronage. It commences (p. 1 to 145) with a genealogical account of the Extinct BANKES, Henry. Civil and con- Royal Families of England, which is a stitutional History of Rome, from useful compilation from Sandford, and other its Foundation to the Age of Au-markable for accuracy or research. The expensive works, though by no means regustus. London, 1818. 8vo. 2 vols. An excellent article on the early History of Rome, with a notice of this work, will be found in the Quarterly Review xxvii. 273308. Drury, 319, extra bound, 11. 4s. LARGE PAPER, Combe, 99, bds. 18s. titles of Peerage treated of, extend in alphabetical order from Abergavenny to Banbury, (p. 148 to the end,) and present the best of the various specimens of the author's genealogical abilities. The elaborate notice of the singular claim to the Banbury Peerage would alone render this volume of some value, as the printed cases, whence it was compiled, may not be easily procured.' BANKS, Thomas C. Stemmata Anglicana; or, a miscellaneous Collection of Genealogy. London, 1825. 4to. 31. 3s. This volume commences with a treatise of little merit on the various dignities of Peerage, and the manner of establishing claims to them. The only valuable part of the work is that entitled "Barones Rejecti," being an account of individuals who appear to have held the rank of Barons, but who are not noticed by other writers, which in many instances exhibit proofs of considerable research. The History of Extinct Royal Families, p. 296 to 456, is a literal reprint of what appeared in the volume last mentioned. The appendix contains "Additions and Emendations to the author's Dormant and Extinct Baronage, with In dexes," but it is not deserving of much attention, the corrections being very few, and the indexes extremely bad. LARGE PAPER, 51. 5s. Some copies are entitled 'A genealogical History of divers Families of the ancient Peerage of England.' 1826. History of the ancient noble Family of Marmyun; their office of King's Champion, &c. Lond. 1817. 8vo. 10s. 6d. 4to. 1. 1s. A very imperfect work. Mr. Banks is the author of some other publications of a similar nature, but they are unworthy of being particularly mentioned. BANNATYNE, Richard. Journal of the Transactions in Scotland, during the Contest between the Adherents of Queen Mary and those of her Son in 1570-71-72-73. Edinb. 1806. 8vo. 12s. Bannatyne was secretary to John Knox. Bannatyne MS. Ancient Scottish Poems. Published from the MS. of George Bannatyne, 1568. Edinb. 1770.12mo. 4s. Edited by Sir David Dalrymple, afterwards Lord Hailes. Heath, 1879, 10s. 6d. Roxburghe, 3195, 12s. Strettell, 1006, russia, 17s. A reprint, Leeds, 1815. 8vo. Two hundred copies printed on common paper; and thirty-one on coloured paper. Banquett of Dainties; for all suche Gestes that loue moderatt Dyate. London, by Tho. Hacket, 1566. 8vo. Black letter, contains pp. 42. This poetical banquet is not noticed by Ames, Herbert, or Dr. Dibdin, but an account from an imperfect copy will be found in the Censura Literaria vol. vii. 55-7. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 42, morocco, (title MS.) 10. 10s. re-sold by Saunders in 1818, 61. 16s. 6d. Satire on the Pride and Vices of BANSLEY, Charles. Rhyming Women now a Days. London by Thomas Raynalde (about 1540) 4to. Black letter, commencing, 'Bo peep, what have we spied.' zandi, Matrimonium celebrandi, Baptism. Sacra Institutio BaptiInfermos ungendi, Mortuos sepeliendi, acalii nonnulli Ritus Ecclesiastici, juxta usum insignis Ecclesiæ Sarisburiensis. Duaci, 1604. 4to. 10s. 6d. - Of Baptisme, 1646. See LAWRENCE, Henry. Ordo Baptizandi, aliaque Sacramenta administrandi, et Officia quædam Ecclesiastica rite paragendi, Jussu Pauli V. pro Anglia, Hibernia et Scotia. Paris, 1657. 12mo. 7s. Ordo Baptizandi aliaque Sacramenta administrandi, &c. pro Anglia, Hibernia et Scotia. Lond. 1686. 12mo. 10s. This book was printed by the special command of James II. in order to form the standard of what he considered the true Catholic religion in this country. Baratariana; a Collection of Pieces, published during the Administration of Lord Townshend in Ireland, with Supplement. Dublin, 1772-3. 8vo. 3 vols. in 2, with plates. Nassau, pt. i. 109, 8s. Garrick, 106, 9s. Travels BARATTI, Giacomo. into the remote countries of the Abissins or Ethiopia interior, translated by G. D. Lond. 1670. 12mo. Constable, 39, 6s. 6d. Heath, 2699, 8s. BARBA, Alvarez Alonzo. Art of Metals, translated by Edward Montagu, Earl of Sandwich, London, 1674. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Reprinted in A Collection of valuable Treatises upon Metals, Mines, and Minerals.' 1740. 12mo. The sale of Barba's book was prohibited in Spain, under the penalty of the Inquisition. P -Three Miseries of Barbary : Plague, Famine, ciuill Warre. With a Relation of the Death of Mahamet the late Emperour: and a briefe Report of the now present Wars betweene the three Brothers. London. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. Late Newes out of Barbary. London, 1613. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. -Voyage to Barbary, for the Redemption of Captives in 1720, by the Mathurin-Trinitarian Fathers, 1735. 8vo. With map and plates, 7s. Several Voyages to Barbary, with Notes, historical and critical. The second Edition corrected. London, 1736. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Contains, pp. 146, with Contents. Also Appendix, pp. 158, with six Maps, &c. designed by Captain Henry Boyde. BARBAULD, Anna Letitia. Selections from the Spectator, Tatler, Guardian and Freeholder. With a preliminary Essay. Lond. 1804. 12mo. 3 vols. 9s. An excellent selection. Anna Letitia. Poetical Works, the Correspondence and other Prose Pieces, with a Memoir. By Lucy Aikin. Lond. 1826. 8vo. 2 vols. 24s. BARBER, J. T. Tour through South Wales and Monmouthshire. London, 1803. 8vo. 15s. This work is chiefly picturesque, and descriptive of manners. It contains pp. 359, with a Map and twenty Views, engraved from drawings, by the author. Fonthill, 2799, PROOFS, 11. 12s. Copies are printed in an inferior manner, without plates. BARBER, William. Farm Buildings; or, Rural Economy. Lond. 1805, 4to. with six plates, 10s. 6d. Barber likewise published a Description of the Mode of Building in Pisé. 1806. 4to. BARBERINUS, Maffæus, i. e. Urban viii. Poemata, cum Vita Auctoris et Annotationibus adjectis, edidit Jos. Brown. Oxon. 1726. 8vo. Dent, pt. i. 179, russia, 6s. 6d.-LARGE PAPER. Williams, 141, morocco, 11. BARBIER, John. Janua Linguarum quadrilinguis, or a Messe of Tongues, Latine, English, French and Spanish. Londini, 1617. 4to. Inglis, 523, morocco, 31. 3s. Jos. Game of Chesse-play, being a princely Exercise, whereby the Learner may profit more by reading of this small Book, than by playing of a thousand Mates. London, 1672. 12mo. with wood cuts. pt. i. 287, 18s. Marq. of Townshend, 85, A Treatise of no merit. Towneley, 18s. 6d. White Knights, pt. i. 292, morocco, 11. 2s. BARBOUR, John. The Actes and Life of Robert Bruce. Edinburgh, 1620. 8vo. Black letter. pp. 444. According to Pinkerton the first edition was published in 1616. (?) Reprinted 1648, 1665, 1670, 1671, 1672, 1737, 1758. Edition 1620, Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 21, morocco, 41. 4s. -1670, Gordonstoun, 353, 12s. 6d. Roxburghe, 3242, 21. 5s.-1672, Bindley, pt. i. Towneley, pt. ii. 138, 13s. Bindley, pt. i. 56, 31. 18s.-1758, Nassau, pt. i. 376, 9s. 747, 168. BARBOUR, John. The Bruce; or the History of Robert I. King of Scotland. Written in Scottish Verse by John Barbour. The first genuine Edition, published from a MS. dated 1489; with Notes and a Glossary, by J. Pinkerton. Lond. 1790. 12mo. 3 vols. 15s. Lloyd, 51, 1. 1s. Roxburghe, 3243, 11. 75. The Bruce, published from a MS. date MCCCCLXXXIX. with Notes and a Life of the Author, by John Wallace Jamieson. Edinb. 1820. 4to. Two hundred and fifty copies printed. Brockett, 467, 21. BARBUT, James. Genera Inrectorum of Linnæus exemplified by various Specimens of English Insects, with Descriptions in English and French. London, 1781. 4to. with plates, plain 11. Is. coloured, 21. 12s. 6d. Contains pp. 371, and 22 plates.-The original drawings. Beckford, 1817, 138, morocco, 71. 17s. 6d. A very elaborate account of this elegant writer's productions is given in the xxix section of Warton's History of English - Genera Vermium, with Ex-Poetry. Further notices, &c. will also be planations in English and French. found in Bliss's Wood's A. O. i. 205-9 and London, 1783-8. 4to. Two Parts, Ellis' Specimens, i. 406—9. with plates, plain, 18s. coloured, 21.25. Part i. pp. 101, and 11 plates. (Testacea.) pp. 76, and 14 plates. John. Grammatica Latina Johannis Barkley. (Rich. Pynson, Part ii. 1516) 4to. BARCKLEY. See BARCLAY. BARCLAY, Alexander. Alex. Barkley his Figure of our Mother Holy Church, oppressed by the French King. (Rich. Pynson) 4to. From Maunsell's Catal. p. 7. Egloges of Alexader Barclay, Prest, &c. London, by Richarde Pynson, folio. Black letter. Contains 22 leaves with cuts. Dent, pt. i. 312, with the Fyfte Eglog,' printed by W. de Worde, 361, Egloges of Alex. Barclay, Priest, whereof the first three conteineth the Miseries of Courters and Courtes. London, by John Herford. 4to. Barclay his Argenis, or the Loves of Poliarchus and Argenis, translated by Kingsmill Long. London, 1625, folio. A political allegory, pronounced by the poet Cowper, the most amusing romance ever written. Bindley, pt. i. 195, 5s. Robert Le Grys, Knight; the 1628, Gordonstoun, 311, 5s. 6d.-1629, Bindley, pt. i. 1088, russia, 8s. 6d. Argenis, translated by Kingsmill Long, Esq. The second edition beautified with pictures, tògether with a key præfixed to unlock the whole story. Lond. 1636, 4to. Contains A-Bbb 2, in eights. The Egloges of Alexander Barcuts are on the letter press. On the back clay, Priest. London, by Humphrey of A 4, is a portrait of Barclay. Roxburghe, Black letter. Powell (about 1548). 4to. 6087, 5s. Nassau, pt i. 378, 99. |