With portrait of Howe. The works of this eminent non-conformist divine are highly esteemed. This edition contains a number of pieces never before published. LARGE PAPER in royal 8vo.-A former edition, with life by Edmund Calamy. London, 1724. folio, 2 vols. with portrait. 27. 12s. 6d. Williams, 1043, morocco, 6l. 185. HowE, Josiah. A Sermon before the King at Ch. Ch. on Psalm 4, 7. Oxon. 1644? 4to. Printed in red letters. Thirty copies struck off. See Hearne's Rob. of Gloucester's Chronicle, vol. ii. p. 669. Michael. Michael Howe, the last and worst of the Bush Rangers of Van Diemen's Land. Narrative of the chief Atrocities committed by this great Murderer and his Associates, during a Period of six Years, in Van Diemen's Land. From authentic Sources of Information. Hobart Town, printed by Andrew Bent, 1818. 12mo. This is the greatest literary curiosity that has yet come before us-the first child of the press of a state only fifteen years! It will of course be reprinted here ;--but our copy, the copy penes nos, is a genuine Caxton, rarissimus-nay more, it hath the title-page.' See Quarterly Review, xxiii. 73-83. William. Phytologia Britannica natales exhibens indigenarum Stirpium Sponte emergentium. Lond. 1650. 8vo. other Tracts; viz. Parable reflecting upon the Times, and England's Tears for the present Warres. Printed in the Yeare 1645. Other editions. London, 1640. folio. with frontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 1965, 3s.-The second edition. London, 1644. 4to. Bindley, pt. ii. 1868, 8s. Hibbert, 4132, 2s. 6d.-Cambridge, 1645. 12mo. &c.-A tiresome and silly allegory, written in a most wretchedly bombastic style, in which the author has shadowed forth some of the principal incidents in the history of Europe, 1603-40. The Vote, or a Poem Royall presented to his Majesty for a new Years Gift. London, 1642. 4to. Instructions for forreine Travell. Lon don, 1642. 12mo. An entertaining little work, with front. by Hollar, and a portrait of Prince Charles by Glover. Inglis, 708, 11s. Bindley, pt. ii. 496, 15s. Towneley, pt. i. 386, 11s. Gordonstoun, 14s.-1650. 18mo. with frontispiece. Nassau, pt. i. 1677, 7s. See Retrospective Review, xiii. 18-30. Discourse between Patricius and Peregrine, touching the civil Wars of Ireland and England. 1643. 4to. ، Written by the author in the prison call'd the Fleet, pres sently after Edghill battel, being the first book that came forth for the vindication of his majesty.'-Ant. à Wood. England's Teares for the present Wars. London, 1644. 4to. pp. 18. with an etching by Melan et Bosse' representing a cavalier reclining against an oak. King and Lochee's in March 1810, 14s. 6d. The tract is reMiscellany, and in the fifth volume of the Somers Collection of Tracts. It was likewise translated into Latin Angliæ Suspiria et Lachrymæ.' Lond. 1646. 24mo. printed in the eighth volume of the Harleian This work contains 1220 plants. How was the first who gave a sketch of what is The Preheminence and Pedigree of Parlia called a flora. An index of plants that are inment. London, 1644. 4to. Reprinted in the the Phytologia Britannica' is annexed to fifth volume of the Somers Collection of This edition is reR. Lovel's Enchiridion Britannicum. Oxon. Tracts.-1677. 4to. 1659. 1665. printed in the first volume of Harleian Miscellany. HOWELL, James. Epistolæ HoElianæ. Familiar Letters, domestic and foreign. Lond. 1737. 8vo. Best edition. Willett, 1268, 10s. These letters relating to one of the most interesting periods of English history, the reigns of James I. and Charles I. discover a variety of literature, and abound with much entertaining and useful information. Howell was a great Traveller, an intimate friend of Jonson, and the first who bore the office of the royal historiographer.-Warton. See Retrospective Review, iv. 183-200.-There were five editions published from 1645 to 1673 inclusive, and of late years it has been several times reprinted.-1726. 8vo. Hibbert, 4049, 11s. Dodona's Grove, or the Vocall Forest. The third Edition, more exact and perfect than the former; with the Addition of two Lustra Ludovici: or, the Life of Lewis XIII. King of France and of his Cardinal de Richelieu. London, 1646. folio. Gordonstoun, 1221, 8s. 6d. Roxburghe, 8037, $s. Bella Scot-Anglica. A Brief of all the Battels and martial Encounters which have happened 'twixt England and Scotland. Load 1648. 4to. A superficial' performance 20cording to Bishop Nicolson. A perfect Description of the People and Country of Scotland. London, 1649. 40. Silly and low abuse and disgusting extre ration.-1788. 12mo. 2s. 6d. It will like wise be found in the thirteenth number of the North Briton. A Survey of the Signorie of Venice. London, 1651. folio. Marquis of Town hend, 1907, 6s. Bindley, pt. i. 2054 10 The wonderful and deplorable History of the latter Times of the Jews and of the City of Jerusalem. London, 1652. 8vo. Some sober Inspections made into the Carriage and Consults of the late long Parliament, &c. London, 1653. 8vo. Dedicated to Oliver Lord Protector.-1655. 8vo. 2s. 6d. 1556. Svo. With additions. 1660. Ah, Ha; Tumulus, Thalamus: Two Counter-Poems; the first an Elegy upon Edward late Earl of Dorset. The second an Epithalamium to the L. Marquess of Dorchester; with an Hymenæum or bridal Sonnet of four Stanza's, according to a choice Air set thereunto by Mr. Will. Webb. London, 1653. 4to. A The Nuptials of Peleus and Thetis, a Masque and Comedy. London, 1654. 4to. translation from the French. Roxburghe, 5139, 9s. Rhodes, 1352, 10s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 2136, 3s. Poems upon divers emergent Occasions. London, 1644. 2vo. pp. 136. Edited by Payne Fisher. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 384, 31. 6s. Bindley, pt. ii. 476, 47. Reed, 7045, 21. 3s. An account of James Howell, and of his works, will be found in Wood's Athen. Oxon. HOWELL, John. An Essay on the War-Galleys of the Ancients. Edinb. 1826. 8vo. 5s. -Laurence, A.M. A compleat History of the Holy Bible. Lond. 1729. 8vo. 3 vols. Bindley, pt. ii. 294, 17. 1s.-1806., 12mo. 3 vols. This edition was edited by the Rev. George Burder, M. A. by whom it has been so materially corrected and improved, as almost to form a new work. Thomas. The Arbor of Amitie; wherein is composed pleasant Poems and pretie Poesies. Lond. 1568. 16mo. Pp. 104, dedicated to the Lady Anne Talbot. A copy is in the Bodleian library. Londinopolis: an historicall Discourse or Perlustration of the City of London: whereunto is added another of the City of Westminster. By Jam. Howell, Esq. London, 1657. small folio. This work is mostly taken from Stow's Survey and his continuators. Towneley, pt. ii. 856, 17. 8s. Heath, 4639, 11. 5s. Bindley, pt. i. 2056, 17. Lloyd, 811, 17. Brockett, 1583, 17. 6s. White Knights, 2175, morocco 21. 3s. Duke of York, 2692, 17. 14s. Collation.-Title, one leaf; Latin and English lines in praise of London-ercise and his Friend's Pleasure. Imprinted bridge, 2 pages; dedication, 2 pages; some by H. Jackson, 1581. 4to. advertisements to the reader, 2 pages; the chiefest materials, &c. 2 pages; the historical part, numbered 407 pages, consists but of 232 pages; the index and catalogue of the author's works, 8 pages. Pp. 91-94 numbered 81-84; immediately after p. 124 commences p. 301. pp. 351-354 are num are bered 353, 4, 5, 6. Plates. 1. A whole length portrait of the author, in a cloak. C. Melan and Bosse sculp. 2. A folded view of London, with numbered References. Lexicon tetraglotton. An English-French Italian-Spanish Dictionary. London, 1660. folio. with a frontispiece. Gordonstoun, 1160, 9s. Roxburghe, 2164, 17. 8s. Brockett, 1582, 15s. Marquis of Townshend, 1908, 9s. Hibbert, 4182, 12s. Duke of York, 2691, 15s. The Parley of Beasts or Morphandra Queen of the enchanted Island. London, 1660. folio. with front. by Gaywood and portrait of Howel. White Knights. 2176, date 1650, 19s. Nassau, pt. i. 2137, 8s. Historical Discourses of the late popular Insurrections in Great Britain and Ireland. London, 1661. 8vo. Nassau, pt. i. 1674, 4s. A Discourse concerning the Precedency of Kings. London, 1664. folio. pp. 219, with dedication to his majesty; address to the discerning reader, pp. 4; a page of civilians, &c. consulted; the analysis totius operis,' pp. 3; 'a necessary avison to the reader' one page, also a full-length port. of Howell Melan, the head of K. Charles II. by by Loggan, and others by Stent. Thomas Howell's Devises for his own Ex Howell likewise published a translation of The Fable of Ovid treting of Narcissus. 1560. - See Warton's History of English Poetry, Ritson's Bibliographia Poetica, also Brydges' Censura Literaria and British Bibliographer. M. D. Journal of a Passage from India by an unfrequented Route through Armenia and Natolia or Asia Minor. Lond. 1790. 8vo. 5s. Pp. 187, with a map. Fonthill, 2909, 12s. Drury, 1957, date 1791. 2s. 6d. William, LL.D. An Institution of general History from the Beginning of the World. Lond. 1680, &c. folio. 4 vols. - A valuable work, praised by Gibbon. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1534, date 1680, 2 vols. 17. 19s.-London, 1662. folio. 1 vol. Medulla Historiæ Anglicanæ. The ancient and present State of England. Lond. 1712. 8vo. A very concise and excellent epitome of our history. Nassau, pt. i. 1675, 4s. Roxburghe, 8369, 4s. 6d.-1719. 8vo.1766. 8vo. Nassau, pt i. 1676, 8s. Dent, pt. 1173, 6s. 6d. Hibbert, 4050, LARGE PAPER? 8s. 6d.—1679. 8vo.-1734. 8vo.1742. 8vo. HowES, Thomas. Critical Observations on Books ancient and modern. Lond. 1776. 8vo. 4 vols. Published anonymously. HOWGRAVE, Francis. An Essay on the ancient and present State of Stamford. Stamford, 1726. 4to. Reed, 4239, 8s. 6d. Dent, pt. ii. 293, russia, 7s. Nassau, pt. i. 2139, 3s. Colla tion.-Title, one leaf; dedication to the Earl of Essex, four pages; preface, 8 pages; the work, 108 pages. Man that was called Howleglas, Contains M 4 in fours. A copy is in the HOWIE, John. Biographia Sco-Roxburghe, 6381, imperfect, 147. 5s. ticana: or, a brief historical Account of the Lives, &c. of the most eminent Scots Worthies, 1503-1688. Second Edition corrected and enlarged. Glasg. 1781. 8vo. HOWLETT, John. See PARSONS or PERSONS, Robert. Bindley, pt. ii. 433, 12s. HOWISON, James, M. D. A Dictionary of the Malay Tongue as spoken in the Peninsula of Malacca, the Islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Pulo Pinang, &c. in two Parts, English and Malay, and Malay and English; to which is prefixed, a Grammar of the Malay Language. Lond. 1801. 4to. 21. 2s. A work of considerable merit. HowISON, John. Sketches of Upper Canada. Edinb. 1821. 8vo. 10s. 6d. An interesting work containing a good deal of accurate and instructive information, interesting to those who meditate emigration.'-Second Edition. Edinb. 1822. 8vo. HoWITT, Samuel. Field Sports, illustrated in 20 coloured Designs, by S. Howitt. Lond. 1807. folio. Duke of York, 2693, 31. 12s. Dent, pt. ii. 156. Bartholomew. A Selection of Views in the County of Lincoln; comprising the principal Towns and Churches, the Remains of Castles and Religious Houses, and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry; with topographical and historical Accounts of each View. The Engravings by Bartholomew Howlett. Lond. 1805. imperial 4to. Hibbert, 4133, 17. 11s. 6d. Hollis, 663, russia, 31. 4s. Duke of York, 2670, russia, 21. 12s. 6d. Nassau, pt. i. 2140, 21. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. i. 1608, 12. 6s. LARGE PAPER, with proofs before the letters. Beckford in 1817, 151, 9l. 17s. 6d. Plan and Views of the Abbey Royal of St. Denys, the ancient Mausoleum of the Kings of France, with an historical Account. Loadon, 1812. 4to. Fonthill, 1366, 17. 1s. HOWSON, John, successively Bishop of Oxford and Durham. Certaine Sermons wherein is proved that St. Peter had no monarchicall Power over the rest of the Apostles. Lond. 1622. 4to. These sermons, four in number, were commanded to be published by K. James to clear the aspersions laid upon him of favouring popery.'-Ant. à Wood. Gordonstoun, 1124, with two other sermons by Howson, 1597 and 1598. 5s. 6d. resold Bindley, pt. ii. 1866, 17. 5s. Hoy, Thomas. Two Essays: The former, Ovid de Arte Amandi, or the Arte of Love: the first Book. The latter, Hero and Leander of Musæus from the Greek. Lond. 1682. 4to. tion of Mens Wits. Englished by R. C. Esq. London, 1594. 4to. According to Wood this translation was made by Thomas Carew, though Richard's name is set to it.-London, 1596. 4to. Gordonstoun, 1199. Goldsmid, 412, 9s. Sir M. M. Sykes, pt. ii. 211, 18s.--Lond. 1604. 4to.-London, 1616. 4to. Another translation by Edw. Bellamy. L ndon, 1698. 8vo. HUASS, Mich. Inaugurationi Jacobi et Annæ Angliæ Regis et Reginæ Pæanes. Lutet. Par. 1603. 4to. A copy is in the British Museum. HUBBARD. Father Hubbard's Tales; or the Ant and the Nightingale. 1604. 4to. Black letter. Bindley, pt. iv. 722, 137. 13s. resold Perry, pt. i. 1858, 107. 5s. of William. The tragicall and lamentable Historie of two faythfull Mates Ceyx Kynge Thrachine, and Alcione his Wife, drawen into English Meeter by William Hubbard, 1569. London by W. Howe for R. Johnes. 16mo. Eight leaves, in stanzas, black letter. This story is also to be found in Golding's translation of the eleventh book of Ovid's Metamorphoses. See Warton's History of English Poetry, and Ritson's Bibliographia Poetica. William. A Narrative of the Troubles with the Indians in New England, from the first Planting thereof, in 1607 to 1677. Boston, 1677. 4to. Roxburghe, Supplement, 671, 11. 6s. Nassau, pt. i. 2141, 7s. Inglis, 756, 12s. The present State of New England. London, 1677. 4to. with a map. 10s. 6d. The Happiness of a People in the Wisdom of their Rulers directing, and in the Obedience of their Brethren attending unto what Israel ought to do. Boston, 1676. 4to. Hubbocke, Wm. An Oration gratulatorie to the high and mighty James of England &c. Oxford by Joseph Barnes, 1604. 4to. King and Lochée's in 1814, 57. 15s. 6d. Reprinted from the copy in the Bodleian Library in Nichols' Progresses of K. James. HUBER, Francis. Observations on the natural History of Bees. Translated from the Original. Lond. 1806. 12mo. 5s. 6d. Ants, translated from the French, with Notes, by J. R. Johnson, M.D. 12mo. 9s. HUBERINE, Gaspar. A rich Storehouse or Treasury for the Sicke, translated from the Dutch by Tho. Godfrie, Esq. London, 1578. 16mo. Inglis, 809, 7s. HUBERT, Conrade. Historia de Vita, Obitv, &c. D. Martini Bvceri & Pavli Fagii. Item Historia Catharinae Vermiliae, D. Petri Martyris Vermilij Conjugis, exhumatæ, ejusdemq; ad honestam Sepulturam restitutæ. Argent. 1562. 8vo. 7s. 6d. A copy is in the British Museum. The pieces contained in the volume were sent over to the editor, Conrade Hubert, who had been one of Bucer's chief friends and Grindal. acquaintances at Cambridge, by Archbishop Sir Francis, Knt. The Historie of Edward the Second, surnamed Carnarvan, one of our English Kings: together with the fatall Downfall of his two vnfortunate Favorites Gaveston and Spencer. London, 1629. small 8vo. An epic poem by no means contemptible either in plan or execution. A-M, in eights, excepting A, which, with the portrait, consists of 7 leaves and M, four leaves. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 555. Lloyd, 673, 18s. Nassau, pt. i. 1679, 17. 18s. Jadis, 31, morocco, 17. 15s. Hibbert, 4056, morocco, 17. 1s.— London, 1628. small 8vo. pp. 150. A spurious edition. Bibl. Anglo-Poet. 927, 21. Boswell, 1453, 17. 3s. Steevens, 909, 18s.London, 1721. 8vo. 3s. 6d. Sotheby's in 1821, 15s. 6d. A curious letter on this author and the poem will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for 1824. 17. 16s. -Robert. A Catalogue of many natural Rarieties, with great Industry, Cost and thirty Years Travel in foraign Countries, collected by Robert Hubert, alias Forges, Gent. London, 1664. 12mo. Pp. 76, not including title. 'These rarieties are dayly to be seen, at the place called the Musick House, at the Miter, near the P. The natural History of west end of St. Paul's Church.' Salamagundi; a miscellaneous Combination of original Poetry. London, 1791. 4to. Roxburghe, 3500, 6s. Topsy Turvy, with Anecdotes and Observations illustrative of leading Characters in the present Government of France. London, 1793. 8vo. Roxburghe, 3501, 2s. 6d. The wiccamical Chaplet, a Selection of original Poetry. London, 1804, crown 8vo. Roxburghe, 3503, 2s. Les Champignons du Diable; or imperial Mushrooms, a mock-heroic Poem, with Notes. London, 1805. crown 8vo. 4s. - William. Catalogus Librorum manuscriptorum Viri clarissimi Antonii a Wood. Oxford, 1761. 8vo. Pp. 88, including the title-page and dedication. Boswell, 1454, 10s. Hudibras. suprà Terras Americanas. Amst. 1612. 4to. 21. 2s. The following is the title of this curious work: Descriptio ac Delineatio geographica Detectionis Freti, sive, Transitvs ad Occasum, Iaponem ducturi, recens investigati ab M. suprà Terras Americanas, in Chinam atq; Henrico Hudsono Anglo. Item Narratio Sermo, Regi Hispaniæ facta, super Tractu, in quinta Orbis Terrarum Parte, cui Avstrialiæ incognitæ Nomen est, recens detecto, per Vnà cum Descriptione Terræ Samojedarvin & Tingoesiorvm, in Tartaria ad Ortum Freti Waygats sitæ, nuperq; ¡Imperio MusAmsterodami, 1612. covitarum subactæ. Capitaneum Petrum Ferdinandez de Quir. Collation.-A, 6 leaves, B-E, in fours, F, one leaf. Maps.-1. Tabvla navtica a H. Hudsono indagata Anno 1612. After the prolegomena. 2. A Map of the two Hemispheres, in which is delineated Terra per Petrum Fernandez de Quir recens detecta.' Before B 2. 3. Caerte van't Noor derste Russen, Samojeden, ende Turgoesen landt: alsoo dat vande Russen afghetekent, en door Isaac Massa vartaelt is. Before D 3. On the back of the title is a wood cut of a ship, and on the back of C 2 is another of a man on a sledge, drawn by rein-deer.Amterodami, 1613. 4to. Collation.—A-D, and F, in fours, E three leaves. D 2 is erroneously marked B 2. The plates and wood cuts are the same as in the edition of 1612, with an additional wood cut on F 4, Vera effigiem Balenarum exhibemus,' &c. Copies of both editions are in the British Museum. Jeffery. The New-yeeres Gift: presented at Court, from the An article on the various imitations of But-Lady Parvula to the Lord Minimus, ler's Hudibras will be found in the Retrospective Review, iii. 317-35. (commonly called Little Jefferie) her Majesties Servant, with a Letter as it was penned in Short-hand: whereThe Dutch Hudibras see Hogan-Moga-in is proved little Things are better nides. The Scotch Hudibras see COLVIL, Samuel. The Irish Hudibras see FAREWELL, James. MOFFET, William. The British Hudibras see WARD, Edw. Butler's Ghost; or, Hudibras the fourth Part. See D'UFREY, Thomas. Hudibras redivivus see WARD, Edw. HUDLESTON, Richard. A short and plain Way to Faith and the Church. Lond. 1688. 4to. 3s. 6d. With two papers found in K. Charles the Second's closet, and an account of what occurred on his death-bed. HUDSON, Henry. Descriptio ac Delineatio geographica Detectionis then Great. Written by Microphilvs. London, 1636. 12mo. Pp. 116, besides title, to the reader, and poems, 5 leaves. Prefixed to some copies is a portrait of the dwarf, a small whole length by J. Dr(oeshout). Nassau, pt. i. 2425, 21. 2s. Bindley, pt. iv. 457, 41. 48. North. pt. iii. 489, with a fac-simile of the portrait, 7s. Roxburghe 1386, no portrait, és éd. Lloyd, 860, morocco, 121. 1s. 6d. LARGE PAPER. Nassau, pt. i. 2424, supposed unique, said to be bound in a piece of K. Charles the First's waistcoat, Towneley, pt. i. 559, 147. 14s. Perry, pt. iv. 518, 81. 8s. -John, D.D. Introductio ad Freti, sive, Transitvs ad Occasum, Chronographiam: sive Ars chro |