loop, 5 chain, 9 long, 3 chain, repeat from 1st* to,* 5 times, making 3 chain the last time instead of 6, 9 long, 5 chain, 2 long into centre loop of 5 chain, 5 chain, 2 long into same loop, 5 chain, repeat from beginning. 15th Row. Same shade, 13 long, the 1st into the 2nd loop beyond the 11 long in last row at the side,* 6 chain, 1 long on long, 1 long on long, repeat from,* 10 times more, 6 chain, 13 long, the 1st on 1st long, 5 chain, 2 long into centre loop of 5 chain, 5 chain, 2 more long into the same, 5 chain, 13 long, the 1st into the 2nd loop from the 11 long, repeat from 1st* to,* 5 times more, 6 chain, 13 long, the 1st on next long, 5 chain, 2 long into the centre loop of the 5 chain, 5 chain, repeat from beginning. 16th Row. Next shade, 15 long, the 1st into the 2nd loop beyond the 13 long, 5 chain, De under both chains, 3 chain,* 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long into next loop, 3 chain, De under both chains, 3 chain, repeat from,* 10 times more, 5 chain, 15 long, the 1st on next long, 5 chain, repeat at corners as in last row, 5 chain, 15 long, the 1st into 2nd loop, from the 13 long, 5 chain, De under both chains, 3 chain, repeat from 1st* to,* 5 times more, 5 chain, 15 long, the 1st on next long, 5 chain, repeat as at last corner, 5 chain, repeat from beginning. 17th Row. Same shade, 17 long arranged as in last row,* 6 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long on long, repeat from, 10 times more, 6 chain, 17 long, the 1st on 1st long, 5 chain, work as in last row at the corner, 5 chain, 17 long, 6 chain, repeat from 1st* to,* 5 times, 6 chain, 17 long, 5 chain, work at corner as before, 5 chain, repeat from beginning. 18th Row. Next shade, 19 long, the 1st into the 2nd loop beyond the 17 long,* 6 chain, 1 long on long, 1 long on long, repeat from,* 10 times more, 6 chain, 19 long, the 1st on next long, 5 chain, work at the corner same as last row, 5 chain, 19 long, repeat from 1st* to,* 5 times, 6 chain, 19 long, the 1st on next long, 5 chain, work as at last corner, 5 chain, repeat from beginning. 19th Row. Same Shade, 21 long, the 1st into the 2nd loop beyond the 19 long at the side,* 3 chain, De under both chains, 3 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long on long, repeat from,* 10 times, 3 chain, De under both chains, 3 chain, 21 long, the 1st on 1st long, 3 chain, work at corner as in last row, 3 chain, 21 long, repeat from 1st* to,* 5 times, 3 chain, De under both chains, 3 chain, 21 long, 3 chain, work at corners same as last row, 3 chain, repeat from beginning. 20th Row. Now reverse the shades taking the next shade lighter, working a row of each shade, 23 long arranged as in last row, then continue as in 17th row, making 23 long into every corner, and working at the extreme corner as in 19th row. 21st Row. Commence on the 1st of the 23 long round the corner, * 2 long 2 chain, miss 2 loops, repeat from,* 7 times, 2 chain, 3 long into centre loop of 5, 5 chain, 3 long into same loop, 2 chain, then repeat from 1st* to,* then 6 chain, and work at 18th row till the long stitches, when repeat from beginning. 22nd Row. Commence at the corner, 3 long into the centre loop of the 5 chain, 7 chain, 3 long into same loop,* 2 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, repeat from,* 7 times more, 3 chain,† De under both chains, 3 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, repeat from, † 10 times more, 3 chain, De under both chains, 3 chain, 2 long, the 1st into the 2nd loop from the 2 long in last row,§ 2 chain, miss 2 loops, 2 long, repeat from,§ 6 times more, 2 chain, repeat from beginning. 23rd Row.-3 long into the centre loop of the 7 chain at the corners, 7 chain, 3 long into same loop,* 2 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, repeat from,* 7 times more, 6 chain,† 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long on long, 6 chain, repeat from,† 10 times more, 6 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, repeat. 24th Row.-3 long into centre loop of 7 chain, 7 chain, 3 long into same loop, * 2 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, repeat from,* 7 times more, then 2 chain, 2 long into the 1st 2 loops of the 6 chain, 6 chain,† 1 long on long, 1 long on long, 6 chain, repeat from,† 10 times more, 2 long into the last 2 loops of the 6 chain, repeat from 1st* to* again, then work at corner as before, then repeat from 1st.* 25th Row.-3 long into the centre loop of the 7 chain, 7 chain, 3 more long into same,* 2 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, repeat from,* 8 times more, 6 chain, De under both chains, † 3 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, De under both chains, repeat from,† 10 times more, 6 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, 2 chain, repeat till the corner, when work as | at last corner. 26th Row. 4 long into centre loop of the 7 chain, 7 chain, 4 more long into the same, 2 chain,* 2 long into the 2 chain, 2 chain, repeat from,* 8 times more, then 2 long into the 1st 2 loops of the 6 chain, 6 chain,† 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long on long, 6 chain, repeat from,† 10 times more, then 2 long into the last 2 loops of the 6 chain, 2 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, continue. 27th Row. 4 long into the centre loop of the 7 chain, 7 chain, 4 long into same loop,* 2 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, repeat from,* 9 times more,† 6 chain, 1 long on long, 1 long on long, repeat from,† 10 times more, 6 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, 2 chain, continue. 28th Row. Lightest shade, 4 long into the centre loop of the 7 chain, 7 chain, 4 more long into same loop, 2 chain,* 2 long into the 2 chain, 2 chain, repeat from,* 9 times more, 2 long into the last 2 loops of the 6 chain, 3 chain De under both chains,† 3 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, 1 long on long, 3 chain, De under both chains, repeat from,† 10 times, 3 chain, 2 long into the last 2 loops of the 6 chain, 2 chain, 2 long into the 2 chain, continue. 1 29th Row. Drab cotton, De under the 7 chain, 9 chain, De under the same, ne, 11 chain, De under same, 9 chain, De under same, 7 chain, De under 1st 2 chain, 5 chain,* De under next 2 chain, 9 chain, De under same, 11 chain, De under same, 9 chain, miss a chain of 2, repeat from,* 4 times more, 7 chain, De under 3 chain,† 7 chain, De under the 3 chain between the 2 long stitches, 9 chain, De under same, 11 chain, De under same, 9 chain, De under same repeat from,† 10 times more, 7 chain, De under 3 chain,§ 7 chain, miss 1 chain of 2, De under next, 9 chain, De under same, 11 chain, De under same, 9 chain, De under same, repeat from, § 4 times more, 5 chain, De under next 2 chain, 7 chain, repeat from beginning. 30th Row. Cotton, commence at the corner, De into the centre loop of the 9 chain, 7 chain, De into the 11, 7 chain, De into the 9, 7 chain, De on Do, 5 chain, De into the 9, 5 chain, De into the 11, 5 chain, De into the 9,* 3 chain, De into the 9, 5 chain, De into the 11, 5 chain, De into the 9, repeat from,* 3 times more, 5 chain, De on De, 5 chain, De into the 9, 5 chain, De into the 11, 5 chain, De into the 9, 3 chain, repeat from,† 10 times more, 5 chain, De on Do, 5 chain,§ De into the 9,5 chain, De into the 11, 5 chain, De into the 7, 3 chain, repeat from,§ 4 times more, 5 chain, De on Do, 7 chain, continue from beginning. Damp and press and tie a Bullion Tassel at each corner, straining the corners over the Frame of the Stool. BABY! A Rhapsody. LAUGH! laugh again! With peeping fays That lurk to listen: For where is a sound like the laugh of a child ! THERE is nothing so pitiable as a motiveless man: a machine -unpatented: the reflex of a circle: the photograph of a class: whose greatest exploit is to supersede "Dummy" at Whist, whose greatest convenience is that he can fill a spare seat in a |