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4th, continue from** till the corner, where net as at the other corner, then continue along the end and side the same as the one just netted. With steel mesh net 4 rows all round, making 2 diamonds, cut off the cotton, tie the cotton into the loops immediately over the colored mark, net 9 stitches, turn over the netting on the other side, miss 1 loop, net 8, continue turning at every row, and missing 1 loop at the beginning of every row only, till the 10 long loops come to a point with 1 stitch, net over the other 10 loops the same, then with No. 12, Boars' Head, darn the pattern as in Engraving, whether netted with knitting cotton or Boars' Head. The size of this Doyley without the border will be 13 inches long, 9 inches wide at the widest part: if required smaller, use a smaller mesh and finer cotton, or if larger, the reverse.



No 8, Boars' Head. No. 16, Steel Pins.

1st Row.-Cast on 26 stitches for each pattern. 10 patterns will be required, then cast on 8 extra for the symmetry of the pattern, which 8 are included in the directions given, also 8 additional for the edges, 4 on each side which must always be knitted plain, and which are not given in the directions.

2nd Row.-Knit 2 plain rows.

3rd Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together.

4th Row.-Pearl.

5th Row.-Like 3rd row.

6th Row.-Pearl.

7th Row.-Knit from 3rd to 6th row again.

11th Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together, 7 times, knit 12, repeat. End with thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times. 12th Row.-Pearl.

13th Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together 6 times, knit 14, repeat. End with thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times. 14th Row.-Pearl.

15th Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together, 5 times, knit 14, thread forward, knit 2 together, 6 times, repeat_from.* End with thread forward, knit 2 together, 5 times.

16th Row.-Pearl.

17th Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times,* knit 14, thread forward, knit 2 together, 6 times, repeat from.* End with thread forward, knit 2 together, 6 times.

18th Row.-Pearl.

19th Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times, knit 16, thread forward, knit 2 together, 5 times, repeat from.* End with thread forward, knit 2 together, 5 times.

20th Row.-Pearl.

21st Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times, knit 8, thread forward, knit 2 together, knit 8, thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times repeat from.* End with thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times.

22nd Row.-Pearl.

23rd Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times, knit 10, thread forward, knit 2 together, knit 6, repeat. End with Thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times.

24th Row.-Pearl.


25th Row. Thread forward, knit 2 together, 5 times,* knit 8, thread forward, knit 2 together, knit 6, thread forward, knit 2 together, 5 times, repeat from.* End with thread forward, knit 2 together, 4 times.

26th Row.-Pearl. Now repeat from the 11th row.



This Cloth can be made of any length or width, or adapted for any Table, by simply making the stripes a sufficient length, bearing in mind that the foundation chain, for any purpose to be worked in lengths, should measure from a quarter to half yard longer than is requisite. The peculiar characteristic of most Indian work is here endeavoured to be imitated both in tint and execution, the centre of each stripe, appearing like strips of leopard skin, with colored embroidery round, each stripe being united together by Gold color Silk, giving to the whole a richness and unique appearance widely differing from the usual Crochet covering.


De means Double Crochet. 12 skeins of coarse Orange Purse Silk. Wools all 4 Thread Berlin;-1 oz. Black, 14 oz. of Bright Emerald Green, 50 skeins of a Gold Brown, 10 skeins of very dark Brown almost Black, 4 skeins of Brown being 3 very distinct shades lighter, 8 skeins of Yellow Buff or Apricot color, 1 oz. each of Scarlet, Blue and Green shaded Wool; oz. of plain Blue, bright tint, 1 oz. plain Scarlet.

1st Row. With Gold Brown, make a chain a yard and quarter in length, turn back, and work a row of long stitches, 1 into every loop, cut off the Wool about 2 inches in length, and commence at the other end.

2nd Row. This row to the 10th and including the 10th all in De. With Gold Brown, 12 De stitches, in making these, when 11 perfect De stitches appear, then take up the darkest Brown, carry on the Gold Brown between the dark Brown, then make 3 perfect De stitches with the darkest Brown, there will now be 12 Gold Brown, and 4 dark Brown, the half stitch on the Hook after each color, making the perfect number. At the termination of this row weave the end of Wool in last row into the last stitch of this.

3rd Row. Same color, tie the dark Brown on to the end of Wool that the last row was commenced with,* 3 Brown, 5 Gold, 1 Brown, 2 Gold, 2 Brown, 1 Gold, 2 Brown, 1 Gold, repeat from, only making 2 Brown instead of 3 throughout the



4th Row. Same colors, 5 Gold, 2 Brown, 5 Gold, 4 Brown,


5th Row.-Buff and same dark Brown, 4 Buff, 4 Brown,* 12 Buff, 4 Brown, repeat from.*

6th Row.-Buff and next shade Brown, 3 Buff,* 1 Brown, 2 Buff, 2 Brown, 3 Buff, 4 Brown, 4 Buff, repeat from.*

7th Row.-Same colors, 3 Buff, 4 Brown, 4 Buff, 2 Brown, 2 Buff, 1 Brown, repeat.

8th Row.-Gold Brown and dark Brown, 4 Gold, 2 Brown, 6 Gold, 4 Brown, repeat.

9th Row. Same colors, 2 Gold,* 1 Brown, 5 Gold, 2 Brown, 3 Gold, 2 Brown, 3 Gold, repeat from.*

10th Row.-Same colors, 2 Gold,* 1 Brown, 5 Gold, 2 Brown, 8 Gold, repeat from,* crochet both ends in De with Gold Brown, but not De over the 1st row of long stitches, then fasten in whatever ends may be left out by running them neatly in.

11th Row.-A row of long stitches with Gold Brown, working round the ends. At each corner make 5 chain, and continue the long stitches, working the 1st into the next loop. The stripe should appear as if worked entirely round with long stitches, having 5 chain at each corner, cut off the Wool, tie it securely at the back. This must be done at every row.


12th Row.-Every row is now to be worked round the stripe, and each row to be commenced in a different place. Plain Green and Gold Brown. All in long stitches. 5 Green, 5 Gold, after working the Green, lay the Wool to the back, take the Gold Brown and work 5 long, lay this again to the back and continue with the Green. In taking up either color be careful to pull the last loop that is on the Hook tight, this may be done either before or after the next stitch, so that the loop where the shades are joined shall not show larger than the others. At the corners, work up to, and into the 3rd loop of

the 5 chain of last row, then make 5 chain, and continue the long stitches, working the 1st into the same loop.

13th Row. Scarlet shaded Wool and plain Green, in this row work the Scarlet over the Green, and the Green over the Gold Brown, all in long stitches, working at the corners the same as in last row.

14th Row.-Shaded Blue and shaded Scarlet, the Blue over the Scarlet, and the Scarlet over the Green, all long stitches, corners as before.

15th Row.-Shaded Blue, 5 chain, De into every 3rd loop. At corners, instead of the De stitch, make 1 long under the 5 chain, 5 chain, 1 long under the same, then continue 5 chain, De into every 3rd loop. Be careful to make an equal number of chains on each side of the stripe, and also on each stripe, one must not have more than another.

16th Row.-Same color, De into centre loop of the 5 chain, 5 chain, repeat, working at corners same as in last row. 17th Row.-Black Wool, 1 long into the centre loop of the 5 chain, 4 chain, repeat, at corners same as in last row. Work two more stripes the same, then damp well, and press under a heavy weight between linen for some hours.

Then with Red Gold Silk, work round the stripes, 3 long under the 4 chain, 2 chain, repeat, at corners work 3 long under the 4 chain, 2 chain, 3 long under the same, work this round all the stripes.

To join the Stripes together.

Take an edge of each of 2 stripes, lay the right sides of both together, hold the two edges firmly together between the finger and thumb. With the same silk De under the 2 chain at the corners,* 5 chain, De under the next 2 chain, repeat from,* then join the other stripe in a similar manner.

With same Silk, work down both sides and along the ends

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