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(1,) Paul and his friends, sailing southward from Miletus, touch at Patara, Tyre, and Ptolemais, and arrive at Cesarea, 1-8. (2,) There they lodge in Philip the evangelist's house, and Paul's friends, upon Agabus's prediction of his sufferings, earnestly urge him to forbear going up to Jerusalem, but in vain, 8-14. (3,) Coming to Jerusalem, he salutes the brethren, gives an account of his success in preaching the gospel, and, by their advice, purifies himself according to the ceremonial law, to prevent the Jewish Christians, or others, from being prejudiced against him, 15–26. (4,) Some Asiatic Jews observing him in the temple, with great fury incense the multitude to apprehend him as a criminal, 27-30. (5,) Being in danger of his life, the Roman chief captain rescues him from the mob, and gives him liberty to speak for himself,

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2 And finding a ship sailing over unto Pheni- they all brought us on our way, with wives cia, we went aboard, and set forth.

3 Now when we had discovered Cyprus, we left it on the left hand, and sailed into Syria, and landed at Tyre: for there the ship was to unlade her burden.

4 And finding disciples, we tarried there

a Verse 12; Chap. xx. 23.


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and children, till we were out of the city: and

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credit and wealth, was not much inferior to that of Verses 1-3. And after we were gotten-Greek,|| Delphi. Here, finding a ship bound for Phenicia, añoσñaodevтas, were torn away; from them-Not they went on board, and leaving Cyprus on the left, without doing violence both to ourselves and them; sailed for Syria, and arrived at Tyre, where she was we came with a straight course to Coos-Or Cos, || to unlade-Concerning Tyre, see the notes on Isa. now commonly called Lango, one of the islands xxiii. That there should be Christians in Tyre, was termed Cyclades, famous for the worship of Æscu- foretold Psa. lxxxvii. 4. lapius, and the temple of Juno; and for being the Verses 4-6. Finding disciples, we tarried there birth-place of Hippocrates, an eminent physician, and seven days-In order to spend a sabbath with them. Apelles, a celebrated painter; and the day following Who said to Paul, through the inspiration of the unto Rhodes-Another island in the same sea, fa- Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem—The mous for the worship of the sun, and its Colossus, a meaning seems to be, that these disciples foreseeing, prodigiously large brazen statue, erected across the through the spirit of prophecy, the troubles which mouth of the harbour, and dedicated to Apollo, Paul would meet with in Jerusalem, if he went or the sun, so high that ships, in full sail, could pass thither, themselves advised him not to go. It is nebetween its legs. The artificers were twelve years cessary to understand the words thus, to account in making it; and it was deemed one of the seven for Paul's conduct; for had the Spirit absolutely wonders of the world. Sixty-six years after its erec- || forbidden his journey to Jerusalem, he doubtless tion, and about two hundred and twenty-four years would have obeyed, and not have gone thither. But before Christ, it was thrown down by a terrible earth- || he, considering it as being their own advice only, quake, and lay prostrate almost nine hundred years. || rejected it and went. Indeed, they seemed to have When the Saracens took possession of the island, about || understood their prophetic impulse to be an intimaA. D. 660, they sold this image to a Jew, who, it is ||tion from the Spirit, that Paul, if he were so minded, said, loaded nine hundred camels with the brass of it. || might avoid the danger and trouble of which they And from thence unto Patara-A noted seaport town warned him, by not going to Jerusalem. And when of Lycia, beautified with many temples, of which we had accomplished those days-Namely, the seven one was dedicated to Apollo, whose oracle therein, for spoken of above; we departed and went our way— 818 ( 52* )



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9 And the same man had four daughters, to go up to Jerusalem. virgins, which did prophesy.


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13 Then Paul answered, What mean ye to weep, and to break my heart? for I am ready not to be bound only, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.

Chap. xi. 28.-h Verse 33; Chap. xx. 23.-——i Chap.
XX. 24.

Fully purposing, notwithstanding all these admo- some years been settled there. Concerning him and nitions, to embark again and proceed to Jerusalem; his labours in those parts, as also of Cesarea, see the Paul deliberately judging that all the sufferings he notes on chap. viii. 5-40. The same man had four might meet with in the course of his ministry would|| daughters-Unmarried, who prophesied; the miratend to the furtherance of the gospel; and that it was || culous gifts of the Spirit being sometimes communihis duty to fulfil his engagements to the churches,cated to women, as well as to men.

in delivering their alms to the brethren there, whatever might happen. And they all brought us on our way, &c.—For though Paul did not yield to the persuasions of these his friends at Tyre, yet they || showed him every imaginable token of respect; with || their wives and children-Attending him and his company till they were out of the city, and had reached the shore-Where, before they parted, they kneeled down and prayed together—And then took leave of one another, as Paul and the elders of Ephesus had done.


Verses 10-14. And as we tarried there many days -There being many disciples in that city, the fruit, as appears, of the ministry and miracles of Philip ; there came from Judea a prophet named Agabus— Paul, and some part of his company, had become acquainted with this prophet some years before, at Antioch, where he foretold the famine which afterward happened in the days of Claudius Cesar, chap. xi. 28. And when he was come unto us-Several of the disciples of Cesarea and Paul's friends being together; he took Paul's girdle, and bound his own Verses 7-9. And when we had finished our course hands and feet-In the manner that malefactors -By sea; we came to Ptolemais-A celebrated city were wont to be bounů when apprehended; and to the south of Tyre, on the same coast of the Medi- || said, Thus saith the Holy Ghost-By whose inspiraterranean sea, anciently called Accho. It was en- tion I now speak and act; So shall the Jews at Jelarged and beautified by the first of the Egyptian rusalem bind the man that owneth this girdlePtolemies, from whence it took its new appellation. Thus Agabus, like the prophets of old, accompanied It was the scene of many celebrated actions in that his prediction with a significant prophetic symbol : series of mad expeditions which was called the holy and thus the nearer the event was, the more express The Turks, who are now masters of all that and impressive were the predictions intended to preregion, call it Acca, or Acra; and when Maundrel || pare Paul for it. When we Of Paul's company; was there, in 1697, like many other noble ancient and they of that place-The brethren of Cesarea; cities, it was only a heap of ruins. Since then, how-heard these things-And believed if he went to ever, it has again revived by the industry of Daher; Jerusalem the prediction would be fulfilled; we and the works erected by Dejezzar, in his own || besought him not to go-In the most pressing mantime, have rendered it one of the principal towns on ner, and with many tears of sincere and fervent that coast. In 1799, aided by the British, under Sir affection, verse 13; being ignorant, it appears, that W. S. Smith, it withstood a severe siege by the this and the former prediction were intended, not to French, under General Bonaparte, who raised the hinder him from going to Jerusalem, but to make siege, after failing in a twelfth assault, made over him the more courageous, by signifying to him be the putrid bodies of his soldiers. And saluted the forehand what was to befall him, (chap. xx. 22, 23,) brethren-For the disciples of Christ were now and that he would not be put to death at Jerusalem. grown so numerous as to be found in every city of Then Paul-Sensibly touched with the concern any note: and abode with them one day-After which they expressed on his account, and yet resowhich they travelled by land to Cesarea-Where they lutely bent upon following what he apprehended to abode many days with Philip the evangelist, and be the call of duty, whatever sufferings it might exone of the seven deacons-Who, it seems, had for pose him to; answered, What mean ye to weep and



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Paul declares what God had

A. M. 4064.
A. D. 60.


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A. D. 60.

14 And when he would not be || us unto m James: and all the elders A. M. 4064. persuaded, we ceased, saying, The were present. will of the Lord be done.

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19 And when he had saluted them, " he de15 And after those days we took up our car-clared particularly what things God had riages, and went up to Jerusalem. wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. 20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous

16 There went with us also certain of the disciples of Cesarea, and brought with them one Mnason of Cyprus, an old disciple, with whom we should lodge.


17 And when we were come to Jerusa- of the law:

lem, the brethren received us gladly.

21 And they are informed of thee, that thou

18 And the day following Paul went in with teachest all the Jews which are among the

k Matt. vi. 10; xxvi. 42; Luke xi. 2; xxii. 42. Chap. xv. 13; Gal. i. 19; ii. 9.


Chap. xv. 4.

n Chap. xv. 4, 12; Rom xv. 18, 19.— Chap. i. 17; Chap. xx. 24. P Chap. xxii. 3; Rom. x. 2; Gal. i. 14.

break my heart?-By these affectionate salutations? tant, of whose arrival and errand they had doubtless Observe, reader, the admirable mixture of tenderness been informed. And when he had saluted them— and firmness of spirit manifested in this answer. I With cordial affection, and presented to them those am ready, not to be bound only-And cast into prison; that were of his company; he declared particularly but also to die at Jerusalem-Or wherever else I what God had wrought among the Gentiles-Since may be called to it; for the name of the Lord Jesus || he last left Jerusalem, informing them how many -For he feared neither sufferings nor death in any of the idolatrous Gentiles, in all the great cities of form, if he might thereby defend the gospel, and the Lesser Asia, Macedonia, and Greece, had empromote the glory of its Author, which were the|| braced the gospel through his ministry; that he had ends he had chiefly in view in all his labours and planted churches in those cities, and that the gifts sufferings, and which he preferred to all other things of the Holy Ghost had been communicated to many whatever. And when he would not be persuaded, believers in every church; mentioning also his we ceased-It was not obstinacy in Paul that hin- having visited most of them a second time, as well dered his yielding to their persuasions, but true as taken a review of those in Cilicia, Pamphylia, Christian resolution, not to relinquish what he be- Lystra, and other parts of Asia, with the plantation lieved to be the line of duty. We should never be of which they had formerly been made acquainted, persuaded either to do what we know to be evil, or || Acts xv. 4. Moreover, in this account we may be to omit what we believe to be good, when it is in our sure he did not forget to mention the liberal contripower: saying, The will of the Lord be done-butions which the churches of the Gentiles through Which they were satisfied Paul knew.

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Asia and Europe had made for the poor of the saints Verses 15, 16. And after those days-Spent at in Judea, and which they had sent by his hands as a Cesarea, how many there were is not said; we took testimony of their gratitude for the knowledge of up our carriages, and went-Or, their baggage, the true God, communicated to them by men of which probably went by sea before; containing, their nation. The collection, Paul, no doubt, now doubtless, the alms they were carrying to Jerusa- || delivered, in presence of the messengers of the lem, chap. xxiv. 17. And they had in their com- || churches, to James and to the elders, to be by them pany some of the brethren of Cesarea, together with || distributed to the poor of the Jewish Christians, one Mnason, of Cyprus, an old disciple-Who lived || who by that expression of the good-will of the Genin Jerusalem, and probably had been converted, || tile believers, ought to have been disposed to think either by Christ or the apostles, at the first opening favourably of them as their brethren. of the gospel there. With him they were to lodge, which they were the more willing to do, as he was a person of established character and reputation in the church; and as, in those days, there were no inns for the accommodation of travellers, as with us. Verses 17-19. The brethren received us gladly— The alms which they brought with them might be one, but certainly were not the only or the chief || reason of the welcome reception they met with. The day following, Paul, and those who had at|| mustard-seed, seeing it had spread so extensively in tended him in his journey, waited on James-Com- so short a time. Its beginning was small, the inmonly called James the Less, or the Lord's brother, struments employed in propagating it apparently the only apostle then presiding over the churches || mean, the prejudices and obstinacy of the Jews very in Judea. See notes on chap. xv. 18. And all the great, and yet, in about twenty-eight or thirty years elders were present-To receive so important a visi- || after the ascension, the number of those who had


Verses 20, 21. When they heard it, they glorified the Lord-The Lord Christ, for this wonderful demonstration of his presence and grace, with his servant; and said, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe-Many of these, doubtless, had come from different parts of the country, and some, probably, from remote provinces to Jerusalem, on occasion of this feast. Well might our Lord compare his religion to a grain of

Paul is advised to purify himself

A. D. 60.

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A. D. 60.

A. M. 4064. Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying || those things whereof, they were in- A. M. 4064. that they ought not to circumcise || formed concerning thee, are nothing; their children, neither to walk after the cus- but that thou thyself also walkest orderly, and keepest the law.


22 What is it therefore?, the multitude must needs come together: for they will hear that thou art come

23 Do therefore this that we say to thee We have four men which have a vow on them; 24 Them take, and purify thyself with them, and be at charges with them, that they may shave their heads: and all may know that


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Chap. xxiv. 18.

q Num. vi. 2, 13, 18; Chap. xviii. 18. Chap. xv. 20, 29. embraced it, and were at one time in the same city, dost not think there is any intrinsic evil in them, nor is stated at many thousands, or rather myriads, teach it as a matter of duty, that believers in Christ, (μvpiades,) or ten thousands. And they are all zeal- of Jewish extraction, should disuse and reject them; ous for the law-For the whole Mosaic dispensa- do this that we say to thee-As the best expedient tion, as supposing it to be of perpetual obligation on we can think of, for immediately taking off any ill all the Jewish nation, without excepting those that impressions which might otherwise be apprehended. had embraced Christianity. And they are informed We have four men-Converts to the gospel; which of thee-Through the prejudice and falsehood of have a vow on them-Of Nazariteship; take them— thine enemies; that thou teachest all the Jews to As thy companions and partners; and purify thyself forsake Moses, &c.-This, it appears, was a false with them-According to the Jewish ritual; and be charge brought against Paul. We have no proof at the necessary charges with, (or, rather, for,) them, that he taught the Jews to forbear circumcising their that they may shave their heads--And offer the sachildren, or to forsake the law of Moses. On the crifices which the law has appointed in that case. contrary, it seems, knowing that law to be the civil These sacrifices are specified Num. vi. 13, &c., or political law of Judea, he always enjoined them by which it appears, that the charges of these four to comply with its institutions, as the means of pre- || would be the price of eight lambs and four rams, beserving their political rites and privileges, till Jeru- sides oil, flour, &c., and it was not uncommon salem should be destroyed, (which he foresaw it among the Jews; for the rich to assist those Nazarwould be,) and their commonwealth dissolved;ites that were poor in bearing these charges: and all even as he enjoined the converted Gentiles to obey the good laws of the countries where they resided. What he really taught concerning the law of Moses was, that neither Jew nor Gentile could be saved by its institutions, which was the doctrine likewise of James, and of the elders, and of all the more intelligent members of the church at Jerusalem; as is implied in what James says, verse 25; as touching the Gentiles which believe, we have concluded that they observe no such thing. For if the Gentiles did not need to observe the law of Moses, obedience thereto could not be necessary to the salvation of any person whatever.

may know-Namely, all that come up to the temple, and see thee in these circumstances; that those things whereof they were informed are nothing— Have no reality or truth in them; but that—Instead of forbidding the observance of these ceremonies to others; thou thyself walkest orderly, and keepest the law-Avoiding all unnecessary occasion of offence. "It is evident from hence, that whatever might have passed between Paul and James on this head in private, (Gal. ii. 2,) James and the brethren thought it most regular and convenient, that the Jewish ritual should still be observed by those of the circumcision who believed in Christ; and considerVerses 22-25. What is it therefore-Which may ing what tribulation the church at Jerusalem must not be apprehended on such an occasion? Or, what otherwise have been exposed to from the sanhedrim, is to be done? the multitude must needs come toge- ||who, no doubt, would have prosecuted them to the ther—They will certainly be gathered together in a utmost as apostates, and also how soon Providence tumultuous manner, unless they be some way paci- || fied. For they will hear that thou art come-And will immediately form their judgment of the truth or falsehood of the information they have received, by what they discover in thy present behaviour, of regard or disregard to the Mosaic ceremonies. Do therefore this, &c.-To show them, how far soever thou art from imposing the Mosaic ceremonies on any Jews or Gentiles, as necessary to salvation, or teaching men to seek justification by them, yet thou

intended to render the practice of it impossible, and to break the whole power of the Jews, by the destruction of the temple, and city, and nation; it was certainly the most orderly and prudent conduct to conform to it, though it were looked upon by those that understood the matter fully, (which it was not necessary that all should,) as antiquated and ready to vanish away, Heb. viii. 13." Locke and Doddridge.

Verses 26-28. Then Paul took the men-Agree

Some furious Asiatic Jews

A. D. 60.



raise a tumult against Paul.

A. D. 60.

A. M. 4064. the temple, to signify the accomplish- || the city, Trophimus, an Ephesian, A. M. 4064. ment of the days of purification, until whom they supposed that Paul had that an offering should be offered for every one brought into the temple.) of them.

27 ¶ And when the seven days were almost ended, "the Jews which were of Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the people, and × laid hands on him.

28 Crying out, Men of Israel, help. This is the man that teacheth all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place: and further, brought Greeks also into the temple; and hath polluted this holy place.

30 And all the city was moved, and the people ran together: and they took Paul and drew him out of the temple. And forthwith the doors were shut.

31 And as they went about to kill him, tidings came unto the chief captain of the band, that all Jerusalem was in an uproar;


32 Who immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down unto them.. And when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers,

29 (For they had seen before with him in they left beating of Paul.

Chapter xxvi. 21.

z Chap. xx. 4.—————a Chap. xxvi. 21. Chap. xxiii. 27; xxiv. 7.

foreigner must enter here. It must be observed, however, that a proselyte who by his circumcision had declared his submission to, and acceptance of the whole Jewish religion, was no longer looked on as a foreigner, but as one naturalized, and so a fellow-citizen, to which there seems to be an allusion Eph. ii. 19.

Numbers vi. 13.-" Chap. xxiv. 18.y Chap. xxiv. 5, 6. ably to the advice which he had received from James and the elders. And the next day, purifying himself with them-According to the rites of the law; entered into the temple, to signify-To the priest; the accomplishment-That is, their resolution to accomplish the seven days of purification-Till all the sacrifices should be offered which the Mosaic law|| required. And when the seven days of purification Verse 30. And all the city was moved-Was in were almost ended, the Jews which were of Asia--an uproar. Although the people had little holiness Where Paul had preached so long, and who were themselves, yet they had a great veneration for the especially enraged against him; when they saw temple; and when they heard of its being polluted, him in the temple-Utterly disregarding this proof they were up in arms presently, being determined of his respect for the law; stirred up all the people to stand by it with their lives and fortunes. And the ·Greek, ovvɛxɛov navта тoν oxλov; threw into confu- || people ran together—In a tumultuous manner; and sion the whole multitude; and laid hands on him- the concourse was the greater because of the prodiIn a violent and outrageous manner; crying out-To|| gious number of Jews from foreign countries, who all that were present; Men of Israel,help-If ye be in- || had come to the feast of pentecost. The Jews, on deed men of Israel, that have a concern for your reli- this occasion, showed just such zeal for God's temgion and your country, now is your time to show it by ple as the Ephesians did for that of Diana, when helping to seize an enemy to both. This is the man | Paul was represented as an enemy to it. But God that teacheth all men everywhere-In all parts of does not reckon himself at all honoured by any zeal Asia and Greece; against the people-By telling the|| for him which transports people into such irreguJews that they ought not to circumcise their children,||larities, and causes them, while they pretend to be and by assuring the Gentiles that they may be saved without becoming proselytes to Judaism; and the law and this place-By predicting that both shall be destroyed. Every thing contrary to the law would be justly interpreted as contrary to the temple, which was so evidently supported by a regard to it: but perhaps Paul might have declared that the time of the destruction of the temple was approaching, a declaration which, we know, was Verses 31-36. And as they went about to kill him charged on Stephen as a great crime, chap. vi. 14: It was a rule among the Jews, that any uncircumand brought Greeks also into the temple-Any fo- cised person who came within the separating wall, reigner might worship in that part which was called mentioned above, might be stoned to death without the court of the Gentiles; but these zealots, upon an|| any further process. And they seemed to think uncertain conjecture and rumour, and without any Paul, who, as they supposed, had brought such in proof, imagined Paul had brought some uncircum- thither, deserved no better treatment. Tidings cised Greeks into the inner court, appropriated || came unto the chief captain of the band-Greek, TW to the people of Israel, which no foreigner might || xiλapx тns σñεins, to the tribune of the cohort, callenter, as was notified by the Greek and Latin inscrip-ed Lysias. A cohort, or detachment of soldiers, betions on several of the pillars which stood in the longing to the Roman legion which lodged in the wall that separated it: Mn deɩ a22opv2ov пapievaι, No || adjacent castle of Antonia, were stationed on feast


concerned for his honour and service, to act in such an unreasonable, brutish, and barbarous manner. And they took Paul, and drew him out of the templeThat is, out of the court of Israel, into that of the Gentiles, as one who had polluted the temple. And forthwith the doors were shut-Both to prevent any further violation of the temple, and to prevent Paul's taking sanctuary at the horns of the altar.

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