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IT was a beautiful morning, in the month of May, when two little girls, of ten and thirteen years of age, were wending their way across a green field to the parish Church, whose bell was calling them to the Daily Service.

The elder of the two was a fair haired girl, of a more thoughtful countenance than is common to her age, and she ever and anon cast a look of reverence and affection on the time-worn edifice they were approaching, and although shewing no impatience at the repeated questions put to her by her more giddy little sister, her thoughts were evidently bent on some subject foreign to the conversation, which she at length stopped, by reminding Annie that they ought now to remember Whose house they were entering: at which her merry laugh subsided, and she too wore a thoughtful, but by no means a sad face, for these children had early been taught to consider it a great privilege to be allowed to join in the praises of the great God of heaven and earth, and to think the Church a beautiful and a holy place, which all ought to love; and the one they now entered was well calculated to excite such feelings, with its brightly stained windows, recording many a story of Holy Writ, and the rays of the morning sun, were now bathing the chancel in a flood of light of many hues, and on the walls were texts of Scripture both of comfort and advice, which to Mary had often been as silent teachers to keep her in the path of duty; there was one in particular, which meeting her eye more frequently than the rest, had become impressed upon her

mind and often checked the angry word, when she remembered that "The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient."

But my little readers must not imagine it was the sight of this text alone had made Mary Morton the gentle, loving creature she was; she knew that of herself she could do no good thing, and she had prayed often and earnestly that God would give her His Holy Spirit to keep her in remembrance of what she was made at her Baptism; and the first time this text in its bright scroll had struck her eye, she had breathed a short prayer that God would help her to become what those words told her she ought to be. She had had many a struggle with herself before she overcame even in a small degree her natural proneness to a fretful, not to say a hasty temper; when corrected for a fault, or told to do what she would rather have left undone, a dark cloud would pass over her naturally pleasant face, and the angry tear would sometimes start, and once-never but oncewords of resistance escaped her lips, and those words, child as she was, she saw had pierced her mother's heart as with an arrow; and bitterly did she weep that night, when, for the first time in her recollection, she lay down on her pillow without her mother's kiss and blessing, for her proud spirit had checked the confession of repentance which the little voice within told her ought to follow such an offence; she would fain have retired to rest without saying her accustomed prayer, but that she dared not do, and when she came to the sentence in which she begged God to "make

her fit to die, if it should please Him to take her to Himself that night," the sin she had committed rushed upon her in all its force, and she rose from her knees in an humbled and chastened spirit. The hours she knew must pass before her mother would visit their room, previous to going to her own, seemed as a whole night to the penitent child; at length she heard her parents' voices on the stairs, and with a beating heart she listened to their approaching footsteps and as the sound of her own name caught her ear through the half-opened door, she knew but too well that her father had been acquainted with her naughty conduct, and that he would pass her bed without imprinting the accustomed kiss on her forehead; a feeling of shame had almost prompted her to hide her face till they were gone; again the words of her prayer flashed across her mind, and she met her mother at the door, with clasped hands, a tearful eye, and words of contrit, which brought again the glad smile to her mother's face, and her murmured "God bless and forgive you, my child," restored peace to Mary's heart, and she returned to her bed, resolving never, by God's grace, again to offend such a kind, gentle parent.

It was more than two years since this little occurrence had taken place, when my story begins, and gradually the clouds on Mary's face became less and less frequent, and

she had attained sufficient command over herself to bear many little trials, which at first seemed hard, without a change of countenance.

But to return to the bright May morning. It was an unusual circumstance for these children to be alone in their daily walks across that field, but God had just given their mother a little baby boy, which obliged her to stop at home,

and the kind lady who helped her to teach these little girls the right way, was gone far away for a short time, so that Mary and Annie were left to themselves; but they were not on that account less reverent and quiet in God's House, for they had been taught to remember that His Eye was always upon them, when no one else saw them.

On their return, they stole on tiptoe to their mother's room, (for it was still early) that they might not wake the baby; and as Annie stooped down to kiss his velvet cheek, a smile passed over his face.

"I suppose, Mamma, a good angel is talking to Charlie now, for Nurse Aileen told me the other day, the people in her country think that is what makes babies smile when they are asleep. It is nice thought, Mamma, and Aileen said something, too, about every body having angels to take care of them; do you think I have one?"

"Yes, my dear, our Saviour speaks especially of children's angels, in the lesson for yesterday morning."

"O yes, Mamma, I remember Mr. Everard reading about little children coming to Jesus, but, if you please, I should like just to read it over again to you." She then went to the table, and opening a Bible, turned to the 18th of St. Matthew, when she came to the 11th verse she stopped, saying, "I never quite understood that verse, Mamma, I thought it meant, that little children's spirits when they die always saw God's Face, but I see now that it means quite a different thing, I don't think I shall ever be afraid now in the dark, or when I am alone in bed."

"None but the wicked ever need be afraid, my child, for we read in the Psalms too, that the Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them.'"

The bell now sounded for break

fast, so away tripped the little girls with light hearts, for they were to start directly after, to spend a long day with their friends Fanny and Laura Everard, who were just about their own ages, and having known each other as long as they could remember, and being in a manner brought up together, no pleasure was complete in which all could not join. It had been Mr. Everard's practice, for some time, to catechize the children in Church, and as the people in this little village forgot all distinctions of rank, in God's House, rich and poor received instruction together; and the four little girls always managed to meet in the week, to help each other in preparing the best answers, upon whatever the subject might be Mr. Everard had given to prepare for the following Sunday. Then Mary and Fanny had each a class in the Sunday School, an office to which the two younger ones were eager aspirants; but their parents thought they were not quite old enough yet to attempt instructing others, so they were obliged to content themselves with accompanying their sisters as listeners. There was also another tie that bound Mary and Fanny together, they were this year to be confirmed, and Mr. Everard had carefully trained both to a deep sense of the importance of the vows they were now going to take more immediately upon themselves.

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remembrance that it is given but to the few amongst us, to have the time and opportunity of searching into the best works of our most valuable authors, it is sought under the above heading, to offer to the many readers of our Periodical, (as, indeed, we have occasionally already), some of the choice thoughts and deeds of the spiritually, morally, and intellectually distinguished of the past and present; keeping in view, during our course, the sensible advice of Erasmus, and affording such subject matter as shall require only light contemplation, not digressing into lengthy inditing likely to tire the spirit. Let us begin :

The most horrid and cruel blows that can be offered to civil society is through atheism.

"They who hold Revelation give double assurance to the country."Edmund Burke.

"No cloud can overshadow a true

Christian, but his faith will discern a rainbow in it.”—Bishop Horne.

"Let us proportion our alms to our incomes, lest God should proportion our incomes to our alms." -Bishop Fleetwood.

"When a soldier bragged too much of a great scar in his forehead, he was asked by Augustus, if he did not get it when he turned his back on the enemy? If I have done anything well, I will never think it worth while to tell the world of it."-Feltham.

"The world twines itself about the soul, as a serpent doth about an eagle, to hinder its flight upward, and sting it to death.”—Bp. Horne.

"The pleasure of the honey will not pay for the smart of the sting."

"Temperance is reason's girdle, and passion's bridle."-Bp. Jeremy Taylor.



Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us:"

in stirring up Thy indignation, even as it belongeth unto Thee "not to retain anger, but to delight in mercy!" Gracious Lord God,

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, of to compassion, than unworthiness greatness so good, of goodness so great as passeth all understanding! stir up Thy might, and come and succour us with great power; that, by the help of Thy Holy Spirit, the indulgence of Thy mercy may quicken what our sins impede, and enable us to surmount by Thy grace what we suffer for our sins!

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LORD JESUS, Thou Fountain of Life, in Whose light we light,' Thou Mediator between God and man, mighty to save-be Thou our help and refuge; and before we close our eyes in sleep this night, may we have laid hold on FORGIVENESS, through the sacrifice and atonement made for us by Thy Blood, and learnt to loathe ourselves more than ever, in the confession of our sins.

FATHER Who art in Heaven, if Thou wert extreme to mark what is done amiss, who could stand? but blessed be Thy Name, when we remit but our one thousand, Thou art ever ready to FORGIVE our ten thousand!" with what measure we mete it is measured to us again." Oh! out of the boundless treasury of Thy free mercy pardon us; and when we feel the day's DEBT OF FORGIVENESS TO OUR DEBTORS grievous to be borne, and the guilt of every thought and deed hanging heavy on our hearts, make it Thy glory to pass by transgressions, and blot them from Thy remembrance, continuing to us loving-kindness, and letting compunction prevail more in moving Thee

accept as an atonement for all our worldlinesses, suspicions, hard interpretations, jealousies, envyings, and unkindnesses-all that Thy Blessed Son offered up for us; and pour in our hearts that true love of Thee and of our fellow-creatures, which is the very life of the soul, independent of friend or enemy, help or hindrance, place or prejudice! Liken us, by closer spiritual contact and communion, unto Him Who was Himself the perfection of all love-love untiring, love unchanging, without cloud or darkness, shade or shadow of turning! We would be transformed from the rich treasure-house of His grace, by such renewing of our minds as would bring glory to Thee in the way of Thine Own especial attributes; even by our becoming "prone to mercy,' "slow to wrath,' loving unto every one, "doing unto all men as we would they should do unto us;" and thus would we persuade our hearts before Thee, and be able to pray, with the assurance of a good conscience, "FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, AS WE FORGIVE THEM THAT TRESPASS AGAINST US."

FATHER! We would be taught the mystery of Thy Presence in our most inward hearts; we would be enlightened with that spiritual perception of sin, which would

make us search out and confess before Thee, not the unkind word only, but the unloving thought, the harboured shyness, the cold reserve, the least beginning of estrangement-all that shrinks from and eludes the world's eye, but is known to Thee, Who countest the feeblest beatings of the soul's pulse. SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS! shine within our hearts; reflect on our distempered souls, and refine our sinful flesh and though our very light turn darkness, in the brightness of Thy glory, yet rather be shame our portion here, than an eternity of shame hereafter! Blessed be Thy Name, Thou dost revive the spirit of the contrite ones," and supply the shadow of the Cross, as a sure sanctuary for the humble-hearted, and the confirmation of the “just!”

Lord God! our Peace and Rest, and Centre of all good; in Whom and by Whom are all things, "let all our springs be in thee!" make us manifest as Thy children, by that love of unity which followeth after things that make for peace. Let that quietness, meekness, and gentleness be ours, which can raise from lowest depths to life again. Let us be content to be "least of all," "servants of all," if so be that the "Name of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in us, and we in Him!" As members of one another, born to "bear one another's burdens," we would "FORGIVE, EVEN AS WE HOPE TO BE FORGIVEN; and if "arrows," even cruel words, be shot against us, remember Him Who, when reproached, committed all judgment unto Thee! Lord! we would look on all men as having like passions with ourselves, and direct our thoughts and hearts to Thee in prayer for them, humbly accepting trial and disappointment as the just punishment of sin, and cheer

fully suffering for well-doing should it be Thy will. May the "law of kindness" be ever on our lips, and truth and sincerity in all our thoughts and speech; watchful lest we turn the obedience of our "will" from Thine, and counting it a holy loving discipline, to be followers of Christ's footsteps, whether we be cleansed and perfected by the discipline of temptation, persecution, loneliness, or contempt!

Gracious Father! be these our ends and aims, till finally we meet in that blessed Communion of the Saints in light, where loving will be all rest, and resting love; where all our troubles here will not be worthy to be named with the glory that shall be revealed; and when by wrestlings against evil, and crucifixion of self in the daily wrongs and snares of life, Thy cleansing work shall have been perfected, and every brother of the Firstborn transformed into His likeness!!

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

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