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bears, rightly viewed and understood, some trace of her nobler nature, as the diamond when shattered still shows the splendor of its material. Who has not seen the agony and heaviness of heart of some we meet almost every day, their faces pale, their hearts sore with disappointment and care, stung to death with slander and falsehood, until life seems no longer bearable, and at last in utter anguish give up all hope, and pass out into another life.

The religion of the past would have us believe that in those pallid faces is the living death of love. Not so. God is love and God is spirit. Motherhood of man, you have toiled so patiently, now the Spirit illuminates all souls to the truth, and the dawn has come on the wings of the morn. Spiritual understanding brings purity. Morally, a sin is a sin, whether the sin be of man or woman. Spirit humanizes Deity, and makes God and man natural, and does away with the degeneration of woman. Spiritual sunlight of truth illuminates the world, and woman is engulfed no longer in error of the past ages. She was always true, and kept the whiteness of her soul in the face of the world's supreme tragedy and in the days of Christian martyrdom.

Many men recanted at the sight of the stake and roaring flames, but woman kept her faith and went up to God in the fierce fire which consumed her body, but could not destroy her trust in her Redeemer. Indeed, no sculptor has ever ventured to embody in imperishable bronze or marble any of the cardinal human virtues, save in the form of woman. Thus we have faith, hope, charity, patience, fidelity, gratitude, and even the soul, Psyche, each represented as feminine. The Goddess of Liberty, crowned with the stars of heaven, stands as the symbol of freedom of motherhood, the holy function of maternity and the sacredness of life.

Look over the world today, where do you find the unselfish devotion, patient endurance and love? In motherhood. Who made it possible for a Buddha


and a Christ, who are the saviors of the race? The motherhood. Who, in the grandeur of her teachings, stood at the apex of power in the school of Alexandria in the fifth century after Christ, to whom the wise men of the race paid homage, and came from all over the planet to sit at her feet and learn wisdom, the unity of Being? Hepata, the regenerate woman. They destroyed her, because her teachings interferred with their selfish temporal powers of the priesthood and their followers. Today the principle of unselfish devotion is expressed in the mother of the race, and the priestly power still strives to subjugate the motherhood to their service, but the hope of the race lies in the freedom of woman.

I say woman is the peer of man. No avenue for employment of woman's talent is more attractive, more useful and more appreciated than occupied by the conscientious metaphysical healer. Nothing can be nobler than this calling, by reason of its usefulness, which is continually growing in public esteem. It is rapidly coming to the front and making a record which will create respect and command confidence. Wherever you see suffering, make an effort to relieve it, and fair earth will kiss each footprint of your pilgrimage.

It makes men

We do not like the old religion. selfish, and the world seems to know selfish men and applaud their success. Let us worship at the shrine of humanity. If we could wrap around motherhood all thoughts that are sacred, and weave for her the golden glory of men's homage, we should transform this world. If this idea of religion were to prevail, it would universalize religion. Swift and sure condemnation would be visited upon the man that was false to the religion whose divinity was mother.

In this world of ours among the code of men, it is considered right and just, at any place and at any time, to fell with a blow the man who speaks lightly of our mother. If that change ever comes there will be no more fallen women, for no man would risk the

condemnation of his fellowmen by leading or permitting a woman's feet to stray, and no woman ever yet strayed alone. We all know that the mother is the parent of civilization; without her it never would have been.

The savage

Men loved the excitement of war. rejoiced in the destruction of his enemies, but the mother with her babe had need of rest and quiet and protection. The babe was helpless she loved it so; shelter became necessary, and through her influence the man built the booth, or dug the cave, and a family life began to be. The mother, when she swung that babe in the cradle made of limbs and boughs, and hummed the little lullaby, sang the morning song of this world's progress; she was the parent of civilization. Nature had seen to that.

Of all beings that came into the world, nature made the human infancy the longest, imposing upon it the most helplessness, and evoked from the mother's heart providence and faithfulness. The future of progress, the civilization that is yet to be, will depend for their greatness and glory upon the reverence, the respect, the adoration, in which the son of man holds the mother of men. Woman, the purest, sweetest and noblest work of God, it is well.

Not she with traitorous kiss her Savior stung,
Not she betrayed Him with unholy tongue;
She, while apostles fled, could danger brave,
Last at the cross and earliest at His grave.

The Lord bless thee, and make His face to shine upon thee, and keep thy heart filled with love for woman - motherhood.

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I would learn only from the Spirit of Truth, thus having for my teacher and guide the Lord God of Israel, my true spiritual Ego; so shall I be able, soon or late, to declare, "The Father and I are One."- HANNAH MORE KOHAUS.

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It is found that when many people hold the same thought there is unity, though they may be separated by thousands of miles, and that all who are connected with that unity are in touch with higher spiritual states, even Jesus Christ.

So there has gradually grown up this Society of Silent Unity, in which thousands in all parts of the world join every night at 9:00 o'clock, in thinking for a few moments one thought, which is given each month in the magazine UNITY. This we call the "Class Thought," and every member is expected to hold it at least five minutes at the beginning of the silence, in order to make the unity connection; after which, "Ask what ye will in my name, and it shall be done unto you."

Certificates of membership are issued without charge to those who make personal written application for them. To meet expenses, we ask members to send us free-will offerings, as no charge is made for any service we render.

This society has been in existence about fifteen years, and has over 11,000 registered members. Through its ministry thousands have been healed mentally and physically, and its power grows stronger day by day. The silent hour is 9:00 P. M., your local time. Geographical difference in time is not a factor in spiritual unity.

Beginners usually have a great many questions to ask, and they require a course of lessons and reading. To such we recommend the "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady; price, $1.25.

UNITY is published monthly, and contains a large amount of instruction. The price of it is $1.00 per year. Where members take UNITY and the "Cady Lessons" together, we make a rate of $2 00 for both.

The simple written request to be enrolled a member of the Silent Unity Society is all that is required to join with us.

Special Notice - If for any reason, members cannot observe the Silence at the regular hour, they should notify us what hour they can observe, and we will arrange it satisfactorily.


1315 McGee Street, Kansas City, Mo.

Class Thought. August 20th to September 20th.

In Thy

(Held daily at 9:00 P. M.)

Presence and Power I

am free from anxiety and fear.

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