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Man has within him all possibilities, and through Spiritual quickening he brings them to visibility. By affirming that the Spirit is now singing within you, you start a current of thought going that will lead to the development of your musical talent. Not in a miraculous way, but through the legitimate avenues of expression. So with everything that you want to do: affirm that it is now being done by the Spirit, and it will be done. Jesus Christ gave this law when he said, "Pray believing that ye have received, and ye shall receive." If you want to manifest health, you must immediately take up the thought of health and affirm it as yours now, and continue to affirm, and deny the opposite until you demonstrate it. I am sure you can overcome every disability. Stop all anxiety, and throw all the force of your thought into affirmations of life, health, strength and power. Do not wait for anything affirm it as yours now, and let the manifestation take place in due season. -C. F.

On three or four occasions while attempting to go into the silence my experience has been thus: A feeling of peace and lightness, and then a sudden rush of light, followed by a thrill of fear, causing me to tremble from the waist down. The second time I had this experience I happened to be standing. Can you explain this? — R. W. J.

This experience is caused by subjective fear of the loss of life. The life center in the organism does not respond to the higher consciousness, which indicates that it has lost its poise, undoubtedly through some shock or unusual state of mind pertaining to fear of death or sin or punishment or disaster of some kind. The remedy is: The remedy is: Affirm your All-caring, All-loving Good. Affirm your unity with the One inexhaustible Omnipresent Life, and take every opportunity to strengthen your trust and faith.-C. F.

fearless trust in the

"Life is repaid by the joy of living it."

the Truth and then talk.

Practical Christianity.

Entered in the postoffice at Kansas City, Mo., as second-class matter.

$1.00 per year.

10 cents per copy. Foreign Subscriptions, 5 shillings per year.

Published on the 15th of every month by


Kansas City, Mo.

Publishers' Department.


The date when your subscrip

tion expires is on the pink label with your address. At the end

of your year, as a special reminder, we enclose a loose subscription blank in the last UNITY due you, which you will please use in remitting. We do not discontinue at expiration of subscription. If you want your magazine stopped, notify us.

Before another issue of UNITY our address will be changed to 913 Tracy Ave. We are moving into dwelling now on the lot, soɔn to be replaced with a new structure.

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Dear Unity FoLKS — Just a line to tell you that I am having a most happy sojourn in The Land of the Rising Sun," and send you all my loving greetings and wishes for your happiness and unlimited success. -ANNIE RIX MILITZ.

Yours ever,

Mr. C. R. Wheelock has again actively entered into Advanced Thought work, having opened a New Thought Center at 1245 Park street, Alameda, California. One branch of the work is a circulating library and free reading room, where books will also be on sale and orders taken for periodicals.

Mrs. S. A. McMahon, the well known Chicago teacher and healer, has removed to 2118 N. Robey St., that city. From a letter just received from her we make the following quotation: ''In the last two years I have through the power of Truth healed three cases of insanity, also one child who was called feeble minded; and one case of locomotor ataxia. Diseases of the kidneys have been healed in several cases, while fevers, stomach affections and heart disease disappear before the word of Truth spoken in the silence. To the experienced healer there are no incurable diseases, for they well know that all disease is the result of believing error."

Unity's New Home.

The Building Committee of the Unity Society of Practical Christianity has closed the contract for the purchase of the property at 913 and 915 Tråcy Avenue, Kansas City, where the new Unity Headquarters will be located. We will move to the new location September 1st. The present two-story building will soon be moved to the rear of the lots, when active operations will be begun on the new building, which will contain a fine large auditorium, healing rooms, reading rooms, business office, publishing department, etc.

The architect's plans were not completed at the time of going to press, so they will be explained with diagrams in the next issue.

Kansas City lovers of the Truth have been generous, so that the first payment of $1,500.00 is now ready. All offerings should be sent direct to Charles Edgar Prather, Manager, and receipt will be sent you. After September 1st, address 913 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo.


Mr. Cassius A. Shafer has just closed a very successful and interesting class at the Chicago Headquarters of the Unity Society of Practical Christianity. No vacation will be taken in the work there this summer, and the usual Sunday morning service will be held at II o'clock.

On Sunday, October 1st, Mr. Charles Fillmore will speak at the Chicago Headquarters, and on Monday evening at 8 o'clock, he and Mrs. Fillmore will begin a basic course of lessons there, to continue for a period of two weeks, every evening except Sunday.

All students of the New Thought should know that this teaching is a Science; that every day living must be reduced to a science to be a success; therefore haphazard reading or study avails little towards bringing one into such an understanding of the Truth as to enable him to find the Real Self, or demonstrate the Free Man.

So the Course of Instruction given at this Center is scientific. There is a reason for every lesson, and every lesson is a logical necessity of the Truth upon which the whole teaching of Jesus Christ is founded, and of which his life was an exemplification. Not only is this true, but this course of basic instruction in the fundamental principles of Being is a direct revelation from the Spirit of Truth whom Jesus said he would send in his name.

A true foundation being laid, then comes the growth and development into spiritual consciousness and power. To this end a very carefully prepared course of systematic training in thought control and concentration has been prepared. We must

control our thoughts or they will control us. But whoever master of his thoughts is master of every situation.

Exercises and drills in training and controling the thoughts will avail little, however, in attaining the spiritual growth unless we faithfully "Practice the presence of God," and know how to find and enter the "Secret Place of the Most High" and there commune with the Spirit within.

Therefore we have also a Realization Class in which we learn how to enter the Silence and there listen to the voice of the Father who reveals Himself to those who come in sincerity of heart and with earnestness of purpose, to know and do His will. In this elass we learn to "talk to the Lord face to face as a man speaketh to his friend."

The work of Inner Development will be taken up by advanced students who desire to find the Sacred Centers of the body, the Seven Churches of Asia, and carry to them the message of the Spirit.

Spiritual attainments, like all others, are the result of earnest and faithful application. Spiritual power is a growth, and is the fruit of patient, sincere, persistent work.

Jesus taught, and our teaching means the full and complete redemption of soul and body from bondage to beliefs in the reality of evil and matter, from bondage to beliefs in sin, sickness and death. To accomplish this requires a complete dedication of the self to the Spirit. He who would receive must give. He who gives shall receive. Compensation for all our work is freewill offerings. For further information about lessons, or treatments, or room and board, call on or write Mr. Shafer at his residence, 539 LaSalle Ave., or at 511 Masonic Temple.

We have many subscribers who have been with us ten years or more, and for the benefit of such especially we make the rate of three subscriptions for $2.00: a three-year's subscription, i paid in advance, for $2.00; or a life subscription for $10.00. Many desire to send the magazine to friends as a present, and by our special rate they can send to two such persons for the price of one, the other dollar being applied for the renewal of their own subscription, if so desired, or the third UNITY sent to a third friend. While we do not discontinue regular subscriptions received from persons direct until so notified, we do discontinue those sent to others as presents, for, if such were continued, no one would feel under any obligation for such subscription after date of expiration. We make this explanation for the benefit of any who may not understand why some subscriptions are discontinued while others are not; we never do so when we are informed by the persons themselves that they still desire the magazine.

About that $100,000.

Several have asked what we are going to do with that $100,000 the generous people are sending us. We are going to build a Sanitarium, where Truth methods will prevail in healing invalids who are too sick to be treated at home.

We have long needed such a place, and now we are going to have it. It will not be run wholly on the free-will offering plan, as that may not prove practical in such an institution, but there will be free beds, the expense of which will be kept up by the surplus in the general fund, and other sources.

There is now no such Sanitarium in the country. The Homes of Truth are not Sanitariums, but schools and rest homes. They do not accomodate invalids where trained nurses are required. Special facilities for this sort of work are imperative, and there must be capital to carry it through. We have letters every day from people who want to come here and have Truth treatment, if they can be accomodated with board, room and trained attendants. The object of this Sanitarium will be to meet this need. It will be open to all healers who use mental and spiritual methods, and they will be allowed to come and treat their patients at will.

The new Unity Building is a move in this direction, but the Sanitarium will not be confined to local needs. It is to be allinclusive, and the property of all people everywhere. It will be managed by a board of trustees, who will be appointed when the fund is large enough to begin the purchase of property.

New Thought Convention
Nevada, Mo.. September 25-29th.

The Board of Directors of the New Thought Federation have elected Mr. Ernest Weltmer, of Nevada, Mo., Secretary, who is actively engaged at the work in making the forthcoming Convention a great success.

ARE YOU COMING TO THE CONVENTION? Answer "Yes," and then come. You cannot afford to miss it if you are interested in any line of the New Thought. All cults are represented. There will be a great program of the best speakers on these subjects in the country. These speakers are chosen without regard to sect. All that is necessary is that they shall be able to tell some part of the truth, and tell it well. It is only once a year that you will have the opportunity to hear at one meeting all of the talent that will be gathered at this Convention. There will be four days, two sessions each day. Besides the speaking there will be a good musical program. Some of the titles of the addresses already on the program are: "Organization and

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