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Individual Integrity; ' 'The Conscious Assimilation of the Divine in Human Life; 'Shall be Superadded; " "The Son of God and the Son of Man;" "The Ground Swell' of the New



Nevada is a small town where the lodging rates are low, and where board is good. Its beautiful situation on a spur of the Ozarks, and its park and mineral wells, make it one of the favorite resort towns of Southwest Missouri. We are now at work arranging for low rates on the railroads. Come out and enjoy this spiritual feast; get acquainted with your brothers, and give them a chance to meet you. Address all inquiries to

Ernest WeltMER, Secretary, Nevada, Mo.

We often remark that if words of appreciation could be used to pay our printing bills, UNITY would appear on white silk, bound in seal every issue. Our readers certainly are appreciative, and their letters pour out to us a steady stream of blessings, for which we are truly thankful. We often wish we had room to print these many expressions of gratitude and good-will; not alone to endorse the ministry in which we are engaged, but as a revealment of the heart-to-heart kindness and spirit of encouragement that pervades our circle of readers. In the July number we offered to take life subscriptions for $10.00. In taking advantage of this offer a loyal one, who has been with us for many a year, writes, "My subscription runs out in August. I enclose $10.00, and desire to become a life subscriber. I wish it were $100.00 it would not be adequate, no, not even a tithe of the benefit I have received from UNITY. Each number seems more helpful than the last. I am holding the thought that I may soon help in the ongoing of this blessed work in a larger way.-S. B."

The UNITY "Class Thought," in large type on cards suitable for wall hangers, is being asked for. We shall meet this demand by getting out each month an extra lot of our "Prosperity Blotters," having on them the "Class Thought" that appears in the current number of UNITY. They will be sent free to all UNITY subscribers who apply for them, enclosing postage.

There has been such a demand for the June UNITY, containing the Auxiliary Lesson explaining the difference between Practical Christianity and other religious doctrines, that the issue has been exhausted. From many directions have come requests that the lessons be put in tract form for wider circulation. This will soon be done. Send in your orders now - 25 cents per dozen.


BROTHER FILLMORE We would like to ask if you know a young Russian Jew (some time passed from Denver) named Weiss, and do you know his present address? To explain, he called on us May 30th, Memorial day, made himself known as having been healed by you some two years ago, and having espoused the New Thought was repudiated by his family. He was on his way to Boston where he said a good position was awaiting him. He was in the embarrassing position of needing financial help to get through; so without adding to his embarrassment we helped him, he saying that we would hear from him soon. This we have not, and while myself not doubting that we will, still feel that we would like to know a little more certainly about him. He takes UNITY, so he informed us, and was writing a story of his experiences for you, so we suppose that you will have his present address; and if you can give it us, or any information about him, we will esteem it a favor.

Most sincerely, J. G. MURRAY,

90 South Union St., Rochester, N. Y.

This young man called on us over a year ago and told a similar tale, except that it was Mrs. Fannie James, of Denver, who had helped him this far, and he was anxious to get to Chicago. We provided him with the necessary funds and afterward found that Mr. A. P. Barton had also been generous with him. We have not heard from him since until the above letter came from Brother Murray. Since its receipt a friend near Boston has written us that she advanced a young man $10.00, by the name of Weiss, who claimed to be connected with UNITY. It is quite evident that this young man is not holding just the right kind of thoughts to bring success, and we suggest that the next friend he tackles shall tell him so, with our compliments.

So far as any financial loss is concerned we are perfectly secure. We know the Divine Law will not allow us to be relieved dishonestly of anything, and all those who take this attitude, and do not depart from it, will find their own coming back to them generously increased. Jean Valjean, in the story of Victor Hugo, stole the silverware of the good priest who gave him protection and shelter. When he was called before the court to prove his goods, and witness against the prisoner, he refused to prosecute and said he gave the silverware to Valjean. This was leniency carried to the limit, but it was a proving of his claim that the worst of men are good at the core, and kindness will bring it out.

WEE WISDOM for August was edited entirely by the "kids." It is unique in spelling and grammar, being printed just as written by the various authors.

We want ten thousand names right now to whom we can send sample copies of UNITY and WEE WISDOM.

[blocks in formation]

It is with pleasure that we note the appearance of a new book from the pen of this most gifted of New Thought teachers and writers. Mrs. Gestefeld's masterly handling of her subject, the strength, power and logic of her arguments and statements, remain unequaled. The book we are considering is an interpretation of the book of Genesis, and will be prized by all Bible students who are looking for inner meanings rather than historical accuracy. In the Preface Mrs. Gestefeld says:

"The Bible, therefore, while a statement, in the
form of allegory, history, symbolism, of impersonal
truth, has a personal meaning capable of personal
application and demonstration. Even as the princi-
ples found in an arithmetic must be applied and
demonstrated before one can claim to be a mathe-
matician, so must one find equivalent fundamentals
in the Bible, and apply and demonstrate them
before he can rightfully say, 'I know.' It is the
Science of Being of which the Bible is a text-book,
the science of origins and ultimates, with all that
lies between, positive, exact, demonstratable, includ-
ing in the New Testament, the record made by its
demonstrators that proves its problems solved."

There has been much inquiry for a book giving the spiritual interpretation of the events recorded and the names of people and places in the Bible, and this book answers this demand as to the book of Genesis, which the author says is "the substance, or bony structure of the Bible The understanding of

Genesis supplies the understanding of the rest of the Bible."

This interpretation first appeared in The Exodus, beginning in 1895, but will be welcomed in its present compact form as more convenient for the use of students. We endorse and heartily recommend "And God Said" to our readers, and to the thinking world everywhere. Tastefully bound in gray cloth. Stamped in black. 160 pages. Price, $1.50. Published by The Exodus Publishing Co., Chioago, Ill.

MAN LIMITLESS. By Floyd B. Wilson, author of "Paths to


The many readers of Mr. Wilson's first book, "Paths to Power," will gladly welcome this new volume which is along the same lines, but which advances the student in the development of the faculties of intuition, clarivoyance and clairaudience. The author says this book begins where "Paths to Power" left off. In a series of articles we are shown step by step the unlimited power which is resident in every man, and which by disci

pline can be made use of, and we are told how to develop the psychic powers and gain our own experiences. The Hon. Floyd B. Wilson is a widely known and successful lawyer, but is also well-known as a writer and lecturer on advanced metaphysics. He has devoted much time and research to the occult, and presents the results of his investigations in a concise way which reveals to the reader a broader comprehension of man and his possibilities. While one may not wholly accept the author's conclusions as expressed in the last chapter, "Spirit Aid in Man's Unfolding," yet the book is inspiring in the highest degree, and most helpful. We cannot mention in detail each of the articles comprising this book, but "Suggestion," "Pathway to Accomplishment," and, especially, Control of Memory," are each alone worth the price of the book as revelations of man's powers and the method of developing them. "Paths to Power" met with a phenomenal sale, and we predict "Man Limitless" will prove even more popular. Cloth, 224 pages. Price, $1.25. Published by R. Fenno & Co., New York City.


A treatise on health-giving methods of thought and action is plain, clear and easy to be understood, and, moreover, very practical in its teachings, because it is not abstrusely metaphysical. Published by William Towne, Holyoke, Mass.; paper, price 25c.

Good German translations of the following books are now in stock at the following prices:

I. Lessons in Truth, by H. Emilie Cady; cloth $1.00; paper 75 cents.

2. New Thought Simplified, by Henry Wood; cloth $1.00; paper 75 cents.

3. Spiritual Knowing, etc., by Seward; cloth $1.25; paper $1.00.

4. The Spiritual Law in the Natural World; Eleve; cloth $1.25; paper $1.00.


In Tune with the Infinite, by Trine; cloth $1.25.

6. Living by the Spirit, Dresser; cloth 75 cents.


Lessons in the Philosophy of Life, by Lucia A. Beckham; cloth $1.00; paper 60 cents.

8. Between the Lines; Mrs. Hannah M. Kohaus; paper 40 cents.

9. Remedies of the Great Physician; Mrs. Hannah M. Kohaus; cloth 40 cents.

IO. Studies in Divine Science, by Fannie B. James; boards

50 cents.

Send orders direct to UNITY TRACT SOCIETY,

1315 McGee Street, Kansas City, Mo.


Beginning September 3d, Unity Society of Practical Christianity will hold services at Unity Headquarters, 913 Tracy Ave., every Surday at II A. M. Sunday School at 10 A. M.

Also at Unity Headquarters, 913 Tracy Ave., Healing service every Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Mid-week meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Special private classes

according to announcement. All are welcome.

Divine Science Society, Dr. D. L. Sullivan, speaker, has services every Sunday at II A. M., Warwick Hall, Eighth and Oak Streets.

New Thought Center, Judge H. H. Benson, speaker. Services every Sunday at 8:00 P. M., Unity Headquarters, 913 Tracy Ave.

New Thought Club, Prof. LeRoy Moore, speaker, has services every Sunday at 3 P. M. in the K. P. hall, 624 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

A New Magazine.

Just as soon as we have a subscription list sufficient to give us second class privileges in the mails, we shall issue the first number of a magazine entitled NEW THOUGHT DIET. The title explains its character. It will be 5 cents per copy or 50 cents per year.

Send in your subscription now. It does not make any special difference whether you send the price or not- -we want your name if you desire to be a subscriber. And who, we would ask, among the New Thought people the world over, can afford to be without such a guide? Great ignorance prevails among all classes of metaphysicians on the food question, and there is no publication that treats the subject from the spiritual view-point. This NEW THOUGHT DIET will do, and every one seeking to spiritualize the body, should take it. Send all subscriptions to UNITY TRACT SOCIETY,

1315 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo., U. S. A.

An Opportunity.

A new edition of "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady, the easiest, simplest, and most practical course of lessons in Practical Christianity published, will be ready for delivery within ten days. These lessons will appear in one volume complete instead of in a series of three booklets as formerly. They are printed from new plates and bound in attractive style, and will sell at 50 cents in paper binding, $1.00 in cloth. We have a few copies of our regular $1.25 cloth-bound edition, which you may have for 75 cents a copy if you order promptly.

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