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Extract from letter dated Yokohama, Japan, September 30th,

1905. In ten days I sail for India, after a stay of over seven months in this beautiful land. It seems almost like starting again for the Orient, for my home here has been so happy and replete with spiritual work and experiences. One of them was a case of child birth, just a month ago today, and in many ways I was reminded of our joint endeavors for dear Mrs.-. But I had an advantage in this co-operation on the part of all, even the doctor. But it started in as a hard case, and the doctor was getting his instruments' ready to take the child when I arrived, for there had been no progress, only rigidity. The change was so marked and the progress so perfect, in spite of wrong presentation, (the child righted itself) first child, advanced age, (35 years), etc., that the doctor was filled with wonder, and it was newsed everywhere; the event taking place in a hotel and the lady well known, so the bulletins of her welfare were passing from friend to friend hourly. The relief was jubilant, and the painlessness of it all dazed all who did not understand the Truth and its power. It was a mighty testimony.


BY J. H. C.

SELF KNOWLEDGE (ATMA-JNANA). By Swami Abhedanda. After a silence of about two years this gifted Hindu writer and scholar has published a new book which will be welcome to students of Truth, whether it be found in the Eastern religions, in modern thought or elsewhere. In the first chapter the writer deals with that much disputed question, "What is matter?" and tells us that spirit and matter are two modes of the one Eternal Substance. In the succeeding chapters he treats specifically with the "Knowledge of the Self," Search after the Self," 46 Realization of the Self," "Immortality and the Self," and in a most practical manner, yet with great power and clearness of style, is each subject dealt with. Those who are interested in the study of the Vedic Scriptures will find this book touches a new field. The Hindus, with the power of concentration which has been gained through numberless generations of training, have arrived at a deep understanding of man's inner nature, and, while we may not agree with all of the Hindu teaching and doctrines, we find much of truth and of helpfulness in their writings, and welcome a book from such an authority and scholar as Swami Abedananda Published by the Vedanta Society, New York. Cloth, price $1.00.


This booklet comprises a series of three talks upon the science of life. The teaching is couched in simple yet forceful statements which are applicable to every station and condition in life. Many good affirmations are given for those who need formulas. The first talk is upon the Science of Life; the second upon faith and the power of thought and the third talk deals with plenty success and prosperity. There is also a short talk upon healing at the close of these sermonettes. The book is good for beginners in the study of Truth, for it contains so much practical advice to one beginning the practice of the principles of Being. Neatly bound in white paper stamped in gold, it is a

very attractive booklet. may be obtained at her N. Y. Price, 25 cents.

Published by the author, and copies address, 313a Quincy Street, Brooklyn,

THE WALT WHITMAN NEW THOUGHT CALENDAR, for 1906, arranged by Wm. E. Towne.

This calendar is printed on heavy cream-tinted paper. On the first page there is a picture of Walt Whitman; and each succeeding page, and there is one for each month, contains a quotation from Whitman's poems which voice the freedom and power of the soul. Whitman was a seer who realized the Divine Principle of Life. Compiled and published by Wm. E. Towne, Holyoke, Mass. Price. 25 cents.

VIBRATION. By Mrs. L. Dow Balliett.

Based upon a system of numbers as taught by Pythagoras, the author teaches how to attain success through the strength of vibration. Every letter of the alphabet has its own rate of vibration and color. From the name and date of birth the student of vibration can find his key-note, his color, his tendencies and characteristics. You may determine the possibilities before you in life, and apply the principles of vibration in the successful choosing of a profession, a wife or a home. The book is very interesting, and as an entertainer the truth of the charac ter delineations must be admitted by all. Full directions as to the manner of finding your vibrations are given in the book. A New Thoughter will turn all knowledge to good use in developing! character and attaining the highest and best for himself, and while we may not depend upon these indicators to govern our lives, we may not despise them altogether. All power is vibratory, and numbers, names, colors, etc., may be intelligently used to add to the strength of our character and position in life Published by the author, and for sale at her address, 1001 Atlant Ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Cloth; price, $1.00.

The Spirit has impressed me to write you a short chapter c personal experience in Truth-seeking, thinking it might give you added encouragement and inspiration in the excellent work you are doing.

When a boy, in the way the world counts time and age, the spiritual consciousness of the Father was given me, as well as the realization of my former existence in Absolute Being. The clergymen of the churches in my village could not "make out my thought, but encouraged me in what they termed, "Good works." Their theology was quite a source of trouble to me those days, and a great desire was implanted in me to go to the schools where they had pursued their studies, that I might the better understand their attitude. After completing my colleg course I entered a theological seminary, not with any intentic of entering the ministry, only for the above purpose. The facult of the seminary knew of my desire and purpose, and encourage: me to pursue my study and thought with them. I was a sort c a unique student-"one without precedent," as a member of the faculty expressed it. The humble, but consistent, attitude w maintained and respected, and, withal, the experience was e of great advantage to me, and I trust of helpfulness to those with whom I came in contact. Almost from the first I was in demar to supply the near-by churches, and in time there were more requests for the young student with "the newer and deeper


spiritual truths," than I could well supply. During this time I knew not of their being so many brethren who were at-one-ment with me in thought, but this knowledge was to come to me later. Naturally I was urged to enter the work of the church's ministry, and with all my peculiar views and new mode of thinking was so set apart by the most liberal men I have ever had the pleasure of knowing in the church.

The test was to come now. After three years of teaching and healing successfully, the seeming reaction came of persecution, and I was forced from the pulpit and church. I now understand why this was so. It was my own fault, or, rather, lack of understanding. At times I was fearful of the non-reception of Truth. This, and probably this alone, was the reason why commotion was produced in the minds, and therefore the outward manifestation, of others.

I went immediately to Rochester, rested after the so-called trying experience, and after becoming refreshed in spiritual thought and meditation, began my work of teaching and healing outside of the churches. I met Dr. J. G. Murray, whom you know, and we were united in the work until I had to obey the leading of the Spirit. In the silence, all of the while of my being in Rochester, the Spirit saith, "You are called to demonstrate the Truth in the churches," which seemed so preposterous after my being forced out of the church. Many of the students of Truth did not believe in organization, and believed organization was a hindrance to Truth. And while in the silence the Spirit would say, "You are called to demonstrate the Truth in the churches. You are to

demonstrate over organization. There are no hindrances in organization. Speak the Word." It seemed very strange to my mortal consciousness that this should come to me after every church tie had been severed, being in the world-at-large in the freedom of my work. How it was to be brought about I knew not, and not having any individual desire to go, I was assured if in truth this was the Higher leading it would be so demonstrated.

In about two months I received a letter from a friend, who is president of one of our Western New York colleges, stating his leading of the Holy Spirit, and the desire of his Presbytery. It was an invitation to become a member of the Presbytery, and to accept a pastorate in the Presbyterian church. After due consideration of the great work I was destined to do, should I so accept, and with a realization of the great opportunity for teaching and demonstrating the Truth, I became a member of Lyons Presbytery; the Presbytery having full knowledge of my position in relation to the Truth, and my non-subjection to any doctrine or teaching of the church that did not accord with Truth principle. There was nothing sacrificed. The result is an added leaven in one of the most conservative of churches, and the opportunity of fulfilling the word of the Spirit in teaching the Truth, and in demonstrating over all so-called hindrances. We are happily engaged in our work in a most beautiful section of a beautiful country, overlooking Lake Ontario, and from this point we are sending to the world brotherhood our highest thought in the power of Spirit.

We kindly invite Mrs. Fillmore and yourself to visit us should either or both of you come to the Empire state. Also I should like to have my people to have the opportunity of hearing you teach the Truth from the pulpit and class-room of the church. The door of the church I serve is open to you with a hearty welcome awaiting you.- DON G. HUSTED.

Holiday Books.

Now is the time you should be securing your remembrances for your loved ones. No more appropriate gift can be made than a good book, which is not only beautiful but radiant with blessings.



This beautiful poem of twenty-two verses is printed on fine heavy enamel paper, on one side only, two verses to the page, with beautiful flower designs in color. Size, 91⁄2 x81⁄2 inches. Tied with silk cord with tassel. Price, 25 cents.



This booklet of 64 pages contains the whole gospel of healing and salvation in a nutshell, and is one of the most delightful stories published. The language is plain and simple, and describes how the Day family was healed. Title printed in red on cream cover paper, and tied with red silk. Price, 25 cents. FINDING THE CHRIST IN OURSELVES.


A revelation of the loving Spirit - Father - God—at the center of our being. In beautiful white enamel paper cover, in gilt. Price, 25 cents.



The standard and most spiritual lessons in Truth in the New Thought. Bound in cloth, stamped in gold, and gold top Price, $1.00.



Beautifully bound book of 168 pages, boards. A charming Christmas present. Price, 75 cents.

SPECIAL: We will send you all the above books, amounting to $2.50, for $2.00.


You will find the Unity Building Bonds a safe investment. bearing five per cent interest per annum. Our Trustees will allow you to buy them on installments of $5.00 each until the amount of the bond, $50.00, is paid in.

Should you at any time wish to convert your bonds inte cash, you will have no trouble in doing so, in a reasonable time as the property is getting more valuable daily, and the bonds will eventually be worth a premium.

When bonds are purchased in full, such money will begin drawing interest from date received, but the bonds will be issued January 1st. Address, CHAS. E. PRATHER, Business Manager.

For $1.15 we will send UNITY one year and "Wee Wisdom's Way," a booklet of sixty-four pages, by Myrtle Fillmore.

For $1.25 we will send UNITY one year and WEE WISDOM, a monthly paper especially designed for teaching Practical Christianity to children.

For $1.35 we will send UNITY one year and "Twelve Lessons Truth," by H. Emilie Cady.

Gifts For Children.

Here are some of the choicest New Thought books for young people, and we make the following special combinations for your benefit:


Elsie's Little Brother Tom, (75c).

Wee Wisdom's Way, (25c).

The Garden, the Gate, and the Key (Vol. III. Wee

Wisdom's Library, (25c).


Wee Wisdom's Library.


Vols. 1, 2 and 4, short stories, poems, etc., 64 pages each.
Vol. 3. The Garden, the Gate, and the Key, 48 pages.

Vol. 5, Drops from Wee Pens (short stories by the children
themselves). 64 pages.

Vol. 6, Summer Stories (short stories by the children) 64 pages. 25c. each; all six volumes for..


Elsie's Little Brother Tom (75c), and


WEE WISDOM, 16-page monthly magazine for children, one year (50c), for.


Until January 1st, 1906, we will send the following choice booklets for only $1.00:


Lessons in Truth (one volume, paper), by H. Emilie Cady.
Wee Wisdom's Way, by Myrtle Fillmore.

Finding the Christ in Ourselves. by H. Emilie Cady.
Love: The Supreme Gift, by Henry Drummond.
Directions for Beginners, by Charles Fillmore.

A New Magazine.

Just as soon as we have a subscription list sufficient to give us second class privileges in the mails, we shall issue the first number of a magazine entitled NEW THOUGHT DIET. The title explains its character. It will be 5 cents per copy or 50 cents per year.

Send in your subscription now. It does not make any special difference whether you send the price or not we want your name if you desire to be a subscriber. And who, we would ask. among the New Thought people the world over, can afford to be without such a guide? Great ignorance prevails among all classes of metaphysicians on the food question, and there is no publication that treats the subject from the spiritual view-point. This NEW THOUGHT DIET will do, and every one seeking to spiritualize the body, should take it. Send all subscriptions to


913 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo., U. S. A.

We have a number of the second and third booklets o Lessons in Truth, by H. Emilie Cady, containing lessons 5 to 12 nclusive, which may be had for 15 cents a copy. The first ooklet, containing the first four lessons, is now out of print, the ntire course being published in one volume complete.

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