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to turn your patient's thought away from himself or his ills, perhaps to drop a word concerning the Truth, until you hasten the day when drugs will not be given so freely, and the doctor will say, "You do not need me any more, your nurse is doing more for you than I can now." Your opportunities are many to influence your patient for good.

177. Please answer the following questions: (a) How long should one hold the Class Thought? (b) What should we do when our stock or fowls get sick? Should we dope them with drugs as of old?


(a) Sit quietly by yourself and hold the Class Thought in meditation for at least fifteen minutes, longer if convenient.

(b) "According to thy faith be it unto thee." If you have faith in the power of the Word, which works for animals as well as for man, then you can speak the healing word for them. If not, you will have to "dope" them as of old. Animals are very sensitive to man's influence over them, and may be healed through suggestion from the healer just as well as man.

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178. I do not quite understand your doctrine of " nonresistance. If a man is addicted to drink, should he not resist the inclination and turn from the evil? If one member of the family is extremely selfish, should that one be allowed to dominate the whole household? What would the world come to if no one resisted evil? - H. M.

By non-resistance we do not mean that we are to yield to temptation, but that we are not to fight the evil. Whatever we fight, fights back, and the struggle which ofttimes means agonizing striving to overcome, only keeps the idea more prominent in our minds, thus creating the condition we are seeking to destroy. Non-resistance is non-recognition, is ignoring, is turning our attention to other matters.

In the case of the selfish person, it is not necessary to contend with him, but, if his demands are unjust, quietly go your own way in all love, and he will soon see that he cannot "dominate " you.

If the whole world would see and practice only the good, there would be no evil to resist.

179. Please explain what you mean by the "Mind of the flesh, and the mind of the Spirit." Are there two minds? — F. B.

There is but one Mind, but it is active on the material as well as on the spiritual plane. It is termed the "mind of the flesh" when we perceive this actively taking form in appetites and desires of the flesh, and seems to be contrary to the "mind of the Spirit," which is the consciousness of Truth, Love and Wisdom, and which redeems the mind of the flesh and harmonizes it with itself.

180. Divine Science says thinking does it all, but I do not think animals think that they are healthy, and yet they are well. Why is it?

Can you cure a disease without removing the cause? — W. S. The animal does not think about either sickness or health it lives true to nature and does not cern itself with these minor considerations, and, because it is thus true, does it manifest its normal, true condition - health.

No, we cannot cure without removing the cause, but, as the cause is some idea held in mind, when the idea is no longer entertained, the cause is removed, and the disease healed.

A lady asked how she might have a good complexion. I submitted the question to the Inner Intelligence, and got the following laconic reply: "No coffee, outdoor exercise, corn bread."- C. F.

"Love shows itself such a marvel—such a succession of marvels that one must feel he has chosen a worthy guide in choosing Love. One need not look for a more wonderful guide, nor for one with more resources. What a power it has to make the impossible possible, and to work miracles will be revealed to the one who dare to rely upon it."


Shall know the Truth and the

make you

Devoted to

Practical Christianity.

Entered in the postoffice at Kansas City, Mo., as second-class matter.

$1.00 per year. 10 cents per copy. Foreign Subscriptions, 5 shillings per year.

Published on the 15th of every month by


Kansas City, Mo.

Publishers' Department.


The date when your subscrip

tion expires is on the pink label with your address. At the end

of your year, as a special reminder, we enclose a loose subscription blank in the last UNITY due you, which you will please use in remitting. We do not discontinue at expiration of subscription. If you want your magazine stopped, notify us.

Special Notice.

A new edition of "Lessons in Truth," by H. Emilie Cady, the easiest, simplest, and most practical course of lessons in Practical Christianity published, will be ready for delivery within ten days. These lessons will appear in one volume complete instead of in a series of three booklets as formerly. They are printed from new plates and bound in attractive style, and will sell at 50 cents in paper binding, $1.00 in cloth. We have a few copies of our regular $1.25 cloth-bound edition, which you may have for 75 cents a copy if you order promptly.

Why not take a Summer Course of Lessons in the Science of Being, or the Fundamental Principles of Practical Christianity and Christian Healing? Many read and study for years in what is called the New Thought, and yet fail to get what they feel and believe there is in it, and they wonder why they do not grasp the Substance of this great Truth. It is because the work has been done in a haphazard way or disorderly thinking. But as a Science, the New Thought teaches an orderly mental development from ignorance to a conscious unity with God.

A Summer Course of Lessons is being given at the Unity Society of Practical Christianity, Hall 511, Masonic Temple, Chicago, by Mr. Cassius A. Shafer. Besides the regular course, there will be classes in Concentration and Thought Control, Realization, and Inner Development. Mr. Shafer receives as compensation for all his work of teaching and healing only free-will offerings.

The Kansas City Unity Society of Practical Christianity, Sunday School and Woman's Auxiliary, held a delightful picnic and Gymkana at Budd Park July 4th. The Gymkana program, with prizes, was as follows: Boys' 50-yard race, Courtney Cotton, knife; Leonard Thomas, necktie. Children's sack race, Clarence Wolzak, rubber ball; Eva Hoagland, fancy stein. Blindfold race, Leonard Thomas, tray; Leah Dougherty, gold stick pin. Whistling cracker race, Frank Lynch, cup; Miss Bishop, box lemon snaps. Married women's race, Mrs. Anna Flowers, Emerson's Poems; Mrs. Lytle, "Sweets." Boys' 3-legged race, James Howard and Don Sabin, floriscope and flute; Bert Prather and Leonard Thomas, souvenir crate of oranges and box of candy. Girls' sack race, Irene Ellis, pocketbook; Myrtle Shackelford, beads. Peanut race, Miss Roxane Filkin, box of candy; Mr. A. Shackelford, toilet soap. Girls' 50-yard race, Vera Waltner, picture; Myrtle Shackelford, pocketbook. Men's 50-yard race, Mr. Geo. Harrison, pearl vest buttons; Mr. A. Shackelford, pearl watch charm. Boys' sack race, Sam Liberman, folding cup; Leonard Thomas, necktie. Young ladies' race, Miss Minnie Price, box of candy; Miss Roxane Filkin, handkerchief. Men's cock fight, Mr. Carl Gleeser, shirt stud set; Mr. Geo. Harrison, can "Polishine."

About 250 partook of an excellent dinner on the grass, after which the young people enjoyed themselves in various out-door games.

In a pleasant letter from Mrs. E. V. Thorn, Yokohama, Japan, she says: "Mrs. Annie Rix Militz is my guest. She is doing a grand and much needed work here. She will remain with us until autumn, when she will proceed to India."

A New Magazine.

Just as soon as we have a subscription list sufficient to give us second class privileges in the mails, we shall issue the first number of a magazine entitled NEW THOUGHT DIET. The title explains its character. It will be 5 cents per copy or 50 cents per year.

Send in your subscription now. It does not make any special difference whether you send the price or not we want your name if you desire to be a subscriber. And who, we would ask, among the New Thought people the world over, can afford to be without such a guide? Great ignorance prevails among all classes of metaphysicians on the food question, and there is no publication that treats the subject from the spiritual view-point. This NEW THOUGHT DIET will do, and every one seeking to spiritualize the body, should take it. Send all subscriptions to UNITY TRACT SOCIETY,

1315 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo., U. S. A,


Money is being hoarded, and is laying idle in banks all over the land, that ought to be used, to educate and spiritually enlighten the human family. If you have a surplus over and above your needs, you are not fulfilling the righteous law by letting it lay idle. Set it into circulation by giving it to some good cause - lending it to the Lord- and it will return to you again in due season multiplied. No one ever regretted the money that was given to help the good. Yet had that same money been

lost in speculation, it would have been mourned,

If you want your money to bring you lasting happiness and real satisfaction, give it to the Lord.

We have for the past eighteen years been working night and day, "without money and without price," for the alleviation of human ignorance. To test and carry out a principle, our ministry has been strictly on the free-will offering plan. It has not been an easy matter to educate people to give freely, or even at all, for what seemed so intangible as spiritual treatments and instruction. The way has not always been strewn with roses, yet we have never failed, nor refused to help any. Now the time has come for us to ask in a larger way. We want One Hundred Thousand dollars ($100,000) to carry forward plans connected with the Unity Society work, and we expect generous people everywhere, who have the good of their fellowmen at heart, to send it to us gladly.

It is a real privilege to give to a good cause, and we feel that we are making much happiness possible to those who heed the call. The Lord tells us that many have been impressed to help this movement, but are withholding for one cause or another. Now open your hearts and purses.

In the bonds of the Brotherhood of Jesus Christ,

In our next issue we hope to give definite information concerning the selection of a lot, on which the erection of a new Unity Headquarters will be begun at once, together with a diagram of the plans for the building, etc.

The offerings to date are as follows:

By order of the committee all contributions should be made to Charles Edgar Prather, Business Manager, 1315 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo., all receipts to be acknowledged.

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Special. We are making a special rate of three subscriptions to UNITY for $2.00. This is but 66 cents per year each. They must all be sent in at the same time; only one renewal.

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