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" And then he drew a dial from his poke, And looking on it with lack-lustre eye, Says very wisely, ' It is ten o'clock : Thus may we see... "
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... - Sida 59
efter William Shakespeare - 1793
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 548 sidor
...a dial from his poak, And looking on it with lack-luftre eye, Says, very wifely, it is ten a clock; Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags: 'Tis but an hour ago fince it was nine, And after one hour more 'twill be eleven j And fo from hour to hour we ripe and...
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The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes. Collated with the Oldest Copies ...

William Shakespeare - 1740 - 454 sidor
...dial from his poak, And looking on it with lack-luftre eye, Says, very wifely, it is ten a clock : Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags : 'Tis but an hour ago fince it was nine, And after one hour more 'twill be eleven ; And fo from hour to hour we ripe and...
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Much ado about nothing. The marchant of Venice. Love's labour lost. As you ...

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 502 sidor
...from his poak, ' And looking on it with lack-luftre eye, ' Says, very wifely, it is ten a clock : ' Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags; ' 'Tis but an hour ago fince it was nine, ' And after one hour more 'twill be eleven ; 'And lo from hour to hour we ripe and...
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The works of Shakespear, with a glossary, pr. from the Oxford ed. in quarto ...

William Shakespeare - 1747 - 310 sidor
...dial from his poak, And looking on it with lack-luftre eye, , v Says, very wifely, it is ten a clock : Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags : *Tis but an hour ago fince it was nine, And after or.e hour more 'twill be eleven j .,•„-. . , J • > ' And Го from...
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The Actor: A Treatise on the Art of Playing. Interspersed with Theatrical ...

John Hill - 1750 - 350 sidor
...from his poak, And, looking OH it with lack-luftre eye, Says very gravely, It i& ten o'clock. Thus Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags; 'Tis but an hour ago that it was nine, And in another hour 'twill be eleven ; And fo from hour to hour we ripe and ripe,...
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The Works of Shakespeare, Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 452 sidor
...dial from his poak, And looking on it with lack-luftre eye, Says, very wifely, it is ten a clock : Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags : 'Tis but an hour ago fince it was nine, And after one hour more 'twill be eleven ; And fo from hour to hour we ripe and...
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Works, Volym 3

William Hawkins - 1758 - 420 sidor
...then he drew a Dial from his Poak, " And looking on it with lack-luflre Eye, " Says, very wifely, it is Ten o'Clock : " Thus may we fee, quoth he, how...Nine ; " And after one Hour more 'twill be Eleven ; " And fo from Hour to Hour we ripe and ripe ; " And then from Hour to Hour we rot and rot ; " And...
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Much ado about nothing. The merchant of Venice. Love's labour's lost. As you ...

William Shakespeare - 1762 - 454 sidor
...dial from his poak, And looking on it with lack lurlre eye, Says, very wifely, it is ten a clock : Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags: 'Tis but an hour a^o fince it was nine, And after one hour more 'twill be eleven ; And fo from hour to hour we ripe...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 582 sidor
...dial from his poke, And looking on it with lack-luftre eye, Says, very wifely, it is. ten a-clock: Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags ; 'Tis but an hour ago fince it was nine, And after one hour more 'twill be eleven ; And fo from hour to hour we ripe and...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volym 2

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 454 sidor
...Good-morrow, fool, quoth I: No, Si r^ quoth he, Call me not fool, 'till heaven hath fent me fortune; And then he drew a dial from his poke,. And looking o'n it with lack-luftre eye, Says, very wifejy, it is ten a clock: Thus may we fee, quoth he, how the world wags';' 'Tis but an liour ago fince...
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