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miles southeast of Trebizond), Mr. H. S. makes it more difficult for us to reach Barnum wrote, January 7:the masses."

"In this city we have as yet witnessed no decided manifestation either of hostility or friendship. There were two avowed Protestants when we came, nearly three months since, and there are no more now. The large congregations which gathered when we first came, do not come to our places of worship now. Still we hold two services at the gardens and two at the city, every Sabbath, besides special meetings for women. Some two months since the priests warned their flocks not to come near us. The Sabbath after, we had no audience at the gardens in the afternoon, and once since, when nearly all the shops were opened because the Sabbath chanced to be a Turkish feast day, our morning service failed. With these two exceptions we have held our four services regularly. The past month our audiences have averaged larger than the month previous, and from fifty to seventy-five adults have heard at least one presentation of the truth every Sabbath. Still there are none that can be called regular attendants save our two Protestant brethren. Occasional sales of Scriptures are made. Since we came, five Bibles, as many as thirty Testaments, and perhaps forty Gospels, have been sold, besides a few other religious books. It is a pleasant fact, however, that of every five who come to the bookroom four wish only Scripture. I urge other good books upon them, but they say, 'No doubt they are good, but the great thing is the "Holy Book." We'll read that first, and then think of something else.' Perhaps more than half of the gospels, and a few of the others, have been bought as reading-books for children; but this does not prevent their doing good in the families they have entered. We sometimes feel almost impatient for immediate, tangible results, especially as this seems, for a new field, unusually ripe for the harvest. Still, we know that crops are sometimes injured by appearing above ground too soon, and so it may be best that the silent, subsoil work of enlightenment should go on for awhile, before the manifestation of a few, as Prot. estants, arouses violent antipathies and

Mahratta Mission-Western India.


SEVERAL station reports for 1872, and other communications, have been received from this mission field, and were marked for use in the " Herald" more extensively than they can now be used. From Mr. Bissell's report of " Ahmednuggur and the Southern Districts," a few extracts will be given :

"The year just closed has been one of blessing to the churches in this District, though not without its trials also. Many of the Christians will remember it as a time in which they received new impressions of the greatness of the work in which they are engaged, and a new sense of their need of the Holy Spirit's help.

"Pastor Modak, of Ahmednuggur, reports: Twenty-five persons have been received to the church on profession of their faith, and sixteen have come from other churches. The regular preaching services on the Sabbath, and other days of the week, have been attended by more outsiders than ever before. Even at the special meetings of the church for prayer, many have been present and listened attentively. At the time of our annual meeting, the crowd was so great that the doors and windows were all blocked, and yet many left because they could not hear. Including tithes for the support of their pastor, this church has collected for differ. ent objects during the year 356 rupees. I am encouraged to believe the church is being built up in faith, and is growing in numbers and graces; and for this I praise God.'

"The pastor of the Seroor church reports no additions during the year, while four have, for unchristian conduct, been subject to discipline. In the hot season,' he says, 'Seroor was visited with cholera, which proved fatal to many. Several of the Christians were attacked, but to none of them did it prove fatal. During the prevalence of this disease, the calm trust of the Christians in their Heavenly Father

presented a striking contrast to the terror of the heathen around them.'

"Woman's part in the missionary work in India is each year becoming more important and more fruitful. Much attention has been given by the wives of the missionaries to the instruction of the na

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tive Christian women. Many of these have read the Bible more, and know more about it, than they know of all other books. Some who cannot read at all can repeat a good many precious promises from the Bible. There is a Maternal Association' here, numbering forty-two members. They meet each month for prayer, and once in three months an address is given by one of the missionaries or native preachers, to the assembled mothers and children.

"At the time of the anniversary, when many Christian families from the districts were here, the wives of the missionaries and the native Christian women, on one occasion, met by themselves. About one hundred and twenty adults were present, and many children. There were six greatgrandmothers at the meeting, and in some instances the four generations of Christians sat side by side. Prof. Seelye, after meeting with us on the Sabbath, and seeing the goodly company of men and women met for worship, said the sight of that congregation paid him for his visit to Ahmednuggur.

"The four Bible-women under the direction of Mrs. Bissell have continued their work, with some interruptions, during the year. Partly, and perhaps chiefly, through their influence, four women are now asking to be received to the church, and come to the pastor or myself each Tuesday to receive instruction. Last Tuesday, the pastor being absent, eleven persons came to me for this purpose.

"The Girls' School has been larger than ever before, numbering eighty pupils in the latter part of the term. There has been unusual seriousness in the school this year, and a carefulness to obey the rules most pleasing to see. Many of the girls declared their purpose, at the commencement of the year, to seek Christ; and before its close eleven of them we believe found him, and were received into

the church during the last two months of the term. Others are asking the same privilege, and we trust will not long be denied."


Mr. Park, in his report of the Sholapoor Eastern District, mentions a case of much interest, which he presents more fully in a letter written on one of his preaching excursions, under date "Dhotre, 40 miles north of Sholapoor, December 9,” as follows:


"You may remember that in my of about a year ago, I spoke of one Ramji, a member of one of the lowest castes, who had formerly been a 'gosavi,' or religious teacher among his people, but who then began to express a desire to become a Christian. I then felt considerable doubt as to his sincerity. But during this past year he has seen Bhiwaji [a helper] a number of times, and has read and studied the Bible and some of our Christian books. He has also done a good deal of preaching among his own people, on his own responsibility, in this and neighboring villages. In fact he has spent a good share of his time in this way. We therefore came here to examine him, and if it seemed best to baptize him. His examination was quite satisfactory. His whole appearance was far different from that of a year ago, his manner was changed vastly for the better, and from what he said, as well as from his conduct, we could have but little doubt of his sincerity and of the reality of his conversion. He seems also to have made a good use of his opportunities the few he has had and his understanding of the essentials of Christianity is by no means poor. So we regarded him as a fit subject for baptism. His mother, wife, and sister, were also examined and approved. His wife appeared the best of the three. Several others also asked to be baptized, and were examined, but it seemed best for them to wait a little longer. All that any of these candidates know about Christianity they have learned, so far as human sources are concerned, from Ramji; and it would have pleased you, as it both pleased and surprised us, to see the degree of knowledge which

some of them evinced. It certainly spoke well for their teacher. Yesterday was Sunday. In the morning we preached in the Mang wada, the part of the village where Ramji and his people live; and in the afternoon I baptized the four whom we had approved. It was the first time I had performed the rite. I pray that in the future there may be frequent occasions to perform it. After the baptism we came back to our tents, and held a pleasant communion service.

"Ramji has followers in eighteen neighboring villages. He says that they number about a hundred, and that it is his prayer that they may all be led to Christ. It is evident that he has a great deal of influence among them.

"A party in this village, headed by the Kulkarni (a Brahman), is more than usually hostile to Christianity. They had previously announced their purpose of destroying Ramji's house in case he became a Christian, and of driving him out of the village, in order to prevent the infection from spreading. It is doubtful whether they will go to that length, yet likely enough Ramji will be subjected to considerable annoyance of one kind and another, not to say persecution. This must be endured, and I think he will endure it in a proper manner.

"We are gratified to hear of a number of others, several here and some in other villages, who are thinking about these things, and considering the matter of becoming Christians. We look upon Ramji, and upon the whole movement which he has been almost the only human instrument of originating, with much hope. Yet we remember that there have been sad instances of defection, many who seemed to start well, have run only for a season, and many movements among the people, at first far more promising than this, have had but a small, if any, result. We pray that it may not be so in this case."

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here, but only one of them is a resident of this place. The other two are women from neighboring villages. They are all former followers of Ramji, and all met with us at Dhotre. One of them is a blind woman, quite old—at least sixty I should say. Her examination was very interesting. Her love and faith, and the reality of her experience could hardly be doubted. She says that for many years she has been a worshiper of Vithoba, but he has never done anything for her; and now she has heard of Jesus Christ, who so loved her that he died for her.

"Thus our little church in this region is growing. Others still are asking to be received, and Ramji told me the other day of over fifty persons, in different villages, who are inquiring. It cheers us much to see Ramji's earnestness. 'If these men are not all brought to the truth,' he says, 'it will be my fault.' The interest is not, as we believe, confined to the circle of Ramji's followers. There are a number in this village who I think have never heard the gospel before, and who, since our coming, seem to be much attracted by it. Some prominent men in the village, of good caste, have expressed their interest in what they have heard, and a desire to know more. One, especially, called one of our native brethren to his house and had quite a conversation with him. But caste is in the way. Several Mahars have been to us, evidently in considerable concern. They admitted the truth of the gospel, and said they would gladly embrace it, but they were afraid of provoking opposition from their families. They said their wives and other friends were already beginning to find fault with them for coming so much to us, and how they could cast them off, and adopt this hated religion, which they felt to be true, they did not see. Truly a man's foes shall be they of his own household.'"

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“Two Sabbaths since, the native pastor at Battalagundu received five of the pupils of the station school to the church. My last monthly meeting at Periakulam was of great interest. The churches had contributed, during the previous month, a little over forty rupees for the support of their pastors, and the women of the congregations had collected over eleven rupees, by their Sabbath contributions in grain. In Battalagundu station, more than six rupees were collected by the women, so that my expectations from this new effort have been realized. In some congregations in Periakulam station, the catechists remarked that this effort was leading the women to be more regular in their attendance at divine service, and it was also stimulating the men to do more than before. The success of this new plan, to increase our collections for benevolence, was very stimulating to the pastors and catechists. There is now a feeling of pleasure in every effort to advance in the support of their own institutions."

fort has proved a success, especially in the Periakulam station, where there has been an advance in contributions of at least twenty-five per cent. The pastors and catechists have taken a lively interest in the subject, and the churches have advanced to the position of paying one half of the pastor's salary instead of a fourth, as in the year previous.

"The church at Periakulam is nearly finished and will soon be open for service. It is a neat, substantial building, and the people will prize it the more as they have been without a house of worship for nearly two years. They have contributed about one hundred rupees towards its erection, during the year, and it will be necessary for them to add something more, as there is a debt of nearly one hundred rupees on

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On the 2d of January, 1873, he wrote who expressed a desire to become Chrisagain :

"In this letter, I will refer briefly to the work during the past year at the two stations under my care. There were seventeen additions, during the year, to the churches at Battalagundu station, and thirty-one to the churches at Periakulam. All the churches have shared in these gracious manifestations, and we have reason to thank God for these tokens of his pres


"There has been decided advance in benevolence. During the latter part of 1872 I presented this subject to the pastors and catechists, and to the churches, urging the importance of giving regularly and weekly. To aid in this matter, an organization was effected among the women in many of the congregations, through which contributions in grain have been made every Sabbath, set aside daily, by handfuls from the family meal. This ef

tians and have a congregation organized without delay in their village. In two villages we met with people who have the subject under consideration. In one village my daughter had an audience of fifty heathen women, all assembled in one courtyard, and there would have been many more, had there been room. One old woman, after the conversation, said that in her heart she often prayed to the true God, although she did not know who or where he was. But hereafter she would pray to Jesus, as he must be the true God, and she had heard of his love to them. We addressed over 4,000 souls on this itineracy, and arrangements were made to continue it after a short interval, by the pastors and catechists.

"Whilst engaged in this work, one day was given up for the ordination of catechist Isaac, over the church at Kambam. The occasion was a memorable one for

that church. The church-members, and all the congregation, are united in their pastor, and I was much pleased to notice the progress made by this people in order and knowledge during the seven months Isaac had been with them. Forty-three Christian women were at a meeting conducted by my daughter, and more than half of them were well prepared in advanced Bible lessons. The pastor's wife had been most active in instructing the women, and had proved herself a real helpmeet to her husband in his work. A number of the younger women were anxious to learn to read, and they will with out doubt redeem the pledge they gave in this matter, as this faithful woman will be instant in season and out of season in teaching them. The Kambam church has a good plan for promoting benevolence, and for reaching their heathen neighbors. They will give half of their pastor's salary at once, and I hope the time is not far distant when they will give the whole. We returned from our tour greatly encouraged, and with the full assurance that God's name will be glorified throughout that station by the conversion of many souls."

Foochow Mission — China.


MISS PAYSON reported, December 3, 1872, that her school has increased to twenty-four pupils, and she hoped it would increase to thirty in the new building, nearly completed, which would accommodate that number. The following incidents are noticed in her report:

"Seven new scholars joined our number soon after the opening of school in September, who seem much interested in learning to read, and are making very good progress. I felt much sympathy for the mother of one of them, who came to see her little daughter a few weeks since. She is a young widow, and has but this one child a quiet, well-behaved little girl, about nine years of age. Some of her relatives had induced her to send the child here, but as soon as little Sang Mwoi was out of her sight the mother's loving heart began to be oppressed with all man

ner of misgivings and forebodings. She was sure those foreigners would not take care of other people's children, and half support them in this way at their school, unless they meant to profit by it somehow. She feared all sorts of evil. Perhaps they had already sent her daughter to that far away Flowery-Flag Land (meaning America), to be sold as a slave, and she should never behold the dear face again.

"She grieved and wept so much over the affair that two of her neighbors agreed to come with her to the school, and let her see for herself how matters stood. The three women came in, one Sunday afternoon, just as I was about to hear the Bible recitations, which the school girls have every Sabbath. After the recitations we had singing and prayer, and the women listened to all with much apparent interest. When the services were ended, they told me why they had come, and how inconsolable the poor mother had been about her child. Reference to her anxiety at home brought the tears afresh to her eyes, and though she tried to smile through them, I could see that the tears came far more readily than the smiles. I felt half like shedding tears myself at seeing her so moved, and said, as kindly as I could, 'You need not fear at all about your little girl. I love her, and will do all I can to make her happy. So go home and feel no more trouble about her.' The school-matron and another woman present then added their words of exhortation and comfort, saying, 'There is no need to fear. The ku-niong (meaning me) only wants to teach these girls the Bible doctrine. She teaches them about the true God and to obey him.' Then her neighbors took up the strain of encouraging words, and so, before she left, the mother succeeded in looking quite cheerful, and carried home with her, I hope, a consoling thought or two of God's great fatherhood, and his ineffable love and tenderness for her and her little one."



"One of my former scholars was married about two years since, and removed to a small village, about twelve miles from

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