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VOL. LXIX.-JANUARY, 1873.- No. I.


THE year which we now review has been one, it is believed, of healthful progress in most of the missions, though not marked by special revivals, to any considerable extent, or by many other events peculiarly important. The addition of 919 members, by profession, to the mission churches, the ordination of at least nine more native pastors, the progress, in many fields, towards more general intelligence, a better educated native ministry, fully organized and self-sustaining churches, and successful evangelistic effort by the native Christians among their own countrymen, are facts to be gratefully recognized. A marked development in the native ministry may be noticed in several fields. - mental and moral growth, increased fitness for the work to which they are called, increased influence for good among the people, increased ability not only to preach effectively, but to prepare tracts and books, and to instruct other young men in seminaries and theological schools, training them for Christian work, a development giving promise of a time in the not distant future, when the native church and native institutions may be left in good measure to care for themselves, and to carry forward the work of Christ among their own people. Atten ́ve readers of the Missionary Herald, and of other missionary publications, will be sure to notice many indications that the influence of truth is spres uing all around the mission stations, that the way of the Lord is being prepared in many lands. Within the year, fourteen ordained missionaries, one physician not ordained, and fourteen women, have left the United States as new laborers in connection with the different missions of the Board; viz. Messrs. Marsh, Baird, and House, and Mrs. House, for European Turkey; Miss Washburn, for Western Turkey; Miss Noyes, probably to join the Central Turkey mission; Mr. and Mrs. Scott, for Eastern Turkey; Miss Sisson, for Madura; Mr. Walker and Miss Claghorn, for Foochow; Mr. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Miss Evans, for North China; Dr. and Mrs. Berry, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, for Japan; Mr. Alexy, for Spain; Messrs. Adams, Clark, and Alexander, with their wives, for Austria; Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, and Mr. Stephens, for Mexico. Four missionaries and their wives, also, after visits to the United States, have again left for foreign fields, Mr. and Mrs. Woodin, for Foochow;

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Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich, and Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gulick, for North China; and Mr. and Mrs. Schauffler, for Austria. On the other hand, ten ordained missionaries and fifteen women have been constrained to leave their fields, for a time at least, and come to their native land, several of them not expecting to be able again to engage in work abroad; so that, on the whole, but little has been done to reinforce the missions, though many have been sadly in need of reinforcement. Indeed, if we deduct those who have gone to new fields, in nominally Christian lands (ten), it will be seen that only twentyseven in all have gone to the old fields within the year, while twenty-five have returned from these fields to the United States, and two others, Mr. and Mrs. Doane, have doubtless also left their work in Micronesia. Two, also, have been removed by death, who appeared in the list of laborers abroad in January, 1872 (though one of them had really, then, departed to her rest above), Mrs. Bridgman, of North China, who died in November, 1871, and Mrs. Powers, of Central Turkey, whose death has been recently announced. Mrs. Coan, of the Sandwich Islands, should also be mentioned as recently deceased, though the Board is no longer considered as having a mission there. Very grateful should we be, that there have been no more deaths among the more than three hundred laborers. If, now, it be remembered that all the missionaries are one year older than they were at the time of the last survey, and that a considerable number of them are already of such an age that it must be expected their active labors will soon cease, it will be seen that there has not only been no increase of force, but that the natural diminution of strength in the old mission has not even been made good by new recruits. This ought not so to be. The Church of Christ has every encouragement to press forward in her work for the world's salvation; the men should be ready, and means should be cheerfully provided.



(Southeastern Africa, near Port Natal.)

UMZ MBI (Oom-zoom/-by. About 80 miles S. W. of Port Natal). Henry M. Bridgman, Missionary; Mrs. Laura B. Bridgman. -Rufus Anderson, native pastor; one tive preacher and three teachers.

UMTWALUMI (Oom twah-loo/- my. -About 70 miles 8. W. of Port Natal, Hyman A. Wiider, Myron W. Pinkerton, Missionaris; Mrs. Abby T. Wilder, Mrs. Louisa M. Pinkerton. Three native preachers and four teachers.

IFAFA (Ee-fah'-fah. - About 60 miles S. W. of Port Natal). (In charge of Mr. Wilder.) One native preacher and one teacher.

AMAHLONGWA (Ah-mah-thlong-wah. - About 43 miles S. W. of Port Natal). (In charge of Mr. Wilder.) Three native preachers and one teacher.

IFUMI (Ee-foo/-my. About 35 miles S. W. of Port Natal). Usingapanzi, native pastor; one preacher and one teacher.

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Mrs. Louisa Pixley, Miss Laura A. Day. - Ira Nembula, native pastor; one native preacher and four teachers.

INANDA (Ee-nahn'-dah. - About 20 miles N. W. of Port Natal). - Daniel Lindley, Missionary; Mrs. Lucy A. Lindley, Mrs. Mary K. Edwards, Miss Martha J. Lindley. James Dube, native pastor; one preacher

and one teacher.

UMSUNDUZI (Oom - soon - doo' -zy. About 30 miles W. of N. from Port Natal). William Mellen, Missionary; Mrs. Laurana W. Mellen. One teacher. ITAPAMASI (Ee-tah-fah-mah'-see-30 miles N. W. of Port Natal). One native pastor and one teacher. ESIDUMBINI (A-see-doom-bee/-ný. About 40 miles W. of N. from Port Natal). In charge of a native preacher. One preacher and one teacher.

UмVOTI (Oom - vo- ty. About 40 miles N. N. E. of Port Natal). David Rood, Missionary; Mrs. Alzina V. Rood, Miss Gertrude R. Hance. Three teachers and two other helpers.

MAPUMULO (Mah-poo-moo'-lo. About 55 miles N. of Port Natal). -Andrew Abraham, Missionary; Mrs. Sarah L. Abraham. - One teacher.

In this Country. Seth B. Stone, Josiah Tyler, Elijah Robbins, Missionaries; Mrs. Catherine M. Stone, Mrs. Susan W. Tyler, Mrs. Addie B. Robbins.

Much progress has been made in this field within a few years, in developing an efficient native ministry. Five pastors have been ordained, and the Sabbath services at six different stations are now conducted wholly by natives. A fine seminary building for the training school, to accommodate seventy

students, has just been completed, at an expense of about $3,500. Forty-four young men were in attendance at the last report, and forty-two girls were in the school in charge of Mrs. Edwards. These institutions are already more than fulfilling the hopes of their friends. There are thirteen churches, with a membership of over five hundred. The additions during the last year were 49. More than a thousand pupils are connected with the different schools, most of which are in charge of native teachers from the mission seminaries, and hundreds of Christian parents, with their children, are studying the Bible in the Sabbath schools and at their homes.

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SAMOKOV (Sam-o-kove. - 300 miles W. N. W. of Constantinople). James F. Clarke, W. Edwin Locke, Henry P. Page, Missionaries; Mrs. Isabella G. Clarke, Mrs. Zoe A. M. Locke, Mrs. Mary A. Page, Miss Esther T. Maltbie, Mrs. Anna V. Mumford. One licensed preacher, one colporter, one Bible-woman, two teachers in girls' boarding-school.

In this Country. -Henry C. Haskell, Missionary; Mrs. Margaret B. Haskell, Miss Minnie C. Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Haskell and Miss Beach have been constrained, by failing health, to come to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Schauffler, assured by physicians that they should not go at present to the European-Turkey field with their children, have been transferred from this mission to commence labors in Upper Austria. The mission has just been reinforced by three new missionaries, for the present stationed at Eski Zagra.

The prospects of this comparatively new mission seem to be now very promising. Considerable religious interest has been apparent at stations and out stations. At least 38 members were received to the churches during the last year reported. The girls' boarding school at Samakov has 22 pupils, and there have been six young men in a training class at Eski Zagra, who have been diligent in study, "whose hearts, even more than their minds, have been opened," and who already are doing much to extend the influence of truth among the people.

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LITERARY DEPARTMENT FOR THE THREE ARMENIAN MISSIONS. CONSTANTINOPLE. Elias Riggs, D. D., LL. D., Edwin E. Bliss, D. D., Andrew T. Pratt, M. D., I. Fayette Pettibone, Joseph K. Greene, Missionaries; Mrs. Martha J. Riggs, Mrs. Isabella H. Bliss, Mrs. Sarah F. Pratt, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Greene.


CONSTANTINOPLE.- George W. Wood, D. D., Milan H. Hitchcock, Charles C. Tracy, Missionaries; Mr. Henry O. Dwight, Secular Agent; Mrs. Sarah A. H. Wood, Mrs. L. A. Hitchcock, Mrs. L. A. Tracy, Mrs. Mary A. Dwight, Miss Julia A. Rappleye, Miss Mary L. Wadsworth, M. D.-Two licensed preachers, two teachers, two other helpers.

MANISA (Man-e-sah'. - About 200 miles S. W. of Constantinople- near Smyrna). - Theodore A. Baldwin, Missionary; Mrs. Matilda J. Baldwin, Miss Phebe L. Cull. One preacher, one teacher, and one other helper.

BROO'SA (57 miles S. S. E. of Constantinople). Sanford Richardson, Missionary; Mrs. Rhoda A. Richardson, Miss Ursula C. Clarke. One native pastor, four teachers.

NICOME DIA (55 miles E. S. E. of Constantinople). Justin W. Parsons, William A. Spaulding, Missionaries; Mrs. Catharine Parsons, Mrs. Georgia D. Spaulding, Miss Laura Farnham. -One native pastor, two teachers.

MARSOVAN (Mar-so-vahn'. About 350 miles E. of Constantinople). Julius Y. Leonard, John F. Smith, George F. Herrick, Missionaries; Mrs. Amelia A. Leonard, Mrs. Laura E. Smith, Mrs. Helen M. Herrick, Miss Eliza Fritcher, Miss Fanny E. Washburn. - One native preacher, five teachers.

CESAREA (370 miles E. S. E. of Constantinople). - Wilson A. Farnsworth, Lyman Bartlett, John O. Barrows, Missionaries; Mrs. Caroline E. Farnsworth, Mrs. Cornelia C. Bartlett, Mrs. Clara S. Barrows, Mrs. Elizabeth Giles, Miss Sarah A. Closson, Miss Ardelle M. Griswold. -One pastor, five teachers, and one helper.

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Miss Washburn, from Medford, Mass., ciated with Miss Fritcher, at Marsovan. from her connection with the Board, and

has joined this mission, to be assoMiss Shearman has been released Dr. and Mrs. Schne der have come

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