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Quid verum*** curo, et rogo et omnis in hoc sumi

HORAT. I Ep. 1 Lib








May 1913



LETTER I. P. 17-39.

THE HE expedition from Boston against the British post at Penobscot, p. 17. General Sullivan's expedition against the Indians, p. 19. Indian and American expeditions against each other, p. 22. The Spanish governor of Louisiana recognizes American independency, and marches against the British settlements on the Missisippi, p. 23. Congress conclude upon an ultimatum, and write to Dr. Franklin, p. 24. Mr. Gerard's private audience of congress, p. 26. Congress choose Mr. Jay for their minister at the court of Madrid, and Mr. John Adams for their minister to negociate a treaty of peace and a treaty of commerce with Great-Britain, p. 27.-they address a long letter to their constituents on their finances, p. 28. Count d'Estaing sails from the West-Indies for the American continent, p. 30. -summons Savannah to surrender, p. 31. He and general Lincoln are repulsed in an attack upon the town, p. 33. Congress resolve to erect a monument to the memory of count Pulaski, p. 35. The British evacuate Rhode-Island, p. 36. The communications of the French minister to congress, p. 37.

LETTER II. P. 39–77.

Congress's answer to the communications of the minister of France, p. 39. The second conference of the minister of France, p. 41. The distress of Washington's army for want of bread, p. 42. Sir H. Clinton's expedition to South-Carolina, p. 44. The British open their batteries against Charleston, p. 47. Colonels Tarleton and Webster defeat the American horse, p. 47-49. General Lincoln surrenders Charleston, p. 50. Tarleton defeats col. Buford, p. 52. The distressed situation of the American commander in chief, p. 54. An unusual darkness in the New-England states, p. 56. A large body of the royal troops cross from Staten-Island to Elizabeth-town, p. 58. Mrs. Caldwell kilied, ibid. The troops leave Elizabeth-town and march to Springfield, p. 60-then stopped by general Greene, ibid.-burn Springfield, and return to Staten-Island, ibid. The efforts of the Philadelphia gentlemen and ladies to relieve Washington's army, p. 62. The preamble of the Pennsylvania act against slavery, p. 63. A French fleet, with troops, arrive at Newport, p. 64. The affairs of South-Carolina, p. 66. Lord Cornwallis left in command at Charleston, p. 68. Colonel Sumpter being chosen by a party of South-Carolina exiles to VOL. III.

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lead them, returns with them into the state, and takes the field, against the victorious British, p. 70. Congress unanimously re solve that general Gates should take the command of the southern department, p. 72. He joins the troops, marches and encamps on the road to Camden, p. 73. Justice Pendleton's letter to lord Cornwallis, ibid. Congress resolve on destroying all the old paper emission, and on adopting a new emission, p. 74. The Massachusetts convention agree upon a constitution for the commonwealth. p. 75. Their general court incorporate a society by the name of The American Academy of Arts and Sciences, p. 76.

LETTER III. P. 78-96.

The affairs of Ireland, p. 78. Captain Fielding not being allowed to examine the Dutch ships under the convoy of count Byland, employs force, p. 79. The armed neutrality, p. 80. Sir George Rodney engages and defeats the Spanish fleet under Don Langara, p. 82. Don Galvez's expedition against Mobile, p. 83. Sir George Rodney engages count de Guichen, p. 84. County petitions for the redress of grievances, p. 86. The house of commons vote in favor of redressing the same, p. 87. All hopes of obtaining redress from that house are at an end, p. 88. Lord George Gordon, the protestant association, and the subsequent convulsions, ibid-his lordship conducted to the Tower, p. 92. An eventual treaty between the states of Holland and the United States of America, signed by the direction of Mr. Van Berckel, p. 94.

LETTER IV. P. 96-140.

The military operations in South-Carolina, p. 96. General Gates takes the direct route to Camden, p. 98.-joins the militia under general Caswell, ibid-conducts his army to Clermont, p. 99-marches on toward Camden, p. 101-is unexpectedly met by lord Cornwallis, at the head of the British troops, and is defeated by him, ibid. Baron de Kalb mortally wounded, p. 105. Tarleton defeats Sumpter, p. 108. The relics of the American army retreat to Salisbury, ibid-are ordered to Hillsborough, p. 109. Cornwallis's orders relative to the treatment of South-Carolina, ibid. A number of the citizens of Charleston, prisoners under the capitulation, sent to St. Augustine, p.110. General Marion's exertions against the British adherents, p. 112. The arrangement of the broken American troops, p. 114. Major Ferguson ordered to manoeuvre through the northern parts of South-Carolina, and then to join lord Cornwallis at Charlotte, p. 116-is pursued, defeated and slain,

P. 117.

117. His lordship's letter to general Smallwood, p, 120. Gates's troops march to Salisbery, p. 121. Sumpter defeats major Weyms-is afterward attacked by Tarleton, whom he al so defeats, p. 122. Gates moves his head-quarters to Charlotte, and there surrenders the army into general Greene's hands, P. 123. Lieutenant-colonel Washington takes the British post at Clermont by stratagem, p. 124. The congress resolve respecting Gates, ibid. Acts of congress, p. 125. p. 125., General Washington's difficulties, p. 127-he meets count de Rochambeau and admiral Ternay, at Hartford, p. 128. The scheme. for delivering West-Point into the hands of Sir H. Clinton discovered, ibid. Major Andre taken while on his way to NewYork, p. 130. Arnold, upon receiving information of it, hastens en board the Vulture, British sloop of war, p. 131. Andre adjudged to be considered as a spy, p. 132.-and dies as such, universally esteemed and regretted, p. 133. Washington's thoughts on the whole affair, p. 134. Sir H. Clinton sends troops to Virginia, p. 125. A general exchange of prisoners settled by the British and American generals Philips and Lincoln, ibid. The resolve of congress relative to the three militia men who took Andre, p. 135. Major Tallmage's expedition to LongIsland, ibid. Congress determine on having a permanent army, p. 137-take into serious consideration the absolute necessity of a large and immediate foreign aid of money, ibid. The donations of the daughters of liberty in Philadelphia and the neighborhood to the American soldiers, p. 138. The Massachusetts begin their government agreeable to the new constitution, and John Hancock, esq. is declared to have been elected governor, id. Admiral Ternay dies at Newport, p. 140..

LETTER. V. P. 140-149

The French and Spanish fleets in the West-Indies form a junc-. tion, but effect no capital operation, p. 141. Their combined Aeets in Europe intercept the East and West-India convoy, p. 142. Mr. Laurens is taken in his passage to Holland, p. 143. Sir Jo seph Yorke, leaves the Hague, ibid.. Hurricanes in the West Indies, p. 144. The new parliament meets, p. 146. The kindness of the Spaniards to the British prisoners, p. 149. The inquisition abolished in the duke of Modena's dominions, ibid.

LETTER VI. P. 150-1828.

The Pennsylvania line revolts, p. 150. Sir H. Clinton sends agents to treat with them, two of whom are hanged, p. 151. Part of the Jersey brigade revolts, p. 153. Lieut. col. John Laurens chosen by congress special minister to the court of Ver


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