I am much obliged to F. N. for his note respecting the early printed editions of Littleton's Tenures. My authority was, I believe, Ames's Typographical Antiquities,' a work sorely in need of revision. My attention was drawn to the subject by a vain search for a copy of the Tenures,' said by the same authority to have been printed by Robert Wyer, the Charing Cross printer (15311560). Perhaps F. N. can throw some light on this. HENRY R. PLOMER. 61, Cornwall Road, W. quote the following from the poet's very interesting tract On Education,' 1644 (an education, it may be remarked, that could only be enjoyed by the minority), for the information of your correspondent : "And now lastly, will be the time to read with them these organic arts to enable men to write and discourse perspicuously, elegantly, and according to the fittest style, of lofty, mean or lowly. Logic, therefore, so much as is useful, is to be referred to this due place with all her well-couched heads and topics, until it be time to open her contracted palm into a graceful and ornate rhetoric, taught out of the rule of Plato, Aristotle, Phalereus, Cicero, Hermogenes, Longinus. To which poetry would be made subsequent or, indeed, rather precedent, as being less subtile and fine, but more simple, sensuous, and passionate." the appended quotation from The Reason of Church Government,' 1641, will, I have no doubt, be sufficient for his purpose, viz.: The use here of sensuous, I venture to say, is intended to indicate "full of feeling or passion," a meaning also expressed in the word passionate. As regards MR. BOUCHIER'S other question, as to where Milton mentions "that in writing prose he MRS. JORDAN (7th S. ix. 387, 494).-Notwith-had, so to speak, the use of only his left hand," standing MR. HOPE's interesting communication, I must uphold the view that the name Jordan, if exception be taken to the term "suggested," was, at any rate, agreed upon by the lady, her mother, "If I were wise only to my own ends, I would cerand Tate Wilkinson. For this we have Wilkin-tainly take such a subject as of itself might catch applause, son's statement in print. See 'Wandering Patentee,' whereas this hath all the disadvantages on the contrary, vol. ii. p. 140, published 1795. The words used and such a subject as the publishing whereof might be are "Jordan was adopted," and this fact was never, delayed at pleasure......Lastly, I should not choose this so far as I am aware, contradicted by Mrs. Jordan. self inferior to myself, led by the genial power of nature manner of writing [i. e., prose], wherein, knowing myThe story of the aunt who was dying has long to another task, I have the use, as I may account, but of since been public property, and is alluded to by my left hand. For although a poet, soaring in the high Tate Wilkinson and was borrowed by Boaden: reason of his fancies, with his garland and singing "The lady in question being a Mrs. Philips, who robes about him, might without apology speak more of had been an actress in the York Company." Boa himself than I mean to do; yet for me sitting here below in the cool element of prose, a mortal thing among many den, in the preface to his 'Life of Mrs. Jordan,' readers of no empyreal conceit, it may not be envy to 1831, refers to Sir Jonah Barrington's work, the me.' "-Vide the charming edition, by Ernest Myers, of first edition of which was published 1827-1830, the Selected Prose Writings of John Milton,' pp. 23, 24, and is a book that must be well known to all who and 89 (Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., London, 1889). have studied the career of the great comic actress. The paragraph from VERITAS, 5th S. viii. 397, quoted by MR. MARSHALL hits my point for investigation, namely, the Thimbleby mystery, which I regret to find not yet solved. If there be foundation for Mr. Laurence Oliphant's tale, surely the time has passed for sentiment to stifle facts. ROBERT WALTERS. HENRY GERALD HOPE. In his tractate Of Education,' addressed to Mr. Samuel Hartlib, Milton writes, after enumerating many branches of study-ethics, politics, law, theology, logic, &c.-"To which Poetry would be made subsequent, or, indeed, rather precedent, as being less subtile and fine, but more simple, sensuous, and passionate" (vol. i. p. 146, ed. Birch, 4to., 1753; vol. i. p. 281, ed. Symmons, 8vo., 1806). "Sensuous is used by Milton as equivalent to senseful, full of sense or feeling (bodily or corporeal)," says Richardson, and it has this force in the soul by this means of overbodying herself, his tractate Of Reformation in England,' ,"till given up justly to fleshly delights, bated her wing apace downward: and finding the ease she had from her visible and sensuous collegue the body," &c. (book i. vol. i. p. 2, ed. Birch, 1753, and ed. Symmons, 1806). As to the second passage required, it occurs in his 'Reason of Church Government,' book ii., very sorrowful truly! These weepers then, it seems, are "Lastly, I should not chuse this manner of writing, to bear the whole burthen of the distress." wherein knowing myself inferior to myself, led by This was followed shortly afterwards by Smollett, the genial power of Nature to another task, I have who issued 'Sir Launcelot Greaves' during the the use, as I may account, but of my left hand "following year, wherein he says:— (vol. i. p. 62, ed. 1753; vol. i. p. 118, ed. Symmons, 1806). W. E. BUCKLEY. THE ADMISSION REGISTER OF CORPUS CHRISTI COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE (7h S. ix. 389, 475).The replies hitherto furnished fail to meet the point raised. I was aware that "A List of the Names," &c., formed part of Masters's ' 'History of the College of Corpus Christi in the University of Cambridge,' 1753; but an introductory note to the 'List' makes it apparent that the catalogue of members had prior circulation as a separate and distinct issue. The note, bearing date "C. C. C. C., Dec. 1, 1749," runs : "The Publication of this (before the other part of the Work) is, with a view of rendering it the more compleat, since it is hereby put into the power of all Biographical Collectors (especially of such as are or have been of this House, and so are more immediately concerned for its Credit and Reputation) to make some additions thereto, by communicating to me any Memoirs relating to the Families, Characters, Works, &c., of any of its Members, any Notices of which sort will be most thankfully acknowledged." A copy of A List of the Names,' &c., 4to., with the date 1749, appears as No. 308 in the late John Camden Hotten's Handbook to the Topography and Family History of England and Wales,' no date. My query, therefore, remains, Where can be seen a copy of the original 'List' of 1749 ? DANIEL HIPWELL. 34, Myddelton Square, Clerkenwell, DETACHED BELL TOWERS (7th S. ix. 107, 169, 277). In the long list elicited by CANON VENABLES's question, I do not think the following were noticed :-Woburn, Bedfordshire; Chittlehampton, Devon; Mylor, near Falmouth; Llangyfelach, Glamorganshire; and Flixborough, Lincolnshire. They occur in the list given by Bloxam, vol. ii. p. 21. His theory, which seems to me a very satisfactory one, is that they were so built where the ground was soft or marshy, lest the settlement of the tower might dislocate the main structure. F. D. M. Highgate. It is a great many years since I was at Wilton, but I think the belfry-or rather, in this case, campanile—of the church there is detached. R. H. BUSK. WEEPERS (7th S. ix. 469).-An early instance of the use of this word will be found in the following extract from Goldsmith's 'Citizen of the World,' first published in 1759: "Mourners clap bits of muslin on their slceves, and these are called eepers Weeping muslin alas alas "The young squire was even then very handsome, and looked remarkably well in his weepers." EVERARD HOME COLEMAN. 71, Brecknock Road. [See also N. & Q.,' 4th S. vii. 257; viii. 378, 443; ix. 17; x. 105.] WATERED SILK (7th S. ix. 449).—The following quotation does not answer your correspondent's question, but it is worth quoting in connexion with it : "j chesable of blew velvat with the albe and apparell, Inventory of Winchester Cathedral, A.D. 1552,' in prist, decon, and subdecon of blue unwatered chalat." Archæologia, vol. xliii. p. 237. EDWARD PEACOCK. GRAY'S 'ELEGY' (7th S. ix. 468).-Gervase Markham's 'Farewell to Husbandry' (ed. 1631) contains a somewhat lengthy account of "the particular daies labours of a Farmer or Plowman..... from his first rising, till his going to bed." From this recital I select what will probably be sufficient to give an idea of how a ploughman's day was occupied in the seventeenth century: plow-day (which is the first letting out of the plow)....... "We will suppose it to be after Christmas, and about At this time the Plowman shall rise before foure of the clocke in the morning, and after thankes giuen to God ..he shall goe into his stable, or beast house, and first he shall fodder his cattle......Whilst they are eating their meate, he shall make ready......and to these labours I will allow full two houres, that is, from foure of the clocke till sixe, then shall he come in to breakeanother halfe houre to the gearing and yoaking of his fast, and to that I allow him halfe an houre, and then cattle......and then he shall plow from seuen of the clocke in the morning, till betwixt two and three in the afternoone, then he shall vnyoake and bring home his cattle......he shall fodder them......then shall the serhoure, it will be then towards foure of the clocke, at uants goe into their dinner, which allowed halfe an what time he shall goe to his cattell againe......by this time it will draw past sixe of the clocke, at what time he shall come into supper, and after supper he shall......doe some husbandly office within doores till it be full eight a clocke: Then shall he goe to his cattell, and give them meate for all night."-Pp. 144-6. And then to bed. In case there are "in the houshold more seruants then one," instructions are given regarding "what the rest of the Seruants shall be imployed in before and after the time of plowing" (p. 146). It is not likely that the work of ploughing would cease earlier in the eighteenth century than it did in the preceding one. J. F. MANSERGH. Liverpool. I know of no reason for supposing that in Gray's time the ploughman's hours were different from what they are now. They are not the same all over the country. Where I was brought up it was usual for the teams to leave home the first thing in the morning and to remain at work until about two o'clock in the afternoon, or sometimes later. Where I now live it is the custom for the men and horses to return home for a meal at noon, and go back to work at half-past two, remaining until half-past five. C. C. B. I think the poet was right and the commentator wrong. In these days, and certainly for the last three-quarters of a century, ploughmen in this county have been in the habit of making two yokes a day in summer, that is, ploughing from morning until dinner-time, which is usually at twelve o'clock; then, when dinner is over, resuming their work, which is continued till half-past five or six. In winter one yoke only is made, which lasts from breakfast to half-past two or three, when the ploughmen come home to dinner. I do not know how these matters were arranged when oxen were used for ploughing; but I see no reason for thinking that they were different from what they are A LINCOLNSHIRE FARMER. now. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, &o. The Dictionary of National Biography. Vol. XXIII. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. (Smith, Elder & Co.) THE twenty-third volume of the 'Dictionary of National Biography,' again punctual in appearance, begins with the name Gray. Of the members of this family the most distinguished, the poet Gray, is dealt with by Mr. Leslie Stephen, who in a brief but animated biography gives a good insight into the "versatility and keenness of Gray's intellectual tastes," calls him "the most learned of all our poets," speaks of his few poems as containing "more solid bullion in proportion to the alloy than almost any in the language," and attributes to ill-health and fastidiousness, among other causes, the smallness of his actual achievements. Patrick, fourth Lord Gray, is in the hands of Mr. Henderson, and Mr. Thomas Bayne gives a sympathetic account of David Gray, the juvenile author of The Luggie.' Mr. Stephen also sends a short life of Matthew Green, and bestows some praise on 'The Spleen.' Another life of secondary importance for which Mr. Stephen is responsible is that of Zachary Grey, the antiquary and editor of Hudibras. The contributions of the associate editor lead off with Sir Fulke Greville, subsequently Lord Brooke, the friend of Sidney and Sir Edward Dyer. The estimate of Fulke Greville's literary claims is very judicious: "despite its subtlety of expression, Greville's poetry fascinates the thoughtful student of literature." Guy of Warwick, a somewhat nebulous personage, is also treated of by Mr. Lee, who, while holding that "the mass of details in the romance is pure fiction," in certain facts finds some shadowy historic confirmation. The bibliographical portion of this biography has singular value. Grimald the poet, William Grocyn, and John Groenveldt are in the same admirably competent hands. Prof. Tout is responsible for the Welsh princes. Miss Kate Norgate supplies an admirable summary of what is known of Gundrada de Warenne and a no less valuable biography of St. Guthlac, Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, is in the hands of the Rev. William Hunt. Robert Green, the Shakspearian dramatist and poet, is safe in the competent and scholarly hands of Mr. A. H. Bullen, who also writes on William Habington. Prof. Croom Robertson writes the life of Grote the historian. Many important lives are supplied by Mr. W. P. Courtney, Mr. Ru-sell Barker, Mr. James Gairdner, Mr. Boulger, Mr. Thompson Cooper, and Dr. Garnett. Prof. Laughton is still responsible for the lives of sailors, and Dr. Norman Moore for those of physicians. The name of Mr. C. H. Firth appears to more than one article of high importance, and Mr. R. E. Graves, Dr. contributions. Now that the level is reached, it is easy Greenhill, Mr. J. M. Rigg, and Canon Venables send and pleasant to commend the entire management of this national work. The Western Law Times. Vol. I. No. 1, May, 1890. (Winnipeg, Manitoba.) THE editors of this new periodical in the far north-west of British North America are well up in their N. & Q.,' from which they cite freely on points of interest to the legal profession, such as Black-Letter Lawyers,' Trial by Combat,' and the Trial of Warren Hastings' The leading article of the opening number is devoted, under the title A Constitutional Limitation,' to the discussion of the veto power, as it exists, in a certain degree, in the provinces of the Dominion of Canada, and which, the writer thinks, needs clearer definition and limitation. The memoir of the late Adam Thom, LL.D., first Recorder of Rupert's Land, gives some interesting particulars of the career of one who seems to have been a man of mark in his day. We shall be glad if any of our correspondents can help the editor of the Western Law Times to a knowledge of the existence of any portrait of Dr. Thom, who died in Torrington Square Feb. 21 last. As Dr. Thom was a native of Aberdeen, and a graduate of King's College, in the City of Bon Accord, there may be some information on this head in the possession of Aberdonian friends of N. & Q.' THE Fortnightly opens with the dispute concerning Actor-Managers, in which Mr. H. A. Jones and Mr. H. Beerbohm Tree take different sides. Mr. Gosse writes on 'Protection of American Literature,' and Mr. Lanin, whose previous articles on Russian subjects have attracted attention, tells the "simple truth" concerning Russian Prisons.' Mr. J. A. Symonds depicts scenes 'Among the Euganean Hills,' and Mr. George Moore has a paper upon Meissonier and the Salon Julian, descriptive of a recent secession of French artists from the Salon.-Sir John Popo Hennessey's contribution to the Nineteenth Century, entitled 'The African Bubble,' deserves more attention than it is likely to get. In 'The Lights of the Church and the Lights of Science' Prof. Huxley once more descends, with controversial purpose, into the arena. The King of Sweden and Norway concludes his 'Memoir of Charles XII.' Mlle. Blaze de Bury gives a concise account of 'The French Opera,' and the editor protests against the Threatened Disfigurement of Westminster Abbey.' Sergeant Palmer is heard in rejoinder to his censors. Official Polytheism in China,' an admirable paper by Sir Alfred Lyall, contains incidentally some interesting folk-lore.-A Provençal Pilgrimage, which appears in the Century, gives a series of delightful views in the great historic cities of Provence, from Orange, the Roman gateway of which is depicted, to Aigues Mortes. Most objects of interest are depicted, but there is no view of the Pont du Gard. 'A Taste of Kentucky Blue Grass' is also well illustrated. 'The Women of the French Salons' is continued, and Mr. Jefferson's 'Autobiography' reaches the actor's appearance in London. The Romance of History,' in Temple Bar, deals with the confessions of Vidocq. The Memoirs of Prince of King William Street (containing some rare books), James Brown of High Holborn, Clement Sadler Palmer of Southampton Row, Salkeld of Clapham Road, Rimell & Son of Oxford Street, Wm. Reeves of Fleet Street, Francis Edwards of High Street, Marylebone, and A. Jackson of Great Portland Street. Messrs. Macmillan & Bowes of Cambridge have issued part ii. of a 'Catalogue of Books on the Mathematics, Pure and Applied'; and Mr. E. Howell of Liverpool, Henry Young & Sons of Liverpool, H. Forester of Glasgow, William Clay of Edinburgh, George P. Johnston of Edinburgh, Charles Lowe of Birmingham, John Hitchman of Birmingham, Edward Baker of Birmingham, Downing of Birmingham, Meehan of Bath, Jarrold & Son of Norwich, Henry March Gilbert of Southampton, M. W. Rooney of Dublin, James Fawn & Son of Bristol, James Watts of Hastings, and A. Iredale of Torquay may all be commended to book Talleyrand' tells what is known concerning this long . The productions of Messrs. Cassell lead off with the Encyclopedic Dictionary, Part LXXVIII. In a number made up of words in use, the claims of the dictionary are only shown in scientific terms, as "Ungulata," &c.Part LIV. of the Illustrated Shakespeare, with an extra sheet, ends in the fourth act of Othello.' The most dramatic design is that to Act IV. sc. i., showing Othello inanimate and prostrate, and Iago placing one foot in triumph on his breast. lago is rather a melodramatic looking personage throughout.-Part XXXIV. of Old and New London is still in Westminster, and depicts St. Stephen's Chapel, various portions of the old Houses of Legislature, the ruins left by the fire, the interior of Westminster Hall, and Margaret Street. Among the portraits is that of Mr. Dymoke, the Queen's Champion, on horseback.-Picturesque Australasia, Part XXI., has a map of New South Wales to face the title of a third volume. It deals with the Australian Alps and the Canterbury settlements. Naumann's History of Music, Part XXVIII., opens with an account of Haydn, accompanied by a full-length portrait. A portrait of Mozart when a boy is also given.-Part X. of Dr. Geikie's The Holy Land and the Bible contains a full-page plate of "The Plains of Mamre' and many pictures of Hebron and the country to the south.-'The Beatrice Exhibition at Florence' is dealt with in Woman's World. THE catalogue of Messrs. H. Sotheran & Co. contains, as usual, some of the scarcest and most valuable of books. The same may be said of the catalogue of Messrs. Ellis & Elvey of New Bond Street, in which a rare binding of one of the volumes is reproduced. In addition to an ordinary catalogue of cheap books, Mr. Bertram Dobell issues a first part of a catalogue of books printed for private circulation, with annotations, which is likely to form a standard bibliographical work. Among the scores of catalogues of general books that reach us attention may be drawn to those of Reeves & Turner of the Strand, Mr. and Mrs. Tregaskis of Holborn, Wm. Hutt of Hyde Street, Oxford Street, C. Herbert of Goswell Road, William Ridler of Booksellers' Row, J. W. Jarvis & Son WE hear with regret of the death on May 30 of Mr. Thomas Hughes, F.S.A., for many years a regular contributor to our columns. He was born September 29, 1826, in Chester, at the Grammar School of which city he was educated. He was founder of the Chester Antiquarian Society, F.S.A. 1866, Sheriff of Chester 1873, and a member of the Archæological Institute and Association. Among other works, he edited King's Vale Royal,' 1852; Batenham's 'Ancient Chester,' 1878; The Chester Sheaf,' 1878. He wrote a 'Stranger's Handbook to Chester,' 1856, and Chester in its Early Youth,' 1871, &c. Many MSS. of interest are left in the possession of his son, Mr. T. Cann Hughes, whose signature also is familiar in these columns. The more important of these will, it is to be hoped, see the light. Notices to Correspondents. We must call special attention to the following notices: ON all communications must be written the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. WE cannot undertake to answer queries privately. To secure insertion of communications correspondents must observe the following rule. Let each note, query, or reply be written on a separate slip of paper, with the signature of the writer and such address as he wishes to appear. Correspondents who repeat queries are requested to head the second communication "Duplicate." J. BAGNALL.-The custom of discharging firearms at ten o'clock at night by watchmen and caretakers as a warning to evil-doers was half a century ago not confined to Birmingham, but was general in the manufacturing It was sometimes towns of the North of England. practised in the gardens of private houses. GALEN ("Paradoxes ").-Prof. De Morgan has written a work of the class you require. H. CAPEL.-Consult Gardner's 'Faiths of the World,' 2 vols., Fullarton; or 'Religious Systems of the World,' Swan Sonnenschein. LONDON, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1890. CONTENT 8.—N° 237. NOTES:-Meston, 21-Brothers-in-Law of King Henry VIIL, Girl-Docwra: Brockett, 24-J. Finlayson-St. Anne's Chapel, 25-De Stafford Pedigree, 26. QUERIES:-"Le Fourbe Puni'-Holker Family-"Psychological Pedagogics"-Thomas Ball-Pendril Family-The Spanish Armada, 26-Superstitions on the Vigil of St. Agnes -St. Agnes's Well-Charles Kingsley-A. W. Devis-Preserving Sound-Jointed Dolls, 27-Oliver Goldsmith-Suppositative-Index Society-Guilds of Shrewsbury-Alderman Geo. Hayley-Dr. Vincent on Public Education Thomas Strangwayes-Hayes's Written in the Temple Gardens'-Thomas Shaw-Early Missal, 28. REPLIES:-Mr. Gladstone's Oxford Address, 29-Proofs in 22-Seventeenth-Century Ghost Story, 23-Transmogrify Elizabethan Times-Ted, Ned, 80-Diabolic Correspondence "Down on the nail," 31-"Sudden Death"-Griffith ap Llewellyn-Thomas Campbell, 82-Cuthbert Bede, 83Cambridge Apostles-Mourning Lace-Poem by Author of "Festus-Dispersion of the Wood of the Cross, 84-Solitaire -Hone: Hoe-Regimental Messes, 35-Harrison Ainsworth -Ireton-Burnsiana-The Dromedary-Third-Class Railway Carriages-Plover, 88-Kinlike-City lighted with OilEnglandic, 37-Hesiod-Execution of Charles I.-Spectacles in Art-Sir G. Somers, 38-Beenham, 39. NOTES ON BOOKS:-Cowper's Registers of St. Alphage, Canterbury-The Index Library'-Russell's 'Horatio Nelson'The Annual Register.' Notices to Correspondents. Botes. MESTON, THE IMITATOR OF HUDIBRAS.' The accounts that have hitherto appeared in print of William Meston, author of 'The Knight,' are defective, and contain several misstatements, which can be corrected only by reference to original MS. authorities. Thus 1688 has been accepted as the year of his birth, but it is impossible to reconcile this with his appearance as a student at Marischal College and University, Aberdeen, in session 1694-95.* In 1698 he graduated, and on Feb. 12, 1701, he was appointed, after "tryall of grammar and other authors, as also of makeing extempore thems," ander master in the Aberdeen Grammar School.† This office he demitted on May 27, 1713, when he was succeeded by Mr. David Cooper. He acted also as private tutor to George, Lord Keith (afterwards tenth Earl Marischal), and to his younger brother James (afterwards Field Marshal Keith), when students at the local university-George, Magistrand in session 1711-12; James in 1714 1715. § "College Procuratory Accounts,' 1688-1710. We cannot believe that Meston went to college at six. Yet the age of entrants in the seventeenth century was often very small, Bishop Gilbert Burnet was born Sept. 18, 1648; and his name (autograph) appears among the Marischal College "primarii" in October, 1652. Town Council Register,' vol. Ivii. p. 781. T. C. R., vol. Iviii. pp. 320, 335. "Album Studiosorum.' Meston is further stated to have taught publicly in Marischal College, having been appointed to a regency or professorship in 1714. The true date of his appointment is Nov. 30, 1715* (when he gave a "publick oration and a specimen in the Greek tongue"); and he seems never to have actually lectured, for in session 1715-16 "the Colledge was separat [by reason of the disorders of the times] before the Lawes were read or the Season of payment come."+ From the first report, dated Dec. 21, 1716‡ (and hitherto unprinted), of the Royal Commission appointed, after the Fifteen, "to visit the University of Aberdeen and all the Colleger and Schools thereof, and to take tryall of the present Professors, Principalls, Regents, Masters, and others bearing office therein, and to examine into their past Conduct and Behaviour with regard either to Church or State," we learn that "Doctor Patrick Chalmers [Professor of Medicine in Marischal College] did frequent the Episcopal Assemblies where the Pretender was prayed for by the name of King James the Eight; and concurred with the late Principal Paterson and the above named three Regents [George Peacock, Alexander Moir, and William Smith] in admitting Mr. William Meston, Regent in the College, after the said Meston had assisted the Rebels with a drawn sword in his hand to proclaim the Pretender at the Cross of Aberdeen; and after he the said Meston had pronounced an Oration wherein Your Majestie's Right and Title to the Crown was impugn'd and condemn'd, that of the Pretender asserted, and in which sions against your Majesty and Government." was contain'd the most scandalous and criminal ExpresFrom a relative memorial it appears that Meston and the other three Regents "delivered an address§ to the Pretender at Fetteresso under the Title of King James, which address being from the College, it is highly probable was signed by the Principall [Paterson] who being aged and infirm was not able to travell to Fetteresso with the other Masters." The classes did not meet again till the autumn of 1717, before which date Meston (together with all his colleagues, except Thomas Blackwell, Professor of Divinity, who was promoted to the principalship) had been expelled from office by the Commission. During the rebellion he acted as Governor of Dunottar Castle. After Sheriffmuir he fled to the Highlands, and remained there till the Act of Indemnity was passed. He subsequently set up academies in Elgin, Turriff, Montrose, and Perth, educating the sons of the gentry in Jacobite loyalty, of which Principal Blackwell complains bitterly. He died in 1745. For further details of Meston's career and critical estimates of his works see:— * Register of Presentationes and Admissiones.' See 'N. & Q.,' 7th 8. ix. 428. |