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the mainland capital destroyed in the thirteenth year, and thence became a vassal Nation. 515 B. C.] Restoration of Tyrus as a Nation, after seventy years of vassalage from the beginning of the above siege, according to Prophecy.

484 B. C.] Herodotus wrote his History of Egypt; in it he mentions the great expedition around Africa in 606 B. c. by the Tyrians; but that voyage only, therefore, down to his time [viz., 484 B. c.] the Migration to the Western Hemisphere had not been attempted, and he wrote only 152 years before the Alexandrian Siege.

332 B. C.] Siege and destruction of Tyrus by the Macedonian. Arrian makes no allusion to any migration to, or knowledge by the Tyrians of, a Western Continent, at any time during the period from Herodotus to the last Siege,-it is, therefore, a fair deduction that none took place, nor was it known to that period,―viz., 332 B. C.-but at that Siege, upon the authority of the same author, many fugitive families were rescued (during the storming of the capital) by the Sidonians.

Down, then, to the period of the Siege of 332 B. C., no emigration to, or discovery of, a Western Continent was known or recorded, and yet Tyrians are found to have been upon that distant land, both points we claim at once to be admitted; and will, therefore, instantly establish that the Tyrians landing in America could be no other than those rescued by the Sidonians

and as a necessity the date is correctly given for commencing the History of Ancient America at 332 B. C. To sustain this proposition of additional proof the following brief argument is presented: viz.-Upon the annihilation of Canaan-Tyrus;-and all its inhabitants found within the walls being either murdered or sent as slaves into Macedonia and other nations,Alexander repopulated the destroyed Capital with people from the Grecian countries, and speaking the language of the Greeks; the same was done at Alexandria, and this language was there, and at Grecian-Tyrus, continued to, and after, the time of THE SAVIOUR; and it had a material effect in advancing Christianity, for Jerusalem being between Tyrus and Alexandria, and the three capitals having that language as the general medium of writing and conversation, the early Doctrines of the Christian Church were rapidly promulgated and promoted. After August 20th, then, [332 B.C.] the Greek language only, in compliment to, and by the command of Alexander, was spoken at Greco-Tyrus; therefore (will not the critic anticipate?) as an absolute necessity, admitting of no denial, if the Greek-Tyrians had left Phoenicia, and landed on the Western Continent after the year 332 B.C.; and it has been shewn that none of the ancient Tyrians reached there before that period-the Greek language would be found upon the Altar of Copan; instead of which, hieroglyphics are only there; and they,-being translated by analyzing the story of the attendant Sculpture,—at

once unfold the last incident in the Asiatic history of the Tyrian family, descended from Sidon and the House of Canaan!

As the Author, we stated in commencing the above illustration, that this last proof of the correctness of the date, was" a strong conclusive" one,-will it not be regarded by the historic Reader as absolute and conclusive?

If any documents of antiquity could be found,written in the Phoenician character, and distinctly stating the fact, that the Tyrians did migrate to the Western Continent, and in the year specified, no one would doubt that evidence; well then, those documents of the olden time have been found, and readable only in the Tyrian language; they are to be seen at this day, upon the walls and altars in Ancient America,-Architecture and Sculpture were the true Historians,-and Old Time,—the twin-born with Creation,-has been the faithful Keeper of the Archives, and which unfold undeniable Truths of Prophesied Religion!

And finally, we brought forward for reflection and solemn consideration, five branches of a great and dormant Prophecy ;-yet each within itself a Prophecy, and how truly they have been fulfilled, the previous arguments (we shall dare believe) and the historic facts have illustrated and established. If then these Tyrian Prophecies are admitted to be correctly applied, and the proof of the last one, being identified as having been fulfilled in Ancient America,-then, as

a necessity, the conclusion is, that the Seal of that Prophet is placed for ever upon the truth of this branch of the present History.

An additional claim we now with confidence advance, for receiving an acquiescence in the entire Work, and as a necessity, in this portion of it,-viz., That the first Prediction in the Bible concerning the Human Family, together with the Malediction of Noah upon a branch of it, are both proved to have been fulfilled by the Tyrian and Israelitish identity in the Western Hemisphere, and their Conquerors being of the Spanish and Anglo-Saxon race; therefore, the last words of the Diluvian Patriarch sustain the present summary of our evidence. This interesting discovery will be enlarged upon in the following and concluding chapter, devoted to the refutation of atheistical denials of the Truth of Sacred Prophecy.

In the belief-from the "foregone conclusions". that the first Epoch of the Western Hemisphere, identifying the Southern division of it as Tyrian-America, -will be received a verdict in the affirmative, we shall proceed with the other branches of our cause,— viz., Israel and Christianity,-with renewed energy, arising from the same firm conviction of their Truth. The commencement of the Annals of Ancient America will, consequently, be dated from the last siege of Canaan-Tyrus by Alexander of Macedon, 332 B. C.








"For had ye believed MOSES, ye would have believed Me, for he wrote of Me; but if ye believed not HIS WRITINGS, how shall ye believe My wORDS ?"

CHRIST to the Pharisees.

THE Tyrian translation of the "Rosetta-Stones" of Ancient America, we maintain, has brought to light the fulfilment of another Prophecy from Holy-Writ, and which for centuries has been dormant from the want of a correct, or an apparent application; but, that Prophecy was uttered concerning the Tyrian Nation, and is now directly applicable to those "sojourners afar off." This discovery possesses a double power

and testimony: viz.

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