Supreme Court Reporter, Volym 53West Publishing Company, 1933 |
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26 USCA 49 USCA affirmed amended appellees application assessment Attorney Bank Burnet capital carrier Circuit Court Circuit denied claim coal Commis Commission Commissioner of Internal common carriers Company complainant Congress Constitution contract corporation County Court of Ap Court of Appeals creditors decision defendants Digests and Indexes District Court ex rel fact federal filed Fourteenth Amendment granted held income interest Internal Revenue Interstate Commerce Interstate Commerce Act Interstate Commerce Commission Irving Trust Co judgment jurisdiction jury Justice Key Number Digests Mann Act ment Messrs opinion payment peals peti Petition for writ petitioner plaintiff proceedings provisions purpose question Railroad rari rates regulations respondent Revenue Act rule Sherman Anti-Trust Act sion statute suit supra Supreme Court taxpayer tion tioner topic and KEY trial Trust United States Circuit United States Mem Washington writ of certio writ of certiorari York City