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No. 39.

M. Chabot to the Earl of Aberdeen.

Londres, Juin 25, 1842. (Received June 27.)

MY LORD, J'AI l'honneur d'informer votre Excellence que la corvette "l'Héroine," commandée par M. Favin Lévêque, capitaine de corvette, doit se diriger incessamment sur la station de l'Ile de Bourbon pour y exercer le droit de visite en exécution des Conventions relatives à la repression de la Traite. Je prie Votre Excellence de vouloir bien me mettre à même de transmettre à mon Gouvernement le mandat Anglais qu'il me charge de réclamer pour le commandant de ce bâtiment.

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The Earl of Aberdeen to M. de Rohan Chabot.

Foreign Office, July 1, 1842. THE Earl of Aberdeen presents his compliments to M. de Rohan Chabot, and in pursuance of the request contained in M. de Rohan Chabot's letter of the 25th ultimo has the honour to transmit to him herewith a warrant, to enable Monsieur Favin Levêque, captain of the French corvette "l'Heroine, to act under the Conventions of the 30th November, 1831, and the 22d March, 1833, between Great Britain and France, for the suppression of Slave Trade. M. de Rohan Chabot,

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WITH reference to your Lordship's despatch, "Slave Trade," of the 9th ultimo, I have inquired from the proper legal authorities what course should be pursued in appealing against the amount of damages awarded in the case of the French vessel "Marabout" by the civil tribunal of Cayenne, I beg to inform your Lordship that the Cour Royale of that colony, according to the information I have received, is the court to which an appeal would in general lie from the civil tribunal.

As, however, in the case of the " Marabout" the judgment was by default, the party may bring the case again before the same court to be re-heard, and then appeal, if he thinks proper, from the second decision of the civil tribunal to the Cour Royale.

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P.S.-The papers relative to the case of the "Marabout," inclosed in your Lordship's Despatch, marked Slave Trade, of the 9th ultimo, will be returned by next Friday's messenger, unless I receive instructions to the contrary.


No. 42.

The Earl of Aberdeen to Lord Cowley.

Foreign Office, July 8, 1842. I HAVE received your Excellency's Despatch, "Slave Trade," of the 1st instant, in reply to my Despatch, Slave Trade, of the 9th ultimo, respecting the damages awarded in the case of the French vessel" Marabout.'

In that Despatch your Excellency states that, as the judgment in this case was by default, the party may bring the case again before the same court to be re-heard. But it does not appear certain whether in mentioning the judgment refer to the decree of liberation or to the award of damages.


If your Excellency alludes only to the award for damages, I request that you will take early means to ascertain to what court an appeal should be made against the decree of liberation in this case.

His Excellency Lord Cowley, G.C.B.,

I am, &c.

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No. 43.

M. de Rohan Chabot to the Earl of Aberdeen.

Londres, 8 Juillet, 1842. (Received July 11.)

MY LORD, J'AI l'honneur de vous informer, que "La Badine," brick-aviso, commandée par M. Lefebvre d'Abancourt, capitaine de corvette, doit se diriger prochainement sur la station des Antilles, en exécution des conventions relatives à la répression de la traite. Je prie Votre Excellence de vouloir bien me mettre à même de transmettre à mon Gouvernement le mandat qui autorise le commandant de ce bâtiment à exercer le droit de visite à l'égard du pavillon Anglais.

J'ai l'honneur d'être, avec une haute consideration, My Lord, &c.,

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In reply to your Lordship's Despatch, marked "Slave Trade," of the 8th instant, respecting the damages awarded in the case of the French vessel, the "Marabout," and desiring to be informed whether, in mentioning the judgment, I refer to the decree of liberation or to the award of damages, I beg to state that the award of damages is alone referred to.

I have made fresh inquiries upon the subject, and I find that there can be no appeal against the decree of liberation.

The enclosed paper places this matter in a clear point of view.

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I have, &c.

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Enclosure in No. 44.

THERE is no appeal from the decree of the Chambre des mises en Accusation of acquittal; the chamber forms part of the Royal Court, from which there is no appeal except on points of law. The article 246 of the code of Instruction Criminelle declares that the accused party against whom the Court has declared there are no grounds for sending him to trial, cannot be brought before the Court again except on fresh proof. The public prosecutor himself cannot appeal from its decision as regards the facts. It was so held by a decree of the Court of Cassation in 1828, and by a decision of the same Court in 1831 it was held that the civil party is also unable to appeal.

Paris, July 11, 1840.

No. 45.

Lord Cowley to the Earl of Aberdeen.


Paris, July 11, 1842. (Received July 14.)

I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's Circular Despatch, dated the 5th instant, inclosing three copies of a Treaty between Her Majesty and the Oriental republic of the Uruguay for the Abolition of the Traffic in Slaves.

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THE Earl of Aberdeen presents his compliments to M. de Rohan Chabot, and, in pursuance of the request contained in M. de Chabot's letter of the 8th instant, has the honour to transmit to him herewith a warrant to enable M. Lefebvre d'Abancourt, captain of the French brig "La Badine," to act under the Conventions of the 30th of November, 1831, and the 22nd of March, 1833, between Great Britain and France for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. M. de Rohan Chabot,

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No. 47.

The Earl of Aberdeen to Lord Cowley.

Foreign Office, July 16, 1842. WITH reference to my Despatch of the 14th ultimo, transmitting a list of 10 ships of the British navy for which warrants were required under the Conventions of the 30th of November, 1831, and 22nd of March, 1833, between Great Britain and France for the Suppression of Slave Trade, I have now to request that you will inform the French Minister that Her Majesty's ship "Albatross" is about to be employed on the North American and West India station, and not, as stated in my Despatch above-mentioned, on the Cape of Good Hope station; and further that a warrant will not be required for Her Majesty's ship" Satellite," as the destination of that vessel has been changed.

I have at the same time to instruct your Excellency to request the French Government to issue warrants to enable the commanders of Her Majesty's steam-vessels employed on the North American and West India stations, and named in the accompanying list to act under the Conventions above mentioned.

His Excellency Lord Cowley, G.C.B., &c.

&c. &c.

I am, &c. (Signed)


Enclosure in No. 47.

List of Her Majesty's Steam Vessels for which Warrants are required. Sydenham," Lieutenant William Pearson Crozier.



Henry Byng.

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Hay E. S. Winthrop.

William Robson.

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John Hayes.


No. 48.

The Earl of Aberdeen to Lord Cowley.

Foreign Office, July 20, 1842. I HEREWITH transmit to your Excellency five warrants issued by the French Government to enable the commanders of Her Majesty's ships " Pique," "Vestal," " Rose," "Sparrow," and "Pluto," steam-vessels, to act under the Conventions of the 30th of November, 1831, and the 22nd of March, 1833, between Great Britain and France for the Suppression of Slave Trade; and I have to instruct your Excellency to return these warrants to the French Government in order that they may be cancelled.

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No. 49.

Lord Cowley to the Earl of Aberdeen.


Paris, July 19, 1842. (Received July 21.)

I HAVE the honour to enclose a printed copy of an instruction addressed by the Minister of Marine to the Maritime Prefects, pointing out, with reference to the right of search, certain formalities which, conformably to the ninth Article of the Convention of 1833, agreed upon between France and England for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, should be observed by merchant vessels of both countries who have cause to complain of vexatious proceedings while under examination, and enforcing the necessity of these formalities being strictly adhered to.

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Instructions to the Maritime Prefects relative to the Right of Search.

LES abus auxquels le droit de visite a donné lieu ont motivé la circulaire suivante, que M. le Ministre de la Marine et des colonies vient d'adresser à MM. les Préfets Maritimes :

"Aux termes de l'Art. 9 de la Convention passée le 22 Mai, 1833, entre la



Warrant issued to

the French brig "Zebre."

France et l'Angleterre, pour la Répression de la Traite des Noirs, les capitaines des navires de commerce de l'une ou de l'autre nation qui croient avoir à se plaindre de vexations, d'abus commis dans une visite non suivie d'arrestation, doivent en faire la déclaration, sous serment, devant les autorités compétentes du premier port de leur pays où ils abordent, ou devant l'agent consulaire de leur nation, s'ils se rendent dans un port étranger. Cette déclaration, indiquant les dommages et intérêts auxquels les réclamans prétendent, doit être vérifiée au moyen de l'interrogatoire, sous serment, des principaux hommes de l'équipage ou des passagers qui ont été témoins de la visite ou de l'arrestation, et il doit être dressé du tout un seul procès-verbal dont deux expéditions sont remises au capitaine qui doit en faire parvenir une à son gouvernement à l'appui de sa demande. En cas d'empêchement de force majeure, la déclaration du capitane peut être suppléé par celle de l'armateur ou celle de

tout autre intéressé.


L'accomplissement de ces formalitiés a été négligé jusqu'à present par MM. les capitaines de navires qui ont eu des plaintes à former contre la conduite des croiseurs Anglais, et les administrations maritimes et coloniales n'ont pris soin ni de les leurs rappeler ni de s'y conformer elles-mêmes, ne requérant, au moment où ils remettent leur rapport de mer, ou lorsqu'on passe la revue de débarquement, les déclarations et interrogatoires exigés, ainsi qu'elles auraient dû le faire chaque fois qu'elles étaient chargées de transmettre à mon département des rapports où des plaintes semblables étaient articulées.

"Vous voudrez bien donner des ordres pour qu'à l'avenir l'Article 9 de la Convention du 22 Mars, 1833, soit ponctuellement exécuté dans les ports de votre arrondissement maritime.

"Il convient d'ailleurs, de rappeler MM. les capitaines de navires que, sans attendre leur arrivée dans un port Français ou étranger, ils doivent toujours profiter de la première occasion qui se présente pour faire parvenir leurs plaintes à l'un des bâtimens de la station Française chargée de la protection de notre commerce dans les parages où ils se trouvent."


No. 50.

M. de Rohan Chabot to the Earl of Aberdeen.

Londres, le 20 Juillet, 1842. (Received July 22.)

J'AI l'honneur d'adresser ci-joint à votre Excellence un mandat delivré par le Gouvernement Anglais, au mois de Mars, 1841, en exécution des Conventions relatives à la repression de la traite. Cette pièce à cessé d'être utile, par suite du retour en France du batiment dont le commandant en était porteur.

J'ai l'honneur d'être, avec une haute considération, &c.

Son Excellence le Comte Aberdeen,


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I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's Despatches, marked "Slave Trade," to that of the 16th of July inclusive.

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I have, &c.

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