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" Where'er I roam, whatever realms to see, My heart untravell'd fondly turns to thee ; Still to my brother turns, with ceaseless pain, And drags at each remove a lengthening chain. "
The Miscellaneous Works of Dr. Goldsmith: Containing All His Essays and Poems - Sida ix
efter Oliver Goldsmith - 1792 - 286 sidor
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and ..., Volym 17

1778 - 640 sidor
...flcie». Where'er I roam, whatever realms to fee, My heart untravelled fondly tarns to thee ; Still to ray brother turns with ceafelefs pain, And drags, at each remove, a lengthening chain. Etemal bleffings crown my earlieft friend, And round his dwelling guardian faints attend. Bleft be...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: Now ..., Volym 1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1780 - 204 sidor
...ftranger fhuts the door ; Or where Campania's plain forfaken lies, A weary wafte expanding to the flues ; Where'er I roam, whatever realms to fee, My heart...pain, And drags at each remove a lengthening chain. * In this poem feveral alterations were made, and fome new verfes added, as it paffed through different...
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Lady's Poetical Magazine, Or Beauties of British Poetry, Volym 2

1781 - 512 sidor
...the door ; Or where Campania's plain forfaken lies, A weary wafte expanding to the fkies ; Where'er 1 roam, whatever realms to fee', My heart, untravell'd,...with ceafelefs pain, And drags, at each remove, a length'ning chain. Eternal bleffings crown my earlieft friend, \ And round his dwelling guardian faints...
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The Muse's Pocket Companion. A Collection of Poems: By Lord Carlisle. Lord ...

1785 - 304 sidor
...ftranger fhnts the door ; Or where Campania's plain forfaken lies, A weary wafte expanding to the fkies ; Where'er I roam, whatever realms, to fee, My heart....drags at each remove a lengthening chain. Eternal blefiings crown my earlieft friend, And round his dwelling guardian faints attend ; Bleft be that fpot,...
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The muse's pocket companion. A collection of poems. By lord Carlisle [and ...

Muse - 1785 - 316 sidor
...expanding to the ikies ; Where'er I roam, whatever realms to fee, My heart untravell'd fondly turnq to thee : Still to my brother turns, with ceafelefs...drags at each remove a lengthening chain. Eternal bleffiagi crown my earlieft friend, And round his dwelling guardian faints attend ; Bleft be that fpot,...
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The Muse's Pocket Companion: A Collection of Poems

1785 - 306 sidor
...the door; Or where Campania's plain forfaken lies, A weary wafte expanding to the flues ; Where'er T roam, whatever realms to fee, My heart untravell'd...fondly turns to thee: Still to my brother turns, with ceafelefa pam, And drags at each remove a lengthening chain. Eternal bleffings crown my earlieft friend,...
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Bell's Classical Arrangement of Fugitive Poetry, Volym 3–4

John Bell - 1789 - 398 sidor
...plain forsaken lies, A weary waste expanding to the skies ; Where'er I roam, whatever realms to see, My heart untravell'd fondly turns to thee : Still to my Brother turns, with ceaseless pain, And drags at each remove a lengthening chain. , Eternal blessings .crown my earliest...
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Volym 8

1791 - 302 sidor
...A weary wafte expanding to the ikies ; Where'er I roam, whatever realms to fee, My heart untravel'd fondly turns to thee : Still to my brother turns with ceafelefs pain, And drags at each remove a length'ning chain. Eternal bit'ffings crown my earlieft friend, And rouird his dwelling guardian faints...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: With an Account ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1791 - 206 sidor
...the fkies ; Where'er I roam, whatever realms to fee, My heart untravel'd fondly turns to thee : Stili to my brother turns, with ceafelefs pain, And drags at each remove a length'ning chain ; Eternal bleffings crown my earlieft friend, And round his dwelling guardian faints...
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Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1792 - 284 sidor
...flranger fliuts the door ; Or where Campania's plain forfaken lies, A weary wafle expanding to the fkies ; Where'er I roam, whatever realms to fee, My heart,...with ceafelefs pain, ' And drags, at each remove, a length'ning chain Eternal bleflings crown my earliefl friend, And round his dwelling guardian faints...
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