The ecclesiastical history of the second and third centuries, illustrated from the writings of Tertullian


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Sida 345 - Except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Sida 549 - Christ did truly rise again from death, and took again his body, with flesh, bones, and all things appertaining to the perfection of Man's nature; wherewith he ascended into Heaven, and there sitteth, until he return to judge all Men at the last day.
Sida 235 - That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church ; . . . And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven...
Sida 315 - Regula quidem fidei una omnino est, sola immobilis et irreformabilis, credendi scilicet in unicum Deum omnipotentem, mundi conditorem, et filium ejus Jesum Christum, natum ex virgine Maria, crucifixum sub Pontio Pilato, tertia die resuscitatum a mortuis, receptum in coelis, sedentem nunc ad dexteram patris, venturum judicare vivos et mortuos per carnis etiam resurrectionem.
Sida 549 - The Son, which is the Word of the Father, begotten from everlasting of the Father, the very and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man's nature in the womb of the Blessed Virgin, of her substance...
Sida 91 - But I say, Have they not heard? Yes verily, their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world.
Sida 440 - Dandi quidem habet jus summus Sacerdos, qui est Episcopus, dehinc Presbyteri et Diaconi, non tamen sine Episcopi auctoritate propter Ecclesiae honorem, quo salvo salva pax est.
Sida 549 - Et tertius a fonte, rivus ex flumine. Et tertius a sole, apex ex radio.
Sida 96 - My conclusion then is, that the power of working miracles was not extended beyond the disciples, upon whom the Apostles conferred it by the imposition of their hands.
Sida 542 - The connection of the Father in the Son, and of the Son in the Comforter, makes three united together, the one with the other ; which three are one thing...

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