80. It is much easier to ruin a man of principle than a man of none, for he may be ruined through his scruples.Colton. 81. Physic, for the most part, is nothing else but the substitute of exercise and temperance.-Addison. 82. People who are always taking care of their health are like misers, who are hoarding up a treasure which they have never spirit enough to enjoy.—Sterne. 83. A man must first govern himself, ere he be fit to govern a family; and his family, ere he be fit to bear the government in the commonwealth.-Sir Walter Raleigh. 84. Possession is eleven points in the law.-Cibber. 85. If Heaven had looked upon riches to be a valuable thing, it would not have given them to such a scoundrel.— Swift. 86. He who covets what belongs to another deservedly loses his own.—Phædrus. 87. It matters not how long you live, but how well.Publius Syrus. 88. The manly part is to do with might and main what you can do.—Emerson. 89. We do not count a man's years until he has nothing else to count.-Emerson. 90. Necessity is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.-Pitt. Utter distinctly, giving a quick, decisive accent to first syllable: 1. (Lips). Peepuh, beebuh; feefuh, veevuh; wewuh, wheewhuh; kweekwuh; meemuh. 2. (Tongue). Teetuh, deeduh; deeduh; seesuh, zeezuh; reeruh; sheeshuh, cheechuh, jeejuh, leeluh. 3. (Jaw). Yeeyuh; keekuh, geeguh. 4. 5. (Abdominal muscles). Heehuh. thethuh, theethuh; zheezhuh; neenuh; Practice 1, 2, 3 and 4 of above, using ah and ō in place of “ee,” as—pahpuh, bahbuh, etc.; pōpuh, bōbuh, etc. DRILLS ON SELECTED CONSONANTS. T, Th, D. t as in toot. th as in thick, myth. th as in though, smooth. d as in did. Errors in Pronunciation: t sometimes incorrectly sounded like d in dun and fad. d sometimes incorrectly sounded like t in tin and fit. th in thick and myth sometimes incorrectly sounded like th in smooth and though. th in though and smooth sometimes incorrectly sounded like th in thick and myth. Distinction Drill: (a) sooth, soothe; bath, bathe; both, booth; breath, breathe. thank, than; think, then; thatch, that. tin, din; ten, den; tot, dot; tait, dart. Utter the following vigorously: (a). Tutored, tortured, tattered, tittered, tettered, tottered, torrid, torrent, abated, abetted, attainted, attuned, attired, tautology, tabouret, taciturn, tact, tactics, tantamount, tertiary, tether, strait, tincture. (b). Didactic, death, defeating, dedicate, dedication, deodorize, data. Sentences: (a). To do the truth daily try to think the truth. (b). To dare, to do, to die. (c). Two duties do. (d). He ate edible tamarinds. (e). They threaten to not abate one jot or tittle. (f). To think the thought is theoretically to tell the thought, though this thinking the thought telleth not the tale thoroughly. (g). Theophilus Thistle, the successful thistle sifter, thrust three thousand thistles through the thick of his thumb; |