They are as loth to see the fires kindled in Smithfield as his lordship; and, at least, as ready to face them under a popish persecution. Swift. The face cloth too is of great antiquity. -Mr. Strutt tells us, that after the closing the eyes, &c., a linen cloth was put over the face of the deceased. Thus we are told, that Henry the Fourth, in his last illness seeming to be dead, his chamberlain covered his face with a linen cloth. English Æra, p. 105. Brand's Popular Antiquities. FACE comprehends all that part of the head which is not covered with the hair. The human face is called the image of the soul, as being the seat of the principal organs of sense, and the place where the ideas, passions, emotions, &c., are chiefly set to view. It shows also the sex, age, temperament, health, disease, &c. As the Our word jealousies contains all the vowels, though three of them only were necessary: nevertheless in the two words abstemiously and facetiously the vowels exist all of them in their usual order, and are pronounced in their usual manner. Darwin. And without turning his facetious head, FACIES HIPPOCRATICA, the aspect of a dying man, as described by Hippocrates, and so named by later physicians, who have made similar observations: it is when the nostrils are sharp, the eyes hollow, the temples low, the tips of the ears contracted and cold, the forehead dry and wrinkled, and the complexion pale or livid. See MEDIThe Hippocratic face is chiefly observed towards the period of phthises and other consumptions, and is held a sure prognostic of death. CINE. FA'CILE, adj. FA'CILELY, adv. FACILITATE, υ. α. FACILITATION, n. s. FACILITY. Fr. facile, facilité; Span. facilidad: Ital. facilita; a; Lat. facilis, facilitas, from facio, to do. Easy, pliant, flex index of the passions, habits, &c., of the person, ible to facilitate is to make easy; make free thick, with a square stone at the top of it, pro- dissension: factionary and factionist are old words it becomes the subject of physiognomy. See PHYSIOGNOMY. measures. FACE OF THE MEASURES, in mining, is that part of a mine bounded by the length-way or principal vertical joints, or natural cracks of the In coal mines, these principal joints are called sline back, or face joints, and are generally parallel to each other; the lesser joints, which cross the slines almost at right angles, are called end-joints or cutters. To FACE, in the military art, a word of command intimating to turn about: thus, face to the right, is turn upon the left heel, a quarter round to the right; and, face to the left, is to turn upon the right heel a quarter round to the left. FACE TIOUS, adj. Fr. facetieux; Lat. FACE'TIOUSLY, adv. fucetus, from facetia, FACETIOUSNESS, n.s.jokes. Jocular; lively; FACETE'LY, adv. witty; cheerful: facete FACETE'NESS, n. 8. and facetious seem both to have been used in this sense formerly. Parables-work upon the affections, and breed delight of hearing, by reason of that facetness and wittiHales. ness. from difficulty or obstruction. Piety could not be diverted from this to a more commodious business by any motives of profit or facility. Raleigh. Choice of the likeliest and best prepared metal for the version will facilitate the work. Bacon. By dividing it into parts so distinct, the order in which they shall find each disposed, will render the work facile and delightful. Evelyn's Kalendar. To confine the imagination is as facile a performance as the Gothham's design of hedging in the cuckoo. Glanville. Yet reason saith, reason should have ability To hold these worldly things in such proportion, As let them come or go with even facility. Sidney. Though perspective cannot be called a certain rule of picture, yet it is a great succour and relief to art, and facilitates the means of execution. Dryden's Dufresnoy. This may at first seem perplexed with many difficulties, yet many things may be suggested to make it more facile and commodious. Wilkins. Some men are of that facile temper, that they are wrought upon by every object they converse with, whom any affectionate discourse, or serious sermon, or any notable accident, shall put into a fit of religion, which yet usually lasts no longer than till somewhat else comes in their way. Calamy. What produceth a due quantity of animal spirits, necessarily facilitates the animal and natural motions. Arbuthnot on Diet. A war on the side of Italy would cause a great diversion of the French forces, and facilitate the progress of our arms in Spain. Swift. Science, though perhaps the nurseling of interest, was the daughter of curiosity: for who can believe that they who first watched the course of the stars, foresaw the use of their discoveries to the facilitation of commerce, or the mensuration of time? Johnson. Rambler. FACING, FAÇADE, or Revêtement, in fortification, is a strong wall of masonry, or other binding, built on the outside of the rampart and parapet, to prevent the soil of which they are composed giving way. When the revêtement of a rampart goes quite up to the top, four feet of the upper part is a vertical wall of three feet As men are not to mistake the causes of these operations, so much less are they to mistake the fact or effect, and rashly to take that for done which is not done. Bacon. Those effects which are wrought by the percussion of the sense, and by things in fact, are produced likewise in some degree by the imagination: therefore if a man see another eat sour or acid things, which set the teeth on edge, that object tainteth the imagination. Bacon's Natural History. I see the Levites, not long since, drawing their swords for God and Moses, against the rest of Israel; and that fact wins them both praise and blessing. Bp. Hall's Contemplations. Unhappy man! to break the pious laws FACTIOUSNESS, n. s. Beattie. Fr. faction; Ital. fattione; Lat. factio, factionis, from facio, factus, to make, or do. A public, or busy party: hence tumult; discord; jecting about five or six inches, and a circular one below, or where the slope begins, of eight or ten inches diameter. When the facing is carried up as high as the soles of the embrasures, it is called a whole revêtement; but, when confined to the ditch only, it is termed a half-revêtement. These must depend on the nature of the soil, the facility of obtaining materials, the time that can be bestowed, the importance of the post, &c. Where difficulties occur, as also in temporary works, the facings are made with turf; in which case they are said to be gazoned. FACINOROUS, adj. Lat. facinus, facinoris, from facio, to do, used both in a good and bad sense for great actions, but more commonly the latter. Extreme: extremely bad, or wicked. "Tis strange, 'tis very strange, that is the brief and tedious of it; and he's of a most facinorous spirit that will not acknowledge it. Shakspeare. FACT, n. s. Fr. fait; Lat. factum, from facio, factus, to do. A thing or effect accomplished: reality, as opposed to fiction or speculation; action; deed. In matter of fact they say there is some credit to be given to the testimony of man; but not in matter of opinion and judgment: we see the contrary both acknowledged and universally practised all throughout the world. Hooker. for the promoters of faction or discord. By one of Simon's faction murders were committed. Shakspeare. Мас. The queen is valued thirty thousand strong; If she hath time to breathe, be well assured Her faction will be full as strong as ours. Shakspeare. He has been known to commit outrages, And cherish factions. Id. Timon. Pr'ythee, fellow, remember my name is Menenius; always factionary of the party of your general. Id. Coriolanus. Id. Be factious for redress of all these griefs. There be that can pack the cards, and yet cannot play well: so there are some that are good in canvasses and factions, that are otherwise weak men. Lord Bacon. By the weight of reason I should counterpoise the overbalancing of any factions. King Charles. Factious tumults overbore the freedom and honour of the two houses. Id. I intended not only to oblige my friends, but mine enemies also: exceeding even the desires of those that were factiously discontented. Id. God and Moses knew how to distinguish betwixt Take on you the charge And kingly government of this your land; Shakspeare. Richard III. The senators alone of this great world, Id. Antony and Cleopatra. We agreed that I should send up an English factor, that whatsoever the island could yield should be delivered at a reasonable rate. Raleigh's Apology. The Scots had good intelligence, having some factors doubtless at this mart, albeit they did not openly Hayward. trade. Forced into exile from his rightful throne, Vile arts and restless endeavours are used by some sly and venomous factors for the old republican cause. South. Asleep and naked as an Indian lay, And, disclaiming all regard In the road of commerce,' said he, you will be sure, by diligence and assiduity, though you have no capital, of so far succeeding as to be employed as a Franklin, FACTION, in antiquity, a name given to the different companies of combatants in the circus. They were four; viz. the white, the red, the green, and the blue; to which Domitian added another factor. of purple color. They were so denominated from the color of the liveries they wore; and were dedicated, according to M. Aur. Cassiodorus, to the four seasons of the year; the green being consecrated to spring, the red to summer, the white to autumn, and the blue to winter. It appears from ancient inscriptions, that each faction had its procurators and physician; and, from history, that party rage ran so high among them, that, in a dissension between two factions, in the time of Justinian, almost 40,000 men lost their lives in the quarrel. FACTITIOUS, adj. Lat. factitius, from facio, to make. See FACTION. Made by art. In the making and distilling of soap, by one degree of fire the salt, the water, and the oil or grease, whereof that factitious concrete is made up, being boiled up together, are easily brought to co-operate. Boyle. Hardness wherein some stones exceed all other bodies, and among them the adamant, all other stones being exalted to that degree that art in vain endeavours to counterfeit it; the factitious stones of chymists, in imitation, being easily detected by an ordinary lapicist. Ray on the Creation. Hence the diamond reflects half as much more light as a factitious gem in similar circumstances; to which must be added its great transparency, and the excellent polish it is capable of. Darwin. The factorage or wages, called also commission, is different at different places, and for different voyages: at a medium it may be fixed at about three per cent. of the value of the goods bought, beside the charge of package, which is paid over and above. When factors make themselves answerable for the debts of those persons with whom they deal, the charges of commission or factorage are, of course, enhanced. Dr. A. Rees. FACTORS are employed by merchants residing at other places, to buy or sell goods, negociate bills, &c., on their account; and are entitled to a certain allowance for their trouble. A supercargo differs from a factor in this: the business of the former is limited to the care of a particular cargo; he goes along with it, and generally returns when his business is completed: the latter has a fixed residence, and executes commissions for different merchants. A factor's power is either absolute or limited. Though entrusted with ample discretionary powers, he is not warranted to take unreasonable or unusual measures, or do any thing contrary to his employer's interest; but it is incumbent on the employer, if he challenge his proceedings, to prove that he could have done better, and was guilty of wilful mismanagement. When a factor's power is limited, he must adhere strictly to his orders. If he exceed his power, though with a view to his employer's interest, he is liable for the consequence. For example, if he gives credit when not empowered, or long credit if not empowered, for the sake of a better price, and the buyer proves insolvent, he is liable for the debt. A factor has no power to give credit unless authorised: but if the goods consigned be generally sold on credit at the place of consignation, the factor will be vindicated for selling at the usual credit, unless expressly restricted. Although opinion will never justify the factor for departing from orders, necessity sometimes will. If he be limited not to sell goods under a certain price, and the goods be perishable, and not in a situation for being kept, he may sell them, to prevent their destruction, even under the price limited. A factor is never warranted to deal on trust, except with persons in good credit at the time. If the employer challenge the debtors, it is incumbent on him to prove that their bad circumstances were known at the time of sale; and the factor will be vindicated, if he trusted them at the same time for goods of his own. If the factor sell his employer's goods on trust, and, after the day of payment is elapsed, receive payment from the purchaser for a debt of his own, he becomes liable in equity for the debt. In case of bankruptcy, the factor ought immediately to lay attachments, and advise his employers; and he cannot withdraw his attachments, nor compound debts without orders. If a factor sells goods belonging to different merchants to the same person, and the buyer proves insolvent, they shall bear the loss in equal proportions; and, if the buyer has paid part before his insolvency, without specifying for which, the payment ought to be distributed in equal proportions; but, if the days of payment be fixed, and part of the debts only due, the payment ought to be applied, in the first place, to such debts as were due. If he makes a wrong entry at the custom-house, and the goods be seized in consequence thereof, he must bear the loss, unless the error be occasioned by a mistake in the invoice, or letter of advice. The owner bears the loss of goods seized, when attempted to be smuggled by his orders: but the factor complying with an unlawful order, is liable in such penalties as the laws exact. If a factor saves the duty of goods due to a foreign prince, he shall have the benefit; for, if detected, he bears the loss. If a factor sells goods bought by his employer's orders for his own advantage, the employer may recover the benefit, and the factor shall be amerced for the same. If a factor receives bad money in payment, he bears the loss; but if the value of the money be lessened by the government, the employer bears the loss. A factor is not liable for goods spoiled, robbed, or destroyed by fire. If a factor receives counterfeit jewels from his employer, and sells them, the employer is hable to indemnify him for any penalties he may incur. If a factor be ordered to make insurance, and neglect it, and the subject be lost, he is liable to make it good, providing he had effects in his hands. If a factor buys goods for his employer, his bargain shall be binding on the employer. Factors having obtained a profit for their employers, ought to be very cautious how they dispose of it; for if they act without commission, they are responsible: and even in the case of a merchant remitting goods to his factor, and some time after drawing a bill on him, which the factor, having effects in his hands, is supposed to accept, if the merchant fails, the goods are seized in the factor's hands, for behoof of the creditors, and the factor, it has been thought, must answer the bill notwithstanding, and only rank as a creditor for the sum, which, by his acceptance of the bill, he was obliged to pay. In case of a factor's insolvency, the owner may reclaim his goods; and, if they be sold on trust, the owner (and not the factor's creditors) shall recover payment of the debts. The above is principally applicable to factors residing abroad, and acting for merchants, or to supercargoes going a voyage to dispose of a cargo, and afterwards returning with another to their employers; but it is likewise the practice of merchants of the greatest credit in the commercial world, to act mutually as factors for each other. The business thus executed is called commission-business, and is generally desirable by all merchants, provided they have always effects in their custody, as a security for such matters as they transact, for the account of others. Those who trade extensively in this manner, have current as well as commission accounts, constantly between them; and draw on, remit to, and send commissions to each other, only by the intercourse of letters, which, among men of honor, are as obligatory and authoritative as all the bonds and ties of law. FACTORAGE, the allowance given to factors by the merchant who employs them: called also commission. A factor's commission in Britain on most kinds of goods is 24 per cent.: on lead and some other articles, 2 per cent. In some places it is customary for the factors to insure debts for an additional allowance, and in that case they are accountable for the debt when the usual term of credit is expired. Factorage on goods is sometimes charged at a certain rate per cask, or other package, measure, or weight, especially when the factor is only employed to receive or deliver them. FACTOTUM, n. s. Lat. fac totum. It is used likewise in burlesque French. A servant employed alike in all kinds of business: as Scrub in the Stratagem. French. The act or man FACTURE, n. s. ner of making any thing. There is no doubt but that the facture or framing, is as full of difference as the outward [parts.] Bacon. FACULÆ, Latin, from fax, a torch, in astronomy, a name given by Scheiner and others, to certain bright spots on the sun's disc, that appear more lucid than the rest of his body. Hevelius affirms, that on July 20th, 1634, he observed a facula, whose breadth was equal to one-third of the sun's diameter. Kircher, Scheiner, and others, represent the sun's body as full of these faculæ, which they suppose to be volcanoes; and others contend that the maculæ change into faculæ before they disappear. But Huygens and others of the latest and best observers, finding that the best telescopes discover nothing of the matter, agree entirely to explode the phenomena of faculæ; and attribute the cause of these appearances to the tremulous agitation of the vapors near our earth. Dr. Hutton concludes that 'the faculæ are not eructations of fire and Reason itself but gives it edge and power, As heaven's blessed beam turns vinegar more sour. Pope's Essay on Man. He had an excellent faculty in preaching if he were not too refined. Swift. Neither did our Saviour think it necessary to ex flame, but refractions of the sun's rays in the plain to us the nature of God, because it would be im rarer exhalations, which, being condensed, seem to exhibit a light greater than that of the sun.' FACULTY, n. s. Fr. faculté; Ital. facolta; Span. faculdad; Lat. facultas, from facio, to do. The power of doing any thing mechanical or mental: hence skill; dexterity; excellence; quality; power; authority or privilege: a company of skilful or eminent men in any of the professions. There is no kind of faculty or power in man, or any creature, which can rightly perform the functions allotted to it without perpetual aid and concurrence of that supreme cause of all things. Hooker. Law hath set down to what persons, in what causes, with what circumstances, almost every faculty or fa vour shall be granted. I'm traduced by tongues which neither know My faculties nor person, yet will be The chronicles of my doing. Id. We shall then use our understanding right, when we entertain all objects in that way and proportion, that they are suited to our faculties. Id. Many are ignorant of mathematical truths, not out of any imperfection of their faculties, or uncertainty in the things themselves, but for want of application in acquiring, examining, and by due ways comparing those ideas. Id. Reason in man supplies the defect of other facul. ties wherein we are inferior to beasts, and what we cannot compass by force we bring about by stratagem. L'Estrange. A power of command there is without all question, though there be some doubt in what faculty this command doth principally reside, whether in the will or the understanding. Bramhall against Hobbes. Sure it is a pitiful pretence to ingenuity that can be thus kept up, there being little need of any other faculty but memory, to be able to cap texts. Government of the Tongue. The fifth mechanical faculty is the wedge used in cleaving wood. Nature its mother, habit is its nurse; Wit, spirit, faculties, but make it worse; Wilkins. possible, without bestowing on us other faculties than we possess at present. Id. The wretched condition, weakness, and disorder of the faculties which I must employ in my inquiries, increase my apprehensions; and the impossibility of amending or correcting those faculties, reduces me almost to despair, and makes me resolved to perish on the barren rock on which I am at present, rather than venture myself upon that boundless ocean which runs Hume. On Human Nature. out into immensity. Called thee into being when thou wast not; gave thee these reasoning and reflecting faculties, which thou art now employing in searching out the end and happiness of thy nature. Mason. FADE, v. n. & v. a. Goth. fæda; Isl. and Swed. fata; Erse, faid; Arabic, faut: from Fr. fade, weak, insipid, says Dr. Johnson; but Mr. Todd derives it with more probability, from Lat. vado, Gr. βαδω to move, the primary meaning of fade being to disappear quickly. To vanish; disappear rapidly; languish; change to a weaker color; wither; lose vigor or beauty; die away. Our older writers use it as an active verb for to wear away; reduce. Ye shall be as an oak whose leaf fadeth, and as a garden that hath no water. Isaiah i. 30. The glorious beauty on the head of the fat valley shall be a fading flower. Id. xxviii. 4. Whose flowring pride, so fading and so fickle, Short Time shall soon cut down with his consuming Spenser's Faerie Queene. This is a man, old, wrinkled, faded, withered; And not a maiden, as thou sayest he is. Shakspeare. sickle. The stars shall fade away, the sun himself Grow dim with age, and nature sink in years. Addison. The greenness of a leaf ought to pass for apparent, because, soon fading into a yellow, it scarce lasts at all, in comparison with the greenness of an emerald. Boyle on Colours. His palms, tho' under weights they did not stand, Still thrived; no Winter could his laurels fade. Dryden. The pictures drawn in our minds are laid in fading colours, and, if not sometimes refreshed, vanish and disappear. Locke. Where either through the temper of the body, or some other default, the memory is very weak, ideas in the mind quickly fade. Id. |