of the town, except those for high-treason, are tried. It is a populous flourishing place, consisting chiefly of two long broad streets, with a market-house in the centre, built in 1574. Its ancient church was repaired in 1754, at the expense of £2300; it was originally built in the reign of Edward II. It is in the form of a cross; the walls are of flint, quoined with stone from Caen. The inside of the church is handsome, and well worthy of observation; it had origially a square castellated tower in the middle, but that was taken down in 1755. Before the Reformation there were several altars in various parts of the church. Many ancient mural moZuments, and several of brass let into the floor, soull remain. It has a free grammar school, balt and endowed by queen Elizabeth in 1582; ad two charity schools. It is a member of the anque-port of Dover, and has a manufactory of gunpowder. The town was considerably improved in 1773, when a spacious avenue was opened from the London road into Preston Sreet, and a bridge was erected over the stream & the bottom of West Street: in 1789 an act was passed for paving, watching, and lighting, the place. The markets, on Satur Saturday and Wedvesday, are well supplied with provision, and we well attended by the London dealers, who A large quantities of the oysters caught on the rast. The Dutch also in time of peace, it is sed, carry home as many oysters as amount to above £2000 a year. The fishermen admit none their freedom but married men. It is nine Des west of Canterbury, and forty-seven east of London. FEUILLAGE, n.s. French. A bunch or w of leaves. Of Homer's head I inclose the outline, that you Bay determine whether you would have it so large, reduced to make room for feuillage or laurel round Jervas to Pope. oval. FEVILLEA, in botany, a genus of the penadria order and diœcia class of plants; natual order thirty-fourth, cucurbitaceæ. The male UL. and cor. quinquefid; stamina five; nectaam consisting of five filaments closing together: male CAL. quinquefid; styles three; FRUIT, a band trilocular apple with a hard bark. Species No, of the East and West Indies, both climbz plants. FEUILLE'E (Lewis), a celebrated French natulist and mathematician, of the religious order of Minims. He was a native of Provence, and sent y Louis XIV., in early life, to South America to Dake researches in natural history and philosophy, the result of which appeared in his Journal des Uservations Physiques, Mathematiques, et BoCaiques, faites sur les Côtes Orientales de l'AmeQue Meridionale, et dans les Indes Occiden2,1714, 2 vols. 4to. In 1724 he was emroyed, on the recommendation of the Academy Sciences, in an expedition to the Canary Islands, to ascertain the position of the medhan of Ferro; a task he performed in a Tery able manner. He was rewarded with the Sost of botanist to the king, and a pension. He fed in 1732, at Marseilles, where an astronoTal observatory had been built for him. In the Kal library at Paris are preserved, in MS., a Journal of his Voyage to the Canaries, and a collection of corresponding drawings in natural history. FEUILLEMORT, n. s. French. The color of a faded leaf, corrupted commonly to phile mot. So to make a countryman understand what 'feuillemorte' colour signifies, it may suffice to tell him, it is the colour of withered leaves falling in autumn. Locke. FEVRE (Claud le), an eminent French He painter, born at Fontainbleau in 1633. studied first in the palace, and afterwards at Paris under Le Sueur and Le Brun; the latter of whom advised him to adhere to portraits, for which he had a particular talent, and in his style equalled the best masters of that country. He died in England in 1675, aged forty-two. FEVRE (Nicolas le), or Nicolaus Faber, was born at Paris, June 2nd, 1544. During the course of his studies a singular misfortune happened to him. In cutting a pen, a piece of the quill flew into his eye, and gave him such exquisite pain, that hastily lifting up his hand, he thrust the knife into his eye and cut it out. After acquiring the languages, he studied the civil law at Toulouse, Padua, and Bologna. He travelled through Italy, and spent eighteen months at Rome. In 1587 he published Seneca, with a learned preface and notes; and detected the defect in Scaliger's demonstration of the Quadrature of the Circle. He also wrote on ecclesiastical antiquities, and drew up a preface to the fragments of St. Hilary. He was appointed preceptor to the prince of Conde, by Henry the Great; after whose death, the queen dowager made him preceptor to Louis XII. He died in 1611; and his works were collected by his friend, John le Begue, and printed at Paris in 1614. FEVRE (Tannegui le), an excellent scholar in Greek and Roman learning, born at Caen in Normandy, in 1615. Cardinal Richelieu gave him a pension of 2000 livres to inspect all the works published at the Louvre, and designed to have made him principal of a college he was about to erect at Richelieu. But the cardinal's death cut off his hopes; and his pension was ill paid. Some time after, the marquis de Franciere, governor of Langres, took him with him to his government, where he embraced the Protestant religion; after which he was invited to Saumur, where he was chosen Greek professor. He there taught with extraordinary reputation. Young men were sent to him from all the provinces in the kingdom, and even from foreign countries, while divines and professors themselves gloried in attending his lectures. He was preparing to go to Heidelberg, whither he was invited by the prince Palatine, when he died, aged fifty-seven. He wrote Notes on Anacreon, Lucretius, Longinus, Phædrus, Justin, Terence, Virgil, Horace, Ælian, Eutropius, Aurelius Victor, Dionysius, &c. A short account of the lives of the Greek poets. Two volumes of letters; and many other works. He left a son, and two daughters, one of whom was the celebrated Madame Dacier. In his Latin works he assumed the name of Tanaquil Faber. FEUTERER, n. s. Fr. vautrier. A dogkeeper. If you will be An honest yeoman feuterer, feed us first, And he seyde to hem, ther is myche rype corn: and fewe werkemen, therfore preie ye the Lord of the riipe corn: that he sende werkemen into his rype corn. Wiclif. Luk. x. Jer. We are left but few of many. To answer both allegations at once, the very substance of that they contain is in few but this. Hooker. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice; Take each man's censure, but reserve thy judgment. Shakspeare. Fewness and truth, 'tis thus. Id. So having said, he thus to Eve in few: Milton. So much the thirst of honour fires the blood; Id. On Winter seas we fewer storms behold, Than foul diseases that infect the fold. These, by reason of their fewness, I could not distinguish from the numbers with whom they are embodied. Id. The impartial lovers and searchers of truth are a great deal fewer than one could wish or imagine. Locke. Pope. Thus Jupiter in few unfolds the charge. Dryden. Id. An experiment very frequent among modern authors, is to write upon nothing: when the subject is utterly exhausted, to let the pen still move on; by some called the ghost of wit, delighting to talk after the death of its body. And to say the truth, there seems to be no part of knowledge in fewer hands, than that of discerning when to have done. Id. The imagination of a poet is a thing so nice and delicate, that it is no easy matter to find out images If a spark of error have thus far prevailed, falling even where the wood was green, and farthest oft from any inclination unto furious attempts, must not the peril thereof be greater in men, whose minds are as dry fewel, apt beforehand unto tumults, seditions and broils? Hooker. Dedication. Never, alas! the dreadful name, Cowley. That fewels the infernal flame. A known quantity of fewel, all kindled at once, FEY, v. a. Dut. veghen; Goth. fagen. Το cleanse a ditch, or well, of mud. Such muddy deep ditches and pits in the field, FEYJOO Y MONTENEGRO (Bened. Jerome), a Spanish Benedictine and writer of the last century. He has been sometimes styled the Spanish Addison. His principal works are Teatro Critico Universal, 14 vols. 4to., Madrid 1733, and his Cartas eruditas y curiosas; both works of great merit, and liberality of sentiment. Divinity, law, medicine, and philosophy, occupy his attention; and the superstitions of his church are animadverted on with considerable freedom. He died in 1765. An edition of his works was published in 1778, 15 vols. 4to.; and a selection from his Essays and Discourses appeared, in an English translation, 1780, 4 vols., 8vo. FEZ, an extensive kingdom of West Barbary, Africa, now united with the empire of MOROCCO, which see; of which it forms the most valuable part. It is bordered by the chain of the Greater, and crossed by the Lesser Atlas, extending from the former to the sea, which it touches at Tetuan. The climate on the north of Mount Atlas is greatly modified by that range on the one hand, and the Mediterranean on the other. It differs, therefore, but little from that of southern Europe, either in its temperature or salubrity. The heat in some places, however, is occasionally very great. Alı Bey says that, in the beginning of June, it exceeded 90° of Fahrenheit, in his ten't, a little north-east of Fez. The valleys of this region are luxuriantly fruitful: it is divided into nine provinces, Shavoya, Temsena, Fez Proper, Beni-hassen, Garb, Shaus, Rif, Tedla, and Garet. The principal rivers are the Mulluvia, the Lucos (Lixus of the ancients), the Suboe, and the river of Sallee. The principal towns are Fez, Mequi capable of giving pleasure to one of the few, who, nez, Melilla, Ceuta, Tangier, Larache, Mamora, in any age, have come up to that character. Berkley to Pope. Franklin. FE'WEL, n. s. & v. a. Fr. feu. Now written FUEL, which see. Combustible matter; materials for keeping fire. To supply with fuel. Get home with thy fewel, make ready to fet, The sooner the easier carriage to get. Tusser. and Sallee. The statistics, government, and commerce of this region, are the same in almost every respect as in MOROCCO, and will be found under that article. FEZ PROPER, a fertile province of the above country, situated between the range of Atlas and the province of Beni-hassen. It consists of one entire plain, surrounded by ranges of hills, also capable of the highest cultivation. To the east it has extensive dependencies. FEZ, a city of Morocco, the capital of the kingdom of that name, situated near the bottom of a funnel-shaped valley, the surrounding hills of which are covered with woods and orchards. They surround it, indeed, on all sides except the north and north-east. It consists of the Old and New town, the latter of which is almost entirely built on the heights which encompass the other. It is chiefly inhabited by Jews. Chenier, though Le thinks the description of Leo exaggerated, mits that Fez is one of the most agreeable ches in the empire. The finest edifice is the mosque of Carubin, built during the most fournishing period of Fez, and described by Leo sa mile and a half in circumference. Europeins, however, are not permitted to see it. The dy contains 200 caravanseras, or inns, called brendaques, which are tolerably convenient. They are two or three stories high, with galleries wards the court, which is always in the centre and admits light into the apartments. The traTaler, however, is not supplied with provisions, even bedding. His whole accommodation is woom and a mat. The streets generally are and dirty, and so narrow in some parts that persons can scarcely ride abreast. Several of the buildings that face the streets are dilapied, and some of them propped up. The Geps are little better than mere stalls, where De sedentary occupant sits surrounded by bastes, to which he points his customers as they ster. The markets, however, are immensely cowded, as there is no other place in that part of the country that deserves the name of a town; the Arabs of the surrounding recions resort ther to purchase all the foreign and manufaced articles their domestic habits require, or Seir means afford. Fez and Morocco are also Cat marts for the Soudan trade; the former has Kout 200 caravanseras. Old Fez was founded towards the close of the th century, by Edris, a Barbary farmer; and soon became the capital of all the western Marocco states. In the twelfth century Leo canus describes it as containing 700 temples and mosques, of which fifty were magnificent, adorned with marble pillars. Such was the eration in which it was held, that, when the to Mecca was occasionally shut up, pilages were made to Fez. It was no less fausas a school of learning. Its numerous tools for philosophy, physic, and astronomy, resorted to from all the Mahommedan doms of Spain and Africa, and even atcaded by Christians. The population was also prasionally replenished from the opposite shores Europe, during the whole period of the Moorish war with Spain. The remains of its inCations still exist, but most that was valuable long since vanished. The studies are confined to the Koran and ts mentators, to a slight tincture of grammar ad logic, and to clumsy astronomical observa2005, made solely with a view to regulate the time their religious exercises. They have Euclid in o volumes, neither copied nor read. The father sits crosslegged on the ground, and repeats da drawling tone, between singing and crying, words which are echoed by the scholars seated und him. Their religious prejudices exclude tem from the study of anatomy and medicine. Ah Bey describes Fez as a singular mixture of Pendor and ruin. The magnificence usual in Mahommedan countries is displayed solely in the interior, where spacious courts are found, and the apartments are decorated with paintings, arabesques, and often with gold and silver, while the walls of the houses, next the street, are built of mud, and in many places cracked and falling. He states the population at 100,000, and it was double this amount till reduced by a late plague. Mr. Jackson, from the public documents to which he had access, makes it 380,000. It is 230 miles north-east of Mогоссо. FEZZAN, a considerable country in the northeast part of Central Africa, to the south of Barbary, forms a sort of island in the midst of that immense desert of sand which reaches as far as the Niger. It is tributary to the dey of Tripoli, from which its nearest part is about 250 miles south-east. Its northern extremity, at the well of Bonjem, is in lat. 30° 35', and its southern limit at Tegerry in lat. 24° 4′ N. Its length is therefore about 450 miles. On the north-east it is bounded by the White Mountains of Harutz. This country was known to the ancients under the title of the Phazania Regio, and the country of the Garamantes; Garama, its ancient capital, has been recognised by major Rennell in the modern Germa. The name of Fasan, or Fezzan, seems to have been imposed by the Saracens, when they overran this with all the rest of northern Africa, and established the Mahommedan faith here. Though, compared with the surrounding districts, Fezzan is tolerably fertile, the want of water precludes almost every kind of steady cultivation: there are only three springs in the whole of this vast tract. Water is sometimes found in beds of clay, in some places at ten or twelve feet below the surface. Trees of the mimosa species, called talh, are occasionally seen, and near the towns a scanty stock of palms appears, with a few esculent vegetables. Small patches of grain are sometimes raised with great labor and care; but the trouble of keeping the soil moist causes the largest of these patches not to exceed an acre. The water is drawn by asses from the wells, by very complicated machinery, and small channels are cut from the reservoirs to the gardens. Nearly all the water of Fezzan is brackish. Wheat and barley are sown in October and November, and reaped in March and April, and until the last month the crops require watering twice a week. The principal vegetable products are-Indian corn, wheat, barley, beans, and peas, with some small seeds. A species of clover is sown in January and February, and will bear cutting repeatedly, as food for the horses and camels, till November. In such a country few domestic animals of course can be kept. The camel, best adapted to its wants, is therefore the most numerous. Horses, asses, cows, sheep, and goats are scarce, and only a very few dogs of the greyhound species are seen. The wild animals include the tiger-cat, the hyæna, fox, jackal, buffalo, antelope, gerboa, rabbits, and hares. Among the birds are the ostrich, eagle, vulture, hawk, wild turkey, and raven, with several smaller birds, besides domestic fowls, partridges, pigeons, ducks, and geese. The chief mineral productions are similar to those of many other |