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connect, from the Latin connecto, compounded of con and necto, signifying to knit together, is more remote than to combine (v. Association), and this than to unite (v. To add).

What is connected and combined remains distinct, but what is united loses all individuality.

Things the most dissimilar may be connected or combined; things of the same kind only can be


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Things or persons are connected more or less remotely by some common property or circumstance that serves as a tie; A right opinion is that which connects distant truths by the shortest train of intermediate propositions.' JOHNSON. Things or persons are combined by a species of juncture; Fancy can combine the ideas which memory has treasured." HAWKESWORTH. Things or persons are united by a coalition; A friend is he with whom our interest is united.' HAWKESWORTH. Houses are connected by means of a common passage; the armies of two nations are combined; two armies of the same nation are united.

Trade, marriage, or general intercourse, create a connexion between individuals; co-operation or similarity of tendency are grounds for combination; entire accordance leads to a union. It is dangerous to be connected with the wicked in any way; our reputation, if not our morals, must be the sufferers thereby. The most obnoxious members of society are those in whom wealth, talents, influence, and a lawless ambition, are combined. United is an epithet that should apply equally to nations and families; the same obedience to laws should regulate every man who lives under the same government; the same heart should animate every breast; the same spirit should dictate every action of every member in the community, who has a common interest in the preservation of the whole.


Connected, v. To connect; related, from relate, in Latin relatus, participle of refero to bring back, signifies brought back to the same point.

These terms are employed in the moral sense, to express an affinity between subjects or matters of thought.


Connexion marks affinity in an indefinite manner; 'It is odd to consider the connexion between despotism and barbarity, and how the making one person more than man, makes the rest less.' ADDISON. Relation denotes affinity in a specific manner; All mankind are so related, that care is to be taken in things to which all are liable, you do not mention what concerns one in terms which shall disgust another.' STEele. connexion may be either close or remote; a relation direct or indirect. What is connected has some common principle on which it depends; what is related has some likeness with the object to which it is related; it is a part of some whole.



Affix, in Latin affixus, participle of affigo, compounded of af or ad and figo to fix, signifies to fix to a thing; subjoin is compounded of sub and join, signifying to join to the lower or farther extremity of a body; attach, v. To adhere; annex, in Latin annerus, participle of annecto, compounded of an or ad and necto to knit, signifies to knit or tie to a thing.

To affix is to put any thing as an essential to any whole; to subjoin is to put any thing as a subordinate part to a whole in the former case the part to which it is put is not specified; in the latter the syllable sub specifies the extremity as the part: to attach is to make one thing adhere to another as an accompaniment; to annex is to bring things into a general connexion with each other.

A title is affixed to a book; a few lines are subjoined to a letter by way of postscript; we attach blame to a person; a certain territory is annexed to a kingdom.


Letters are affixed to words in order to modify their sense, or names are affixed to ideas; He that has settled in his mind determined ideas, with names affixed to them, will be able to discern their differences one from another.' LOCKE. It is necessary to subjoin remarks to what requires illustration; justice to the opinion which I would wish to impress of the amiable character of Pisistratus, I subjoin to this paper some explanation of the word tyrant.' CUMBERLAND. CUMBERLAND. We are apt from prejudice or particular circumstances to attach disgrace to certain professions, which are not only useful but important; 'As our nature is at present constituted, attached by so many strong connexions to the world of sense, and enjoying a communication so feeble and distant with the world of spirits, we need fear no danger from cultivating intercourse with the latter as much as possible." BLAIR. Papers are annexed by way of appendix to some important transaction.

It is improper to affix opprobrious epithets to any community of persons on account of their calling in life. Men are not always scrupulous about the means of attaching others to their interest, when their ambitious views are to be forwarded. Every station in life, above that of extreme indigence, has certain privileges annexed to it, but none greater than those which are enjoyed by the middling classes; The evils inseparably annexed to the present condition are numerous and afflictive.' JOHNSON.


Stick, in Saxon stican, Low German steken, is connected with the Latin stigo, Greek siya to prick; cleave, in Saxon cleofen, Low German kliven, Danish klaeve, is connected with our words glue and lime, in Latin gluten, Greek xóλa lime; adhere, v. To attach.

To stick, expresses more than to cleave, and cleave than adhere: things are made to stick either by incision into the substance, or through the intervention of some glutinous matter; they are made to cleave and adhere by the intervention of some foreign body: what sticks, therefore, becomes so fast joined as to render the bodies inseparable; what cleaves and adheres is less tightly bound, and more easily separable.

Two pieces of clay will stick together by the incorporation of the substance in the two parts; paper is made to stick to paper by means of glue: the tongue in a certain state will cleave to the roof of the mouth paste, or even occasional moisture, will make soft substances adhere to each other, or to hard bodies. Animals stick to bodies by means of their claws; persons in the moral sense cleave to each other by never parting company and they adhere to each other by uniting their interests.

Stick is employed for the most part on familiar subjects, but is sometimes applied to moral objects; Adieu then, O my soul's far better part, Thy image sticks so close

That the blood follows from my rending heart.


Cleave and adhere are peculiarly proper in the moral acceptation;

Gold and his gains no more employ his mind,
But, driving o'er the billows with the wind,
Cleaves to one faithful plank, and leaves the rest behind.

That there's a God from nature's voice is clear;
And yet, what errors to this truth adhere? JENYNS.


A follower is one who follows a person generally; an adherent is one who adheres to his cause; a partisan is the follower of a party: the follower follows either the person, the interests, or the principles of any one; thus the retinue of a nobleman, or the friends of a statesman, or the friends of any man's opinions, may be styled his followers;

The mournful followers, with assistant care, The groaning hero to his chariot bear. POPE. The adherent is that kind of follower who espouses the interests of another, as the adherents of Charles I; With Addison, the wits, his adherents and followers, were certain to concur.' JOHNSON. A follower follows near or at a distance; but the adherent is always near at hand; the partisan hangs on or keeps at a certain distance: the follower follows from various motives; the adherent adheres from a personal motive; the partisan, from a partial motive; They (the Jacobins) then proceed in argument as if all those who disapprove of their new abuses must of course be partisans of the old.' BURKE. Charles I. had as many adherents as he had followers; the rebels had as many partisans as they had adherents.




Adduce, in Latin adduco, compounded of ad and duco to lead, signifies to bring forwards, or for a thing; alledge, in French alleguer, in Latin allego, compounded of al or ad and lego, in Greek Aéyw to speak, signifies to speak for a thing; assign, in French assigner, Latin assigno, compounded of as or ad and signo to sign or mark out, signifies to set apart for a purpose; advance comes from the Latin advenio, compounded of ad and venio to come, or cause to come, signifying to bring forward a thing. ledged; a reason is assigned; a position or an opiAn argument is adduced; a fact or a charge is alnion is advanced. What is adduced tends to corroborate or invalidate; I have said that Celsus adduces neither oral nor written authority against Christ's miracles.' CUMBERLAND. What is alledged tends to criminate or exculpate; The criminal alledged in his defence, that what he had done was to raise mirth, and to avoid ceremony.' ADDISON. What is assigned tends to justify; If we consider what providential reasons may be assigned for these three particulars, we shall find that the numbers of the Jews, their dispersion and adherence to their religion, have furnished every age, and every nation of the world, with the strongest arguments for the Christian faith." ADDISON. What is advanced tends to explain and illustrate; I have heard of one that, having advanced some erroneous doctrines of philosophy, refused to see the experiments by which they were confuted.' JOHNSON. Whoever discusses disputed points must have arguments to adduce in favor of his principles: censures should not be passed where nothing improper can be alledged: a conduct is absurd for which no reason can be assigned: those who advance what they cannot maintain expose their ignorance as much as their folly.

The reasoner adduces facts in proof of what he has advanced. The accuser alledges circumstances in support of his charge. The philosophical investigator assigns causes for particular phenomena.

We may controvert what is adduced or advanced ; we may deny what is alledged, and question what is assigned.


Adhere, from the French adherer, Latin adhæreo, is compounded of ad and hæreo to stick close to; attach, in French attacher, is compounded of at or ad and tach or touch, both which come from the Latin tango to touch, signifying to come so near as to touch.

A thing is adherent by the union which nature produces; it is attached by arbitrary ties which keep it close to another thing. Glutinous bodies are apt to adhere to every thing they touch: a smaller building is sometimes attached to a larger by a passage, or some

other mode of communication.

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In a figurative sense the analogy is kept up in the use of these two words. Adherence is a mode of conduct; attachment a state of feeling. We adhere to opinions which we are determined not to renounce; The firm adherence of the Jews to their religion is no less remarkable than their numbers and dispersion." ADDISON. We are attached to opinions for which our feelings are strongly prepossessed. It is the character of obstinacy to adhere to a line of conduct after it is proved to be injurious: some persons are not to be attached by the ordinary ties of relationship or friendship; The conqueror seems to have been fully apprized of the strength which the new government might derive from a clergy more closely attached to himself." TYRWHITT.


These terms are both derived from the verb adhere, one expressing the proper or figurative sense, and the other the moral sense or acceptation.

There is a power of adhesion in all glutinous bodies; We suffer equal pain from the pertinacious adhesion of unwelcome images, as from the evanescence of those which are pleasing and useful.' JOHNSON. There is a disposition for adherence in steady minds; Shakspeare's adherence to general nature has exposed him to the censure of criticks, who form their judgements upon narrower principles.' JOHNSON.


Adjacent, in Latin adjacens, participle of adjaceo, is compounded of ad and jaceo to lie near; adjoining, as the words imply, signifies being joined together; contiguous, in French contigu, Latin contiguus, comes from contingo or con and tango, signifying to touch close.

What is adjacent may be separated altogether by the intervention of some third object; They have been beating up for volunteers at York, and the towns adjacent; but nobody will list.' GRANVILLE. What is adjoining must touch in some part: As he happens to have no estate adjoining equal to his own, his oppressions are often borne without resistance.' JOHN


What is contiguous must be fitted to touch entirely on one side; We arrived at the utmost boundaries of a wood which lay contiguous to a plain.'

STEELE. Lands are adjacent to a house or a town; fields are adjoining to each other; houses contiguous to each other.



Epithet is the technical term of the rhetorician; adjective that of the grammarian. The same word is an epithet as it qualifies the sense; it is an adjective as it is a part of speech: thus in the phrase Alexander the great' great is an epithet inasmuch as it designates Alexander in distinction from all other persons it is an adjective as it expresses a quality in distinction from the noun Alexander, which denotes a thing. The epithet nierov is the word added by way of ornament to the diction; the adjective, from adjectivum, is the word added to the noun as its appendage, and made subservient to it in all its inflections. When we are estimating the merits of any one's style or composition, we should speak of the epithets he uses; when we are talking of words, their dependencies, and relations, we should speak of adjectives: an epithet is either gentle or harsh, an adjective is either a noun or a pronoun adjective.

All adjectives are epithets, but all epithets are not adjectives; thus in Virgil's Pater Eneas, the pater is an epithet, but not an adjective.



Abstract, v. Absent; separate, in Latin separatus, participle of separo, is compounded of se and paro to dispose apart, signifying to put things asunder, or at a distance from each other; distinguish, in French distinguer, Latin distinguo, is compounded of the separative preposition dis and tingo to tinge or color, signifying to give different marks by which they may be known from each other.

Abstract is used in the moral sense only separate mostly in a physical sense: distinguish either in a moral or physical sense we abstract what we wish to regard particularly and individually; we separate what we wish not to be united; we distinguish what we wish not to confound. The mind performs the office of abstraction for itself; separating and distinguishing are exerted on external objects.* Arrangement, place, time, and circumstances serve to separate the ideas formed of things, the outward marks, attached to them, the qualities attributed to them, serve to distinguish.

By the operation of abstraction the mind creates for itself a multitude of new ideas: in the act of separation bodies are removed from each other by distance of place in the act of distinguishing objects

* Vide Abbé Girard: " Distinguer, separer."


are discovered to be similar or dissimilar. Qualities are abstracted from the subjects in which they are inherent countries are separated by mountains or seas: their inhabitants are distinguished by their dress, language, or manners. The mind is never less abstracted from one's friends than when separated from them by immense oceans: it requires a keen eye to distinguish objects that bear a great resemblance to each other. Volatile persons easily abstract their minds from the most solemn scenes to fix them on trifling objects that pass before them; We ought to abstract our minds from the observation of an excellence in those we converse with, till we have received some good information of the disposition of their minds.' STEELE. An unsocial temper leads some men to separate themselves from all their companions; It is an eminent instance of Newton's superiority to the rest of mankind that he was able to separate knowledge from those weaknesses by which knowledge is generally disgraced.' JOHNSON. An absurd ambition leads others to distinguish themselves by their eccentricities; Fontenelle, in his panegyric on Sir Isaac Newton, closes a long enumeration of that philosopher's virtues and attainments with an observation that he was not distinguished from other men by any singularity either natural or affected.' JOHNSON.

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surface of several rocks, and immediately die upon their being severed from the place where they grow.' ADDISON. We may separate in part or entirely; we sever entirely we separate with or without violence; we sever with violence only: we may separate papers which have been pasted together, or fruits which have grown together; but the head is severed from the body, or a branch from the trunk. There is the same distinction between these terms in their moral application; They (the French republicans) never have abandoned, and never will abandon, their old steady maxim of separating the people from their govern

ment.' BURKE.

Better I were distract

So should my thoughts be sever'd from my griefs. SHAKSPEARE.

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To separate may be said of things which are only remotely connected; disjoin, which signifies to destroy a junction, is said of things which are so intimately connected that they might be joined; In times and regions, so disjoined from each other that there can scarely be imagined any communication of sentiments, has prevailed a general and uniform expectation of propitiating God by corporeal austerities.' JOHNSON. We separate as convenience requires; we may separate in a right or a wrong manner; we mostly disjoin things which ought to remain joined: we separate syllables in order to distinguish them, but they are sometimes disjoined in writing by an accidental erasure. To detach, which signifies to destroy a contract, has an intermediate sense betwixt separate and disjoin, applying to bodies which are neither so loosely connected as the former, nor so closely as the latter: we separate things that directly meet in no point; we disjoin those which meet in every point; we detach those things which meet in one point only; The several parts of it are detached one from the other, and yet join again one cannot tell how.' POPE. Sometimes the word detach has a moral application, as to detach persons, that is, the minds of persons, from their party; so likewise detached, in distinction from a connected piece of composition; As for the detached rhapsodies which Lycurgus in more early times. brought with him out of Asia, they must have been exceedingly imperfect.' CUMBERLAND.

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TO DISJOINT, DISMEMBER. Disjoint signifies to separate at the joint; dismember signifies to separate the members.

The terms here spoken of derive their distinct meaning and application from the signification of the words joint and member. A limb of the body may be disjointed if it be so put out of the joint that it cannot act; but the body itself is dismembered when the different limbs or parts are separated from each other. So in the metaphorical sense our ideas are said to be disjointed when they are so thrown out of their order that they do not fall in with one another: and king

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TO ADDICT, DEVOTE, APPLY. Addict, in Latin addictus, participle of addico, compounded of ad and dico, signifies to speak or declare in favor of a thing, to exert one's self in its favor; devote, in Latin devotus, participle of devoveo, signifies to vow or make resolutions for a thing; apply, in French appliquer, Latin applico, is compounded of ap or ad, and plico, signifying to knit or join one's self to a thing.

To addict is to indulge one's self in any particular practice; to devote is to direct one's powers and means to any particular pursuit; to apply is to employ one's time or attention about any object. Men are addicted to vices: they devote their talents to the acquirement of any art or science: they apply their minds to the investigation of a subject.

Children begin early to addict themselves to lying when they have any thing to conceal. People who are devoted to their appetites are burdensome to themselves, and to all with whom they are connected. Whoever applies his mind to the contemplation of nature, and the works of creation, will feel himself impressed with sublime and reverential ideas of the Creator.

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We are addicted to a thing from an irresistible passion or propensity; As the pleasures of luxury are very expensive, they put those who are addicted to them upon raising fresh supplies of money by all the methods of rapaciousness and corruption." ADDISON. We are devoted to a thing from a strong but settled attachment to it; Persons who have devoted themselves to God are venerable to all who fear him.' BERKELEY. We apply to a thing from a sense of its utility; Tully has observed that a lamb no sooner falls from its mother, but immediately, and of its own accord, it applies itself to the teat. ADDISON. We addict ourselves to study by yielding to our passion for it: we devote ourselves to the service of our king and country by employing all our powers to their benefit: we apply to business by giving it all the time and attention that it requires.


Addict is seldomer used in a good than in a bad sense; devote is mostly employed in a good sense; apply in an indifferent sense.


Address is compounded of ad and dress, in Spanish derecar, Latin direxi, preterite of dirigo to direct, signifying to direct one's self to an object; apply, v. To addict.

An address is immediately directed from one party to another, either personally or by writing; an application may be made through the medium of a third person. An address may be made for an indifferent purpose or without any express object; but an application is always occasioned by some serious circum


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We address those to whom we speak or write; 'Many are the inconveniences which happen from the improper manner of address, in common speech, between persons of the same or different quality.' STEELE. We apply to those to whom we wish to communicate some object of personal interest; Thus all the words of lordship, honour, and grace, are only repetitions to a man that the King has ordered him to be called so, but no evidences that there is any thing in himself that would give the man, who applies to him, those ideas without the creation of his master." STEELE. An address therefore may be made without an application; and an application may be made by means of an address.

It is a privilege of the British Constitution, that the subject may address the monarch, and apply for a redress of grievances. We cannot pass through the streets of the metropolis without being continually addressed by beggars, who apply for the relief of artificial more than for real wants. Men in power are always exposed to be publicly addressed by persons who wish to obtrude their opinions upon them, and to have perpetual applications from those who solicit favors.

An address may be rude or civil, an application may be frequent or urgent. It is impertinent to address any one with whom we are not acquainted, unless we have any reason for making an application to them.


Attend, in French attendre, Latin attendo, compounded of at or ad and tendo to stretch, signifies to stretch or bend the mind to a thing; mind, from the noun mind, signifies to have in the mind; regard, in French regarder, compounded of re and garder, comes from the German wahren to see or look at, signifying to look upon again or with attention; heed, in German hüthen, in all probability comes from vito, and the Latin video to see or pay attention to; notice, from the Latin notitia knowledge, signifies to get the knowledge of or have in one's mind.

The idea of fixing the mind on an object is common to all these terms. As this is the characteristic of attention, attend is the generic; the rest are specific

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