The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Volym 4C. and A. Conrad & Company, 1805 |
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Sida 16
... says , from tawny Spain , is , be- cause those romances , being of Spanish original , the heroes and the scene were generally of that country . Why he says , lost in the world's debate , is , because the subject of those romances were ...
... says , from tawny Spain , is , be- cause those romances , being of Spanish original , the heroes and the scene were generally of that country . Why he says , lost in the world's debate , is , because the subject of those romances were ...
Sida 22
... say , thou art quick in answers : Thou heat- est my blood . Moth . I am answered , sir . Arm . I love not to be ... says to Celia ; " - if I should bear you , I should bear no cross . " Johnson . Arm . Impossible . Moth . How many ...
... say , thou art quick in answers : Thou heat- est my blood . Moth . I am answered , sir . Arm . I love not to be ... says to Celia ; " - if I should bear you , I should bear no cross . " Johnson . Arm . Impossible . Moth . How many ...
Sida 26
... say , sing . Moth . Forbear till this company be past . Enter DULL , Costard , and JaquENETTA . L Dull . Sir ... says Johnson in his Dictionary , is derived from day , an old word for milk . In the northern counties of Scotland ...
... say , sing . Moth . Forbear till this company be past . Enter DULL , Costard , and JaquENETTA . L Dull . Sir ... says Johnson in his Dictionary , is derived from day , an old word for milk . In the northern counties of Scotland ...
Sida 34
... say , that he , or we , ( as neither have ) Receiv'd that sum ; yet there remains unpaid A hundred thousand more ... ( says Navarre ) he should rather pay the remaining moiety , and demand to have Aquitain re - delivered up to him ...
... say , that he , or we , ( as neither have ) Receiv'd that sum ; yet there remains unpaid A hundred thousand more ... ( says Navarre ) he should rather pay the remaining moiety , and demand to have Aquitain re - delivered up to him ...
Sida 36
... says , I. ] She means to say , ay . The old spelling of the affirmative particle has been retained here for the sake of the rhyme . Malone . 8 No poynt , ] So , in The Shoemaker's Holliday , 1600 : 66 - tell me where he is . " No point ...
... says , I. ] She means to say , ay . The old spelling of the affirmative particle has been retained here for the sake of the rhyme . Malone . 8 No poynt , ] So , in The Shoemaker's Holliday , 1600 : 66 - tell me where he is . " No point ...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volym 4 William Shakespeare Obegränsad förhandsgranskning - 1806 |
Vanliga ord och fraser
alludes Amadis de Gaula ancient Ansaldo Antonio Armado Bass Bassanio Beat Beatrice believe Ben Jonson Benedick Biron blood Bora Boyet called Claud Claudio Cost Costard Dogb doth ducats editions editor emendation Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair father flesh fool Friar Giannetto give grace Gratiano hath hear heart heaven Hero honour John Johnson King Henry lady Laun Launcelot Leon Leonato letter lord Lorenzo Love's Labour's Lost madam Malone marry Mason master master constable means Merchant of Venice merry Midsummer Night's Dream Monarcho Moth musick never night old copies passage Pedro play poet Pompey Portia praise pray prince princess quarto Ritson romances says scene sense Shakspeare Shylock signifies signior speak Steevens suppose swear sweet tell thee Theobald thing thou thrasonical tongue true Tyrwhitt unto Venice Warburton word