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the breadth of fuch obftacle, by the doubling of as many divifions as will fill up the vacancy (when it can be done) which is thereby occafioned in the line; nor must any fmall interruptions in the line, that can poffibly be furmounted, ever make the pivots deviate from the straight line, when the intention of forming on the line is evident and known to all.

[blocks in formation]

Affembly of

the battalion.

March to

of exercise.

THE companies having been infpected by their officers on their particular parades, fhould arrive and stand on the parade of the battalion in open column of companies, and with either right or left in front.-The ground is given by whichever divifion firft arrives on it, and the others arrange themselves in front or rear accordingly.-In this fituation are reports made to the commanding officer; companies equalized, mufick, drummers, pioneers, &c. affembled at their proper stations; all other individuals of the battalion placed; pivot files, and juft wheeling diftances corrected.-The battalion is then formed in line by wheels of the quarter circle, and by word from the commanding officer; the colours are fent for and posted; and the whole are thus in readiness to move by fub-divifion or company column.

The march to and from the field in column, fhould be the ground confidered as one of the moft material parts of exercise, and be made with attention, equality of step, just diftances, and perfect order.-The front of the march should be frequently increased and diminished in the manner prefcribed (S. 87.), and the battalion at different periods


formed by wheels to the flank, to fhew that distances have been duly preferved.

The exercife of the battalion muft frequently be pre- Exercite by ceded by that of companies in detail, according to the companies. instructions given in the Second Part.-Therefore when the battalion is arrived on its ground, the officers will be affembled, and thofe commanding companies informed what particular parts (referring for this purpofe to the numbers marked in the exercife of the company), in what fucceffion, and for what length of time, or how often, each operation of the company is to be repeated.-The companies will then by a regular procefs be feparated, by taking intervals in one line, or in two lines, fo that each fhall have a free space of 40 or 50 yards fquare.-They will on that ground begin and finish in nearly the fame inftants of time, each of the ordered points of exercise.

Fig. 19.

S. 86. Exercife of the Battalion.

The above being accomplished, the companies will be ordered to affemble in line, or in column, and the BATTALION again united and formed will proceed to its particular EXERCISE, as contained in the following articles, which may be claffed and arranged according to circumftances, and the views of commanding officers: the modes of executing being detailed hereafter under their proper heads.

The Battalion ftanding in Open Column.

Fig. 74.

1. The column will clofe to half, quarter, or close column, and again take open diftances either from the front or rear divifion. S. 153.

Detail of

exercise by the bat


2. The companies may fingly counter

Fig. 40. B. { march by files. S. 100.

Fig, 41,

Fig. 49.

3. The flanks of the column may be changed by the rear company becoming the front one, in confequence of a countermarch of the whole column from the rear. S. 101.

The pofition of the column may be changed to either flank, by the companies facing, filing into the new direction, and halting with their pivot flanks on it. S 123.

5. The open column will form in line. -By wheeling up when the whole is in the alignement. By halting the head divifions in the line; filing the rear ones into it, and then wheeling up the whole, -By the head divifion halting on the line, and the rear ones wheeling back into echellon pofition, after which they move up into line. S. 118. 124. 127.

6. A front, center, or rear divifion of the column may be placed in a new given. Fig. 47. 48. direction, and the reft by file marching will take up their ground. S. 120. 121.


7. The column at half or quarter distance will form.-By filing into line. Obliquing into line.- Divifions wheeling fucceffively into line, and taking open dif


8. The divifions may face to either flank, march the lock ftep, halt, and again front into column. S. 123.


9. The clofing step may be practised by the whole column at once. S. 43.

10. The front of the column in march will be increased and diminished, and the

Fig. 28. 29. column will occafionally wheel to the flank into line to fhew the prefervation of dif tances. S. 87.

11. From line the companies, or other divifions, may wheel backwards on their

Fig. 59. 13. pivots into open column, and to either

hand. S. 108.

12. March and prolong the line to the

Fig. 52. {fank. S. 115.

Fig. 49:

Fig. 47. 48.


Wheel up into Line. S. 118.

13. Change of pofition on a central or flank company by filing, or by the echellon march of companies. S. 120. 159.

14. The battalion may march in file to the flank at the lock ftep, and front. S. 94.

15. The battalion may take 20 or 30 fide fteps to the flank without opening out. S. 43, 79.

16. The battalion may advance in line, and halt. S. 166.

17. The battalion may retire in line, and halt front. S. 168.

18. The alternate companies will form two lines and march to front and rear, preferving intervals. S. 175.

19. Paffage

Fig. 46.

Fig. 14.

19. Paffage in file through a fecond line, or wood, to front or rear, from a flank of each company. S. 174.

20. Paffage of the obftacle in the march of the battalion, by divifions doubling as ordered. S. 170.

21. The oblique march of the battalion, and change of direction by gradual alteration of the fhoulders. S. 169.

22. The battalion halted to be dreffed, by advancing the platoon officers, and moving up the men. S. 167.

23. The whole or a wing of the battalion to be thrown forward on the center or flank, by placing a few files, and the reft turning their fhoulders, and gradually dreffing up. The fame done backwards gradually at a fhort ftep without facing about.-Eyes being directed to the point of forming on all occafions.

24. The battalion will advance, and retire in echellons of companies.--Form in line on any named one.-Throw backFig. 75. 76. ward or forward any number of companies into echellon.-Wheel them into oblique

Fig. 31. 33.


25. The battalion retiring in two lines by alternate companies, may make a degree of wheel during the movement, to give a new direction to the

fo as Uline.

26. The battalion may pass a defile or bridge, to front or to rear. S. 91.

35. 92.

27. The

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