Sidor som bilder

Q'ab vos, e n' ai perduz

But (from) you and therefrom I have

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Many boons; he who for himself will (have) them take (them);

Q'a mi plaz mais q'atenda

For to me it pleases more that I should wait

Ses toz covenz saubuz

Without all covenants known


don m'

es jois creguz.

(With) towards (her) from whom to me (has) is joy grown.

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Merces desenda

Mercy may descend,

Domn' en vos et amors,
Lady, into you and love,

Qe joi mi renda

Which joy to me may give

En lonhs sospirs e plors.
Amidst long sighs and tears.

Nous o defenda

Not you this may forbid

Paratges ni ricors;
Parentage nor wealth;

Q'oblidaz m'es toz bes,
For forgotten (by) me is every boon,
S'ab vos nom val merces;
If with you not me helps mercy;

Ai! bella dousa res,
Oh! beautiful sweet thing,

Molt feraz gran franqesa
Much will you do great frankness

M'amessez o non ges;

(If) me you would love or not (scarcely)

Q'eras no sai qe s'es.

For now not I know which (itself) it is.

Non trop contenda

Not I find resistance

Contra vostras valors;
Against your worth(s);

Merces von prenda
Mercy you thereof may take

Tals q'a vos si' onors;

Such as to you would be an honour ;

Ja nom entenda

Ever not me may hear

Dieus mest sos prejadors,

God amongst his worshippers,

Si volh la renda
If I will (take) the income

Dels qatre reis majors
Of the four kings greatest

Qe ab vos nom


So that with you not to me should be of use

Dieus e ma bona fes;

God and my good faith;


partir nom posc ges

For part (from you) not (me) I can scarcely

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Than of another thing (myself) I should think.



A la fontana del vergier,

At the fountain of the orchard

On l'erb'es vertz jostal gravier,
Where the grass is green near the gravel
A l'ombra d' un fust domesgier,
In the shade of a tree indigenous
En aizement de blancas flors
In the beauty of white flowers

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So fon donzel' ab son cor bel, This was a girl with her body beautiful Filha d'un senhor de castel; The daughter of one lord of a castle;

E quant eu cugei que l'auzel
And when I thought that the birds
Li fesson joi e la verdors,
Her made (gave) joy and the greenery

pel dous termini novel, And (because of) the sweet season


E que
And that she would listen (to) my address

entendes mon favel,

Tost li fon sos afors camjatz.
Soon (the) were her manners changed.

Dels olhs ploret josta la fon From her eyes she cried by the fountain

E del cor sospiret preon.
And from the heart she sighed deeply.

'Jhesus,' dis ela, 'reis del mon,
'Jesus,' said she, 'king of the world,

Per vos mi creis ma grans dolors, Through you me grows my great grief

Quar vostra anta mi cofon,
For your disgrace me injures,

Quar li melhor de tot est mon

For the best of all this world

Vos van servir, mas a vos platz.
go to serve, but to you it pleases.


Ab vos


vai lo meus amics,

With you (himself) away goes (the) my friend

Lo bels el gens

el pros

el rics,

The beautiful and the gentle and the brave and the worthy


m'en reman lo grans destrics,

Here to me therefrom remains the great


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The longing often and the tear.
Ai! mala fos reis Lozoics
Alas! evil be (befal) king Louis.

Que fai los mans e los prezics
Who makes the commands and the preachings,


quel dols m'es el cor intratz.'

Through which the pain to me is into the heart entered.'

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'Bela,' fi

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m'eu, per trop plorar

'Beautiful one,' said (myself) I, 'by too much crying

Afola cara e colors :

Degenerates face and

E no vos qual



And not you it beseems to despair,

Que cel que fai lo bosc folhar
For he who makes the bush bring forth leaves

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