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kindly presented extra-donations towards
the same object. And, thus encouraged,
the Committee admitted the candidates to
the Institution, and extended the list of the
students to the number of eleven.
does not merely involve an additional expen-
diture in the Academy itself, but as the stu-
dents are designed to occupy stations of mis-
sionary labour, under the Society, as they
severally finish their academical course, ar-
rangements are thereby adopted for the ex-
tension of the Society's operations in the
country, and the Committee become pledged
to a permanently extended expenditure.
They do not regret this, because, at the
present momentous crisis, there are calls
pressingly urged from many benighted and
unsupplied districts in the country, request-
ing that missionaries may be sent among
them. The only anxiety the Committee
feel arises from the inadequacy of their
funds; and on this ground they cannot but
urgently renew the appeal they have already
made. Ye friends to the cause!-Do you
love to see the Scriptures circulated among
the millions of your fellow-subjects from
whom superstition is endeavouring to with-
hold them?-Remember the Society's mi-
nisters circulate those Scriptures; and, what
is more, read, expound, and' enforce them.
Do you wish to see Scriptural education pro-
moted in Sabbath and week-day schools
among the multitudes of the children of those
your fellow-subjects, among whom supersti-
tion publicly sends forth its prohibitions of
schools in which the Scriptures are the
school-book?-Remember the Society's mi-
nisters are the active instruments in form-
ing, superintending, and perpetuating such
schools among them. Or do you acknow-
ledge the preaching of the cross as the grand
instrument for enlightening the ignorant,
emancipating the enslaved, reclaiming the
wanderer, and, finally, saving the soul?-
Remember that the Society's ministers are
instant in season, and out of season, preach-
ing that cross. In connexion with all this,
remember your own obligations to the glo-
rious gospel of the blessed God, and then
ask yourselves what you should do for a So-
ciety that unites such numerous and impor-
tant claims? And before you come to the
final decision, remember, The grace of
our Lord Jesus Christ, who, though he was
rich, yet for your sakes became poor, that
ye through his poverty might be rich.'

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Erratum in a former list. Instead of Mr. Wills, 21., read A Lady by Mr. Willis, 21.

The Paris Committee has transmitted details respecting several private Christians of both sexes, whose sufferings have been very severe, exclusively of their persecutions and exile. Instructions have accordingly been sent for the most prudent distribution among these, of a second sum not exceeding £112. It will, perhaps, not be practicable to give a further report till the Magazine for May; as these sufferers are all in or near Switzerland.

In the name of the Committee, London, Feb. 13, 1826. J. PYE SMITH.



(New York Observer.)

On this subject the Rev. Dr. Miller, of the Princeton Theological Seminary, in his sermon on "the difficulties and temptations attending the preaching of the Gospel in large cities," has the following very just remarks.

"There is a tendency in large towns, where public exercises of religion abound, and where some churches, of one denomi nation or other, are almost always open; there is a tendency, among many professors of religion, otherwise exemplary, by far too much to neglect the duties of the closet and of the family, and to be almost perpetually engaged in attending public services. I am a warm friend, not only to a punctual attendance on the stated services of the house of God on the Sabbath, but also to an attendance on prayer meetings, and other similar exercises, as Providence may afford an opportunity in the course of the week. The person who has it in his power to attend such meetings, but has no taste for it, and seldom or never appears at them, gives too much reason to fear that if he have real re109 16 2 ligion at all, it is at a very low ebb in his

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110 0 0

soul. Nay, I have no doubt that, where the principle of piety is in a lively and growing state, such meetings will be regarded as a feast, and there will be a desire to enjoy them as often as is consistent with the other duties of a Christian life. But this desire may be, and often has been indulged, to excess; especially by parents and heads of families. Many hasten from church to church, and from one social meeting to another, until every hour on the Sabbath, and every evening in the week, are employed in public services. In fact, they seem to think that they serve God acceptably, just in proportion to the number of public exercises on which they can attend. This religious dissipation for it really appears to me to deserve no better name, is productive of multiplied evils. It interferes almost entirely with that calm self-examination and selfconverse, which are so essential to a life of growing piety. It abridges, or prevents, in a most fatal degree, that faithful instruction of children and servants, which is indispensable to training up a family in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And it tends to surcharge the mind with a large amount of spiritual provision, which is never properly digested, or likely to be advantageously applied. The consequence is, that the young and rising generation, in such families, are never prepared by adequate training at home, to hear the Gospel with profit. While those who are more advanced in life, taking little or no time for meditation and reading in private, do not grow in scriptural knowledge, and remain but babes, while they ought to be strong men in Christ."



Extract from Jowett's Christian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land. The excellent author visited the Lake of Tiberias, while indisposed by a fever, and thus writes concerning it.

THE Composure which came over my feverish spirits at this hour, was inexpressibly refreshing. I laid myself down upon the ground; and resting my head upon a stone near me, drew a little coolness from the soil; while the simple train of reflections, which naturally sprung up from the scene around me, added much to my enjoyment. At a great distance to the north, was the mountainous horizon, on the summit of which stands Safet, glistening with its noble castle; it is not improbably supposed that our Saviour had this spot in his eye, and directed the attention of his disciples to it,

when he said, a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid; for it is full in view from the Mount of the Beatitude, as well as from this place; and, indeed, seems to command all the country round to a great extent. Viewing at a glance the margin of this simple lake, on the opposite, or eastern side, the eye rests on the inhospitable country of the Gadarenes, inhospitable to this day; for my guide, after a long silence, perceiving my attention directed that way, begins a long tale about the dangers of that part, the untamed and savage character of the mountaineers, and the extreme hazard of attempts to visit them; few travellers, in fact, venture there; but seeing that his account is not very congenial to my feelings at this moment, he has dropt his story. Close above my head, an Arab has come to spread upon the ruins his tattered clothes, which he has just washed in the lake, that they may dry in the sun; and at a distance, just perceivable, is another indolent peasant sauntering by the water's edge, and singing at intervals a poor Arab song, which, though not "most musical," has, nevertheless, the charm of being "most melancholy." Yet that which awakens the tenderest emotions on viewing such a scene as this, is the remembrance of ONE, who formerly so often passed this way; and never passed without leaving, by his words and actions, some memorial of his divine wisdom and love. Here, or in this neighbourhood, most of His mighty works were done; and in our daily religious services we have read, with the most intense interest, those passages of the gospels which refer to these regions. However uncertain other traditionary geographical notices may be, here no doubt interrupts our enjoyment in tracing the Redeemer's footsteps. This, and no other, is the Sea of Galilee-in its dimensions, as I should judge, resembling exactly the size of the Isle of Malta, about twenty miles in length, twelve in breadth, and sixty in circumference. Here Jesus called the sons of Zebedee, from mending their nets, to become fishers of men. he preached to the multitude crowding to the water's edge, himself putting off a little from the shore in Simon Peter's boat. But there is not a single boat now upon the lake, to remind us of its former use. Yonder, on the right, must have been the very spot, where, in the middle of their passage from this side toward Bethsaida and Capernaum, the disciples were affrighted at seeing Jesus walk upon the water-where He gently upbraided the sinking faith of Peter-where He said to the winds and waters, "Peace! be still!"-and the sweet serenity which now rests upon the surface is the very same stillness which then succeeded.


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REV. JOHN TOWNSEND. THIS eminently holy and useful minister was called to his glorious reward on Tuesday evening, the 7th February, 1826, in the 69th year of his age, after labouring in the great vineyard, with distinguished fidelity and His success, between forty and fifty years. health had been declining for months past, and at last completely yielded to the influence of an incurable dropsy. His last days were peace. He told a sincere Christian friend, that the gospel which he had heard him preach for forty years, was the support and solace of his mind: and significantly placing his elbow upon the Bible he was accustomed to use, he said, with an air of cheerful composure, "This is literally and really the prop on which I rest."

Mr. Townsend was the chief founder of the deaf and dumb asylum, and of the congregational school; and was, more or less, instrumental in forming or furthering the other benevolent and Christian institutions of the present age. His funeral took place at Bunhill fields, on Thursday, the 16th of February, and was numerously and respectably attended by devout men, who carried him to the house appointed for all living. There were no fewer than 28 mourning coaches. Several of his ministerial brethren, as well as others, attended at their own expense, out of respect to the unrivalled character of the deceased. Dr. Waugh delivered the address at the grave, and the Rev. John Clayton, jun. prayed. The concourse of spectators was immense. It was truly affecting to witness the tears of thousands.

It will doubtless afford pleasure to our readers to peruse the last communication sent by the deceased to the Trustees of the Magazine; more especially when it is remembered that he was one of the first projectors of the work, and took the chair at the first Committee that met to consult measures for its establishment.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. John Townsend to the Trustees of the Evange lical Magazine, dated Jan. 24, 1826.

"My state of health has become such, within these few days, as renders it very uncertain as to meeting you any more on the concerns of the Evangelical Magazine; or, indeed, on any other of the important works in which some of us have so long been fellow labourers: but I rejoice in the prospect of their being carried on by the affection and zeal of our younger brethren.

Within these few days symptoms of dropsy have appeared, both on my chest and in my

legs. My medical friend assures me of his hope of reducing both; but in my weak state I have little hope of his success: nor would I be anxious about it. I would use the language, and cherish the spirit exhibited in the following lines of Cowper—

O Lord! my best desires fulfil,
And help me to resign

Life, health, and comfort to thy will,
And make thy pleasure mine."

Wishing you all much of the presence and blessing of Him whom you love and serve, I remain your's, most sincerely, in the gospel,


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REV. JOHN HYATT. THIS indefatigable and much honoured servant of God, was summoned to his eternal rest on Tuesday evening, the 30th of January, having just entered on his sixtieth year, For more than ten years he had been greatly afflicted with asthma, and latterly he suffered so much from it, as to be almost unfitted for the discharge of his arduous duties. On the 8th of January he engaged, with great difficulty, in the public service of the sanctuary; and his afflicted people heard his voice no more. Amidst

much debility and pain, his mind was calm and resigned to the last. Often did he speak with emphatic energy of the "blood of sprinkling." On the day of his departure, to the inexpressible joy of his friends, he said, "If I could, I would sing aloud-ALL

• Provision for poor aged Ministers.

IS PEACE. He hath made with me an everlasting covenant." His last words were-"Happy! happy! happy!" and without scarcely a sigh he fell asleep in Jesus. His funeral took place on Wednesday, the 8th of February, at Bunhill Fields. The proces sion consisted of 24 mourning coaches, and the interest felt in his benevolent and useful career was marked by the attendance and tears of thousands. The Rev. G. Collison delivered the funeral oration, and the Rev. T. Jackson concluded in prayer. His Funeral Sermon was preached by the Rev. Edward Parsons, of Leeds, on Lord's-day even ing, the 19th of February, to a crowded and deeply affected auditory.

This devoted man of God was for upwards of twenty years the zealous and faithful minister at the Tabernacle and Tottenham-court Chapel. He was, we believe, a native of a small town in the West of England, and in early life was devoted to secular pursuits. At the age of twenty it pleased God to call him by his grace, and having himself tasted that the Lord is gracious, he wished to be an instrument of making others savingly acquainted with him, and accordingly soon afterwards commenced the labours of a village preacher. In the year 1798 he was invited to take the charge of a small church at Mere, in Wiltshire, from which place he removed to Frome, in Somerset. Here he continued for about six years, during three of which he was an annual visitant at the Tabernacle of Bristol, and the other three at the London Tabernacle, when by the urgent recommendation of the Rev. M. Wilks, he was chosen by the managers of the latter connexion, to become their resident minister, and his subsequent life and great usefulness have proved, that they were directed by the Great Head of the Church in the choice they made.

THE REV. JOSEPH FORSTER, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Scarborough, Yorkshire.

THIS amiable and interesting servant of Christ closed his short and useful career on the 28th ult., aged 24 years, at the house of his brother, the Rev. Luke Forster, Blackburn, Lancashire. His eminent piety, superior talents, and ardent zeal, had endeared him to an extensive circle of friends, and will render his early removal a subject of deep and painful regret. He was sustained, during a long and severe affliction, by the gospel he preached, and died in the hope it had inspired.

Feb. 10. at his house, Stamford Hill, Joseph Stonard, Esq. aged 80. He has been treasurer of the Homerton College nearly forty years.


Suggested by the recent Death of the REV. JOHN HYATT, REV. JOHN TOWNSEND, and other eminent and useful Men.

"Your Fathers, where are they? And the Prophets, do they live for ever?" Zech. 1. 5.

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