Sidor som bilder

Toxaris, or the Friendship of Lucian, by A. Ο.

[blocks in formation]


The famous Hystory of Herodotus, in nine Bookes,


&c. by B. R. Lond. N. B. This Piece contains only the two first Books, viz. the Clio and Euterpe. The Translator fays in his Preface, "As these speede, so the reft will follow." 4to.


The History writtone by Thucydides, &c. translated out of the Frenche of Claude de Seyssel, Bishop of Marseilles, into the Englishe language, by Tho. Nicolls, Citizeine and Goldsmyth of London, fol.



Hystories of the most famous and worthy Cronographer, Polybius, by Christopher Watson, 8vo. 1508

This Work consists of extracts only.

3 Among the entries in the books at Stationers' Hall this appears to be one:

" John Denham.] The famous Historye of Herodotus in Englyshe, June 13, 1581."

4 On the Stationers' books in 1607 either this or fome other tranflation is entered, called "The History of Thucidides the Athenian translated into English."

[blocks in formation]


The History of the Successors of Alexander, &c. out of Diodorus Siculus and Plutarch, by Tho. Stocker. Lond. 4to.



An aunciente Hystorie, &c. by Appian of Alex

andria, translated out of diverse Languages,

&c. by W. B. 4to. Lond.


[blocks in formation]

Josephus's History, &c. tranflated into English, by Tho. Lodge, fol. Lond.


1602-1609, &c.

[blocks in formation]

The Historie of Herodian, &c. tranfl. oute of Greeke into Latin, by Angelus Politianus, and out of Latin into Englyshe, by Nych. Smyth.

5 Caxton tells us, that "Skelton had translated Diodorus Siculus, the Epistles of Tulle, and diverse other Workes:" but I know not that they were ever printed.

In the first Volume of the entries in the books of the Stationers' Company, Feb. 5, 1577, is the following: Henry Binneman.] Appianus Alexandrinus of the Romaine Civill Warres."

[ocr errors]

Imprinted at London, by William Copland,



Plutarch's Lives, by Sir Tho. North, from the Fr. of Amyot, Bishop of Auxerre, fol.

1579, 1602, 1603 Plutarch's Morals, by Dr. Philemon Holland, 16039 Plutarch of the Education of Children, by Sir Tho.

Elyott, 4to.

The Preceptes of that excellent Clerke and grave Philofopher, Plutarche, for the Preservation of

Healthe, 8vo.

[blocks in formation]


The Ethiques of Ariftotle, &c. by John Wylkinfon. Printed by Grafton, Printer to King

Edw. VI. 8vo. B. L.

[blocks in formation]

The Secrete of Secretes of Aristotle, &c. translated

out of the Frenche, &c. Lond. 8vo.


7 Oct. 1591, Herodian in English was entered at Stationers' Hall by Adams.

* Thus entered in the books of the Stationers' Company : "April 1579-Vautrouller-Wright, a booke in Englishe called Plutarch's Lyves."

9 On the Stationers' books in the year 1600 is the following entry:

"A booke to be translated out of French into Englishe, and so printed, called the Morall Woorkes of Plutarque." Again, in 1602. Again, in the same year, "The moral worke of Plutarque, being tranflated out of French into Englith."

Of the Ethicks of Aristotle some more early tranflation muft have appeared; as Sir Tho. Elyot, in his Boke named the Governour, 1537, says, they are to be learned in Greke; for the translations that we have, be but a rude and grosse fhadowe of the eloquence and wysdome of Aristotle."

Ariftotle's Politiques, &c. from the Fr. by J. D.

fol. Lond.

[blocks in formation]

The eight Bookes of Xenophon, containing the Institution, Schole, and Education of Cyrus, the noble King of Persye, &c. tranfl. out of Gr. into Engl. by Mr. William Bercher, Lond.

[blocks in formation]

1567 and 1569

D°. by Dr. Philemon Holland. Xenophon's Treatife of House-hold, right connyngly tranfl. out of the Greke tongue, &c. by Gentian Hervet, &c. 8vo. Lond.

1532, 8vo. 1534

1544, 8vo. 1573

The Arte of Riding from Xenophon, &c. Lond.




The Manuell of Epictetus, tranfl. out of Greeke into French, and now into English, &c. Alfo the Apothegmes, &c. by James Sandford,

Lond. 12mo.



The Table of Cebes, the Philosopher. How one may take profite of his ennemies. Tranflated out of Plutarche.

* This tranflation is entered in the books at Stationers' Hall. "Adam Iflip.] Aristotle's Politiques with expofitions; to be tranflated into Englishe by the French copie, 1598."

3 In the books of the Stationers' Company, Feb. 12, 1581, Tho. Easte entered Enchiridon in English.

A Treatise perswadyng a man paciently to fuffer
the Death of a Freend. Imprynted at Lon-
don, in Fletestreete by Thomas Berthelet.


The Lyves of Philosophers and Orators, from the
Greek of Eunapius, 4to.



The most delectable and pleasant Hift. of Clitophon
and Leucippe, from the Greek of Achilles

Tatius, &c. by W. B. 4to.

[blocks in formation]


The Golden Boke of Marcus Aurelius, Emperour
and eloquent Orator, 12mo. Lond.


Translated out of Fr. into Eng. by Sir John
Bourchier, Kt. &c. &c.

4 Thus entered in the books of the Stationers' Company.
"Richard Jones.) The Lives of divers excellent Orators and
Philosophers written in Greeke by Enapius of the city of Sardis
in Lydia, and translated into Englishe by."

5 This book was entered in the same year by Thomas Creede,
on the books of the Stationers' Company.

• This book is only introduced, that an opportunity may be
obtained of excluding it from any future catalogue of translated
classicks. It was a fraud of Guevara's, but not undetected; for
Chapman, in his Gentleman Usher, 1602, speaks of the book
as Guevara's own. "If there be not more choice words in that
letter, than in any three of Guevara's Golden Epistles, I am a very
ass." See his article in Bayle. Our countryman Elyott did
fomewhat of the same kind. He pretended to translate the
Actes and Sentences notable, of the Emperor Alexander Seve-
rus (from the Greek of Encolpius). See Fabricius' and Tanner's
Bibliothec. &c.

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