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19 Be not thou far from me, O Lord; O my strength, haste thee to help me.

20 Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of

the dogs.

21 Save me from the lion's mouth; for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorn.

735. n

make haste. Imper. 2d pers. sing. Kal of ny to hasten. Vide rule 98. paragogic.

736. n deliver. n paragogic. 2d pers. sing. masc. imper. Hiphil of y. Vid. num. 685.

737. ''n' my united one. my. ' in reg. noun fem. from ' ́ to unite. Christ is prophetically represented here speaking of himself; this word may therefore refer to the union either of his body with his soul, or of his human with his divine nature, for the words which precede and follow forbid a reference to a third person.

738. "'m save me. ' me. Rule 34. yum is the 2d pers. m. sing. imperat. Hiphil of ye to save. into 1. Vide rule 89.

ומקרני .739

and from the horns of. I and. D from. p in construct. for Dp sing. p a horn. Hence cornu, and horn.

740. D'unicorns. More than thirty of Dr. Kennicott's books read

.is the sing ראם or רים .horned animals. Parkhurst supposes bulls ראמים

from D or DN to exalt.

ving adopted the principle of not interfering with the Keri, placed their vowels where the marginal word should be introduced.

If the Keri and Ketib be older than the vowel points, and were not known to the Seventy, Josephus, Origen or Jerome, which seems evident enough, then the antiquity of the points must be later than all those writers.

It seems a probable conjecture that the Keri and Ketib were adjusted by the Masorites of Tiberias, who were certain Jewish grammarians who revised the Hebrew text, and to guard against corruptions in future, numbered the sections, words and letters in each book.

Vide Jennings' Jewish Antiquities.

23 עניתני: 741 אספרה 391 שמך 190 לאחי 453 בתוך 36 24 קהל 742 אהללך: 743 יראי 744 יהוה 154 הללוהו 743 כל 97 זרע 57 יעקב 745 כבדוהו 746 וגורו 747 ממנו 526 כל 97 25 זרע 57 ישראל: 666 כי 25 לא 159 בזה 676 ולא 159 שקץ 748 ענות 749 עני 749 ולא 159 הסתיר 750 פניו * 14 ממנו 526 26 ובשועו 751 אליו 383 שמע: 752 מאתך 753 תהלתי 754 בקהל 742 רב 321 נדרי 755 אשלם 756 נגד 757 יראיו: 744 27 יאכלו 259 ענוים 758 וישבעו 859 יהללו 743 יהוה 154

.102 Vide rule .ענהת for ענית .me ני .thou hast heard me עניתני .741

It is the 2d pers. sing. pret. Kal of my to hear or answer.

742. p congregation. From p to assemble. Heb. ii. 12.

743. I will praise thee. thee. A first pers. sing. fut. Kal

.2d pers. plur. imper. Kal הללו to firaise. Postea הלל of

יוראים ye fearers of. Part. Ben. Kal in construct. plur. for יראי .744

from to fear. 1 dropped. Vide rule 77.

745. apy Jacob, from spy to lay hold on the heel. Gen. xxv. 26. xxvii. 36. Hos. xii. 4.

746. m glorify him. W him. 1723 2d pers. plur. imperat. Kal of

133 to honour.

747. and be afraid. and. 11 is the 2d pers. plur. imp. Kal

.to fear גור of

748.rp abhorred. 3d pers. sing. m. pret. Kal, to abominate, or de

test, as a serpent.

749. my the affliction. A noun fem. And the noun afflicted, from my to afflict, affect. This seems rather to be my humility in regim. otherwise this is a solitary instance of may for affliction.

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* The in 1 and 1

relates to different antecedents. Mr. Blayney observes on Jer. ii. 3. that "is in use for the masculine affix as well as ', and seems often to be purposely introduced for the sake of distinguishing between two masculine pronouns in the same pe riod, which refer to different antecedents."


22 I will declare thy name unto my brethren; in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee.

23 Ye that fear the Lord praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob glorify him, and fear him all ye the seed of Israel.

24 For he hath not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; but when he cried unto him he heard.

25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation; I will pay my vows before them that fear him.

26 The meek shall eat and be satisfied; they shall praise the Lord that seek him; your heart shall live for ever.


he hath not hidden. It is the 3d pers. m. sing. pret. Hiphil of no to hide.


and in crying unto him. 1 and, pref. 1 him, suff. in, pref. y infin. Kal, (or part. Num. 19) to cry aloud.

752. you he heard. It is the 3d pers. m. sing. pret. Kal.

753. of thee. thee. from with, from the. Of pref. and with, to, towards, or expletive. Vide num. 4.

754. nhan my nmn in regim. for nan praise, from to honour.

755. my vows. my. a vow, from 17 to vow.

756. hus I will perform. It is the first pers. sing. fut. Kal of the to perform, or complete.

757.721 before. A particle, in the presence of. As a verb in Hiphil to make manifest. Vide num. 297.

758. Dy the humble. Plural of my humble, from ny to hear, or afflict.

759. way and shall be satisfied. It is the 3d pers. m. phal of ya to satisfy.

plur. fut. Ni

.part דושים in regim. for דרשי .him ו .the seekers of him דרשיו .760

Ben. Kal in the plur. to seek.

28 דרשיו 760 יחי 761 לבבכם 635 לעד: 762 יזכרו 498 וישבו 763, אל 383 יהוה 154 כל 97 אפסי 613 ארץ 7 וישתחוו 764 לפניך 14 כל 97 משפחות 765 גויס: 582 29 כי 25 ליהוה 154 המלוכה 766 ומושל 767 בגוים: 582 30 אכלו 259 וישתחוו 764 כל 97 דשני 768 ארץ 7 לפניו 14 יכרעו 769 כל 97 יורדי 770 עפר 168 ונפשו 173 לא 159 חיה: 761 34 זרע 57 יעבדנו 162 יספר 391 לאדני 373 לדור: 771 יבאו 772 ויגידו 773 צדקתו 774 לעם 677 נולד 775 כי 25 עשה: 38

761. shall live. Third pers. sing. fut. Kal of 'n to live. Vide rule 102.


762. forever. prefix. futurity, or forever.

763. 120 and shall be converted. The 3d pers. m. plur. of Kal or

cannot be understood in this ישבו .98 to turn. Vide rule שNiphal of a

passage of a change of place; this change is to result from a remembrance not of any ancient empire, revolution, or other historical event, but of Jehovah: this is therefore a plain prophecy of a return of the Gentiles to the worship of the true God, whom they had long forsaken.

.R .יתשחוו for ישתחוו .pref. and י .and shall bow themselves וישתחוו .764

82. 3d pers. m. plur. fut. Hithpael of nn to bow. This verb is irregular, according to the old grammars, because it always takes in Hithpael after the second radical. But it is not alone, see ↳↳ì in rule 111. See this word ante in num. 457.

to be שפח a household. From משפחה families, plur. of משפחות 765


to מלך a kingdom, from מלוכה .emphat ה .the kingdom המלוכה .766 ,a queen מלכה,a king מלך reign. The derivatives in most use are ממלכות and ממלכה,מלוכה kingdoms, but מלכיות .a kingdom, plur מלכות

also respectively signify a kingdom. Vide num. 586.

27 All the ends of the world shall remember, and turn unto the Lord; and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee. 28 For the kingdom is the Lord's, and he is the governor among the nations.

29 All they that be fat upon the earth shall eat and worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him; and none can keep alive his own soul.

30 A seed shall serve him, it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation.

31 They shall come, and declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this.

767. S) and the ruler. I and. win a noun, or the part. Ben. Kal of up to govern.

768. the fat of. Plur. in regim. of jw to fatten. Jarchi inverts the words, they shall eat, i. e. the meek shall eat, all the fat of the earth, and worship; the meek shall enjoy the blessings of providence, and also of grace.

769. shall bend themselves. 3d pers. plur. fut. Kal of y to incline, or bend one's self.

770. " they who go down into. Part. Ben. Kal, plur. in regim. of T to descend.

דורות .masc דורים .plur דר and דור .for a generation. for לדור .771

fem. from 17 to go round.


they shall go. It is the 3d pers. m. sing. fut. Kal of 2 to go, or to come.

773. 17 and they shall declare. 1 and. 171 is the 3d pers. plur. m. fut. Hiph. of 1 not used in Kal. Num. 297.


774. wpty his righteousness. 1 his. пps in regim. for рrs righteousness. Vide num. 396.

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775. to be born. Part. Ben. Niphal of ' to beget. " is changed into 1. Vide rule 89.

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