Sidor som bilder

עיני 267 שניהם * 253 וידעו 269 כי 25 עירמם 281 הם 282 ויה פרו 283 עלה 284 תאנה 285 ויעשו להם 28 * חגרת: 287 וישמעו 288 את 4 קול 29 יהיה 154 אלהים 3 מתהלך 290 בגן 176 לרוח 16 היום 30 ויתחבא 291 האדם 117 ואשתו 251 מפני + 14 יהוה 154 אל חום 3 9 בתוך 36 עץ 58 הגן: 176 ויקרא 29 יהיה 154 אלהים אל 47 : 10 האדם 117 ויאמר 19 לו 218 איכה: 292 ויאמר 19 את 4 קלך 289 שמעתי 288 בגן 176 ואירא 293 כי 25 עירם 281

to ערס vide rule 19, from ,עירם naked. It is the plur. of עירמם .281

be naked. Vide num. 257.

282. Dn they. Vide rule 32. It is the plur. of n he, from în to be. Vide num. 61. n.

is the third יתפרו .convers ו .and they fastened together ויתפרו .283

pers. masc. plur. fut. Kal of n to sew or twist. This word occurs but in this place, in Job xvi. 15. Eccles. iii. 7. and in Ezek. xiii. 18.

* Adam, it may be fairly presumed, was not present when the woman was tempted and ate. That her eyes were opened, immediately upon her eating, to see her folly and sin, and the deception practised upon her, is not asserted; to suppose this is to impeach her of a horrid, malignant attempt to ruin her husband, a crime not imputed to her. But it is here expressly declared that upon his eating, the eyes of on both of them were opened, they discerned an immediate loss of their innocence, peace, and happiness, and experienced a sense of guilt and misery. Thus does it appear, that as the precept was given to him alone, a representative of his race, she was brought into misery by his violation of it. Though the woman was first in the transgression, it was by one man's disobedience that sin and death have come into the world.

+ If p be here thunder, and a wind in the evening, and the Almighty had even spoken to them as at Sinai to Israel, yet if innocent they had nothing to fear; the effort to conceal themselves is therefore a plain proof both of ignorance and guilt..

7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

9 And the Lord God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?

10 And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.

and seems not necessarily to imply in any of the places a sewing with a needle; but some species of fastening or connecting together. It is probable that girdles were formed by twisting together the stems, whilst the leaves remained pendent; they fastened together the fig-leaf.

284. by a leaf. From hy to ascend. Many both of Kennicott's and De Rossi's codices ready here instead of hy, and by occurs in regimine in other passages, as Ezek. xvii. 7. Neh. viii. 15.

285. I fig, an adjective. As a noun it signifies the tree, or fruit, plur. лs and D. Perhaps from 1 labour.

286. wy" and they made. I conver. It is the 3d per. masc. plur. fut. Kal of wy. Vide rule 102.

287. nan girdles. It is the plur. of man. Vide rule 21. From n to gird or bind.

288. lyp and they heard. conver. It is the 3d pers. masc. plur. fut. Kal of you to hear. Postea pres. Kal, 1st per. 'ny.

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p to be light. Ver. 10, hp thy

n walking. It is the part. masc. Ben. Hithpael of to walk, or wax.

291. " and he hid himself, or they hid themselves. Rule 139. ▸ conver. It is the 3d pers. masc. sing. fut. Hith. of Nn to hide.

292. ns where art thou?" where, and as a noun, a settlement. nɔ thou, pron. suff. Vide rule 36.

293. ' and I feared.

conyers. N is the first pers. sing. Kal

14 אנכי 294 ואחבא: 295 ויאמר 19 מי 296 הגיד 297 לך 135 כי 25 צויתיך עירם 281 אתה 298 המן 299 העץ 58 אשר 40 12 לבלתי 301 אכל 211 ממנו 212 אכלת: 211 ויאמר 19


האדם 117 האשה 236 אשר 40 נתתה 3002 עמדי 303

הוא 192 נתנה 302 לי 304 מן 212 העץ 58 ואכל: 305 13 ויאמר 19 יהוה 154 אלהים 3 לאשה 236 מה 296 זאת 306 עשית 307 ותאמר 308 האשה 236 הנחש 256 השיאני 309 14 ואכל: 305 ויאמר 19 יהוה 154 אלהים 3 אל 47 הנחש 256 כי 25 עשית 307 זאת 306 ארור 310 אתה 298 מכל 97

הבהמה 112 ומכל 97 חית 114 השדה 156 על 13 נחנך 311

is often taken for sinful fear, and frequently also used ירא .to fear ירא of

to express a holy reverence, but never to signify shame, and yet this is the affection that would naturally spring from being naked. If no other nakedness was experienced than that in which the first parents had been created, they had nothing to fear. As a noun, fear.

I, implies firesence. From אני .imports emphasis כי .I אנכי .294 ,to accur or hafifien אנה

.is the first pers. sing. fut אחבא .convers ו .and I hid ואחבא .295

Kal of san to hide. Vide num. 291.

296. " who? what? from D, who, what, &c. Each of these words may be used interrogatively, or merely relatively. this, that, is a demonstrative pronoun. Num. 151.

297. Van declared. It is the 3d pers. masc. sing. pret. Hiphil of l to show. Vide rule 94. num. 757.

298. nx thou. From 8 to be present. Vide rule 31.

299. ¡ whether, from

whether? Rule 152. from. Num. 212.

300. Tnx I have commanded you. 7 you. Rule 36. The first pers.

.102 vide rule י into ה .צוה sing. preter Kal of

בלתי .to

301. na to not. not. From na to wear out.

not, unless, except. not, without.

11. And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?

12 And the man said, The woman, whom thou gavest to be with she gave me of the tree, and I did eat.


13 And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, the serpent beguiled me, and I did


14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent; Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field: upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.

302. пn thou gavest. is paragogic. nn pret. Kal, for лn. Vide rule 108. From in pers. sing. fem. Vide num. 374.

is the 2d pers. sing. to give. Mana is the 3d to be with or near Vide rule 34. Dy to stand, or live, and as a particle, near, or with.

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304. to me. prefixed. Vide rule 175. And me, a suffix, vide rule 34. So with me, &c. is also through me.



and I ate. 1 convers. Os for os, vide rule 97. The 1st pers. sing. fut. Kal of 8 to eat.

this, that, hither, here. Used as a

306 this. As if лn from particle, and as a pronoun. Num. 238.

307. y hast thou done. It is for navy, vide rule 102, the 2d pers. sing. pret. Kal of nwy to do.


and she said. 1 convers. It is the third pers. fem. sing. fut. Kal of ps to speak.

Rule הנשיא for השיא .34 me. Vide rule ני .deceived me השיאני.309

94. The 3d pers. masc. sing. pret. Hiph. of N to lift up, bear, bear guilt, deceive, &c.

310. cursed. It is the participle Paoul Kal of 8 to curse, burn, or consume with lightning. Fem. 7, ver. 17.

311. thy belly. thy. Rule 36. na to bow, and as a noun, the belly. Or from na to break forth.


תלך 312 ועפר 168 תאכל 211 כל 97 ימי 18 חייך: 313 15 ואיבה 314 אשית 315 בינך 316 ובין 28 האשה 236 ובין 28 זרעך 317 ובין 28 זרעה 317 הוא * 192 ישופך 318 ראש 1 על 47 האשה 236 אמר 19 16 ואתה 298 תשופנו 319 עקב: 320 : הרבה 321 ארבה 321 עצבונך 322 והרנך 323 בעצב 322 תלדי 324 בנים 325 ואל 47 אישך 236 תשוקתך 326 והוא 192 17 ימשל 327 בך: 328 ולאדם 117 אמר 19 כי 25 שמעת 288

312. shalt thou go. For n, rule 89. It is the 2d pers. sing.

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313. " thy life. thy. Rule 36. D" a plur. noun, life. Here in

.to live, and life, a fem. noun חיה construct. Rule 25. From

to be an אין a fem. noun from איבה .and ו .and emmity ואיבה .314

enemy, and as a noun, an enemy.

315. nus I will place. First pers. sing. fut. Kal of n to place.
between thee. From affix, and 12. Num. 28.
thy seed.


317. suffix, her.

suffix, thy. y seed, and to sow. y her seed.

* As there is no neuter in Hebrew, (I have said p. 21, n.) it is often proper that the English of a masculine or feminine pronoun should be neuter when the antecedent is in the translation neuter; and therefore referring toy has been rendered it. Nevertheless as means not any thing which is inanimate; and especially as the scriptures discover that Christ was meant, it is more proper to translate by He. Messiah was called the seed of the woman, not the man, because he was to be born of a virgin. And if the Saviour be meant by the word in the passage, must not be confined to mean merely the head, but the power, not of the brute animal, but of the evil Spirit, who had thus made use of it for the purpose of deception; and who should be allowed as an instrument to bruise the heel of, or inflict a part of the curse incurred by man's sin upon, the conqueror of the enemy of man.

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