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lately published, and in return for the three and sixpence expenditure upon it, only beg that if you should guess the author, you will keep his name secret; at least for the present. London is full of the Duke's business. The Commons have been at it these last three nights, and are not yet come to a decision. I do not know if the affair will be brought before our House, unless in the shape of an impeachment. If it makes its appearance in a debatable form, I believe I shall be tempted to say something on the subject.-I am glad to hear you like Cambridge: firstly, because, to know that you are happy is pleasant to one who wishes you all possible sublunary enjoyment; and, secondly, I admire the morality of the sentiment. Alma Mater was to me injusta noverca; and the old beldam only gave me my M.A. degree because she could not avoid it. You know what a farce a noble Cantab. must perform.

I am going abroad, if possible, in the spring, and before I depart I am collecting the pictures of my most intimate schoolfellows; I have already a few, and shall want yours, or my cabinet will be incomplete. I have employed one of the first miniature painters of the day to take them, of course, at my own expense, as I never allow my acquaintance to incur the least expenditure to gratify a whim of mine. To mention this may seem indelicate; but when I tell you a friend of ours first refused to sit, under the idea that he was to disburse on the occasion, you will see that it is necessary to state these preliminaries to prevent the recurrence

of any similar mistake. I shall see you in time, and will carry you to the limner. It will be a tax on your patience for a week; but pray excuse it, as it is possible the resemblance may be the sole trace I shall be able to preserve of our past friendship and acquaintance. Just now it seems foolish enough; but in a few years, when some of us are dead, and others are separated by inevitable circumstances, it will be a kind of satisfaction to retain in these images of the living the idea of our former selves, and to contemplate, in the resemblances of the dead, all that remains of judgment, feeling, and a host of passions. But all this will be dull enough for you, and so good-night; and to end my chapter, or rather my homily, believe me, my dear H., yours most affectionately.



April 25, 1809.

Dear Sir, I am just arrived at Batt's Hotel, Jermyn Street, St. James's, from Newstead, and shall be very glad to see you when convenient or agreeable. Hobhouse is on his way up to town, full of printing resolution, and proof against criticism.-Believe me, with great sincerity, yours




Falmouth, June 22, 1809. Dear Mother,-I am about to sail in a few days; probably before this reaches you. Fletcher begged so hard, that I have continued him in my service. If he does not behave well abroad, I will send him back in a transport. I have a German servant (who has been with Mr. Wilbraham in Persia before, and was strongly recommended to me by Dr. Butler of Harrow), Robert, and William; they constitute my whole suite. I have letters in plenty :-you shall hear from me at the different ports I touch upon; but you must not be alarmed if my letters miscarry. The Continent is in a fine state-an insurrection has broken out at Paris, and the Austrians are beating Buonaparte-the Tyrolese have risen.

There is a picture of me in oil, to be sent down to Newstead soon.-I wish the Miss Pigots had something better to do than carry my miniatures to Nottingham to copy. Now they have done it, you may ask them to copy the others, which are greater favourites than my own. As to money matters, I am ruined—at least till Rochdale is sold; and if that does not turn out well, I shall enter into the Austrian or Russian service-perhaps the Turkish, if I like their manners. The world is all before me, and I leave England without regret, and without a wish to revisit any thing it contains, except yourself and your present residence.-Believe me, yours ever sincerely.

P.S.-Pray tell Mr. Rushton his son is well, and doing well; so is Murray, indeed better than I ever saw him; he will be back in about a month. I ought to add the leaving Murray to my few regrets, as his age perhaps will prevent my seeing him again. Robert I take with me; I like him, because, like myself, he seems a friendless animal.



Falmouth, June 25, 1809.

My dear Drury,-We sail to-morrow in the Lisbon packet, having been detained till noon by the lack of wind and other necessaries. These being at last procured, by this time to-morrow evening we shall be embarked on the vide vorld of vaters, vor all the vorld like Robinson Crusoe. The Malta vessel not sailing for some weeks, we have determined to go by way of Lisbon, and, as my servants term it, to see that there Portingale'; thence to Cadiz and Gibraltar, and so on our old route to Malta and Constantinople; if so be that Captain Kidd, our gallant, or rather gallows, commander understands plain sailing and Mercator, and takes us on our voyage all according to the chart. . . . Will you tell Dr. Butler that I have taken the treasure of a servant, Friese, the native of Prussia Proper, into my service from his recommendation? He has been all among the worshippers of Fire in Persia, and has seen Persepolis and all that.


Hobhouse has made woundy preparations for a

book at his return; 100 pens, two gallons Japan Ink, and several volumes best blank is no bad provision for a discerning public. I have laid down my pen, but have promised to contribute a chapter on the state of morals, and a further treatise on the same to be intituled ‘. . . Simplified, or . . . Proved to be Praiseworthy from Ancient Authors aud Modern


Hobhouse further hopes to indemnify himself in Turkey for a life of exemplary chastity at home by . . . the whole Divan. Pray buy his missellingany, as the Printer's Devil calls it. I suppose 'tis in print by this time. Providence has interposed in our favour with a fair wind to carry us out of its reach, or he would have hired a Faqui to translate it into the Turcoman Lingo.

The Cock is crowing

I must be going

And can no more.

Ghost of Gaffer Thumb.

Adieu. Believe me yours as in duty bound.

P.S.-We have been sadly fleabitten at Falmouth.


Falmouth, June 25, 1809.

Before this reaches you, Hobhouse, two officers' lii wives, three children, two waiting-maids, ditto subalterns for the troops, three Portuguese esquires, and domestics, in all nineteen souls, will have sailed in

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