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Abbey of Tongerloo, Belgian Limburg, destruction by fire of, (Mem.), 310

Abington Hall, Northants, 16th century carvings, (Mem.), 163

"ABSC," in the foundation deed of a school,
1555, the meaning, 446

Academy for teaching in French, (200 Years
Ago), 74, 210

Acton Park, sequestration of, in 17th century,


Acts that received the King's assent, (200 Years
Ago), 346

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Amoral," 'Oxford English
Supplement,' (Mem.), 1, 198


Anchor and Hope, Orpington inn to be
demolished, 80

Adams family of Buckler's Hard, 420, 468
Addams (Jesse) Q.C., D.C.L., 1786-1871, his Anderson family, of Deebank, Deeside, 82

descendants, 99

Addison family, 171

Address, use of "Sir" or "Madam" by
Americans, 228, 271, 284, 305, 323, 377, 394
Addy, a Norse earl buried near Beverley,
Yorks, 171, 214

Age estimated in portraits, 151
Agincourt, poem on the Battle of, 461


Agnostic in the 'New English Dictionary.'

Aland (John Fortescue) scholar of St. Paul's
School, 1754, 210

Albany Street, N.W., to be rebuilt, 350
Albemarle, the title, derivation of, 82, 142, 178,


Album of water-colour paintings, 171, 213
Aldrich (Henry), c. 1650, his identity, 170

Aleth, mediæval woman's name, origin of, 66,

Angel Inn, Andover, and the poet Pope, (Mem.),

Angels on medieval monuments, 191, 231
Animals on trial, instances of, 48, 217, 269, 341,


Anne (Queen), her son William, Duke of
Gloucester, 296, 339

Annesley (Dr. Samuel), his burial-place, 441

Anonymous Works:

John Bull and His Wonderful Lamp, by
Homunculus, 172

Linnæus and Jussieu, 1844, 408, (cor-
rigendum 452)

Portraits of the Spruggins Family, 1829, 192,


Satan's Invisible World, 266, 305

Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society, 1844, 408

[blocks in formation]

Attornies and doctors, lists of, 425

Aubry (Octave) his 'The Lost King: Romance
of Louis XVII. of France,' 155

Auchindarroch writs, 1681-1803, 93, 113

Baytinge Cross Dale, field name of Lincolnshire,
28, 140, 197, 270

Beauchamp and Cox families, 154
Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick, discovered in,
(Mem.), 1

Beefeaters outside the Royal box at the opera,

Beggar's Bush, field name of Lincolnshire, 28,
140, 197, 270

'Beggar's Opera,' spurious editions of, (200
Years Ago), 256, third edition published, (200
Years Ago), 310

"Behaviourism," the definition of, 298
Bell (Jonathan), noted Fair Trader, died, (200
Years Ago), 256

Bell (Maria) (Hamilton), portrait painter, c.
1819, her marriage, 10, 52
Bellême, the Lords of, Orderic's account of, 165
Bellingham Church, body buried before the
door of his enemy's pew, 198
Bell-ringers, meaning of terms used by, 425
Bells of Torquay, rimes, 295, 341, 359
"Bender," used by Kipling, the reference, 47,


Bengeo, Herts, origin of the place-name, 81, 121,


Bennet (Sir John), owner of the Treaty House,
Uxbridge, 437, 455

Bently (Dr) and the Bishop of Ely, Cause
between, (200 Years Ago), 364
Benton (Mrs. Mary) d. aged 120, 34
'Beowulf,' the name Hygelac in, 263

Auchmannoch and Fairfield, writs of, 203, 222, Berkeley Hunt, cup presented to the whippers-
243, 260

Auld man's milk Scotch drink, 442
Austen (Jane) her 'Love and Friendship and
other Early Works,' 349

Australian obituaries, 247, 283, 340

Author and title of a play or novel, 100
Authors, famous, relics of, 81, 140, 159, 285
Auto da Fe at Coimbra, Portugal, (200 Years
Ago), 454

Autographs of poets, collection in print of, 125
'Ave Maria, French and German translations

[blocks in formation]

in, 347

Berwick and the King's Own Scottish Borderers,
352, 391

Bibles, black letter, of 1617, 353; Family Bibles,
49; of the Gower family, Wramplingham, 387

[blocks in formation]

(corrigenda 126), 214

Cook (Captain), the Lives of, 247, 286, 341
'Dies Irae,' in French 29, 86, 121

Garden of the Soul, The, 1536, 426

Gilpin (William), German translation of his
writings, 293

Gray (Thomas), polyglot versions of his
'Elegy,' 461

Nasr-ed-din hodja, tales of, 10, 53

Notes and Queries, list of others, 16, 71, 160,
195, 232, 251, 281, 339
Observations on phospherescence, 1855, 247


[blocks in formation]

Sheridan (R. B.) autograph MS. of his 'The
School for Scandal,' (Mem.), 92

Taylor (the Water Poet) his 'Life' of Old
Parr, 135

Bigamy and the Law, paper on, (Mem.), 309
'Biliad, The,' satire, the author of, 215
"Bill" at Harrow, quotations, 11, 49, 85, 139

Billingsgate public lamp, maintained by a
bequest, 65

Binding to the devil's tail, an infernal punish-
ment, 406

Bird sanctuary, Holyrood, Edinburgh, (Mem.),


Birthdates (days of month) wanted, 336, 378
Blackheath cavern, "discovered" 1780, 193, 234
Bladon, Oxfordshire, history of the place, 210,


"Blazers, The," Galway Hounds so called, 9
Blinds pulled down in house of death, 353, 431
Blount (Ann)=James Williams, c. 1837, 426
Blount (Sir Thomas), c. 1400, and the Blount
family of Belton, (Mem.), 219
Blount, de la Mare and Grandison families,
arms of, 385, 432, 444

Boat enclosed by flakes of ice near Woolwich,
(200 Years Ago), 2

Bodleian First Folio, thumbing of the, 121, 446
Boleyn (Anne), arms of, 191, 230
Bonaparte (Napoleon), exact birthdate of, 336,
378; the picture 'Napoleon in Hades,' 425
Book about London, soldiers on Putney Heath,
the title, 298

Book-jacket decoration, (Mem.), 91
Book-making curiosity, title-page at both ends,

[blocks in formation]

Barnard's (F. P.) and Major T. Shepard's
Arms and Blazons of the Colleges of
Oxford, 290

Batchelors Banquet, The. Ed. by F. P.
Wilson, 342

Bateson's (F. W.) English Comic Drama, 380
Beza's (Marcus), Rays of Memory, 199

Bird's (W. Hobart), Old Gloucestershire
Churches, 162

Bleek's (D. F.), Comparative Vocabularies
of Bushman Languages, 108
Bright's (Allen H.), New Light on 'Piers
Plowman.' 162

Bunyan's (John), The Pilgrim's Progress.
Ed. by James Blanton Wharey, 254
Burkitt's (M. C.), South Africa's Past in
Stone and Paint, 235

Burnet's (John), Platonism, 253
Butler (Samuel), Satires and Miscellaneous
Poetry and Prose. Ed. by René Lamar, 17
Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series,
America and the West Indies, August,
1714, December, 1715. Ed. by Cecil
Headlam, 72

Cambridge Ancient History, The Vol. VII.

Books Recently Published:-

The Hellenistic Monarchies and the Rise
of Rome. Ed. by S. A. Cook, F. E. Adcock
and M. P. Charlesworth, 35

Cambridge History of India. Vol. III.
Turks and Afghans. Ed. by Sir Wolseley
Haig, 451

Cambridge Shorter Bible, arranged by A.
Nairne, T. R. Glover and Sir A. Quiller-
Couch, 326

Clapham's (J. H.) The Study of Economic
History, 272

Crabb Robinson in Germany 1800-1805. Ex-
tracts from his Correspondence. Ed. by
Edith Morley, 343

Dickens (Charles), as Legal Historian. by
W. S. Holdsworth 17

Dobson (Austin) Notes by Alban Dobson,
chapters by Sir Edmund Gosse and G.
Saintsbury, 144

Dyer's (Isaac Watson), A. Bibliography of
Thomas Carlyles's Writings and Ana, 272
Eddington's (A. S.) The Nature of the
Physical World, 452

Ekwall's (Eilert) English River-Names, 53
Evans's (S. L.), The British in Tropical

Africa, 344

Fielding's (Henry), Joseph Andrews. Ed.
by J. Paul de Castro, 342

Fordham's (Sir H. G.) Some Notable Sur-
veyors and Map-Makers of the Sixteenth,
Seventeenth, and Eighteenth Centuries
and their Work, 161

Fortescue's (Sir John), A Short Account of
Canteens in the British Army, 108

Gardiner's (Dorothy), English Girlhood at
School, 451

Gray's (Thomas) An Elegy written in a
Country Church Yard. Ed. by F. Griffin
Stokes, 308

Green's (Frederick C.). Eighteenth Century
France, 200

Haigh's (Walter E.), A New Glossary of the
Dialect of the Huddersfield District, 362
Hastings (Reginald Rawdon) Esq., of the
Manor House, Ashby de la Zouche, Report
on the Manuscripts of, 72

Holdsworth's (W. S.), Charles Dickens as
Legal Historian, 17

Hotson's (Leslie), The Commonwealth and
Restoration Stage, 35

Irving's (W. H.), John Gay's London, 199
Jeans's (J. H.)

Cosmogony, 289


Astronomy and

Johnson and Boswell revised. Three Essays
by David N. Smith, R. W. Chapman and
L. F. Powell, 179

Journal of the Commissioners for Trade
and Plantations from January 1722/3 to
December 1728, 54

Journal of the Commissioners for Trade and
Plantations from January 1728/9 to
December 1734, 307

Kittredge's (G. Lyman), Witchcraft in Old
and New England, 433

Lehman's (B. H.) Carlyle's Theory of the
Hero, 307

Maurois's (André) Aspects of Biography.
Trans. by S. C. Roberts, 325

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