VOLUME CLVI. SUBJECT INDEX. [For classified articles see ANONYMOUS WORKS, BIBLIOGRAPHY, BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, CHRISTIAN NAMES, CHURCHES, CRESTS, EDITORIAL, EPITAPHS, EXCAVATIONS, FOLK-LORE, HERALDRY, INSCRIPTIONS, LONDON, MOTTOES, PICTURES, PLACENAMES, PROVERBS AND PHRASES, QUOTATIONS, SHAKESPEARIANA, SONGS, SURNAMES, AND TAVERN SIGNS.] A Abbey of Tongerloo, Belgian Limburg, destruction by fire of, (Mem.), 310 Abington Hall, Northants, 16th century carvings, (Mem.), 163 "ABSC," in the foundation deed of a school, Academy for teaching in French, (200 Years Acton Park, sequestration of, in 17th century, 462 Acts that received the King's assent, (200 Years Amoral," 'Oxford English Dictionary, Anchor and Hope, Orpington inn to be Adams family of Buckler's Hard, 420, 468 descendants, 99 Addison family, 171 Address, use of "Sir" or "Madam" by Age estimated in portraits, 151 دو Agnostic in the 'New English Dictionary.' Aland (John Fortescue) scholar of St. Paul's Albany Street, N.W., to be rebuilt, 350 216 Album of water-colour paintings, 171, 213 Aleth, mediæval woman's name, origin of, 66, Angel Inn, Andover, and the poet Pope, (Mem.), Angels on medieval monuments, 191, 231 413 Anne (Queen), her son William, Duke of Annesley (Dr. Samuel), his burial-place, 441 Anonymous Works: John Bull and His Wonderful Lamp, by Linnæus and Jussieu, 1844, 408, (cor- Portraits of the Spruggins Family, 1829, 192, 232 Satan's Invisible World, 266, 305 Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society, 1844, 408 Attornies and doctors, lists of, 425 Aubry (Octave) his 'The Lost King: Romance Auchindarroch writs, 1681-1803, 93, 113 Baytinge Cross Dale, field name of Lincolnshire, Beauchamp and Cox families, 154 Beefeaters outside the Royal box at the opera, Beggar's Bush, field name of Lincolnshire, 28, 'Beggar's Opera,' spurious editions of, (200 "Behaviourism," the definition of, 298 Bell (Maria) (Hamilton), portrait painter, c. 198 Bengeo, Herts, origin of the place-name, 81, 121, 177 Bennet (Sir John), owner of the Treaty House, Bently (Dr) and the Bishop of Ely, Cause Auchmannoch and Fairfield, writs of, 203, 222, Berkeley Hunt, cup presented to the whippers- Auld man's milk Scotch drink, 442 Australian obituaries, 247, 283, 340 Author and title of a play or novel, 100 Autographs of poets, collection in print of, 125 in, 347 Berwick and the King's Own Scottish Borderers, Bibles, black letter, of 1617, 353; Family Bibles, (corrigenda 126), 214 Cook (Captain), the Lives of, 247, 286, 341 Garden of the Soul, The, 1536, 426 Gilpin (William), German translation of his Gray (Thomas), polyglot versions of his Nasr-ed-din hodja, tales of, 10, 53 Notes and Queries, list of others, 16, 71, 160, 285 Sheridan (R. B.) autograph MS. of his 'The Taylor (the Water Poet) his 'Life' of Old Bigamy and the Law, paper on, (Mem.), 309 Billingsgate public lamp, maintained by a Binding to the devil's tail, an infernal punish- Bird sanctuary, Holyrood, Edinburgh, (Mem.), 436 Birthdates (days of month) wanted, 336, 378 251 "Blazers, The," Galway Hounds so called, 9 Boat enclosed by flakes of ice near Woolwich, Bodleian First Folio, thumbing of the, 121, 446 Book-jacket decoration, (Mem.), 91 Barnard's (F. P.) and Major T. Shepard's Batchelors Banquet, The. Ed. by F. P. Bateson's (F. W.) English Comic Drama, 380 Bird's (W. Hobart), Old Gloucestershire Bleek's (D. F.), Comparative Vocabularies Bunyan's (John), The Pilgrim's Progress. Burnet's (John), Platonism, 253 Cambridge Ancient History, The Vol. VII. Books Recently Published:- The Hellenistic Monarchies and the Rise Cambridge History of India. Vol. III. Cambridge Shorter Bible, arranged by A. Clapham's (J. H.) The Study of Economic Crabb Robinson in Germany 1800-1805. Ex- Dickens (Charles), as Legal Historian. by Dobson (Austin) Notes by Alban Dobson, Dyer's (Isaac Watson), A. Bibliography of Ekwall's (Eilert) English River-Names, 53 Africa, 344 Fielding's (Henry), Joseph Andrews. Ed. Fordham's (Sir H. G.) Some Notable Sur- Fortescue's (Sir John), A Short Account of Gardiner's (Dorothy), English Girlhood at Gray's (Thomas) An Elegy written in a Green's (Frederick C.). Eighteenth Century Haigh's (Walter E.), A New Glossary of the Holdsworth's (W. S.), Charles Dickens as Hotson's (Leslie), The Commonwealth and Irving's (W. H.), John Gay's London, 199 Cosmogony, 289 F.R.S. Astronomy and Johnson and Boswell revised. Three Essays Journal of the Commissioners for Trade Journal of the Commissioners for Trade and Kittredge's (G. Lyman), Witchcraft in Old Lehman's (B. H.) Carlyle's Theory of the Maurois's (André) Aspects of Biography. |