Sidor som bilder
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Sheldon's (Gilbert), From Trackway to
Turnpike, 235

Shepard's (Major T.) and F. P. Barnard's
Arms and Blazons of the Colleges of
Oxford, 290

Skeet's (F. J. A.), The Life of James Rad-
cliffe, third Earl of Derwentwater, 398
Smith's (Margaret), Rabia the Mystic and
her Fellow Saints in Islam, 179

Spurgeon's (Caroline F. E.), Keats's Shakes-
peare, 235

Suasoriae of Seneca the Elder, The, Ed. by
W. A. Edward, 217

Summers's (M.), The Vampire: his Kith
and Kin, 107.

Thompson's (R. Lowe), The History of the
Devil, 434.

Varah's (W. E.), The Notable Churches of
Barton-on-Humber, 18.

Whitley's (W. T.), Art in England, 1800-
1820, 89

Young's (Arthur), Travels in France during
the Years 1787, 1788 and 1789, Ed. by Con-
stantia Maxwell, 343.

Young's (Sir George), Bart., An Euglish
Prosody on Inductive Lines, 200.

Booksellers' Catalogues, 180, 308, 362, 380, 416,


Booth (Thomas), and Sir Humphrey Talbot,
1492, 407.

Booth, famous tragedian, visits Bath (200 Years
Ago), 256.

Boothby (Penelope), her memorial by Banks,
66, 142.

Boriatinski (Prince), of Russia, c. 1806, 192
Borneo Mission Association, annual meeting
(Mem.), 435.

Boswell (J.), "chapters" in his 'Life of John-
son, 9; a Spanish quotation in his 'Johnson,
111, 157.

Boydell and Fisher families, 334, 377.

Boys in petticoats, cheating the fairies, 372.
Bradbury (Robert), b. 1777, clown (Mem.), 292.
Bradshaw Railway Companions, issues of 1839,
351, 393, 414, 429, 447.

Braham (John), singer, b. c. 1774, Thackeray's
sonnet on, 14, 51.

Brampton Church, Hunts, stalls from, to be
replaced there (Mem.), 346.

Brasses, modern, cause of corrosion, 333, 392,
(corrigendum 416); monumental, in Madiera,
190, 252.

Bray, the Vicar of, his identity, 98, 139, 152, 187,


Brerewood (Francis), architect c. 1791, his
papers, 297.

Breton (Lieut. le), supposed killed at Trafalgar,

Bridges (Dr.), Poet Laureat, his accession to the
Order of Merit, (Mem.), 417.

Brightlingsea, legend of an atheist's tomb, 207.
"Bristol Milk," sherry called so in Bristol,
352, 392.

Britannia as a Christian name, 99.
'Britannia,' poem to the memory of Sir Isaac
Newton, published (200 Years Ago), 292.

British Journal or the Censor, (200 Years Ago),

Brompton Square affair, 1842, 133.
Broughton family, pedigree and marriages, 211.
Browning (Elizabeth Barrett), letters of, to her
sister, (Mem.), 309; paper on letters of,
(Mem.), 381.

Brydges (Sir Egerton), his library, 171, 216.
Buckingham Court, to disappear, 295
Buckler's Hard, the story of, 420, 468.
Buckridge family of Basildon, pedigree, 336, 409.
Bull and Spectacles, inn sign, origin of, 265,
340, 395.

"Bull in a china shop," source of the saying,


Bunhill Fields burial-ground, record of inscrip-
tions in, 351, 395, 412, 431.
Bunting, first manufactured in the U.S.A.,
(Mem.), 20.

Burdett and Temple families, arms of, 8.
Burial-grounds, the want of sites for in the
Burgess (Elizeus), his tomb at Venice, 335
Burials of "chrisom-children," the meaning of,
U.S.A., (Mem.), 20.


Burns (Robert), his tutor John Murdoch, 115,

230; and Scott, their only meeting, 221.

Bushnell family, 402, 445.
'Bus drivers, their badges, 317.
Busti (de) (Busli) and the de Lancaster families,
159, 211.

Butter, the use of, for religious symbols and
effigies, 280.

Buttons, armorial, for livery, the metal of,


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Cardinal's hat on an English coin, 265, 300
Carent (William), of Carent's Court, Isle of
Purbeck, c. 1450, 407, 447

Carey, Lord Hunsdon, his pedigree and mar-
riage, 211

Carr and Newton families, of Leek, Stafford-
shire, 247

Carts used in Sind, paper on, (Mem.), 55
Castello (Juan del), artist, his biography,
335, 446

Cave-paintings of primitive man, article on,
(Mem.), 183

Cayley family, 117, 198, 341

Cedars, four, at Chelsea, (200 Years Ago), 274
Centenarian: Benton (Mrs. Mary), 34; White
(John), (200 Years Ago), 92
"Centre round," examples of the idiom asked
for, 28

Chalkwell, Manor of, 10
Chancellor House, Tunbridge

1687, its history, 407, 466

Wells, built

Chapple (William), a Devonshire antiquary,
b. 1718, his MSS., 424

Charles I., his Queen called "Queen Mary,"
353, 394

Charles II, pensions received by the descend-
ants of his preservers, (Mem.), 2; his natural
children, 21, 88

Charriot of Artillery, 1693, description of, 371
Charters belonging to the Duke of Argyll,
129, 147

Chatterton (Thomas), Landor on, 168
Cheapside, 73, to be modernised, 333

Checkendon, Manor of, Co. Oxon, 47, 157, 230
Cheers, the form used by different nations, 32
Cheese as an heirloom, 82

"Cheese" in place-names, 419

Cheesemites, philosophic, lines on, 280, 342
Cheltenham, origin of the place-name, 186
Chelsea, changes in, 333

Chesapeake and Shannon, fight between,
(Mem.), 453

"Chinese trees," models of jade, ivory, etc.,

Chiswick House, and old gates of, acquired
for the public, 386

Chloroform, first use of in England, 297,338, 397,


Christian Economy, The,' translated from
the Greek, 1817, 135

Christian Names:-

Aleth, 66, 121

Alexander, 298, 338, 361
Britannia, 99

Clemency, 31, 69
Everild, 117, 198, 341
Giles, 373, 412

Itisha, (feminine), 248

Panther, 153, 232

Sunak, (masculine), 248

Sybra, (masculine), 248

Wolfran and Sebastian, 250
Christmas boxes for bank clerks, 372
Chrysom buried, the meaning of, 388

Church of England Magazine, 1835-55, 426
Church of the Assumption, Nicea, paper on,
(Mem.), 183

Church Colleges, St. Aidan's, Birkenhead, and
St. Bee's, Cumberland, 14

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Coffin (Capt. Isaac Tristian), Crimean veteran,
his death, 405

Coffins, herbs placed in, 17th century, 210
Coimbra family memorials and the tomb of

a Fleece Knight at Nicosia, 383
Coin, English, cardinal's hat on, 265, 300
Coldrum stone circle, Kent, 443

Collier (John Payne), 1789-1883, the ancestry
of, 228

Comma after street number, 442
Compton family of Lincolnshire, 247
Congreve (William), his death, (200 Years
Ago), 56

Connemara custom, boys in petticoats, 372
Contrast, The,' poem from 'The Flying
Post,' (200 Years Ago), 202

Conus cedo-nulli, approximate value of, 153,


Conyers (Sir John), created Baronet 1623, his
pedigree, 32, 51

Cook (Capt. James), Elizabeth, his wife, 15;
bibliography of the Lives of, 247, 286, 341
Copland (Alexander), of Albany, Piccadilly,
builder, 1802, 371, 412

Corder (William), murderer, book bound in
his skin, 29, 70, 87, 106
Cord-maker in 'Taming of the Shrew, the
"cord" referred to, 462

Cormorant shot on the battlements of the
Tower, (200 Years Ago), 20

Corn scarcity, caused by farmers, (200 Years
Ago), 256

Cotton (Sir John), 1621-1701, his portrait by
Kneller, 117, 306, 338

Cotton family of Georgia, paper on letters of,
(Mem.), 145

"Count Alisandre," mentioned in Henry III
Roll, 136

Courtney family, 81

Cowell (Joe), 1792-1863, comedian, his paren-

tage, 461

Cowry, golden, specimens in museums, 65, 121,
159, 194

Cows: as guides, 336; portrait-statues and pic-
tures of, 15, 33, 124; in town planning, 352,
446; on trial, instances of, 48, 217, 269, 341,
413; used by wreckers, 336

Cox (Rev. Mr.), c. 1806, an old Westminster,

Cox (Samuel), President of the Barbados
Council, c. 1724, 47

Cox and Beauchamp families, 154
Crabbe (George), unpublished poems by, 192
Cranbourne river, buried London river, 9,

53, 99, 178, 198, 215, 250, 303, 359
Crests: Dove with a leaf in its beak, 135;
Dragon's head couped azure collared or, 442;
On a wreath a beaver, 408; Out of a crest
or ducal coronet a demy unicorn, 408; Saxon
sword ppr., or three birds volant az., 117

Crimean veterans, deaths of, 208, 405
Crimean War, naval chart of, 225, 281

Crotch (William), 1779, 34

Crumwelbotham and Maltby families, 462

"Crying down credit," the reference, 298

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meaning of, 10, 52, 85, 137, 177, 198, 233

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Drury Lane Theatre, revival of 'Timon of
Athens,' (200 Years Ago), 256

Culage," medieval agricultural term, the Dryden (Brigide), her will, 1645, 287

Czech and Slovak languages, difference be-
tween, (Mem.), 237

[blocks in formation]

Dictionaire in English and Latine,' 1608, the
authors of, 461

'Dictionary of National Biography,' additions
and corrections, 81, 197, -115, 230, -214,-408,


Dryden portraits of 155

Dryden (Jonathan), three of the name at Cam-
bridge in 17th century, 207, 252, 288

Dryden (Thomas) of St. Germans, Cornwall,
d. 1638, 112, 195, 286, 321

Du Cange, his papers, (Mem.), 219
Ducrow (Andrew), 1793-1842, circus manager,


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Earrings and their effect on eyesight, 468
Earthquakes of the 16th century. 318. 356
Easter: ball-playing by the English clergy,
134, 234; sunrise customs, 116
Eaton (W. A.) author of poem 'The Last
Token,' 280, 342

Eden family of Gloucestershire, paper on old
letters of, (Mem.), 145

Edinburgh, a ride to, from London and back,
1707, 257, 317, 393


Aleth, Christian name, 121

Cagots, 188

Chloroform, 297

Chrysom buried, 388

Cox (Rev. Mr.), c. 1806, 192

Dictionary of Hymnology, A.' 134, 234
Folk Song,Our Goodman,' 270

Motto, Futura Praeteritis, 29

Elephant and donkey as symbols in America,


Elizabeth (Queen), a MS. Latin poem addressed
to, 30; exact birthdate of, 336, 378
Elmhirst (Capt. Pennell), author of 'Fox-
hound, Forest and Prairie, 319, 360

[blocks in formation]

Factories: sites and surroundings of, article
on, (Mem.), 163; buildings and the landscape,
article on, (Mem.), 19

'Fair Thief, The, poem by O. Goldsmith, 425
Fairfield and Auchmannoch, writs of, 203, 222,
243, 260

Fairs and markets held on Sunday, 351, 389,
469; held at night, 351

Faldstools, shape and construction of, 81, 124
Fall autumn, origin of the American word,
388, 428

Farming in Great Britain, paper on. (Mem.),


[blocks in formation]

details of, 1807-8, 318

Foveaux (Lieut.-Col. Joseph), New South Wales
Corps, c. 1808, 247, 283

Fowler (Rev. James), Minister at Urquart.
1843, 100

Fox-hunting in America, 319, 359, 414, 429,
(corrigendum 434)

"Frames," meaning of the military use of the
word, 279, 320, 359

Francis (Robert), hanged at Tyburn, 1685, 170
Franck (Richard) and 'The Adventures of
Nine Pious Pilgrims, pub. 1708, 116

February on the farm, (Mem.), 109
Field names of Lincolnshire meaning of, 28, French, an Academy for teaching in, (200
140, 197, 270

[ocr errors]

Fifteen," a memory of the rising, 458
Film production, British, paper on, (Mem.),


Filtering Filtering stone imported into Japan, 296, 468
Finches, economic status of, paper on, (Mem.),


Years Ago), 74, 210

French, likened to weather-cocks, 33

French women on the vote. (Mem.), 73

Friend ship, moored at Charing Cross Pier,


Frost, its effects on the blossoming of trees,
(Mem.), 145

Grafton (Duke of) overturned in a chariot,
(200 Years Ago), 74

Fulham and Putney bridge, contract for build-
ing executed, (200 Years Ago), 92; building
of, begun, (200 Years Ago), 238

Fulham wheat, origin of the name, 31

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Grandison, de la Mare and Blount families,
arms of, 385, 432, 444

Full age of 16 years," meaning of, in will Grant (Charles), Vicomte de Vaux, his identity,
1718, 460

Fundamentalism," the definition of, 298

Furs, tortures of wild animals to procure,
(Mem.), 454

Fyton (Fitton), (Sir Edward) his sister, c.
1570, 264, 304

[blocks in formation]

171, 215

Grave of the tallest man, 266, 304, 324, 414
'Grave-digger's Diary, The,' three entries
quoted, (Mem.), 453

Gray (James) pressman of Morning Chronicle,
c. 1790, 426


Gray (Thomas), site of the churchyard of his
Elegy, 330, 394, 429; lines on his 'Elegs,'
371, 412, 429; polyglot versions of his 'Elegy,'


Great Windmill Street, tennis court in, before
1831, 34, 71, 234

Greek type alphabet adopted by The Times,
с. 1926, 210, 267

Green (Capt. Thomas), and the sinking of
The Worcester, 1705, 257, 317, 393
Greville (Robert Fulke), 1751-1827, Equerry to
George III, 335

Grose (Capt. F.), of Australia obituary of, 247,
283, 340

Grosvenor canal, exact particulars of, 15
Guineas and sovereigns, use of the words, 405,


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Hampton-in-Arden Manor, Warwickshire, 1688-
1702, 387

Hansler (Sir John J.), F.R.S., F.S.A., 1788-
1867, J.P. for Middlesex, 10, 53
Harcourt family of Wincham,

pedigree of, 280


Hargitt (E.), artist, his biography, 335, 379
Harmon family, pedigree and marriages, 211
Harmond family, 117

Gordon (Capt. W.) and Major I. L. Verity of
Brompton Square, 1842, 133
Gordon Hotel, Albemarle Street, its origin, 371
Gower family of Wramplingham, family
Bible of, 387

Harper (Samuel) of the British Museum, 1769,
family history of, 352, 413

Harper family of Bowden Court, Ludlow, 81
Harrison (Gen. Wm.), "Hero of the Thames,"
c. 1813, 443

Harrold (Sherman), Vicar of Antrim, 1758-1773,

Goya, memorial address, (Mem.). 327


Grace before meat rimes, 207, 250, 268, 282, 304 Harrow, "Bill" at, quotations, 11, 49, 85, 139

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