Sidor som bilder
[blocks in formation]

Age of bearing arms, 120, 157
Ar., chevron sable fretty or, 442

Argent, five fusils in fesse gules, 402

Hill (William Burrough) of Southampton, his
calligraphy, 329

Historiographer Royal, Howell the author,
appointed 1661, 14
History of Camberwell, The,' the author of,


Hitchcock (Thomas and John) spinet and
harpsichord makers, c 1664, 441
Hogarth (William) his marriage, (200 Years
Ago), 238

"Holt-boys," employed in a play, 1611, 34
Holy wells, an interesting class of, 46

Hop gardens, the proper names of, 191, 231, 286,
323, 397, 448

Hornchurch, Essex, origin of the name, 426
Horse-Races, Newcastle upon Tyne, (200 Years
Ago), 418

Horses affected by wolves, Pliny's mention of,

[blocks in formation]

Argent, on a mount in base, an oak-tree Hosier (Admiral) 1673-1727, his mother, 135

proper, 325

Argent two bars sable, 212

Argent (?) three trees, on a chief indented
az., 135

Arms for identification, 99, 135

Az., on a bend engr. arg. three trees
eradicated vert, 4

Barry (S) or and azure, a border gules, 136
Boleyn (Anne), arms of, 191, 230

Burdett and Temple families, arms of, 8

Churches, heraldry in, 208

Buttons, armorial livery, 443

Duplicate shields, 8

Eagle in heraldry, 424

Egerton family, arms and crest, 32, 52

Hours, the reckoning of, 32, 104, 213

Houses of historical interest indicated, (Mem.),


[blocks in formation]

Hugh family of Battle, Breconshire, 319
Hughes (Rev. Joseph), secretary of British and
Foreign Bible Society, 407
Hugo (John Augustus), F.R.S. 1717-1764, his
career, 68

Hugo family of Ireland, 34

Hugo family no Huguenots, 4, 25, 44, 68

Grandison, de la Mare and Blount families, Hunting in Lancashire, books and documents

arms of, 385, 432, 444

Gules, a chevron ermine between three

fleurs-de-lys or, 302, 338

Gu, a cross moline ar, 117, 215

Halley family, arms of, 370
Heraldry, the dating of, 441

Jesus College, Oxford, arms in, 265, 302, 338
Lion ramp. ppr. holding in the dexter paw

a standard ar., 26

Or, two swords saltirewise, 99
Ovington (Rev. Robert), his arms, 211
Oxford (Beatrix, Countess of), c. 1662, her
arms, 193

Penny yard pence, coats of arms, 172, 214
Roche (Robert de la) c. 1340, his arms, 192


Sable, a lion rampart or, 170
Shield in 15th century window of the West-
gate, Winchester, 397
Symbolism and heraldic charges, 227, 288
Vert three adders erect arg., 47

Vert, three stags courant or, 265, 302, 338
Westwell church, arms on a tomb in, 178
William (John Ap), arms of, 154, 306, 341
Herbert (Mrs. W.) of Manchester c. 1831, her
album of paintings 171, 213

Herbs placed in coffins, 17th century, 210
Hering, Palmes and Malbys families, 462
Hertfordshire and St. Hubert, 192

Hevelius (Johann), 1611-1687, German astrono-
mer, 251

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In petto," the meaning of, (200 Years Ago),

India, mediæval, artillery in, 336, 377
India, symbolic uses of saffron-coloured robes,
248, 414

Indian Army, standards and colours of, 209
Inn signs. See Tavern Signs.

Inns, suburban, of historic interest, 33, 123
Inscriptions: Ducrow (Andrew) on the tomb of,
185; Johanni Lodge, A.M., 134; John Murdo
sumtyme calt was I, 227

Ireland, Tracts concerning the State of,
published, (200 Years Ago), 292

Irish family histories, Forster or Foster family,
275, 324

Islam and the seven-day cycle, 227, 269, 284
Islington: as a circus centre, 43; rate books of,
с. 1571, 407, 469

Islington parish, 443

Islington records, 16th century, 442
Itisha, feminine Christian name, 248


Jackson (J.), artist, his biography, 335, 379
Jackson (T. W.), artist, his biography, 335
James II., his natural daughter Jane Stuart, 21,


Japanese borrowing of European words, 298,
373, 464

Jeffreys (Judge) and Chancellor House, Tun-
bridge Wells, 407, 466; and Syddallt Farm,
Gwersylt, Wrexham, 407, 468

Jeffreys (Sir Jeffrey) Alderman of London 1652-
1709, 387

Jesus College, Oxford, arms in, 265, 302, 338
Johnson (Dr. S.), and a Latin Psalm heading, 7;
his quotations from Janus Vitalis, 111, 157;
his blue and white teapot, 140

Johnson (Sir Thomas), place of death and
burial in Jamaica, 1728, 296, 361
Johnson family of Corringham, 404

Johnson's Court, origin of the name, 227, 270,
288, 337

Jones (Henry Arthur), article on, (Mem.), 327;
and the authorship of 'The Silver King,' 369,


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Leech (Sir Edward) Master of Chancery 1572-
1652, 115

Leigh (Lord), fifth and last, d. 1786, 425
Leningrad, account of a visit to, (Mem.), 92, 128
Lepe or Leape and the River Beaulieu, 314, 360
Letters of a lady written in Scotland, 1821, 57,

Lewis (C. G.), illustrator, c. 1870, date of his
death, 211

Libraries: circulating, and the price of books,
(Mem.), 255; public, of America, paper on,
(Mem.), 127

Libro de Buen Amor, the translation of, 336,

[blocks in formation]

Lightfoot (Hannah), engraving of, by Housten,
99, 138

Lincoln (Bishop of) and King's College, (200
Years Ago), 146
Lincolnshire field name, meaning of, 28, 140, 197,


Lindsey (Patrick) C.B., Col. 39th Regt., c. 1831,

247, 283

Litchborough, Northampton, marriage registers,
1706-1732, 460

Lithographers, c. 1839, 371

Lives of British Admirals, Mark Robinson d.
1800, 371

Loadstone at Arthur's Coffee-house, sent for to
the Navy-Office, (200 Years Ago), 2
Lodge (John), inscriptions to, by Joseph
Romilly, c. 1845, 134


Changes in: Albany Street, N.W., 350;
Buckingham Court, 295; Cheapside, No 73,
to be modernised, 333; Chelsea, 333; Den-
man Street, Golden Square, motor-hotel
built, 333; Fleet Street, 264; Harwood
Road School, Fulham, 405; Lambeth Sus-
pension Bridge, 46; Lansdowne House, 264;
Marylebone Road, Queen Charlotte's
Hospital, 264; Nevill's Court, 170, 227, 270;
New Bond Street, 208; Old Jewry No 26,

[blocks in formation]

411, 431

London Journel, The (200 Years Ago), 2, 38, 92,
292, 346

London Journal 1728/9, writer of the literary
criticisms, 82

London Library, Report of the Committee,
(Mem.), 453

London streets, use of numbers in, 264, 304, 323,
339, 354, 375, 393, 411

London to Edinburgh and back, riding, 1707,
257, 317, 393

"Looking through one's fingers," the meaning
of, 172, 217

'Loser, The,' poem, the author, 266

Louisa (Princess) of Stolberggedern, wife of the
Pretender, 372, 410, 448

Lovell (Humphrey), his pedigree and marriage,

[blocks in formation]

Lysons and De Carcassonnett families, 66

[blocks in formation]

Melicensis (Rev. Daniel), c. 1665, his identity,


Merchant Adventurers, the records of, and the
Great Fire of London, 365

Lyttleton (Lady), verses written by Voltaire in Mermaids identified with sea-cows or dugong,
her commonplace book, 406


Macarthur (Edward) Major-General, c. 1856,

247, 283

Macclesfield town well, legend of, 264

Mace, ceremonial, societies possessing, 198, 234
Mackintosh (Brigadier William) of Borlum,

letter to from James Edward Stuart, 1743, 458
Madeira, monumental brasses in, 190, 252
Madrid, excessive hard weather in, (200 Years
Ago), 238

Magazines, dairying, list of, 426, 448
Magpie and Stump, inn sign, 135, 173
"Maiden," machine used for decapitation in
Scotland, paper on, (Mem.) 184
Malbye family and the manor of Chalkwell, 10
Malbys, Hering and Palmes families, 462
Maltby (Brough), c. 1735, and the Collier family,


Maltby and Crumwelbotham families, 462

Maltby, Mawbey family, 139

Maltby and Cotton families, 306

Maltby and Johnson families, 404

Maltby and Williamson families, 413

"Manna," provided for a journey, (Mem.), 184,


Manners (J.), artist, his biography, 335

Manor of Chalkwell, 10

[blocks in formation]

Mansion House, place for building chosen, (200 Morecroft's Court, Johnson's Court so called,

Years Ago), 400

Moreau. See Murdo.

270, 337

[blocks in formation]


Pages of books, first of each chapter, not
numbered, 441

Paintings in water-colour, album of, 171, 213
Palmes, Hering and Malbys families, 462
Palton (G.), artist, his biography, 335
"Pancheon" and pipkin," origin and use
of the words, 266, 324
Panther as a Christian name, 153, 232
Panyer Alley, first mentioned, 1442, 228, 299
Paper and linen that will not flame invented,

(200 Years Ago), 128

Paper-weights of glass, the manufacture of,
386, 447

'Paradise Regained,' error in, 440
Parish churches, preservation of monuments
in, 12, 159

Parish Registers: accuracy, 12, 31, 50, 124, 158,
211; fraudulent entries in, and in other docu-
ments, 33, 88

Parishes of London, particulars of, 193, 447
Parker (Frances), author of 'Portraits of the
Spruggins Family, 1829, 192, 232

Parliament, penalty for members gaining
votes by bribery, (200 Years Ago), 328
Parliamentary procedure, paper hat oratory,
1929, 132


Parson driver," a calling referred to, 1655,


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Ker Porter's 'St. John preaching,' 29

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Plumber," its comic associations, (Mem.),


Plumber to the City of London," 1800, the
office of, 431

Poetry, big game in, 29, 143
Poets, collection in print of autographs of, 125
Point-no-Point, American place-name, 1791, 265

Poker, varieties of the game, 441

Pole (Michael de la), Duke of Suffolk, his
burial, 211, 288

Police, Metropolitan, centenary year of, 403
Pollard family in Sussex and Surrey, -280
Pope (Alexander) and the Angel Inn, Andover,
(Mem.), 183

Portland vase: how it changed hands, 1784, 239;
possessors of copies of, 386

Portrait sculpture, early, in New England,
(Mem.), 309

Portraits, age estimated in, 151
Postal deliveries on Sunday in London, 153, 215
Posters for recruiting, 18th century, 15, 87, 159
Potato-oats, sort of grain so-called, 388, 430
Potato-rings, origin and use of, 442
Pottery, Staffordshire, lion on a man's chest,


Powell (George), 1658-1714, author

'Boadicea,' his biography, 407, 446


Poynder (Edward), "plumber to the City of

London," 1800, 431

Prayers, two, the authorship of, 15
Prickett family, 171, 268

Printed stuffs, old methods of printing, 48,
88, 122, 232, 252, 285

'Printing, The General History of,' published

(200 Years Ago), 382

Prints and water-colours of London, exhibi-

Kneller's portrait of Sir J. Cotton, 117, Prisoners, Scottish, in America, 1651, names


tion, (Mem.), 220

Dryden's portraits, 155

Prisoners for debt, apothecary appointed for,

(200 Years Ago), 274

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