Notes and Queries, Volym 156Oxford University Press, 1929 |
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Sida 475
... Court , Isle of Purbeck , c . 1450 , 407 , 447 Carey , Lord Hunsdon , his pedigree and mar- riage , 211 Carr and Newton families , of Leek , Stafford- shire , 247 Carts used in Sind , paper on , ( Mem . ) , 55 Castello ( Juan del ) ...
... Court , Isle of Purbeck , c . 1450 , 407 , 447 Carey , Lord Hunsdon , his pedigree and mar- riage , 211 Carr and Newton families , of Leek , Stafford- shire , 247 Carts used in Sind , paper on , ( Mem . ) , 55 Castello ( Juan del ) ...
Sida 477
... Court , 264 Fleetwood ( Edward ) three of the name , c . 1645 99 Fleming ( A. ) part - author of ' Dictionaire in English and Latine , 1608 , 461 Flowers , the scents of paper on , ( Mem . ) , 202 Flying Post , or Weekly Medley , ( 200 ...
... Court , 264 Fleetwood ( Edward ) three of the name , c . 1645 99 Fleming ( A. ) part - author of ' Dictionaire in English and Latine , 1608 , 461 Flowers , the scents of paper on , ( Mem . ) , 202 Flying Post , or Weekly Medley , ( 200 ...
Sida 478
... court in , before 1831 , 34 , 71 , 234 Greek type alphabet adopted by The Times , с . 1926 , 210 , 267 Green ( Capt . Thomas ) , and the sinking of The Worcester , 1705 , 257 , 317 , 393 Greville ( Robert Fulke ) , 1751-1827 , Equerry ...
... court in , before 1831 , 34 , 71 , 234 Greek type alphabet adopted by The Times , с . 1926 , 210 , 267 Green ( Capt . Thomas ) , and the sinking of The Worcester , 1705 , 257 , 317 , 393 Greville ( Robert Fulke ) , 1751-1827 , Equerry ...
Sida 480
... Court , origin of the name , 227 , 270 , 288 , 337 Jones ( Henry Arthur ) , article on , ( Mem . ) , 327 ; and the authorship of ' The Silver King , ' 369 , 427 Jones ( William ) , author , c . 1762 , his parentage , 407 , 445 Journals ...
... Court , origin of the name , 227 , 270 , 288 , 337 Jones ( Henry Arthur ) , article on , ( Mem . ) , 327 ; and the authorship of ' The Silver King , ' 369 , 427 Jones ( William ) , author , c . 1762 , his parentage , 407 , 445 Journals ...
Sida 481
... Court , Johnson's Court so called , Kneller's portrait of Sir J. Cotton , 117 , Prisoners. London : - 333 ; Ship Tavern , 295 ; Swan Brewery , Fulham , 405 ; Tower Pier , 278 ; Trafalgar Square , 264 ; Tyburn Lane , Harrow , 46 ; Upper ...
... Court , Johnson's Court so called , Kneller's portrait of Sir J. Cotton , 117 , Prisoners. London : - 333 ; Ship Tavern , 295 ; Swan Brewery , Fulham , 405 ; Tower Pier , 278 ; Trafalgar Square , 264 ; Tyburn Lane , Harrow , 46 ; Upper ...
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