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life to a profession formed to alleviate the miseries of mankind. Conquerors and heroes -ye who delight in the shout of battle, and exult in the crimson field of victory, contemplate the feelings of this young man, and blush at the contrast! But let us adore the mercy of God, whose mysterious providence produces good from evil. From the decay of matter, springs up the green herb and the purple flower. From the disasters of Germantown, arises a youth destined to bind up the wounds of many, and to send forth from his instructive school thousands of hands to open the fountains of health throughout the land.

Having gone through the usual course of study and at tended the medical lectures, Wistar offered himself in the year 1782, as a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Medicine, in the University of Pennsylvania. It is said that he acquitted himself on this occasion, in an extraordinary manner-answering the questions proposed to him with such uncommon promptness and precision as excited the surprise and commanded the admiration of all who heard him.

Instead of entering immediately into the practice of medicine, he determined to a vail himself of the advantages to be found in the schools of London and'Edinburgh ing remained a year in England, he repaired to Edinburgh, where he passed his time in study, in attending lectures, in


cultivating the friendship of distinguished persons. For two successive years he was elected one of the Presidents of the Royal Medical Society of Edinburgh. He was elected also President of a Society "for the further investigation of natural history" These honours, conferred by a great, a learned and proud nation, on a youth, a stranger, one whose country had but just risen into existence, are the surest testimonies of uncommon merit. Towards the end of the year 1786, he took leave of Edin-* burgh, leaving behind him a name long to be remembered. His fame flew before him to his native city where he arrived in January, 1787, after an absence of more than three years.

Hitherto he had spent his time in preparation. It was time to be useful. This was the object of his labours, the wish of his heart.. He now engaged in the practice of medicine with every advantage. His mind was formed for a profession in which precipitancy is danger, and mistake is death. He spared no pains in collecting all the symptoms. He paused before he decided, but was seldom wrong and his mind once satisfied, he was. not easily moved from his purpose. His patients he never failed to attach to him. How could it be otherwise, when to the sedulous attentions of a Physician was added the sympathy. and anxiety of a friend?

In 1787, he was appointed Physician to the Philadelphia

Dispensary. In the same year he was elected a member of the College of Physicians and of the American Philosophi cal Society. In 1788, he was married to Isabella Marshall. In 1789 he was elected Professor of Chemistry in the College of Philadelphia. In 1790 he was struck with affliction in the loss of his wife, whom he tenderly loved: In 1793, when the Physicians were the forlorn hope which stood between the pestilence and the people, he had nearly lost his life he did not escape the awful visitation, but he recovered. The same year he was chosen Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital. In 1808, he was placed as sole Professor in the Anatomical chair in the University of Pennsylvania.

It was here that the scene of his greatest excellence was exhibited. In many depart ments of science he was conspicuous-here he was preeminent. Here he exerted all his genius and strained all the faculties of his mind. No pains, no money was spared, to render the lecture complete-and he succeeded; for in the opinion of able judges he might well bear a comparison with the most celebrated Professors in existence. the class of medical students he was universally loved and respected.


In December 1798 he married Elizabeth Mifflin, niece of the late Governor Mifflin. In the year 1809, knowing the prejudices which obstructed the progress of vaccination, he

suggested the plan of a society for circulating the benefit of that noble discovery which has immortalized Jenner. I May 1810 he resigned his office of Physician to the Hospital.

As an author he has not left much behind him-his most considerable work is his system of Anatomy. Great literary works are not to be accomplished, without more leisure than is allowed to men engaged in extensive professional business. Yet such may do much for the promɗtion of literature; and this was the case with Wistar.

In 1795 he was elected Vice President of the American Philosophical Society; and in 1815, on the resignation of Mr. Jefferson, he succeeded to the chair as President. The same year he was elected an honorary member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-Yorkthe same honour was conferred on him by other Literary Institutions.

No man who is not good deserves the name of wise. In the language of scripture, folly and wickedness are the same; not only because vicious habits do really corrupt and darken the understanding, but because it is no small degree of folly to be ignorant that the chief good of man is to know the will of his Creator and do it. Wistar lived and died in the religious principles of those who have adopted the modest and endearing, name of Friends. The people of this respectable Society


have preserved more of ancient simplicity in dress and manners, than any among us. They once outnumbered all other religious societies in Pennsylvania. But although that has long ceased to be the case, yet, fortunately for us, they are still powerful enough to exert a silent influence, checking the overflowing tide of luxury, which threatens to deluge the land.

It has been asserted that the study of philosophy tends to infidelity and even to atheism. To plead the cause of philosophy before this society would be worse than waste of To Wistar, philosophy was the hand-maid of religion -she elevated his soul and warmed his affections.

After loving God, with all our heart, the next great commandment is, to love our neighbour as ourself. Were

I to point out the most prominent feature in Wistar's character, I should answer, without hesitation, benevolence. It was a feeling which seems never to have forsaken him, beginning, as it ought, with his own fantily, and extending to the whole human race. Nor was it that useless sympathy which contents itself with its own sensations. His charity was active, his hand ever seconding the feelings of his heart. Next to religious obligations and the inviolable sanctity of truth, he impressed on the minds of his children the duty of abstaining from wounding the feelings of any human being. And he made them frequently repeat the

precept of our Saviour, "love one another." Even his person gave evidence of philanthropy-his eye beamed good will, and his whole air brought strongly to my mind what Tacitus says of Agricola-" at first sight you would have be lieved him to be good, and wished him to be great."This ruling sentiment threw grace over his actions, and inspired his conversation with a charm. He never assumed -never displayed his own su periority. On the contrary, he led the conversation subjects in which others excelled. The pedantry of technical language he despised, and listened with patience and politeness to the observations of inferior understanding It has been said that there is no book so dull but something good may be extracted from it. Wistar applied this principle to men, and possessed the remarkable talent of drawing from every one some useful information.


That the kindness of his manner had something uncommonly attractive, I can myself bear witness. My ac quaintance with him commenced at a period of life when the heart no longer yields to the illusions of fancy. Yet, before I had time to be convinced of his goodness, I felt myself drawn towards him by an irresistible charm. I have taken pains to derive the character of this excellent man from authentic sources. One communication from a very near female relation, who knew his domestic habits, and

even the secrets of his heart, iety of the Doctor was ex

I will give in the words I received it, which I should but injure by attempting to amend: "His domestic habits were uncommonly mild and unassuming. Benevolence and charity characterized all hiş actions. In the cause of his friends he spared no exertion, either by day or by night His house was always open to them, and the evening society, which frequently gathered round him, was one of the greatest enjoyments of his life. In the cause of suffering humanity his feelings were always ardent. During his last illness, he recommended to a friend the cause of the aborigines of America; and the last sentence he was heard to pronounce was-I wish well to all mankind. Disinterestedness characterized his life, and it may be doubted whether so extensive a practice ever yielded so little emolument."

On the death of Dr. Rush, Wistar succeeded him as President af the Society for the abolition of Slavery. The object of this society was congenial to his mind. For the Indians of America he seems to have felt a particular kindness. He admired their eloquence, lamented their desolating wars, and earnestly sought for the means of meliorating their condition. Hav'ing once inoculated an Indian woman for the small pox, her husband had fears for the event. Indeed there was some cause for fear, as the woman refused to submit to the proper regimen. The anx

treme. She recovered; but until the danger was over, he declared, that on no occasion had he been more oppressed with the responsibility of his profession.

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The gratitude of Wistar was remarkable. Services done, or even intended, he always remembered; but injuries he was ready to forget. In a letter written at Edinburgh he declared, that he had determined to forgive every thing to a friend or near rela tion; and expressed his belief, that it would contribute. greatly to happiness to extend forgiveness to every one.→→→ This sentiment gained strength with time, and at length repined into a governing princi ple.

To say such a man was a dutiful son, a kind brother, a most affectionate husband and parent, would be matter of supererogation. In the loss of his children he was peculiarly unfortunate. To those who remained, he was passionately devoted. As the circle of affection lessened, its warmth increased.

His health, during the few last years, was interrupted by alarming attacks. About the 14th of January last he was seized with a malignant fever, attended with symptoms of typhus. Art proved unavail ing, and he sunk under the disease, after an illness of eight days. He died Jan. 22, 1818.

We have lost him in the strength of life and vigor of intellect too soon indeed for, his family and his country i

but not too soon for his own happiness or fame. For hon ourable age is not that which is measured by length of time, or counted by number of days. But wisdom is the grey hair unto man, and unspouted character is fulness of years Protracted life would have been

es to be marked by even a modest stone, yet shall the good hold thy virtues long in remembrance, and Science write thy name in her imperishable roll. The last generous emotion of thy benignant spirit, shall be reciprocated. All mankind shall wish hap

embittered by bodily pain-piness to him, who dying, wished happiness to all.

the frailties of nature might have dimmed the lustre of brighter years--or death, which bad spared him, might have desolated his house, and left him solitary and cheerless to encounter the infirmities of age.

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Happy then wert thou, Wistar, in death as well as lifeThy work is done-thou art gone to receive thy reward Thou diedst in the full career of usefulness and fame-thy heart overflowing with charity -surrounded by friends, love ing and beloved. Domestic affection watched over thy pillow, and thy parting looks rested on the objects dearest to thy soul. Death hath affixed to thy character the seal not Intrusted to mortal hands. What though the strict equality of thy religious Society forbid thy undistinguished ash

Such is the account which the Honourable Judge Tilghman has given of Dr. Wistar. We have done little more than to abridge the "Eulogium," selecting such passages as would be most interesting and useful to the readers of the Disciple.

"But had he no failings, no infirmities?" To this question the orator replies—“ undoubtedly he had, for he was a man. But I may truly say, that they fell not under my observation, and I trust I shall be excused if I have not been anxious to search for them."

The day seems to be dawning upon the world, when a well founded esteem for men who have been eminent in do ing good, shall eclipse the false and fatal glory of the military destroyer.


THE most prosperous man on earth is doomed to witness days of darkness, of sorrow and distress-In every rank and condition of life the afflicted form no inconsiderable proportion, and even those that are not actually suffering many of the evils of life, have continual reason to fear that they

may soon be made to drink of the cup of bitterness.

The religion of Jesus Christ is happily accommodated to this distressed condition of mankind, where all feel, or are in continual danger of expe riencing, some of the numer ous ills which flesh is heir to. It discovers to us a being of

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