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ness of the possessor. God has connected a portion of pain and misery with such a spirit, and a portion of real pleasure and happiness with the exercise of a candid mind. In this way he has made it for the present interest of Christians to cultivate a kind, candid and forbearing spirit. For the truth of this remark we may appeal to the experience of every real Christian. Each one has probably at different times known what it is to feel candor, and the want of candor. Let each one then reflect, and ask himself, in which state of mind he has enjoyed the most happi

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As an uncandid spirit is unfriendly to personal happiness so it is to the happiness of society. It is in a great degree contagious; and it tends to produce bitterness, envy and contention. In its fruits it is the reverse of that wisdom which is from above.

Under the influence of this unhallowed disposition, a person is very liable to self deception, and to account his bitter and censorious feelings towards his dissenting brethren, as evidence of his own love to God, to truth and religion. Such was probably the case with those who "killed the Prince of life." The same was the case with Paul, while breathing out threatnings and slaughter against the followers of the Lamb. An uncandid spirit is ever a spirit of delusion, and the degree of delusion is probably in proportion to the degree of unkindness which is indulged.


This spirit ever exposes a man to misjudge the character of his neighbour, as well as his own. That forbearance and tenderness towards the supposed erroneous, which is one of the best evidences of self knowledge, humility and christian love, will, by the uncandid, be set down as evidence of luke warmness, hypocrisy or an inclination to apostacy; and a readiness to censure, or a defamatory zeal in one of his own party, will be regarded as evidence of love to the truth, to orthodoxy and to God. Have we not reason to fear that many in our day have been as really deluded by an uncandid spirit, as were the Jewish clergy in our Saviour's time? And what sect is free from persons of this description?

How lamentable and shocking is such a spirit in a minister of religion! It is like the war spirit of a ruler, easily transfused into the minds of others, and dangerous in proportion to his popularity. Such a minister will very naturally dwell much on the peculiarities of his own sect; and whether they be truth or falsehood, he will treat them as the essentials of religion. Those who have confidence in him will naturally believe that to embrace his system of opinions is the one thing needful; and a disposition to defame those of opposite opinions will be deemed as one of the fruits of christian love. This belief and this disposition will prepare the hearer for communion with his minister. That which ought to be viewed as evidence of de

lusion in both, will prepare them to dwell together in a dreadful kind of unity! it will prepare them to applaud each other for the unchristian virulence with which they mutually reproach people of other denominations.

Again, the prevalence of an uncandid spirit has a powerful tendency to confirm deists in their disbelief of the gospel, to arm them with weapons against the christian religion, and to enable them to make proselytes to their own system. Any religion which authorizes its professors to treat one another in an injurious manner, may justly be esteemed as from beneath and not from above. If the gospel justified such conduct it might justly be classed with the Alcoran of Mahomet, as an imposture. However unjust such a method of proceeding may be, it is unquestionable, that unbelievers are much dis-posed to form their estimate of the gospel from the influence it has on its professed friends, to the neglect of carefully stu dying the scriptures for themselves. While, therefore, they behold in professors of christianity, that spirit which is from beneath a disposition to ruin and devour one another, what better is to be expected than that the fault will be imputed to the religion they profess. If Christians would conform their hearts and their lives to the precepts and example of their Lord, the mouth of infidelity would be in a great measure stopped. But for ages unbe lievers have had opportunity to Vol. VI. No, 3.


show how cordially professed Christians hate one another.

The rising generation is greatly injured by the example of an uncandid spirit. Children in every society necessarily imbibe many of the opinions of their parents and their ministers. If these guides indulge unchristian feelings towards their brethren of other denominations, this pernicious leaven will assuredly be transfused into the minds of young people; and they will grow up with censorious dispositions towards the objects which they have thus been taught to despise. By this deleterious influence they will learn to defame worthy characters, and to hate those who are beloved of God.

In a time of war between two nations, the children of each are taught by example to hate and revile the people of the other, before they know, or are capable of knowing the grounds of the contention, or which party is the most in fault. In like manner the children of different denominations of Christians are prepossessed and injured by an uncandid spirit in their parents one towards another.

This unsanctified spirit is also a great obstacle to improvement in religious knowledge, both in regard to the aged and the young. It disqualifies any person for perceiving with clearness or judging with impartiality. Very little confidence is to be placed in the judgement of any one who is so far under its influence that he cannot speak peaceably of

his opponents, or patiently examine their arguments. DurIng the ministry of the Messiah, the Jewish clergy, as well as others, had a blessed opportunity to acquire knowledge and to correct the errors which they had received by tradition. But with regard to the majori. ty of them, he laboured in vain and spent his strength for nought. They were so uncan did that they despised and rejected him; they either refused to attend on his ministry, or attended with a desire to catch something out of his mouth which they could make a ground of accusation or calum


Thus in every age an uncandid temper stands in the way of religious improvement. With the fatal example of the Jews before their eyes, how many there are in different sects at this day, who indulge the spirit which proved the ruin of thousands of that people. But the uncandid of every sect will probably plead, that they are on the side of truth, which was not the case with the Jews. To this plea we may reply:

First. If you are on the right side of any question in debate, you have obtained mercy of the Lord, and have reason to be both humble and thankful. Büt is the kindness of God to you a reason why you should be unkind to your erring breth ren? But

Second. Does not your want of candor towards others afford strong ground to suspect the correctness of your own opinions, and that your inquiries have been very partial It will

not be doubted that you are very confident of the rectitude of your opionions; for great self confidence generally comes in to fill up the void where candor is wanting. What class of men were ever more confident than those who murdered the Lord of glory? Do you think yourselves to be of the most pious sect? So did they. Are you

very precise in some things? So were they. Have you many adherents or coadju tors whom you esteem as the best of men? So had they. But notwithstanding all these flattering circumstances, by an uncandid spirit they were misled, deceived and perhaps forever undone. In view of their example, let him who thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

The same unfortunate dis position prepares a person to disregard or misapply the ad monitions of Providence, and to despise the friendly endeav ours of his brethren to con-vince him of error. In times of public calamity, a person of this temper will be very ready to confess the sins of others, and to proclaim them as the procuring cause of divine judgements; but less dispos ed to lay his hand upon his own heart and say, "Lord what have I done?" The endeavours of others to convince him of error or danger will probably be treated with disdain. "Thou wast altogether born in sin, and dost thou teach: us," was once the language of uncandid men. Moses showed himself to his brethren the Israelites "as they strove, and

would have set them at one again, saying, sirs, ye are brethren, why do ye wrong one to another? But he that did his

neighbour wrong thrust him away, saying, who made thee a judge and a ruler over us."


AFTER Completing their bu siness with the tribes mentioned in the last Number, the Committee proceeded to Stony Creek on the head waters of the Great Miami river. This village is composed of eight tribes, "Miamies, Mingoes, Shawanoes, Sennecas, Cayagas, Munsies,Onondagoes, and Delawares; and is estimated at 400 persons." Arrangements were made for a council, five chiefs attended and a considerable number of other persons. At which time, say the Committee, we delivered the following communication to them :

"Brothers Your friends the Quakers at Baltimore have directed us as we passed near your village to call and take you by the hand on their behalf, and see what progress you are making on your farms. "Brothers! Having some time ago heard through your good friend, John Johnson, that you were in want of some tools, to aid you in the cultivation of your lands, they requested him to hand you a few of such as. they thought would be most. useful to you; we hope that since you received them you have diligently used them for the purposes for which they were intended.

"Brothers! Since we have been in your village we have

been very much pleased to find you have so much ground inclosed by good fences, and so considerable a quantity of corn growing.

"Brothers! We are now satisfied that you are beginning to see your true interest, and we hope you will not permit any small discouragement to turn you out of the way which you are just getting into.This path if steadily pursued by you, must in a few years lead you to comfort and plenty.

"Brothers! We have very much rejoiced to hear from your white neighbours that your general deportment has been such as to secure to you the universal respect and good will of all of them. This is a very strong proof of your good conduct, and we will not fail to communicate it to your friends at Baltimore, and also to your father the President of the United States.

"Brothers! We have also heard with great satisfaction that you have for a considerable time past entirely banished strong drink from your village. This measure, if persevered in, will be of the greatest importance and most lasting benefit to you.

"Brothers! As long as you conduct yourselves so correctly, we shal fee ourselves bound to extend to you all the

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assistance in our power. The Great Spirit will never permit your friends to abandon you, while you thus continue your exertions to do right; our means of aiding you are not now very extensive, but you may rely upon our doing all we can to encourage you."

In reply Captain Lewis, one of the chiefs, observed :

"My Brothers and friends! We feel very much rejoiced that the Great Spirit has brought us together this day. It is indeed a high satisfaction that we are permitted this day to meet you; the long journey that you have made to visit us, proves to us your good disposition towards us. We believe that you have been moved by the Great Disposer of all things to undertake so great a journey to see your brothers and sisters whom you have this day met here ;every one that is now present, both old and young, men, wo men and children are rejoiced in their hearts to see you and have the opportunity to hold you by the hand.

"Brothers! Every one that you see here has been much pleased to hear you talk; we can not find words to explain the gratitude we feel for your kindness.


"Brothers! Your talk has made a great impression upon our hearts, and we fully be lieve what you say: John Johnson and Colonel McPher son, and other good men have told us the same things, and we are fully convinced it is the truth.

"Brothers! I will mention your words to all my people who are not here, to the old men, to the young men, and to the women and children, that they may bear in remembrance the good advice that you give us.

"Brothers! The observation of the white people-thatwe do them no harm is true; because, knowing that the Great Spirit has made this island for his children to live on, in love to each other as brothers ought to do, we restrain our people from doing any body damage.

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"Brothers! It is now, and has been for a considerable time past, our sincere desire to turn our attention to the cultivation of our land. Your advice this day encourages us in this determination. We can not look round us without seeing how the white people live, and we resolve to follow their example. The game is gone and will never return to our country, and the hunter loses his time; it is a thing that will continue to run before us, bút that which we raise will never leave us, it will continue to become more and more tame.

"Brothers! We wish also to observe to you that we now see it right to employ our time in a way that will be perma nently useful, because our la bour will not then be lost, but, when we are gone, will be beneficial to our children and those who come after us :: this is a general sentiment amongst us, and has contributed to strengthen us in the re

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