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it shall be opened unto you. How great an encouragement is this for us to pray to God. He knows our wants, before we ask : but still, he expects us to ask, if we wish to have those wants supplied. We live in a most uncertain world. You may be in health to-day, you may be happy with your families and your children. To-morrow sickness may come upon you, and death may tear you from them, who love you, or tear them from you. What a blessing is it then for you, that you have a Father in Heaven, who careth for you, who knoweth what is good for you, and who maketh every thing work together for good in the end to all who love him. What a blessing is it for you, that your Saviour bids you to pray to this your Father in Heaven, who heareth us for Jesus Christ's sake. Will ye not then, my friends, pray to him earnestly and sincerely, beg him every morning to guide and protect you during the day, and every night ́ask his protection from all perils and dangers? Will you not trust in the Lord and do

good, and depend on his care during life and death? Our Saviour tells us, that if one of our children asks of us bread or any thing to eat, we will not give him a stone to mock him; and therefore, that if fathers on earth will give good things to their children, when they ask for them, our Father in Heaven will be as kind to us, if we pray to him. Perhaps, some may have foolishly thought, that God is too high to look down upon man, too mighty to care for so humble a being as we are, every one of us. But our Saviour, who knew better, tells us otherwise: he tells us, that if we ask in faith, we shall receive, and that God will not deny good things to them that ask him. But remember that

things may not appear

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good to God,

You may think

many things good for you, which God

knows to be evil, and

to be likely to ruin

You may ask for

your souls for ever.

many things which God sees may make I would advise you, then,

you wretched.

to pray for such things as are really good,

for good principles, for love towards him, your Saviour, and towards all men, for contentment and patience, for protection from all bodily dangers and from wickedness, and for grace to live and die like Christians. Leave to him to determine what part you are to act in life, and what post you are to fill: try and pray to him that you may try to act your part well, and to do your duty in that state of life unto which it has pleased God to call you.

All things, says our Saviour, whatsoever

ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them. This is called the golden rule, a rule which excels all other rules of life, as gold is better than iron or steel or any other metal. And if this one command of our Saviour was obeyed by you, and every body, what a great deal of injustice and wickedness would be prevented. No one would steal from another, because he does not like another to steal

from him. No one would speak ill and tell lies of another, because he does not like another to speak ill and tell lies of him. No one would do any injury what. soever to another, because he does not like another to do an injury to him. When you are about to do any thing to another, put yourself in his situation, and ask your. self, how you would like another to do the same thing to you. I have told you lately a great deal about the sin of adultery. I have told you, and it is the Bible that says the same thing, that every man should be satisfied with one wife, and every woman with one husband. Now suppose any of you, men, (I only suppose the thing) who have a wife, are thinking of getting another: ask yourselves, how you would like your wives to do the same to you, and to think of getting another husband. Whatsoever therefore ye would not wish done to you, do not to them. You are, I know, capable of loving, and of loving very


dearly. Suppose you have a wife who loves you, and you think of putting her away and getting another, perhaps, because you are tired of her. Think that you have done so, and gotten that other, and that you love her dearly. Suppose that she gets tired of you, and wishes to be rid of you? How would you like that. Be good then, and considerate in time, and do not unto another what you would not wish done to yourself. You see how good a rule this is: it will be your best rule of acting on all occasions, where your neighbour, that is, another person, is concerned. It is a short rule, and you should endeavour to learn it by heart. And what stamps a great value on it, it was a rule given by our blessed Saviour, who, you know that I told you, is to judge you at the day of judgment, which comes after death. Remember it then, I pray you, lay it to heart, and guide yourselves by it always. And that you may remember it the better, I shall repeat it again slowly to you.

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